
Kasugacho district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kasugachoo 春日町 Kasugacho District, Kasuga-Cho
練馬 Nerima-Kasuga-chō

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Lady Kasuga 春日局 Kasuga no Tsubone
(1579 – October 26, 1643)
was from a prominent Japanese samurai family of the Azuchi–Momoyama and Edo periods. Born Saitō Fuku (斉藤福), she was a daughter of Saitō Toshimitsu (who was a retainer of Akechi Mitsuhide). Her mother's father was Inaba Yoshimichi. Married to Inaba Masanari, she had three sons, including Inaba Masakatsu, and an adopted son, Hotta Masatoshi. She was the wet nurse of the third Tokugawa shogun Iemitsu.
She also established the 大奥 Ōoku, the women's quarters, at Edo Castle.
In 1629, she was granted the title of Kasuga no Tsubone.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 Third Tokugawa Shogun .
(1604 – 1651)
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... the little boy needed an immediate training by a governess good in every way. Kasuga, a married woman, the daughter of a well-known warrior of imperial descent who had lost his life in some conspiracy of the previous generation, was chosen by the government for the position. This was, perhaps, as great an honor as could be offered to any lady.
Besides, there was an opportunity to clear the memory of her father. And she begged her husband to divorce her that she might be free to give all her life to this task.
So devoted was she that the boy being at one time at the point of death, she offered herself to the gods for his recovery, vowing never to take any remedy. In her last illness she refused all medicine, and even when Iyémitsŭ — now ruler — begged her to take a commended draught from his hand, she merely, out of politeness, allowed it to moisten her lips, saying that her work was done, that she was ready to die, and that her life had long ago been offered for the master. Nor would she allow the master to indulge her with regard to her own son. He was in exile, deservedly, and the shogun asked her permission to pardon him, in the belief of possible amendment. She refused, bidding Iyémitsŭ to remember his lesson:
that the law of the country was above all things, and that she had never expected such words from him.
Moreover, that had he revoked the law for her, she could not die in peace.
- quote from


The flat wasteland of this area was uninhabited until 1630, when Kasuga no Tsubone became entitled to the land and had 13 of her retainers live there.
Also called Kasugadono-chō 春日殿町 Lady Kasuga Town.

The main road of this area is now
Kasuga doori, Kasuga Dōri 春日通り Kasuga street

At its beginning of this road is a temple called
Rinshooin 麟祥院 Rinsho-In, Rinshoin.
( 4 Chome-1-8 Yushima, Bunkyo, Tokyo / 東京都文京区湯島4-1-8)
The temple was founded on her request in 1624 by 渭川周瀏 Isen (? - 1642) and first named 報恩山天沢寺.
(Other sources say it was founded in 1634, when her son, 稲葉正勝 Inaba Masakatsu (1597 - 1634) died.)
After her death the name was changed to her 法号 "postuhmous" Buddhist name, Rinsho.
A statue of her is in the temple ground and her grave is at this temple, 天沢山麟祥院.
Now a temple of the Rinzai Zen sect.
It has long been under the protection of the 稲葉家 Inaba and 堀田家 Hotta clan.
Her full posthumous name was 麟祥院殿仁淵了義尼大姉.
麟祥 rinsho is an auspicious name according to Chinese Buddhism.

. Legend about suzume ikusa 雀戦 fight of the sparrows .

春日局 墓 - her grave
There is a big hole in the main top stone. She ordered this to be able, even from her new residence in Paradise, to be able to supervise the well-being of the Shogun and the people of Edo.

Around the temple is a "living fence" of the tree karatachi カラタチ, Poncirus trifoliata.
The temple was therefore also called
Karatachidera からたち寺 / 枳殻寺.

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source : tokyo-life-gallery.blogspot.jp
Statue at 東京都文京区礫川公園 Park Rekisen Koen


Kasuga Jinja 春日神社 Kasuga Shrine
3 Chome-2-10 Kasugacho, Nerima, Tokyo


There is a sushi dish called "sumoshi" すもし
in memory of the famous Kasuga no Tsubone.
春日の局も賞味した湯葉の巻き寿司, Take no ko sumoshi 竹の子すもし(寿司). She was the wetnurse of the third shogun of Edo, Iemitsu, and a rather determined woman. The dish has been re-enacted now, since it was named in old papers of the temple Sanbo-In 三宝院 in the precincts.

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Bamboo Sprout Sushi / sumoshi
This is a simple sushi: fresh bamboo sprouts are wrapped in yuba soy bean milk skin. Sometimes sushi rice is added nowadays.

source : facebook - samurai gourmet

Seven-colored rice dishes of Lady Kasuga consists of:
1. "Nameshi" (rice with leaf vegetables) - contains beta carotene, helps prevent colds
2. "Kuri Meshi" (rice with chestnuts) - contains vitamins B and E, good for anti-aging
3. "Azuki Meshi" (rice with red beans) - anthocyanin in red beans has antioxidyzing effects and helps improve eye fatigue
4. "Mugi Meshi" (rice with barley) - contains vitamin B6, prevents anemia and helps improve blood flow
5. "Yutori Meshi" (twice-boiled rice) - contains much water, good for people with weak digestive system
6. "Hikiwari Meshi" (rice with crushed barley) - easy to digest, good for people with weak digestive system
7. "Hoshi Meshi" (dried rice) - need to chew well, stimulates brain activity and helps improve immunity to diseases

. Washoku - Japanese Food Culture .


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The monument of Nerima radish
The monument of Nerima radish was built in 1940 on the grounds of Aizen-in Temple in Kasugacho to commemorate the fact that the Nerima radish has been a local specialty since the Edo period and has become well known nationwide.
The stone monument of about 3 meters tall is engraved with “The monument of Nerima radish” in large letters.

It is said that the fifth Shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, of the Edo period ordered the start of cultivation of the Nerima radish when he became sick and visited present-day Nerima for medical treatment. As the cultivation of the Nerima radish gained in popularity, it became an important vegetable to support the Edo residents’ diet.
Around the middle of the Meiji period, the urban areas around the Tokyo metropolitan area also started to grow the Nerima radish, whose production has increased and become known nationwide.
- reference source : nerima-kanko-en.blogspot.jp -

. Nerima daikon 練馬大根 big radish from Nerima .


. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .

ushiishi, ushi-ishi 牛石 "bull stone"
When 源実朝 Minamoto no Sanetomo (1192 - 1219) was making war in the Northern Territories, Sugawara Michizane 菅神 Kanjin appeared in his dream, riding a bull:
"Lord Sanetomo has two parts of good fortune. When the war is over, built a small shrine and venerate there."
When Sanetomo woke up, he found a stone with the imprint of a bull's hooves just as he had seen in his dream.
In this year, his son 源頼家 Minamoto no Yoriie (1182 - 1204) was born and in the following year, Sanetomo was able to fight his enemy.
After winning the battle, he had a shrine erected and made an offering of this "Bull Stone".

牛石 (牛天神北野神社)(東京都文京区春日) Ushi Tenjin Kitano Jinja
1 Chome-5-2 Kasuga, Bunkyō ward


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

- - - - - - Not related to the famous Edo lady:
. Great Kasuga Shrine 春日大社 Kasuga-taisha - Nara .
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Kasuga Gongen
Kasuga gongen reigenki emaki (Illustrated Scrolls of the Miracles of the Kasuga Deity)
The Illustrated Miracles of the Kasuga Deity, in twenty fascicles, is an illustrated hand scroll that contains depictions of the miracles of the Kasuga Deity, the tutelary god of the Fujiwara clan. The deity was worshipped at the Grand Shrine of Kasuga (Kasuga Taisha), which wielded great political and cultural influence along with Koufukuji with which the shrine was intergrated.
The scolls were completed in 1309 (Enkyou 2), during the late-Kamakura period, by the painter Takashina Takakane.
The set is a rare example of illustrated scroll for which the precise date and creator are known and is thus been recognized as an important historical resource.
- source : nara-wu.ac.jp/aic ... -

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  1. Tokyo Temple
    金剛賓山 Kongohozan 根生院 Konsho-In 延寿寺 Enju-Ji
    豊島区高田1-34-6 / 1 Chome-34-6 Takada, Toshima ward
    This temple was founded in 1636 by 春日局の猶子榮春法印 the adopted child of Kasuga no Tsubone, Priest Eishun (Shigeharu) and was under the protection as a special temple of the Tokugawa Shogunate 幕府の祈願所.

  2. Tokyo Enshooji 円照寺 / 圓照寺 Ensho-Ji
    Shinjuku, 北新宿 Kita-Shinjuku 3-23-2
    The temple was lost to fire around 1600, but later rebuilt on request of
    . Lady Kasuga 春日局 Kasuga no Tsubone .


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