Doing Business in Edo - - - 江戸の商売
akinai 商い / shoobai 商売 Shobai
Morisada Mankoo 守貞謾稿 Morisada Manko
published about 1837 in 35 volumes
Describing customs of Edo not to be found in Kyoto or Osaka.
The author, Kitagawa Morisada 喜田川守貞, had come to Edo from Osaka and got quite a "culture shock", resulting in this book about local customs, including food.
- reference source : blog.q-q.jp/201309
- reference - Morisada Manko -
under construction -
geishoonin, gei-shoonin 芸商人 artists as street vendors
- They would perform some tricks to entertain the onlookers and then sell their stuff, mostly food.
gyooshoonin 行商人 Gyoshonin - street vendors
- Many walked around the town to sell their merchandise.
It times with no refrigerators, getting the daily food to town was most important.
. furiuri, furi-uri 振売 peddlers, street vendors .
bootefuri 棒手振り peddlers carrying merchandise with a pole on the shoulders
tenbinboo 天秤棒 shoulder carrying pole
. Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district .
The name refers to the renjaku 連尺 / 連索 backpacks of the merchants who lived there, carrying their ware around Edo.
- quote
Ishikawa Eisuke 石川英輔
- Chapter 11 - The Value of Time-consuming Efforts
In a city like Edo, street peddlers made an enormous sales in fish and vegetables. Peddlers or small-scale vendors sang their seller's cry and covered every corner of the alleys, wearing down their straw sandals. A close look into the lives of people in Edo reveals that there was an unbelievable variety of vendors. It was those peddlers and vendors who supported a large part of the commercial circulation of other products in addition to fish and vegetables.
A record of Edo vendors shows that almost all everyday goods were available and delivered from vendors in those days.
Oil vendors sold lantern oil mainly, but cooking oil as well. As liquor store sent errands to clients' homes several times everyday, there was no need for customers to go out to make a purchase. There were also many food vendors who served ready-to-eat items. They were, so to speak, portable restaurants. They sold endless lists of food, such as udon (rice noodles), soba (buckwheat noodles), nabeyaki udon (potboiled rice noodles), inari-zushi (vinegared sushi rice in pouches of fried bean-curd), amazake (brewed sweet sake). There were also many who peddled toys and luxury goods.
- source : www.japanfs.org/en/edo
. Ishikawa Eisuke Ishikawa 石川英輔 .
He wrote many books about Edo and the Edo period and often appears on TV.
- - - - - Since this entry is getting very long, I added some extra entries with ABC lists :
. chin shoobai 珍商売 strange business - typical for Edo .
. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .
. Food vendors in Edo .
. fuuzoku 風俗 Fuzoku, entertainment and sex business .
- - - and
- - - . chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall .
- selling more than just tea as part of the fuuzoku business
. naishoku 内職 home worker, side business .
mostly done by poor samurai
. Recycling and Reuse in Edo - リサイクル と 再生 / 再使用 .
. shuuriya 修理屋 repairmen in Edo .
xxx naoshi 直し, shuuriya 修理屋, shuuri shokunin 修理職人
- - - - - ABC-List of business in Edo - - - - - to be updated - - - - -
. abura uri 油売り selling oil - and talking too much .
. Aizuya 会津屋 selling 会津漆 lacquer ware from Aizu, Fukushima.
. akagaeru uri 赤蛙売り selling red frogs (medicine for children) .
- akahikigan 赤蛙丸 "red frog medicine"
. asaodana asao-dana 麻苧店 store selling asao hemp thread
asatonya, asadonya 麻問屋 hemp dealer .
. bafunkaki 馬糞掻き, bafun tori 馬糞とり horse-shit collectors .
. biwa yootoo uri 枇杷葉湯売り selling biwa leaves as medicine .
. ema-uri, emauri 絵馬売り selling ema votive tablets .
. fudasashi 札差 "note/bill money exchange" .
. gamaabura uri, gama abura がま油売り selling toad grease medicine .
. hanashigame uri 放し亀売り selling turtles to be set free .
and - hanashi tori uri 放し鳥売り vendors of birds (sparrows) to be set free at rituals at Hachimangu Shrines in Edo
- - - - - for the annual hoojoo rituals 放生会
. hana-uri, hana uri 花うり / 花売り flower vendor .
. hari-ita uri 張り板売り vendors of wooden plates to dry a kimono after washing .
. hayaokeya, hayaoke ya 早桶屋 "fast coffin maker", undertaker .
- - - - - soogiya 葬儀屋 / saihooya 西方 / koshiya 輿屋 = undertaker
. hikyaku 飛脚 courier, messenger "flying legs" .
. hitsuboku 筆墨売り selling brushes and ink .
. hiuchigama uri 火打ち鎌売り selling tools to strike a fire .
"fire beating sickle" - store Masuya 升屋 near Shiba Shinmei 芝神明 shrine
. hikizuri mochi 引き摺り餅 pounding mochi ricecakes .
. hooki uri ほうき売り / hooki kai ほうき買い .
vendor and buyer of hooki 箒 Hoki brooms
. jigami uri 地紙売り kagema boys selling paper for fans .
and talking about kabuki
- - - and
kagemajaya, kagema chaya 陰間茶屋 "tea house with boys in waiting"
. joozai uri 定斎売り selling Josai medicine .
. juukumonya 十九文店 shops selling everything for 19 mon
juukumon ya, juukumon no mise .
(Now we have the hyakuen shoppu 百円ショップ Shops selling for 100 Yen.)
. kagami 鏡 mirror maker, mirror polisher .
. kamiyuidoko 髪結床 hairstylist shop .
kamiyui 髪結い hairdo master, hair dresser
. kanbanya 看板屋 Kamban, vendor of shop signs .
. kanzashi uri かんざし売り / 簪 selling hair pins and decorations .
. kaya uri, kayauri 蚊帳売り selling mosquito nets .
. kashihonya, kashihon'ya 貸本屋 booklender, booklender
- furuhonya, furu-honya 古本屋 selling old books in Edo .
. kawaraban uri かわら版売り vendor of a kawaraban newspapers .
yomiuri 読売、lit. "to read and sell"
. kiriezu, kirie-zu 切絵図 selling detailed maps of Edo .
. koi no maneki uri 鯉のまねき売り vendor of small flags "to invite carps" .
. komedonya, kome no tonya 米問屋 rice brokers .
- fudasashi 札差 "bill ex change", forerunners of Japan's banking system.
. koyomi uri, koyomi-uri 暦売り selling new calendars .
. kusuri-uri, kusuri uri 薬売り selling all kinds of medicine .
Toyama no kusuri-uri 富山の薬売り medicine vendors from Toyama
. megane uri, meganeuri 眼鏡売り selling glasses,spectacles .
mimi no aka tori 耳の垢取り ear-cleaner
One famous dealer wore a Chinese robe to make believe he was fluent in Chinese medicine.
Since many men lived alone, they were greatful to get this service.
. mimikaki 耳掻き ear cleaner, ear pick .
. mitaoshiya 見倒し屋 / 見倒屋 second-hand dealer .
. . . . . furumono kai 古物買い to buy old things
. . . . . risaikuru shoppu リサイクルショップ recycle shop
. mizumaki otoko 水撒き男 water-sprinkling man in summer .
. mizuya 水屋 water salesmen .
. nori 糊 starch, glue / himenori 姫糊 "princess nori glue". .
. . . . . nori uri, nori-uri 糊売り selling natural glue, starch
. noogyoo 農業 farming business / 農民 farmers .
. oogi uri, oogi-uri 扇売り vendor of fans .
o-harai oogibako お払い扇箱 "Buying back fan boxes" / oharaibako
. otchanai ochanai おちゃない.おちゃない collecting hair fallen to the ground .
and sell it to wig makers
. ryoogaeya 両替屋 Ryogaeya - money changer .
. . . . . bronze weight 分銅 bundoo
. senjimono uri 煎物売 medicine seller, The Tea Seller (Kyogen) .
. setomono uri 瀬戸物売り vendor of pottery . - senryu
. shimonya 四文屋 "Four Mon Shop" .
. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop .
. shuppansha 出版社 publishing company, book publisher .
ABC - Introduction
. sonryooya, sonryoo-ya 損料屋 Sonryo-Ya, rental agent .
kashimonoya 貸物屋
. soroban naoshi 算盤直し / そろばん直し repairing the abacus .
. sudare uri 簾売(すだれうり)vendor of bamboo blinds .
. sumi uri, sumi-uri, sumiuri 炭売(すみうり) charcoal vendor .
. suzumushi uri 鈴虫売り bell cricket vendor .
. tabako uri, tabako-uri 煙草売り selling tobacco .
. tagaya 箍屋 hoop repairman, clamp repairman .
. taiko uri 太鼓売り vendor of drums .
. takani momen uri 高荷木綿売り street vendor selling cotton .
. takarabune no e uri 宝船の絵売り selling images of the Treasure Ship .
for the first dream on January 2, the New Year
. takeuma furugi uri 竹馬古着売り / 竹馬古着屋 .
selling old cloths hanging on a "bamboo horse" (takeuma) carried over the shoulder
. take uri, take-uri 竹売り bamboo vendor - susudake uri 煤竹売 seller of cleaning bamboo .
. taru kai 樽買い / taruya 樽屋 buying barrels .
. tokkaebee とっかえべえ / tokkaebei とっかえべい
collector of old metal, gives a sweet (amedama) in return .
. tsukegi uri 付木売り selling wood scraps to light a fire .
. uchiwa uri, uchiwa-uri 団扇売り vendor of round fans .
. uekiya 植木屋, niwashi 庭師 gardener .
. waribashi uri 割り箸 売り selling disposable chopsticks .
. yoojiten, yooji ten 楊枝店 Yoji, toothpick shop . - Asakusa
. Yotsumeya 四つ目屋 a sex shop .
hiyakuseiguya, hiyaku seigu ya 秘薬性具屋 selling medicine and sex tools
otona no omocha-ya 大人の玩具屋 toy store for grown-ups
. yubune 湯船 "bath boat" .
small boats with a bath for rent in Edo
and - - - - - yuya 湯屋 public bath house
. zenigoza uri 銭蓙売り vendor of paper mats to place coins .
. zenisashi uri 銭緡売り / sashi-uri 繦売り vendor of money strings .
- - - - - - zenisashi, zeni-sashi 銭さし / 銭差/銭緡 string to keep the small coins
. zeniya 銭屋 ryoogaeya 両替屋 Ryogaeya - money changer .
. zooriya 草履屋 vendors of straw sandals .
Fujiokaya Yoshizoo 藤岡屋由蔵 Fujiokaya Yoshizo (1739 - ?)
Sudoo Yoshizoo 須藤由蔵 - Honyoshi 本由
- reference wikipedia -
The bookseller Yoshizo, writing about peasant uprisings. 「藤岡屋日記」Fujioka-ya nikki
honyoshi wa hito no uwasa de meshi o kui
Honyoshi eats his bread
by (selling) the rumours
of other people
Honyoshi 本由(ほんよし)=本屋の由蔵 the book seller Yoshizo
- reference -
CLICK for more photos !
図説 大江戸おもしろ商売 - Edo Omoshiro Shoobai
Shunsetsu 春雪 He solved all kinds of riddles / ねずち ? ねずっち
江戸商売図絵 Illustrated Business of Edo
- source : hurec.bz/mt/archives
- source : 1000ya.isis.ne.jp TBA
江戸行商百姿 - 花咲 一男 Hanasaki Kazuo (1916 - 2010)
江戸行商百姿 - 20 illustration of street vendors
source : mookie/ohishi-nyohuuten
source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/enoborishinsho
street vendors of Edo - tenugui hand towel 「江戸の物売り」の手ぬぐい
- Motives of craftsmen of Edo - 江戸職人
. mamezara 豆皿 small plates "beans size" .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
There were many local stores with specialities from the provinces, most ending in xxxYA 屋, like Echigoya 越後屋.
They are introduced in this ABC index.
- special introductions -
. The rich merchants of Edo - Goshi 豪商 gooshoo .
. kabunakama, kabu nakama 株仲間 merchant guild, merchant coalition
za 座 trade guilds, industrial guilds, artisan guilds .
. shinise 老舗 a long-established store .
- - - - - Reference
http://homepage2.nifty.com/kenkakusyoubai/zidai/syobai.htm - TBA
http://shigoto-creator.com/396/ - TBA
biwa ha yu 枇杷葉湯 biwa leaf tea
chawan gashi 茶碗菓子
choochoo omocha 蝶々(のおもちゃ) toys
choosen no kookeishi 朝鮮の弘慶子(こうけいし) merchants from Korea
kameyama 亀山のお化け
kuma no kusuri 熊の伝三膏薬
kuri no iwa 栗の岩おこし sweet
nana iro toogarashi 七色とうがらし
noborizaru のぼりざる climbing monkey
sanbasoo 三番叟 dance dolls
tokuhei 徳平膏薬 cream from Tokuhei
tsuji uranai 辻占い
Yokanbei 与勘平(よかんべい、よかんぺい)膏薬 cream
http://nora-pp.at.webry.info/201212/article_1.html - TBA
Edo shobai orai by Kaname Okitsu 江戸商売往来 Merchants' manual
- source : matome.naver.jp/odai
江戸東京職業図典 - 槌田満文
- - - - - 江戸市中世渡り種
benikan 紅勘 べにかん
choochoo uri 蝶々売 ちょうちょううり
hamigaki uri - hyaku manako 歯磨売・百まなこ - はみがきうり・ひゃくまなこ
handa inari 半田稲荷 はんだいなり
hitoruzumoo ひとり角力 ひとりずもう
miyoshi odori 住吉踊 すみよしおどり
ningyoo tsukai 人形つかひ . にんぎょうつかい
渡辺 信一郎
Edo nariwai jiten 江戸なりわい事典 / 江戸の生業事典
Dicitionary of occupations in Edo
Introducing about 500 different ones. Most are the subject of humorous senryu.
- source : www.akamana.com/akame/kiki.html
江戸売り声百景 The voices of street vendors in Edo
(with a CD sample) including 納豆売り、飴売り、薬売り、朝顔売り、金魚売り、梯売り、屑屋、羅宇屋、定斎屋、鋳掛屋、十八文屋。
Some walked around in the morning, selling fresh food, others came in the evening. At their special time and with their special calling, they were some kind of "clock" for the time in Edo.
Edo no urikoe, uri-koe いいねぇ~ 江戸売り声
Ishikawa Eisuke Ishikawa 石川英輔
大江戸えころじー事情 and his series about life in O-Edo
- source : hiramatu-hifuka.com/onyak
早業七人前 (at the National Bibliothek)
- source : http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info
創作紙人形で描く江戸の物売り - paper dolls about vendors in Edo
- source : kagi.blog14.fc2.com/blog-entry-109
お江戸のあきんど - Edo no Akindo - doll collection (TBA)
- source : page.freett.com/honeythehaniwa
- source : haiku about shops and stores
source : History In Pictures - twitter
Japanese peddler selling his wares. 1901
. Hatsuakinai Shusse Sugoroku 初商出世双六 .
Sugoroku for Success in the First Sale of the New Year / 式亭三馬 Shikitei Sanba and 小三馬 Kosanba.
. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .
- #shobai #shoobai #business #edobusiness -
Kitagawa Utamaro (喜多川 歌麿, 1753–1806)
ReplyDeleteFemale Peddler (Onna akindo 女賣人),
from the book Comparisons of the Customs of Women (Onna fûzoku shinasadame 女風俗品さだめ), about 1795 (Kansei 7); impressions at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston