
nikki diaries

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

Nikki 日記 Diaries of the Edo period - Tagebuch

Many chief retainers (karoo 家老 Karo) wrote detailed diaries of their domain.
Other Samurai wrote about the food they found on their way to and from Edo.

江戸お留守居役の日記 Edo O-Rusuiyaku no Nikki
rusuiyaku - a Samurai representing the master during his absence.

to be updated

Enyuu Nikki 宴遊日記 Enyu Nikki - Diary of Banquets and Amusements
compiled over the years 1773 - 1785

En'yu Nikki - A banquet diary

source : chokai.info/areanews


柳沢信鴻 Yanagisawa Nobutoki (1724 - 1792)
Daimyo of the Yamato Koriyama domain 大和郡山藩主

yuuen nikki 遊宴日記 Yuen Nikki (different Kanji)
江戸の植木屋と花屋 : 柳沢信鴻著- 遊宴日記
Garden tree shops and flower shops of Edo (Tokyo)

- quote -
Garden tree shops and flower shops of Edo (Tokyo) in 18th were written by Yanagisawa Nobutoki in his diary Enyu Nikki. Those shops where Nobutoki bought plants to make the garden in his residence Rikugien at Edo sold many kinds of trees and flowers. Nobutoki described that those shops had sold many plants which visitors wanted to decorate their room or make their garden. In Edo period nurserymen produced new varieties of garden plants which anyone can't get now. Those shops existed at many places in Edo. For example, those were at Dosaka, Yushima and Sendagi which are belonged to Bunkyo Ward today, and at Hirokodoji, Rokuamida, Kubifuri-zaka in Taito Ward.
- source : nirr.lib.niigata-u.ac.jp -

- 柳沢延時 Yanagisawa Nobutoki (maybe a misspelling of the Kanji 柳沢信鴻) -

- quote -
Prayer and Play in Late Tokugawa Japan: Asakusa Sensōji
Yanagisawa Nobutoki (1724-92), a retired daimyo, provides a good example of the populace's passionate veneration of the Asakusa Kannon. .....
- source : books.google.co.jp - Nam-Lin Hur -

A Kabuki Reader: History and Performance
By Samuel L. Leiter
- - - - - Enyu Nikki - A banquet diary
account of Samurai interested in Kabuki theater
..... Nobutoki was active in Haikai poetry circles
- source : books.google.co.jp -

and 宴遊日記別録 Enyu nikki betsuroku

- reference : Yanagisawa Nobutoki -
also google for
柳沢淇園 Yanagisawa Kien (1704–1758)


Hakuen Nikki 柏莚日記 Hakuen Diary
Hakuen was the artist name of Kabuki actor 市川団十郎 Ichikawa Danjuro 2nd.

- reference : 柏莚日記 -


Kakyuu bushi no shoku nikki 下級武士の食日記 Food Diary of a lowly Samurai
幕末単身赴任 Bakumatsu tanshin funin - Living alone in Edo at the Bakumatsu time
酒井伴四郎日記 Sakai Banshiro Nikki

酒井伴四郎 Sakai Banshiro (1833 - ?)
He was a samurai of low rank 下級武士 with a small income. As a young man of 28 he had to stay on duty i Edo from the 6th to the eleventh month of 1860 and kept a diary of his diet and the many things he observed in the big city. He even talks about the 月見団子 dumplings for moon viewing in Autumn and other gourmet food he encountered.
He lived in cheap Nagaya quarters and improved his knowledge about cooking while doing odd jobs in restaurants.

source : mocket.exblog.jp/15980834


Karoo Nikki 家老日記 Diary of the Chief Retainer
The Tottori Domain from 1655 till 1870. Kept by the 池田家 Ikeda family about the events in Tottori.
Is contains 250 volumes.

- reference source : r25.jp/topi - 鳥取県立博物館 -

access to the digital Database
- source : digital-museum.pref.tottori.jp -


Matsudaira Yamato no Kami Nikki 松平大和守日記
The Diary of Matsudaira Yamato no Kami

Matsudaira Yamatonokami nikki
by Matsudaira Naonori 松平直矩 (1642 - 1695)

Flowing Traces: Buddhism in the Literary and Visual Arts of Japan
edited by James H. Sanford, William R. LaFleur, Masatoshi Nagatomi
..... A particularly important source of contemporary information concerning Sekkyô-bushi is the Matsudaira Yamato no kami nikki, cited by Muroki. .....
- source : books.google.co.jp -

Murakami Komonjo Kankokai, 1989
Naonori Matsudaira, Kozo Suzuki
- source : books.google.co.jp -

松平直徳 (1869 - 1931) Matsudaira Naonori - Another Daimyo
- quote -
Matsudaira Naonori was the second son of Matsudaira Yoshinori, last daimyô of Akashi han in Harima province. Adopted by his elder brother Matsudaira Naomune, he inherited headship of the family in 1884.
A viscount (shishaku) in the Meiji period kazoku system of peerage, Naonori was a member of the House of Lords, and board member or company director of Akashi Bank, and the Hakushika saké company.
He is known also for his art collection, which included a rare set of nanban screens entitled Yôjin sôgakuzu byôbu, and today in the collection of the MOA (Museum of Art) in Shizuoka.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com -

- reference : Matsudaira Yamato no Kami -


Moriyama Takamori Nikki 森山孝盛日記
森山孝盛 Moriyama Takamori (1738 - 1815)

He made a career in the Bakufu government, from 目付 Metsuke to 先手鉄砲頭 Sakite Teppogashira in 1794 and next year to 火付盗賊改 Hitsuke Tosoku Aratame.
After that he was 西丸持弓頭 and then 槍奉行 Yari Bugyo until he quit in 1812.

- reference : Moriyama Takamori -


Oomuro Uchuu Ki 鸚鵡籠中記  Omuro Uchu Ki - Records of a parrot in the cage
元禄武士の日記 Diary of a Genroku Period Samurai

oomuro 鸚鵡 parrot in a cage, was used for the title, because Shigeaki was very skilled in writing easily and amusing for the readers.

朝日重章 Asahi Shigeaki (1674 - 1718)

Records from 1684 till 1717 of a Samurai from the 尾張藩 Owari domain.
He also writes about 宝永地震 the strong earthquake of 1707.

This book is also known as
元禄御畳奉行の日記 Genroku O-Tatami Bugyo no Nikki

source : tinnen.cocolog-nifty.com/blog

- reference : Asahi Shigeaki -


Saito Gesshin Nikki 斎藤月岑日記
斎藤月岑 Saito Gesshin (1804 - 1878)

He was 神田の町名主 the mayor of Kanda. His family has held this job since Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Edo in 1590. His father died when Gesshin was only 15 years old.
His grave is in Ueno at temple Hoozenji 法善寺 Hozen-Ji.
This diary covers the years from 1830 till 1875.

- reference : wikipedia -

Gesshin was involved in many literary projects, for example
江戸名所図会(7巻20冊) Edo Meisho Zue
東都歳事記(4巻)Toto Saijiki
武江年表(12巻)Buko Nenpyo . . . and many more
- reference : Saito Gesshin Nikki -

. Tooto Saijiki 東都歳時記 Saijiki of the Eastern Capital (Edo) .


Seisei Nikki 征西日記 The Western Conquest Diary

江戸時代のグルメ日記 gourmet diary of the Edo period
伊庭八郎 Iba Hachiro (1844 - 1869)

Hachiro had to go to Kyoto with the Shogun 徳川家茂 Tokugawa Iemochi.
On this trip he wrote about many things found on the way.


Nikki bungaku 日記文学 is a genre of Japanese diary literature.

. Tosa Nikki 土佐日記 Tosa Diary .
Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 - (872-945)


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

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