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Showing posts with label - - - Persons - People. Show all posts


ohaguro haguro black teeth

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

ohaguro, o-haguro お歯黒 / 御歯黒 / おはぐろ Ohaguro, black teeth
鉄漿 kane, 鉄漿水 kanemizu // おはぐろ水 ohaguromizu

浮世絵に見る江戸美人の化粧 Cosmetics of the Edo Bijin Beauties in Ukiyo-E
白、紅、黒―三色の美 The beauty of the three colors white, red and black

white お白粉 o-shiro for face powder
red 紅 beni for lip coloring
black お歯黒 o-haguro for teeth coloring and eyebrows

. Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo .

- quote
Ohaguro (お歯黒) is a custom of dyeing one's teeth black. It was most popular in Japan until the Meiji era. Tooth painting is also known and practiced in the southeastern parts of China, Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Dyeing is mainly done by married women, though occasionally men do it as well. It was also beneficial, as it prevented tooth decay, in a similar fashion to modern dental sealants.
- Traces of blackened teeth can be seen in the buried bones and haniwa (250 to 538 CE) from the Kofun period.
- Shōsōin, a treasure house connected to Tōdai-ji in Nara, holds the teachings brought to Japan by Jianzhen in 753.
----- Dyes
The main ingredient was a dark-brown solution of ferric acetate called kanemizu (かねみず, 鉄漿水), made by dissolving iron filings in vinegar. When the solution was combined with vegetable tannins from such sources as gallnut powder or tea powder, it would turn black and become non-water-soluble, in the same manner that iron gall ink is produced. Coating the teeth with this liquid helped to prevent tooth decay and enamel decay. The dye had to be applied once a day or once every few days.
As a convenient prescription, a fine powder of gallnut powder, sulfuric acid, and oyster shell could also be applied to the teeth, though this never really caught on.
In theatrical plays, ink mixed with turpentine was used, though these days, ink mixed with tooth wax is used.
----- Superstitions and urban legends
- In the Meiji, a rumor spread about an area where a virgin's blood was painted on an electric line. As a result of not wanting to have their blood taken as well, many of the young women in this area changed their appearances to match those of married women by blackening their teeth, painting their eyebrows and wearing simple kimono.
- In Yamada Norio's 2010 book "A Trip of Tōhoku Ghost Stories" (山田野理夫東北怪談全集), a story about Fukushima Prefecture is described (お歯黒べったり, "Ohaguro Bettari").
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Ukiyo-e of yama-uba with blackened teeth and Kintarō


- quote -
Things Japanese (1905) Basil Hall Chamberlain (1850-1935)
Blackening the Teeth
This peculiar custom is at least as old as A.D. 920; but the reason for it is unknown.
It was finally prohibited in the case of men in the year 1870. Even women have now abandoned it in Tōkyō, Kyōto, and the circumjacent provinces; and to see it surviving as a means of feminine adornment (?), one must repair to certain remote rural districts, the north-west coast, for instance, or the extreme north-east, where distance and poverty have acted as conservative forces. Every married woman in the land had her teeth blackened, until the present Empress set the example of discontinuing the practice.
Fortunately, the efficacy of the preparation used wears out after a few days, so that the ladies of Japan experienced no difficulty in getting their mouths white again. Mr. A. B. Mitford, in his amusing Tales of Old Japan, gives the following recipe for tooth-blacking, as having been supplied to him by a fashionable Yedo druggist:—
"Take three pints of water, and, having warmed it, add half a teacupful of wine. Put into this mixture a quantity of red-hot iron; allow it to stand for five or six days, when there will be a scum on the top of the mixture, which should then be poured into a small teacup and placed near a fire. When it is warm, powdered gall-nuts and iron filings should be added to it, and the whole should be warmed again.
The liquid is then painted on to the teeth by means of a soft feather brush, with more powdered gall-nuts and iron, and, after several applications, the desired colour will be obtained."
- source : -

'A Strange White Smile': A Survey of Tooth-Blackening and other Dental Practices in Japan.
Blomberg, Catharina. / Japan Forum 2:2 (1990)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
Once a man took a second wife, the daughter of a 旗本 Hatamoto Samurai.
One night the man looked into the room of the wife and saw a strange something beside her bed. It had a mouth opening up to the ears and the teeth were all black.
When the Samurai killed this monster, they found it was an old cat. This kind of story is told in various versions.

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
犬山市 Inuyama city

. yamanba 山姥 old mountain hag - legends .
At 新蔵 Shinzo there was a strange large woman sitting on a rock, her black teeth shining in the moonlight.
Someone tried to shoot her with an arrow and was sure he had hit something. When he followed the blood stains on the ground, he came to the house of 与八郎 Yohachiro, where his wife was lying dead on the ground.
Later they build a small shrine to appease her soul.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐川町 Ibigawa town

About 100 years ago, there was お歯黒のお化け a monster with black teeth roaming the road at 牛洞 Ushibora.
It would appear suddenly and ask
tsuita ka, mite kuru ついたか、見てくろ
There is a similar story in Kyoto at the temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji about お歯黒狸 a Tanuki badger with black teeth.

大野郡 Ono district 清見村 Kiyomi village

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A girl had been taking a nap under a kurinoki 栗の木 chestnut tree, when at night she suddenly begun to blacken her teeth and behaved quite strange.
Her grandmother thought she must have been seen by a serpent which wanted a bride. She gave her a drink that would melt away the black of the teeth and soon the girl became quiet again.

................................................................................. Kumamoto 熊本県
八代郡 Yatsushiro district

garappa ガラッパ Kappa - water goblin
西村光弘 Nishimura Mitsuhiro had been brought up at 小築島 Kotsuku Island off Yatsushiro.
As a child he saw a woman of about 40 jumping into the see, who was then taken hold of by some fishermen.
This woman had once used a needle blackened with Ohaguro and thrown it into the sea. This would frighten the local Kappa and prevent him from harming the fishermen.

. Kappa legends from Kumamoto 熊本県  .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都市

tanuki 狸 badger
At the temple 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji there lived a Tanuki called Ohaguro ba おはぐろ婆 Old Hag with Black Teeth.
It used to sit in the pine grove near the temple and keep ist tools for blackening teeth, then frighten the people.
A anma 按摩 blind masseur took a large bag and caught the Tanuki

. Tanuki legends from Kyoto 京都府 .

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
橿原市 Kashihara city

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
In the early morning an elderly person went to the Shrine to pray.
Nearby there was a young woman with nicely combed hair, bringing mochi 絣 rice cakes as offerings and having her teeth all blackened.
The woman laughed in a strange way, ケタケタ keta-keta.
This young woman was in fact a fox in disguise.

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県

fusuma フスマ large wrapping cloth - Yokai monster
Sometimes at night out of nowhere there comes a large cloth, like a furoshiki 風呂敷, and wraps around the head of the sleeper. This is called fusuma.
It can not be cut, even with the sharpest sword.
But if the teeth have been blackened with Ohaguro, it is easy to cut and destroy.
Therefore, in former times and until recently, even men would use Ohaguro, just to be on the safe side.

................................................................................. Oita 大分県

ohaguro mizu おはぐろ水 Ohaguromizu, hot spring
Hyoshimizu Onsen (Himeshima-mura) 5118-2, 姫島 Himeshima, Higashikunisaki District, Ōita

- quote -
拍子水 Hyooshi-mizu Hyoshimizu Spring - "Hand-clapping"
This is a spring water in the precinct of Himekoso Shrine, or otherwise known as Akamizu Shrine, located on Himeshima Island, in Higashi-Kunisaki County, Oita Pref.
This spring water is included in the Seven Wonders of Himeshima Island.
Enshrined at Himekososha Shrine is Hime-gami (god’s princess), who ran away from Tsunuga Arashito, the prince of Gaya Confederacy. The legend has it that when the princess applied ohaguro (liquid to blackens the teeth) on her teeth and wanted to cleanse the mouth with water. Not being able to find any water around her, she clapped her hands (拍子 hyoshi) and then water (水 mizu) sprang out of the ground.
So, this spring water is also called “Ohaguro Mizu (ohaguro water).”
It is a hot spring of bicarbonate low temperature mineral spring. Visitors can take a bath in “Hyoshimizu Hot Spring.” There are two kinds of baths there; the cold spring and the hot spring, both of which are of light brown water. It is good for nerve pain, chronic gastroenteric diseases, and a cold constitution.
- source : -

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
志木市 Shiki city 柏町 Kashiwa

. ohaguro Jizoo お歯黒地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu with black teeth .
A beautiful girl had moved nearby, so the Jizo statue went out to see her. When he came back, he had Ohaguro on his cheeks.

. Legends about Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .

................................................................................. Wakayama 和歌山県

haguroishi, haguro-ishi 歯黒石 the Haguro stone
In the back yard of the Shrine is a stone called Haguro Ishi 歯黒石 "stone to blacken the teeth".
If people got a part of the stone, made it to powder and then 鉄漿水 Kanemizu water to blacken their teeth, they would have good luck and great fortune.
In a cavity there was always some water, more or less according to the tide. This water could also be used to blacken the teeth.

田辺市 Tanabe

suzume 雀 sparrow,tsubame 燕 swallow
Once upon a time
the two sisters, Swallow and Sparrow, were told of the imminent death of their mother.
The Swallow put on mourning robes and make-up, but thus was not in time for the death to occur.
The Sparrow just blackened her teeth and flew straight to the home, where she could watch her mother die in peace.
This is the reason why the sparrow is not very beautiful, but can eat rice,
whereas the swallow is beautiful, but has to eat earth.

................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district

nogitsune / Yako 野狐 fox Yokai monster
Once the priest from the temple 三蔵院 Sanzo-In was walking in the mountain forest, when he met a Nogitsune.
He put his horagai 法螺貝 conch trumpet on the ear and blew. Suddenly the path became dark and he saw a house where he could stay over night. In this house, a woman had just died before giving birth. The priest was bewildered when he suddenly saw the woman get up again, blacken her teeth and then bit into the face of the priest. He turned his eyes in surprize and woke up . . . when he came to his senses, it was still light in the middle of the day.

. yako 野狐 nogitsune, "fox in the field" Yokai .

- - - - -

Once upon a time, where was a couple living happily together.
On お庚申さんの日 the day of the Koshin Festival, the woman blackened her teeth and on the next day went into the mountain forest, but did not come back. A few days later a villager said he had seen her. She had eaten
fukutsu no kai ふくつの貝 shells of fortitude to be able not to get older.
She would drink red blood and eat raw flesh every day.
One day she came to see her husband and told him he would join her fate too, if he would blacken his teeth on the day of the Koshin Festival.

. The Koshin Cult 庚申信仰 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
お歯黒 / 鉄漿 / - ok


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

- another version : 養父入や鉄漿もらひ來る傘の下
yabuiri ya kane morai kuru kasa no shita

servant's holiday -
under an umbrella she comes
to get Ohaguro

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 (1715 - 1783) .


yuku haru no kanetsuke nayamu onna kana

as spring is leaving
this woman is worrying about
blackening her teeth . . .

. 正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki (1867 - 1902) .


ohaguro o aburu yakusha no hibachi kana

坂東みの介 Hando Minosuke




紋白蝶お歯黒美しき祖母憶ふ 松尾次子

鉄漿いろに蔓が枯れてる野分かな 飛鳥田[れい]
鉄漿つけし松茸売はなつかしき 富安風生
鉄漿の甕よりい出て射干へ 久米惠子
鉄漿をつけたる母の十夜かな 萩原麦草

むかし公卿の鉄漿の口柳絮とぶ 針呆介
京人形鉄漿つけあはれ吉野の忌 荒木法子
十夜婆々お鉄漿つけてまだ若し 河野静雲
古妻の怠る鉄漿や冬に入る 吉武月二郎句集
春宵や鉄漿壺のありどころ 西島麦南
煤の夜の昔の母は鉄漿つけき 柏崎夢香
笹鳴に唇そらし鉄漿つける 長谷川かな女
笹鳴や鉄漿つけ給ふ中納言 四明句集


ohaguro tonbo 鉄漿蜻蛉 / 羽黒蜻蛉 Haguro dragonfly, Calopteryx atrata
They are commonly known as the broad-winged damselflies, demoiselles, or jewelwings.

西田孝 Nishida Takashi

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi / Yoshikazu

松村蒼石 Matsumura Soseki (1887 - 1982)


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ohaguro #haguro #blackteeth - - - -


Owari district Chuo Kioi Chiyoda

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
- Kioi, see below -

Owarichoo 尾張町 Owaricho district
Chuo, 銀座 Ginza fifth and sixth district

In the Edo period, there lived mostly townspeople and craftsmen in this area.
There were also many cloth and kimono shops, like 布袋屋 Hoteiya, 恵比寿屋 Ebisuya and 亀屋 Kameya.
Some craftsmen make special 雛人形 Hina dolls for the Hina Doll Festival.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu first came to Edo, this area was all sea, a great Inlet until Hibiya.
In 1603, Ieyasu ordered the landfills of this area. The Lord of Owari became the supervisor of the landfill here, hence the name of the area.

江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue

Until 1930, the area belonged to 東京府東京市京橋区 Kyobashi.


- quote
The Owari Domain (尾張藩 Owari han)
was a feudal domain of Japan in the Edo period. Located in what is now the western part of Aichi Prefecture, it encompassed parts of Owari, Mino, and Shinano provinces.
Its headquarters were at Nagoya Castle. At its peak, it was rated at 619,500 koku, and was the largest holding of the Tokugawa clan apart from the shogunal lands. The daimyō of Owari was Tokugawa-Owari family, the first in rank among the gosanke 御三家 three Tokugawa families .
The domain was also known as Nagoya Domain (名古屋藩)
The first leader was
Tokugawa Yoshinao (1607–1650), the 9th son of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Owari shi Kannon 尾張四観音 The Four Kannon Temples of Owari .
- Aichi
- They were erected in the auspicious directions to protect the castle on Nagoya from evil influence.

. Owari Shippo 尾張七宝 Enamel art from Aichi .


Kioichoo 紀尾井町 Kioicho district
千代田区 Chiyoda ward

Kioi is short for
KI Kishu clan 紀州家
O Owari clan 尾州家
I Ii clan 井伊家

The main estate (kami yashiki) of the Tokugawa family estates from 紀州徳川家 Kishu and 尾張徳川家 Owari were located here.
The 中屋敷 "middle estate" of the 井伊家 Ii clan was also located here. In the Edo period, this was mainly the name of the slope 紀尾井坂 Kioizaka.

The remains of these estates are now
Kishu - グランドプリンスホテル赤坂 Grand Prince Hotel Akasaka
Owari - 上智大学 Sophia University
Ii - ホテルニューオータニ Hotel New Otani

Kioizaka slope 紀尾井坂

. Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge .
The bridge connects to 紀尾井町 Kioicho, the area with the estates of the Kishu Tokugawa, Owari Tokugawa and Ii from Hakone were located.


Daruma made from the petals of carnations
In 紀尾井町 Kioicho, Chiyoda, Tokyo

. hana no ka-petto 花のカーペット flower carpet .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. 尾張国 Owari no kuni


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
52 尾張 to explore
07 尾張国 (00)


. Kioicho no densha 紀尾井町の電車 the train from Kioi village .
and an old fox


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

suzukake no yururu koharu ya Kioizaka

坂井建 Sakai Ken


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. Chūō ku 中央区 Chuo Ward - "Central Ward" .

. Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward - "Fields of Eternity" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #Owari #owaricho #Kioicho - - - -


Hongo Kikuzaka Kikusaka district Bunkyo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- - - - - see below for
Yumicho / Yumi machi 本郷弓町 Hongo Yumi district "Arrow district"

Hongoo, Hongō 本郷 Hongo district, "original hometown"
Bunkyo ward

Hongō was a ward of the former city of Tokyo until 1947, when it merged with another ward, Koishikawa, to form the modern Bunkyō ward.

- quote
The University of Tokyo (東京大学, Tōkyō daigaku, abbreviated as Todai (東大, Tōdai), is a major research university located in Tokyo, Japan. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its five campuses are in Hongō, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Hongo and Haiku .


. Morikawa 森川宿 Morikawa rest station .
- Hongo Kaneyasu かねやす famous store for medicine

. Yushima 本郷湯島 Hongo Yushima .


Kikuzakachoo, Kikuzakachō 菊坂町 Kikuzakacho, Kikusaka district
Bunkyo, 本郷4、5丁目、 Hongo, fourth and fifth sub-district
菊坂 "chrysanthemum slope"

The name dates back to 1460.
During the Edo period, many farmers growing chrysanthemums in large fields lived on this slope.
There are other slopes near by, 本妙寺坂 Honmyojizaka, 鐙坂 Abumizaka, 梨の木坂 Nashinokizaka . . .

On top of the Kikuzaka slope is
Kikuzakadaichoo 菊坂台町 Kikuzakadai district
In 1628, it was included in the wider area 大縄拝領地.
In 1652, the great fire destroyed most of the area.

In 1682, it came under the jurisdiction of the 町奉行 Machibugyo magistrate of Edo.
A 岡場所 cheap pleasure quarter was established .

Around 1820 there lived more than 288 families in this district.
The estate 道造屋敷 Michizo Yashiki was in this district.

. March 2–3, 1657 - Great Fire of Meireki 明暦の大火 .
振袖火事 Furisode Fire - started maybe at the temple 本妙寺 Honmyo-Ji in this district.

- reference : 菊坂道造屋敷 -


Hongo Yumicho / Yumi machi 本郷弓町 Hongo Yumi district "Arrow district"
This area is in the kimon 鬼門 Northern Demon Gate direction with respect to Edo castle and in former times 御弓組与力同心 officials with bows and arrows lived there.
本郷弓町のクス the Big Camphor Tree from Hongo Yumi
本郷のクスノキ Hongo no Kusu no Ki / 楠亭の大クス / 弓町の大クス
This tree is more than 600 years old. It is about 20 m high and has a circumference of 84 cm.
The poet 矢田挿雲 Yada Soun (1882 - 1961) has written about it.
. kusu, kusu no ki 楠 camphor tree .
. kimon 鬼門の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Gate Legends .


. Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口一葉 (1872 - 1896) .
novel writer

Former Ichiyo Higuchi Kikuzaka Residence is in Kikuzaka.
The ido 井戸 well she used is still there.

There is also 一葉が通っていた質屋跡 the remains of the pawn shop she frequented.


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

yozakura ya urawakaki tsuki Hongoo ni

night cherry blossoms .
a young moon over
the student's quarter

Tr. Gabi Greve

. 石田波郷 Ishida Hakyo (1913 - 1969) .

Kikuzaka o nobori-kudari shite Ichiyo ki

walking up and down
the Chrysanthemum slope -
Ichiyo memorial day

池亀恵美子 Ikekame Emiko




菊坂や上下隣横隣 松藤夏山


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. Bunkyō 文京区 Bunkyo ward, "Literature Capital" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kikizaka #kikusaka #hongo #yumicho #hongoyumicho - - - -


Persons and Place Names List

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

- - - Persons and Place Names - Index - - -
Places named after persons who lived in the area.

. Anjincho district 安針町 . - Chuo
William Adams (1564 – 1620). Miura Anjin (三浦按針 "the pilot of Miura").

. Arakicho District 荒木町 . - Shinjuku
荒木政羽 Araki Masahane (1662 - 1732)

. Asakusa Heiemoncho district 浅草平右衛門町 . - Taito
村田平右衛門守勝 Murata Heiemon Morikatsu, 1616, from Hamamatsu, coming with Tokugawa Ieyasu

. Azabu-Ichibeicho district 麻布市兵衛町 . - Minato
黒沢市兵衛 Kurozawa Ichibei. Village headman in 1695.

. Dokanyama 道灌山 Mount Dokanyama . .
太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486), builder of the first Edo castle.

. Fuyukicho district 冬木町 . - Koto
In 1705 Fuyukiya Yaheiji became the headman of district. Fuyukiya 冬木屋 was a rich lumber merchant family.

. Honjo-Aioicho district 本所相生町 .
Priest Honinbo Sansa 本因坊算砂 (1612 - 1623), famous master of the Go play.
The teaching of this school of go included:
To improve one's skills as one gets old and studies with its opponents, like a good couple which gets old together.
aioi was written 相老い to get old together.
相生 - to develop skills together

. Horiecho district 堀江町 . - Edogawa
堀江六郎 Horie Rokuro, a local fisherman from Edo.

. Ichigaya Sanaizakacho district 市谷左内坂町 . - Shinjuku
島田左内 Shimada Sanai, village headman around 1620.

. Iida-machi district 飯田町 . - Chiyoda
The village headman 飯田喜兵衛 Iida Kihei.

. Kagacho district 加賀町 . - Chuo
加賀平右衛門 Kaga Heiemon, headman of the district - and the Kaga domain

. Kanda Saekicho district 神田佐柄木町 . - Chiyoda
Saeki Yataroo 佐柄木弥太郎 Saeki Yataro, a togishi 研ぎ師 polisher of swords and blades.

. Kanda Sakumacho district 神田 佐久間町 . - Chiyoda
Sakuma Heihachi 佐久間平八, a zaimoku 材木 timber, lumber merchant,

. Kasugacho district 春日町 . - Nerima
Lady Kasuga 春日局 Kasuga no Tsubone ((1579 – 1643), the wet nurse of the third Tokugawa Shogun Iemitsu.

. Kiyosumicho district 清住町 / 清澄町 . - Koto
Kiyosumi Yahē 清住弥兵衛 Kiyosumi Yahei, headman of the area.

. Matsugaecho district 松枝町 / 松ヶ枝町 . - Chiyoda
In 大奥 Ōoku, the Women's quarters of the Edo castle lived an Elder Lady named 松ヶ枝 Matsugae.

. Narimasu 成増 Narimasu district . - Itabashi
田中左京成益 Tanaka Sakyo Narimasu, also known as 田中泰彦 Tanaka Yasuhiko, village founder around 1520

. Ogawacho district 小川町 . - Musashino
小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei (1622 - 1670), headman of the district.

. O-Hana お花 Girl from a tea house .
お花茶屋 Ohanajaya district in Katsushika

. Otowacho district 音羽町 . - Bunkyo
音羽 Otowa. Retainer of 桂昌院 Keisho-In (1628 - 1705), Mother of Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.

. Reiganjima Island 霊巌島 / 霊岸島 . - Chuo
Reigan 霊巌 Priest Reigan (1554 - 1641) - 雄誉霊巌 Yuyo Reigan.

. Ryukancho 龍閑町 Ryūkanchō district .
井上龍閑 Inoue Ryukan from 駿府 Sunpu, around 1600

. Saruwakacho district 猿若町 . - Taiko
Saruwaka Kanzaburō 猿若勘三郎 (1598 - 1658), founder of Edo Kabuki.

. Shoanmura village 松庵村 . - Suginami
荻野松庵 doctor Ogino Shoan, He died in 1665. He developed the farming area, 松庵新田 Shoan Shinden.

. Sunamura district 砂村 "Sand village" . - Koto
named after its developer, 砂村新四郎 Sunamura Shinshiro, the brother of 砂村新左衛門 Sunamura Shinzaemon (1601 – 1668).

. Tomizawacho district 富沢町 . - Chuo
Tobisawa Jinnai 鳶沢甚内, Samurai from Odawara.

. Yayosugashi district 八代洲河岸 / Yaesu 八重洲 . - Chuo
Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn - ヤン・ヨーステン ファン・ローデンスタイン (1557 - 1623) / 耶揚子.


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #places #people #persons #placenames - - - -


Kasuya district Setagaya

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Kasuya mura 粕谷村 / 糟谷村 Kasuya village
世田谷区 Setagaya 粕谷一丁目から四丁目 from the first to the fourth sub-district

The name refers to the land owner 糟谷三郎兼時 Kasuya Saburo Kanetoki,
who lived here in the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333).
His estate was on Mount Hachiman Yama 八幡山. and 入間村 Irima village belonged under his jurisdiction.
The area did not have much water and the villagers grew vegetables.
One of his descendants, 与一右衛門 Yoichiemon, was a retainer of the 吉良氏 Kira clan. When the Kira clan was extinguished, he moved to
弦巻村 Tsurumaki village and later to 野良田村 Norada village - present-day 玉川中町 Tamagawa-Nakamachi.

Kasuya village belonged to Kanagawa in 1827 and in 1889 was reclaimed by Tokyo, named 千歳村大字粕谷 Chitose mura Daigaku Kasuya.
In 1936, it became part of Setagaya as 粕谷町 Kasuya machi. In 1970, the village became part of
祖師谷一丁目 Soshigaya、烏山町 Karasuyama、廻沢町 (めぐりさわまち Megurisawa and 船橋町 Funabashi.


Shrine Kasuya Hachiman Jinja 粕谷八幡神社
1 Chome-6-4 Kasuya, Setagaya, Tokyo
In honor of 糟谷三郎兼時 Kasuya Saburo Kanetoki.

There are many old trees in the compound and it is quite dark even at daytime.
The main hall has been rebuilt in 1959. The komainu 狛犬 guardian dogs have been an offering from 2006.

One of the trees in the compound is called
wakare no sugi わかれの杉 cedar tree of departing
The writer Tokutomi Roka used to bring his visitors to this shrine and waited under this tree until they were out of sight.
When soldiers had to go to war, their families came here to pray for good fortune and a safe return, then seeing off their children.

The main festival of the Shrine is in October.


Tokutomi Roka 徳冨蘆花 / Tokutomi Kenjiro 徳富健次郎 (1868 - 1927)
Kenjiro wrote novels under the pseudonym of Roka Tokutomi. He corresponded with Leo Tolstoy. A copy of a letter is on display in the small museum located in the Roka Kōshun-en Park, along with belongings.
From February 27, 1907, until his death, he lived in a house in Musashino (Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan).
At his wife's death the property was donated to the City of Tokyo to be used as a park. It was named Roka Kōshun-en in his honor.
- quote wikipedia -

- CLICK for more photos of the beautiful park !

蘆花恒春園 Roka Koshun En Park


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. Setagaya ku 世田谷区 Setagaya ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kasuyamura #kasuya - - - -


Etchujima district Koto

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Etchuujima, Etchūjima 越中島 Etchujima district, Koto
東京都江東区 越中島一丁目から越中島三丁目 from the first to the third sub-district

The estate of the regent of the former Etchu province,
旗本榊原越中守照清 Hatamoto Sakakibara Etchu no Kami Terukiyo
was located here, hence the name.
Terukiyo was the grandchild of 榊原清政 Sakakibara Kiyomasa (1546 - 1607)

Etchujima was located in the estuary of the river Sumidagawa and was a sand bar, thus named "island".
Eventually the sand bar was lost to rain and storm and Kiyomasa gave the land back to the Edo Bakufu government.
In 1711, after more landfill, the government gave the land to 43 Hatamoto and their retainers and called it
Etchujima cho 越中島町 Etchujima district.
In 1721, other citizens came to live here.
In 1730, the official garbage dump of Edo at 永代島 Eitaijima was full and the government decided to make Etchujima the next one, slowly filling the shallow parts of the estuary.

In 1855, the government claimed all the landfills and established the
Koobusho 講武所 Kobusho - Academy for Military Training.
Training places for gun shooting and swimming were added.

. 越中島川 river Etchūjimagawa .


東京海洋大学 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Etchujima Campus - 2-1-6 Etchujima Koto-ku, Tokyo

- HP of the University
- reference source : -


Etchu no Kuni 越中国 Etchū Province

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Etchū Province (越中国 Etchū-no-kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area that is today Toyama Prefecture in the Hokuriku region of Japan.
Etchū bordered on Noto and Kaga Provinces to the west, Shinano and Hida Provinces to the south, Echigo Province to the east and the Sea of Japan to the north. Its abbreviated form name was Esshū (越州).
- History
Koshi Province (越国 / 古志国 Koshi no Kuni) was an ancient province of Japan and is listed as one of the original provinces in the Nihon Shoki. The region as a whole was sometimes referred to as Esshū (越州). In 701 AD, per the reforms of the Taihō Code, Koshi was divided into three separate provinces: Echizen, Etchū, and Echigo.
However, in 702 AD,
the four western districts of Etchū Province (Kubiki, Koshi, Uonuma and Kanbara) were transferred to Echigo Province. Etchū annexed Noto Province in 741 AD, but Noto was separated out again in 757 AD. In 746 AD, the noted poet Ōtomo no Yakamochi became Kokushi, and left many references to the region in the poetic anthology Manyōshū.
..... During the Muromachi period, the Hatakeyama clan emerged as shugo regent of the region, but preferred to remain in Kyoto, and to rule through appointed deputies, such as the Jinbō clan and the Shiina clan.
Into the Sengoku period, the Hatakeyama transferred their power base to Nanao Castle in Noto province, and Etchū became an area contested by the Uesugi clan and the Oda clan with the Ikkō-ikki helping play one side against the other. The area was eventually conquered by Oda Nobunaga's general Shibata Katsuie and his deputy Sassa Narimasa, who were later replaced by Maeda Toshiie under the rule of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
The Maeda clan retained control of the province under Kaga Domain during the Edo period Tokugawa shogunate. During the mid-Edo period, Nei District and much of Niikawa District were separated from Kaga Domain into the 100,000 koku Toyama Domain, which was ruled by a branch of the Maeda clan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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source : xxx

越中国 神通川舟橋 / 冨山船橋 Boat Bridge at Toyama

Funahashi 船橋 boat bridge over the river 松川 Matsukawa.
In the Edo period, it was a famous bridge over the river Jinzuugawa 神通川 Jinzugawa, Jinzū River, built only with boats and planks.
In 1998, it was selected as 日本百名橋 one of the 100 famous bridges of Japan.


. Etchu Daimon Kite Festival 越中大門凧祭り .

manhole from Daimon Town 大門町


越中鵜坂社の尻たたき祭 Etchu Usakasha Shrine - shiri tataki matsuri festival

. shiritataki matsuri 尻たたき祭 "hitting the bottom"
at Iwakura town, Kyoto 


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

umi no hi no Etchujima no shiraho kana

all the white sails
at Etchujima
on Marine Day . . .

Tr, Gabi Greve

長谷川歌子 Hasegawa Utako

. umi no hi 海の日 Marine Day, Ocean Day .
- - kigo for late summer - -


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. Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #etchujima #etchujimakoto - - - -


Tamura Koji district Minato

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
- for Atago, see below

Tamura Kooji 田村小路 Tamura Koji Alley district
港区 Minato Shinbashi 新橋 3rd and 4th district, 西新橋 Nishi-Shinbashi second district

The area South of the gate 幸橋御門 Saiwaibashi Gomon was a district of the Samurai.
Nearby was 愛宕の下大名小路 Atago no Shita Daimyo Koji Alley.

The estate of Tamura Muneyoshi was in this area, soon giving its name to it.
The area was first named 愛宕下田村小路 Atago no Shita Tamura Koji.


- quote
The Tamura clan (田村氏 Tamura-shi)
was a Japanese samurai clan who ruled Ichinoseki Domain in Mutsu Province during the Edo period Tokugawa shogunate. The family was closely related to the Date clan of Sendai Domain through intermarriage.
- Origins
The Tamura clan claimed descent from Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, and were local gōzoku controlling Tamura shōen (later Tamura District) in what is now central Fukushima Prefecture since the Heian period.
- Edo period
The wife of Date Masamune was Megohime (1568–1653), also known as Lady Tamura, since she was the daughter and only child of Tamura Kiyoaki. Her paternal grandmother and material grandmother were also both daughters of Date Tanemune, making her Masamune’s second cousin. She had four children, the eldest of which (Date Tadamune) was Masamune’s successor to Sendai Domain. Although Masamune had agreed that their second son should succeed to the Tamura clan, this son (Date Munetsuna) died at the age of 16. In order to restore the Tamura clan, Date Tadamune’s son Date Muneyoshi was ordered to take the Tamura surname.
The restored Tamura clan
was given 10,000 koku in Iwagasaki, Kurihara in what is now Miyagi Prefecture. When the young Date Tsunamura became daimyō of Sendai in 1660, Muneyoshi gained an additional 20,000 koku from territories in what is now Ichinoseki, Iwate. In addition, he became a guardian of Date Tsunamura together with Date Munekatsu. In 1662, Muneyoshi was transferred to the newly-created Iwanuma Domain in the Natori District, becoming daimyō of a subsidiary domain to Sendai Domain.
In 1695,
his son Tamura Tatsuaki, transferred the seat of the domain to Ichinoseki Domain (30,000 koku). The clan remained at Ichinoseki until the Meiji restoration. The Ichinoseki holdings were completely surrounded by Sendai Domain.
Ichinoseki domain
forces took part in the Ōuetsu Reppan Dōmei's attack on the Akita Domain in the late summer of 1868.
In the Meiji era, the former daimyō of Ichinoseki, Tamura Takaaki, was created viscount in the new peerage system.

Tamura Muneyoshi 田村宗良 (1637 – 1678)
was a Japanese daimyō of Iwanuma Domain in Mutsu Province of early-Edo period Japan.
Muneyoshi was the third son of Date Tadamune, the 2nd daimyō of Sendai Domain. His mother, Fusa, was a concubine and the daughter of Mitamura Matauemon. His childhood name was Kamechiyo (亀千代). From 1639, under his father's orders, he was raised by Suzuki Motonobu, a vassal of Sendai Domain, in Ōsaki, Shida District, as heir to the Suzuki clan. In 1649, at the time of his genpuku ceremony, he changed his name to Suzuki Muneyoshi (鈴木宗良).
However, in 1653,
the Tamura clan was revived, as requested by Megohime (Muneyoshi's grandmother, Date Masamune's wife) via her will, and Muneyoshi became Tamura Muneyoshi, with holdings totalling 10,000 koku in Iwagasaki, Kurihara, in what is now Miyagi Prefecture.
In 1658,
following the death of Date Tadamune, the second daimyō of Sendai Domain. Sendai Domain was inherited by the young and impressionable Date Tsunamune, and the clan elders appointed Muneyoshi and his half-brother, Date Munekatsu as guardians. In 1660, Muneyoshi gained an additional 20,000 koku in what is now Ichinoseki, along with the courtesy title of Ukyō-no-daifu and of Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade. Muneyoshi’s daughter-in-law was the daughter of Tairō Sakai Tadakiyo. Through these connections, the Date Munekatsu and Tamura Muneyoshi accused Tadamune of drunkenness and debauchery, who then removed from office for misrule and was confined to a secondary clan residence in Edo.
The infant Date Tsunamura
was made daimyō of Sendai under the guardianship of his uncles. In 1662, Muneyoshi transferred his seat to what is now the city of Iwanuma, Miyagi and officially became daimyō of Iwanuma Domain, a subsidiary domain of Sendai, based in what is now the city of Iwanuma, Miyagi. He received the courtesy title of Oki-no-kami in 1670. According to waka poetry written about him, Muneyoshi had a mild personality and was popular, in contrast to the events of the Date Sōdō.
The ten years
during which Date Munekatsu and Tamura Muneyoshi ruled in place of the under-age Date Tsunamura were marked by violence and conflict in Sendai Domain. Events reached a climax in 1671 when Aki Muneshige, a powerful relative of the Date clan, complained to the shogunate of the mismanagement of the fief under Tsunamura and his uncles. In the ensuring Date Sōdō, Muneyoshi was relieved of his offices in 1671 and placed under house arrest. He was pardoned in 1672. In 1678, he died at the clan’s Edo residence at the age of 42. He died at age 42, and his grave is at the clan mortuary temple of Tōzen-ji in Takanawa, Edo.

Tamura Tatsuaki 田村建顕 (Tamura Tateaki) (1656 - 1708)
田村建顕(右京大夫)Tamura Takeaki (Ukyo Dayu)
was the second and final daimyō of Iwanuma Domain and first Tamura daimyō of Ichinoseki Domain.
His courtesy title was Ukyō-no-daifu, later Inaba-no-kami, and his Court rank was Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade. Tatsuaki was the second son of Tamura Muneyoshi, the daimyō of the 30,000 koku Iwanuma Domain. He underwent the genpuku ceremony in 1660 and was received in formal audience by shōgun Tokugawa Ietsuna, who confirmed him as heir to Iwanuma. However, in May 1681, the seat of Iwanuma Domain was relocated to Ichinoseki. Tatsuaki was noted for his scholarship, and in 1691 was elevated to the status of provisional Fudai daimyō. In 1692, he was appointed a sōshaban. The same year, he changed his name from Tamura Munenaga (宗永) to Tamura Tatsuaki.
In 1693, he received the additional honor of being styled as castellan, although his domain was only ranked that of a jin'ya. In 1694, his younger brother was elevated to the ranks of the hatamoto. He was married to the daughter of Matsudaira Chikayoshi, from Matsue Domain, but as he had no sons, he adopted the son of a hatamoto to be his heir.
In 1701, in the aftermath of the famous Chūshingura incident, he was assigned custody of Asano Naganori, who later committed seppuku at the Ichinoseki Domain’s residence in Edo.
In 1705, he received the courtesy title of Inaba-no-kami. He died at age 53, and his grave is at the clan mortuary temple of Tōzen-ji in Takanawa, Edo.
- source : wikipedia

. Sengaku-ji and the 47 Ronin (忠臣蔵 Chushingura) 泉岳寺と47浪人 .

Tamura Takaaki 田村崇顕 (1858 – 1922)
was the 11th and final Tamura daimyō of Ichinoseki Domain.


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .


幸橋見附門 Saiwaibashi Mitsuke Mon
Better known as O-Nari Go-Mon 御成御門 or 御成橋門 O-Naribashi Mon, the Gate for the Shogun and his family, especially to the temple 増上寺 Zojo-Ji in Shiba.

It has been built by 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi, the daimyo of 肥後国熊本藩主 the Bingo Domain in Kumamoto.

Saiwaibashi 幸橋 Saiwaibashi bridge
Across the river 汐留川 Shiodomegawa

. Shiodome 汐留 Shiodome district - Minato .



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Hosokawa Tadatoshi 細川忠利 (1586 – 1641)
a Japanese samurai daimyō of the early Edo period. He was the head of Kumamoto Domain. He was a patron of the martial artist Miyamoto Musashi.
..... Having studied the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū under Ujii Yashiro, Tadatoshi wanted his guest, Musashi, to fight against the sword master of his fief, and see which style was the strongest. But Ujii, despite his full license in Yagyu Shinkage style, could not strike a single blow against him after numerous bout. Lord Tadatoshi took over, but he too was powerless against Musashi. He said then about Musashi:
"I never imagined there could be such a difference in levels of accomplishment!"
- source : wikipedia -


Atago 愛宕 Atago district
Minato ward, Atago first and second sub-district

Mount Atago (愛宕山 Atago-yama) occupies most of the district. The lower zone located between Mt. Atago and Tokyo Metropolitan Route 301, also known as Atago Shita Dōri Avenue (愛宕下通り Atago Shita Dōri), was a dense residential neighborhood but recently underwent an urban renewal. It is now known as a home to Atago Green Hills, an urban complex constructed by building tycoon Minoru Mori.
Mount Atago
Located in the Atago district, Mount Atago is the highest natural mountain in the 23 special wards of Tokyo, with an elevation of 25.7 m.
The Atago Shrine (愛宕神社 Atago Jinja) is housed on the mountain.
- source : wikipedia -

. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Atago Shrine in Tokyo .
. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Atago shrines - Introduction .


. 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .
港区愛宕1-3-8 / Minato ward, Atago, 1-3-8


Atago shita Yabukoji 愛宕下藪小路 Yabukoji Street Below Atago Hill
Atagoshita and Yabu lane / Yabu Street at the foot of Atago Hill
Hiroshige 広重1
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This was the name for a low-lying area from present day Minato Ward Shinbashi to Nishi Shinbashi, sandwiched between the east side of Mt. Atago and the Tokaido Highway.
There were a large number of Daimyo (feudal lords) residences, including the residence of Tamura Takeaki (Ukyo Dayu) the first head of the Ichinoseki Clan who carried out the seppuku of Ako Clan head Asano Naganori (Takumi no Kami) who perpetrated the incident of the attack within Edo Castle which resulted in series of events involving the 47 Ronin, as well as the residence of Toyama Kagemoto famous from the novel "Toyama no Kin san".
- source : National Diet Library -


Yabukooji, Yabukōji 藪小路 Yabukoji alley district, "bamboo thicket"
Minato ward, 虎ノ門 Toranomon first sub-district

Named after a takeyabu 竹藪 bamboo thicket.
An alley along the river 桜川 Sakuragawa. Once a hawk had died in this thicket and it was not cut down any more after that.
It is also in the kimon 鬼門 un-auspicious direction of Edo castle and bamboo had not been cut here.
The estate of 加藤家屋敷 the Kato clan had been here in 1714, but they left the bamboo thicket untouched. Thus the area was also called
藪加藤 Yabu Kato.
After the Meiji restauration, part of the alley had been reconstructed and the estate changed into a shopping street. Now only the paintings remain of the good old times.

- - - - - There are many kooji 小路 Koji alleys in the Toranomon district:

稲荷小路 Inari Koji、愛宕下大名小路 Atago-Shita Daimyo Koji,、佐久間小路 Sakuma Koji、
田村小路 Tamura Koji 神保小路 Jinbo Koji / (しょうしん) 小身小路 Shoshin Koji、
薬師小路 Yakushi Koji、秋田小路 Akita Koji、 袋小路 Fukuro Koji、鎧小路 Yoroi Koji、
三斎小路 Sansai Koji、藪小路と Yabu Koji

. 虎ノ門 Toranomon district .


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. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .

. Shinbashi, Shimbashi 新橋 "new bridge" district, Minato .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tamura #tamurakoji ##atago #yabukoji - - - -