
chizu maps

. kiriezu, kirie-zu 切絵図 detailed maps of Edo .
chizu 地図 maps of Edo

. chizu 日本地図 Japan maps as art motives .
- Introduction -

. Tozai Nanboku 東西南北 The Four Directions .
- Introduction -


Five Maps of Tokyo / Edo

Edo 1844–48

Mount Fuji last erupted in 1707, covering Tokyo in a layer of ash. A similar eruption today would be a major threat to the capital, as ash would likely paralyze transportation networks, leaving millions to make their way home on foot. This map, produced by the Cabinet Office’s disaster management team, is a composite based on prevailing winds in all seasons showing how much ash could fall. Tokyo (the pink section at upper right) looks set to get at least a few centimeters.
- source : Peter Durfee


Map from 1752

European maps based on Kaempfer show a formal European-style garden at the heart of the palace. This is from a closed auction describing it as
"1752 [from] Prevost's Historie Generale des Voyages,"
- source : Bob on facebook 2017 -

Map from 1862
Bushu Toshima-gun Edo shozu 武州豊嶋郡江戶庄圖

- CLICK for enlargement !
- source : ... rare-map-of-tokyo... -


National Archives of Japan 国立公文書館

- Exhibition catalogue -
- quote

- source : www.archives.go.jp

- source : www.archives.go.jp/english


Map of Edo castle, honmaru goten

- source : khori/Edo_castle_plan -

- discussion and more maps - Bob on facebook -


Visit Edo with Google Earth
Google Earthで街並散歩(江戸編)

CLICK for more photos !

- source : yasuda.iobb.net -


Most old maps show the four directions (the compass rose):

But there are some where the North is missing

for example
Tōkaidō bunken ezu 東海道分間絵図 ('shinpan' 新版 editions from 1752 and 1772)

- Join the discussion, October 2016
Edo compass rose without 'north'?
- source : PMJS listserve -


- source : hakkou-s.co.jp/chizutokyo/tokyomap... -


文化江戸図 Bunka Edo Chizu 1811 - Tokyo
- source : lapis.nichibun.ac.jp/chizu ... -
International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto

日本王国図 (1735年)


九州 Kyushu
- source : crcao.fr/2022/07... -


Japoniae Insulae Descriptio (Descriptions of Japanese islands), 1595.
Luís Teixeira
This is not a Japanese painting, but it could be very interesting for all of us.
This map, drawn by the Portuguese Luis Teixeira, was the first printed map of Japan to appear in a Western atlas.
It shows all of Japan, part of Korea, and part of China.
The map is ornated with the title cartouche in the upper center and
a decorative scale of mileage in the lower right corner.
The 'privilegium' is written on the upper right side.
Villages and towns are shown as miniature views, and the map is further ornated with 3 ships.
- source: robynbuntin.com/ ... -


- quote
Map of Banchō (Banchō Ezu 番町絵図)
Maps of Edo were originally printed on a single page, but as it grew into a major city,
it could not be fitted into a single map, while a larger map was difficult to carry around.
So, zonal maps dividing Edo into different areas
came to be published in the final days of the Tokugawa shogunate.
This map was the first one that went on sale.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


新発見- A new map was found
. source : mag.japaaan.com/archives.... .


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

- #chizumap #mapchizu #chizu #maps

1 comment:

  1. Old Japanese Maps at the University of Zurich
