
Authors Edo Period

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Authors and writers of the Edo period

. Books, Printing and Publishing in Edo .

. Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo .
Asai Ryoi / Kinko Entsu / Kagiya Heiemon / Toda Mosui / Kikuoka Senryo / Tajihi Chikatomo / Mishima Masayuki / Kamiya Nobuyori

under construction

江戸艶本(えほん)ベストセラー Edo Ehon Bestsellers
林美一 Hayashi Yoshikazu (1922 - 1999)


- - - - - besutoseraa ベストセラー bestseller authors :

Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 – 1831)

. Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige 東海道中膝栗毛 Shank's Mare .
Yajirobē (彌次郎兵衛) and Kitahachi (喜多八) walking along the Tokaido road.


Santo Kyoden 山東京伝 (1761 - 1816)
心学早染草 Shingaku Hayasomegusa / "Quick-dye Mind Study"

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Santō Kyōden - Kyōya Denzō 京屋伝蔵
He wrote Kibyōshi, Sharebon, Yomihon and Historical works
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 (1767 - 1848)
曲亭 馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni

. 南総里見八犬伝 Nansō Satomi Hakkenden . (fb)
The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansô

. Types of Dragons explained in the Satomi Hakkenden .

In 1803 the first Haikai Saijiki Shiorigusa (Kanzoo) 俳諧歳時記栞草 was compiled by Takizawa Bakin, with about 2600 seasonal themes and topics (kidai) and 3300 kigo.
. History of Saijiki .

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842)

偐紫田舎源氏 Nise Murasaki inaka Genji
The Rustic Genji, False Murasaki and a Country Genji
A Fraudulent Murasaki's Bumpkin Genji

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - ABC List - - - - -

. Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko . (1718 - 1759)


Domyaku Sensei 銅脈先生 (1752 - 1801)



. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho . (1652 – 1724)
painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet.


. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 1780)

Author, Inventor, Naturalist, free spirit of Edo


. Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 - kokugakusha . (1776 – 1843)

Tengu 仙境異聞 Senkyo Ibun / 寅吉物語 Torakichi Monogatari
- translated by Wilburn Hansen
When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane's Ethnography of the Other World


Ichikawa Kansai 市河寛斎 (1749 - 1820)

Songs of the Northern Quarter
日本詩紀 -


Kawatake Mokuami 河竹黙阿弥 (1816 - 1893)



. Karai Senryu 柄井川柳 . (1718 - 1790)

Haifu-Yanagidaru 誹風柳多留 Senryu Poetry Collection


Nishimura Hakucho 西村白鳥  ( around 1773 )

Enka Kidan 煙霞綺談 Strange tales of smoke and mist, ghost stories and historical notes


Ryutei Rijo 滝亭鯉丈 (?- 1841)

Hanagoyomi 花暦八笑人 Eight footloose fools


Shiba Zenko 芝全交  (1750 - 1793)


Shikitei Sanba 式亭三馬 (1776 - 1822)

In the world of men, nothing but lies


Tadano Makuzu 只野真葛  (1765 - 1825)

Tales from the North 奥州波奈志(おうしゆうはなし)


Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)

The Plum Calendar 春色梅児誉美うめごよみ


Terakado Seiken 寺門静軒 (1796 - 1868)

An account of the prosperity of Edo 江戸繁昌記 Edo hanjoki

- quote -
Terakado Seiken's "Blossoms Along the Sumida" Bokusui Ooka
- source : Andrew Markus - PDF file (21 pages)


Tsuruya Nanboku IV 鶴屋南北  (1755 - 1829)
Ebiya Genzō

Dramatist and Kabuki playwrite

He wrote plays with supernatural themes and macabre and grotesque characters.
- reference : tsuruya nanboku -


. Ueda Akinari 上田秋成 . (1734 - 1809)

雨月物語 Ugetsu Monogatari - Tales of Moonlight and Rain


Umebori Kokuga 梅暮里谷峨 (1750 - 1821)

At a fork on the road to hiring a hooker


Yamaoka Matsuake  山岡浚明 (1726 - 1780)

跖婦人伝 Seki the Night Hawk


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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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