
ISSA - chiri no mi


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

chiri no mi 塵の身 this body of dust


chiri no mi no chiri yori karuki kochou kana

small butterfly
lighter than the dust
of your dust body

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the 4th month (May) of 1824.
In Japanese mi in line 1 means both body and social status, and "dust body" was a standard metaphorical expression meaning 1) to have a social status or position (mi) so low no one pays any attention to you or cares about you, making you socially invisible, and 2) to live in the midst of the dusty, dirty world of ordinary affairs and become dusty and dirty yourself.

Issa seems to be using both the literal meaning of chiri as dust or small trash and the first metaphorical meaning of "dust body": being worthless, insignificant, or tiny. On the one hand, the small butterfly (and others like it) is usually marginalized and overlooked if not looked down on by humans and presumably by larger butterflies as well.

On the other hand, the small butterfly's incredibly light movements through the air show it to be even more mobile and less earthbound than motes of dust. It is so graceful and seemingly unbound by gravity that its small size and light weight are its greatest assets, and it leaves the dust of the world behind as it flies here and there very rapidly and seemingly at will. Issa thus turns the normal meaning of "dust body" on its head and uses it to praise the small butterfly.

And, since "dust body" is an expression used mostly with regard to humans, the lightness and flying ability of the small butterfly here may be suggesting that the people often referred to as the "dust" or "trash" of the society, people without wealth, power, or visibility, have the potential to transcend or leave their dust bodies in the normal, discriminatory sense behind as they fly around socially in unthinkable ways.

Chris Drake


choo tonde waga mi mo chiri no tagui kana

butterfly flitting--
I too am made
of dust

Tr. David Lanoue

chiri no mi mo tomo ni fuwa-fuwa shichoo kana

this body of dust
suits this wispy-soft
paper mosquito net

Tr. David Lanoue


poems using CHIRI but in the more real sense of DUST:

chirizuka ni anna ko chô ga umare keri

in the trash heap
that little butterfly
is born!

Tr. David Lanoue

roosoo ga chiri hiroi keri koke no hana

the old priest
picks off the dust...
moss blossoms

Tr. David Lanoue

chiri no mi mo hirou kami ari hana no haru

even for this body of dust
a guardian god!
blossoming spring

Shinji Ogawa explains that the phrase hirou kami ("the god who picks you up") is part of a longer expression:

suteru kami areba hirou kami ari

"If a god discards you,
there must be another god who may pick you up".

Tr. and comment David Lanoue


haru kaze ya hashira no ana mo hana no chiri

spring wind -
even in the pillar's hole
petals of cherry blossoms

Tr. Gabi Greve


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. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - Introduction .



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