
Isecho Ise district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Isechoo 伊勢町 Isecho, Ise district
中央区 Chuo ward 日本橋 Nihonbashi 日本橋室町一〜四丁目Muromachi and 日本橋本町一〜四丁目 Honcho

Along the river Nihonbashigawa 日本橋川, between the bridges 道場橋 Dojobashi and 雲母橋 Kirarabashi (Kirara-bashi).
This part was called Isechokashi 伊勢町河岸 Ise river bank.

On the North side of the river lived dealers in Katsuobushi, Nori and other kanbutsu 乾物 dried food.
The Edokko people called this area Shiokashi 塩河岸 "Salt river bank".
On the South side of the river lived dealers in rice and grains. It was called Komekashi 米河岸 "Rice river bank".
Large warehouses and store houses with white fireproof walls were on both sides of the river, it was quite a rich area.

source : Edo Meisho Zue
「伊勢町河岸通(いせちょうかしどおり)」 Isechokashidori

Many people from Ise, Mie prefecture lived here in the Edo period.

. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Great Ise Shrine .
Mie Prefecture, Ise, Ujitachicho, 1

. 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' - 東京大神宮 Tokyo Daijingu .
Tokyo Daijingu is affectionately called 'O-Ise-san in Tokyo' because of its enshrined deities.

The modern district of Isecho was founded in 1932.


Gotoo Nuidonosuke 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuidonosuke
He was the head of the Goto family in Edo and had a gofuku 呉服 shop for robes.


伊勢町堀(西堀留川) Isecho-bori canal

source : monumento

This canal was later renamed 西堀留川 river Nishi-Horidomegawa.


- quote -
Ise Province (伊勢国 Ise no kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area of Japan that is today includes most of modern Mie Prefecture.
Ise bordered on Iga, Kii, Mino, Ōmi, Owari, Shima, and Yamato Provinces. Its abbreviated form name was Seishū (勢州).
The name of Ise
appears in the earliest written records of Japan, and was the site of numerous religious and folklore events connected with the Shinto religion and Yamato court. Ise province was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code, when the former princely state of Ise was divided into Ise, Iga and Shima. The original capital of the province was located in what is now the city of Suzuka, and was excavated by archaeologists in 1957. The site was proclaimed a national historic landmark in 1986.
The remains of the Ise kokubunji have also been found within the boundaries of modern Suzuka.
Under the Engishiki classification system, Ise was ranked as a "great country" (大国) and a "close country" (近国).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - There are many Ise-Cho and Ise-Machi in Japanese cities :

いせちょう - Isecho
伊勢町 (石巻市) - 宮城県石巻市の地名。
伊勢町 (北秋田市) - 秋田県北秋田市の地名。
伊勢町 (足利市) - 栃木県足利市の地名。
伊勢町 (熊谷市) - 埼玉県熊谷市の地名。
伊勢町 (横浜市) - 神奈川県横浜市西区の地名。
伊勢町 (川崎市) - 神奈川県川崎市川崎区の地名。
伊勢町 (守山市) - 滋賀県守山市の地名。
伊勢町 (芦屋市) - 兵庫県芦屋市の地名。
木月伊勢町 - 神奈川県川崎市中原区の地名。

いせまち - Isemachi
伊勢町 (中之条町) - 群馬県吾妻郡中之条町の地名。
伊勢町 (長野市) - 長野県長野市の地名。
伊勢町 (関市) - 岐阜県関市の地名。
伊勢町 (碧南市) - 愛知県碧南市の地名。
伊勢町 (名古屋市) - 愛知県名古屋市中区
伊勢町 (佐賀市) - 佐賀県佐賀市の地名。
伊勢町 (長崎市) - 長崎県長崎市の地名。
宮島町伊勢町 - 広島県廿日市市の地名。

- source : wikipedia


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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