. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Noneyama Kaido 野根山街道 Noneyama Highway
Kochi 高知県
From 奈半利町 Nahari town via the Noneyama mountains to 東洋町野根 Toyo town, None.
About 35 km, now a mountain ridge path with many historical sights.
It is one of the best remains of the atmosphere of an old highway.
also called
宿屋杉のみち Yadoyasugi no michi
岩佐関所のみち Iwasa Sekisho no michi
甲浦ポンカンのみち Kannoura ponkan no michi
Along the road are still many ichirizuka 一里塚 and gorizuka 五里塚 one mile and five mile markers.
Many travelers spent the night at
Yadoya Sugi 宿屋杉 "cedar tree inn".
For 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai there were various stops:
朝休み場 Asa-yasumiba, お茶屋場, O-Chayaba, shiki-ishi 敷石 stones at the pass 装束峠 Shozoku Toge
岩佐の関所跡 Iwasa no Sekisho ato - remains of the Barrier at Iwasa
宿屋杉のみち Yadoyasugi no michi - 18,8 km
road of the Cedar tree serving as an inn
This old cedar tree of more than 1000 years was destroyed during the typhoon in 1934.
It used to have a circumference of about 16 m and was 32 m high.
Even now people can spend the night in its cavities.
Nearby is also a sanrizuka 三里塚 mile marker of 3 miles.
the pass 熊笹峠 Kumazasa Toge
岩佐関所のみち Iwasa Sekisho no michi - 16,8 km
In former times there was a barrier at 岩佐村 Iwasa village.
There are the remains of the estate of the Kinoshita family and the grave of 木下由里 Kinoshita Yuri.
The legend about Yuri is told below.
Emperor 土御門上皇 Tsuchimikado (1196 - 1231) named 岩佐の清水 the clear water at Iwasa.
- and also on the way are
地蔵峠 Jizo Toge pass
五里塚 Gorizuka
一の門 Ichinomon
四郎ヶ野峠 Shirogane Toge pass
二本松 Nihonmatsu
野根川橋 Nonekawabashi bridge
甲浦ポンカンのみち Kannoura ponkan no michi - 2,5 km
The harbour 甲浦港 Kannoura and the coastline of Shirahama 白浜海岸 are well worth a visit.
Kannoura is famous for its ponkan ポンカン ponkan mandarin ('Chinese Honey Orange') - Citrus reticulata.
Ponkan is now probably the most widely-grown mandarin in the world. The fruit is rather large for a mandarin.
This road continues to 徳島 Tokushima and the road 水床探求のみち Mitoko Tankyu no Michi.
- reference source : 水床探求の道 -
- reference : pref.kochi ... Shikoku no Michi
- reference : 古道歩き -
- reference : Yamareco -
- reference : HWAC Hiroshima -
-further reference -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Kochi 高知県
安芸郡 Aki district 奈半利町 Nahari town
kosodate yuurei 子育て幽霊 a ghost nursing the baby
Once upon a time a woman named 由里 Yuri married into the family of the shooya 庄屋 village headman and soon a baby was born. The woman became ill with a lung disease and was sent back to her family, where she died.
From then on, every night they heard the sound of someone knocking on the main gate, calling the name of the child. Then the baby heard the voice, it woke up and begun to make the movements of drinking from mother's breast. This went on for a long time.
The villagers thought that Yuri had come back nursing her child after all.
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. inoshishi 猪と伝説 Legends about the wild boar, .
Once a mountain forest worker was on his way home when he observed a wolf and a wild boar fighting and biting each other.
When he passed the same spot next morning, there were only the bones of both animals, they had eaten each other to the last bite of the flesh and the bones were still biting.
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. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
There came a 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai procession somewhat out of season and the villagers got suspicious. One of them called out "I can see your tail" and then the old Tanuki showed their real features. The villagers later told the Tanuki that the real procession was coming soon. The Tanuki appeared again, was called out and then the Samurai killed him.
. sankin kootai 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai Daimyo attendance in Edo .
- daimyō gyōretsu 大名行列 Daimyo procession to and from Edo
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warai tsuga 笑い栂 laughing Tsuga tree
Around 1850 a woodcutter on his way to the mountain forest heard a voice calling:
"I'm deep in the mountain!"
He became afraid and fled downhill, taking a break under a tree. There he heard a loud voice laughing up in the tree, so he ran home as fast as he could. When he came home all his toes were cut off.
Since then this tree is called "the laughing Tsuga tree".
tsuga no ki 栂の木 Tsuga tree (Tsuga sieboldii)
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
野根山街道の民話 by 前田年雄 Maedo Toshio
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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #noneyamakaido #noneyama #noneyamakochi #kochi #yadoyasugi #iwasa #sekisho #kannoura - - - -
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