. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters and ghosts - ABC-List .
江戸 Edo - 妖怪 Yokai monsters, 幽霊 Yurei ghosts
. Legends and Tales from Edo 江戸の伝説 .
- Introduction -
. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo .
The number seven itself carries a mystical significance.
Various districts of Edo had their own collection, for example Honjo:
. Honjo Nana Fushigi 本所七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Honjo .
Oitekebori 置いてけ堀 / 置行堀
baka bayashi 馬鹿囃子 (tanuki bayashi 狸囃子)
okuri choochin 送り提灯
ochiba shinai shii no ki 落葉しない椎の木 pasania tree without falling leaves
Tsugaru no taiko 津軽の太鼓
kiezu andoo 消えずの行灯
ashi-arai yashiki 足洗い屋敷
. Ghosts (yookai, yuurei, bakemono 化け物 o-bake お化け) .
- Introduction -
. Edo Yookai Karuta 江戸妖怪かるた Edo Yokai monsters card game .
Bushu 武州 : Tokyo 東京都、Chiba 千葉県、Saitama 埼玉県
Tales about Yokai along the Tokaido road 東海道
. The 53 stations of the Tokaido Road 東海道五十三次 .
. Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 .
- - - - - ABC-List - - - - -
haifuri tanuki 灰降狸 the ash-throwing Tanuki
In the year 1854 in the 6th lunar month there was constantly ashes raining down to the ground of the Tenjin Shrine in 麹町 Kojimachi.
People thought it was the malicious deed of a Tanuki badger.
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
. Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district in Edo .
isogashi いそがし "busy busy" the busybody
Showed up first in Kumamoto, running busily around the streets, knocking things over.
Very similar to the tenjoname 天井嘗 ceiling licker.
- reference -
. Kappabashi かっぱばし/ かっぱ河 / 合羽橋 in Asakusa .
Where the famous water goblin, Kappa 河童, is living.
and the legend of Kappa Kawataro 合羽川太郎(合羽屋喜八 Kappaya Kihachi).
Kioicho no densha 紀尾井町の電車 the train from Kioi village
An old fox who lived in the vicinity of Kioi village began to imitate the sound of the train toward Akasaka all night long : gatagoto chinchin ガタゴトチンチン.
But there is no train to be seen.
. Kioichoo 紀尾井町 Kioicho district, Chiyoda, Tokyo .
. Konoha Tengu 木葉天狗 / 木の葉天狗 "Tree Leaf Tengu" .
One of them lives at Mount Takao, 高尾山薬王院 Mount Takaozan, Temple Yakuo-In, Tokyo.
kuchisake onna 口裂け女 slit-mouthed woman
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 Sangen-jaya, "three tea stalls" .
She likes the number three, so she likes to come here.
Someone saw her on the road in 千代田区 Chiyoda ward. If there are three people walking together, she comes after them with a knife.
kurokamikiri 黒髪切 black hair cutter
In the middle of the night a black monster comes out and cuts the hair of people.
Its hands are said to look like scissors, sometimes his mouth also.
- quote -
The black hair cutter or Kurokamikiri
is one of the most grotesque and disturbing yokai and has a hair obsession. Kurokamikiri is vaguely humanoid. It has a bloated body with chubby arms and legs. It has no neck but a bulbous head. Its skin is deepest black and the only features visible are a wide mouth with a slug like tongue and huge flat teeth, and two tiny, evil yellow eyes spaced far apart on its dark visage. Kurokamikiri will creep up behind its victims and bite off their hair.
Kurokamikiri is said to make a “mogaaaaa!”sound.
- source : Richard Freeman -
Kurokamikiri anatomical illustration from Mizuki Shigeru : Yokai Daizukai
- source : pinterest.com -
onimusume, oni-musume 鬼娘 demon daughter
A young girl that would eat anything you put in her mouth. Said to be the yokai of a cat.
A monster version of うら若きむすめ urawakaki musume.
She was often shown in 見世物小屋 curio shows.
- - - - - A bit different
nekomusume, neko musume 猫娘 cat daughter
- source and text : Zack Davisson-
ooji no kitsune 王子の狐 the Fox from Oji
Ando Hiroshige 安藤広重
. Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine .
ooki na otoko 大きな男 the huge man
Once the children of the village were telling stories when in the room next-door there was a strange noise of something falling down. When they looked, it was a huge, huge rice cake and they all enjoyed to eat it together.
"Let's hope another one will fall down!" they wondered and indeed, there was again a noise in the room next-door.
"Where is that rice cake?" shouted a huge man.
They all run away in great fear.
- - - - - 10 tales of huge men to explore
- source : yokai database -
. Sara yashiki 皿屋敷 "the Dish Mansion" .
The story of お菊 Okiku and the Nine Plates
at Bancho 番町皿屋敷
. sazae-oni 栄螺鬼 / さざえ鬼 haunted turban shell .
may be found in 品川 Shinagawa.
. Shinozakigitsune, Shinozaki-gitsune 篠崎狐 the Kitsune fox from Shinozaki .
江戸川区 Edogawa ward, Tokyo
tachifusagari たちふさがり twister, whirlwind
tachifusagaru 立塞がる to stand in one's way
A kind of whirlwind (tatsumaki たつまき) that occurs in Saitama.
Also called kawa no tachifusagari 川のたちふさがり (you can not cross the river).
Sometimes it occurs right in the middle of a river and people were quite afraid of it.
It looked like a fearful monster to the people of old.
図説江戸の幽霊 - 江戸怪談と幽霊画
水木しげるのTOKYO妖怪めぐり Mizuki Shigeru Tokyo Yokai Meguri
第1章 - 日常に潜む妖怪たち
(銭湯 あかなめ ―清潔志向の現代を生き抜くのもひと苦労?
Akaname (Grime Licker)
A yokai that appears if a bathtub is not kept clean. He licks grime in the bathroom.
ラッシュアワー いそがし ―心休まる暇もない、ストレス社会を象徴
busybody, running around constantly
深夜のオフィス - オバリヨン ―残業つづきで疲れたあなたを癒してくれる?
Obarion, Obariyon
Yokai which rides piggyback on a human victim and becomes unbearably heavy.
第2章 - 東京妖怪名所図会
(麻布十番 小豆洗い ―甘いお菓子の裏にはこの妖怪の努力あり?
Azuki arai
(or Azukitogi) – A spirit that washes azuki beans.
吉祥寺 油すまし ―どこに潜んでいるか、わかるかな?
Abura sumashi -
Oil Presser - a squat creature with a straw-coat covered body and a potato-like or stony head - originally from Amakusa, Kumamoto
お台場 海坊主 ―自然の恐ろしさを伝える海上の大入道
Umibōzu, Umibozu –
A giant monster appearing on the surface of the sea.
第3章 - 鬼太郎と仲間たち
(コインランドリー 一反木綿 ―のんきに宙をさまよっている…わけではない!
町田 児啼爺 ―赤ちゃんのような姿にだまされてはいけない
A yokai with an old man’s body who cries like a baby. If someone who hears a baby wailing and picks up this creature (which looks like a baby), it becomes heavier and heavier, turning into a rock that crushes the victim.
巣鴨 砂かけ婆 ―「おばあちゃんの原宿」は妖怪にも通用するのだっ!?
Yokai with a kind-hearted personality who runs the Yokai Apartment business. There are tubes inside her nails that inject sand, blinding people.
column 本所七不思議 Honjo Nana Fushigi
column 水木妖怪に会える街、境港と調布
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- a long list of yokai along the Main Roads
Tokyo : たちふさがり、王子の狐、紀尾井町の電車、大きな男、灰降狸、黒髪切、鬼娘
- source : wakanmomomikan.yu-nagi.com -
3 Best Yokai Spots in Chofu, Tokyo - in memory of author of “Kitaro,” Shigeru Mizuki,
Tenjin Dori Shopping Street 天神通り商店街 // Fudaten Shrine 布多天神社 // Kitaro Chaya Shop 鬼太郎茶屋
- source and photos : goinjapanesque.com -
All the Old Haunts: A Yokai Guide to Tokyo and Beyond
- source : John Paul Catton -
- - - -- Tokyo 東京 - 143 tales to explore
- source : nichibun Yokai database -
- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- back to -
. Kaido Ancient Roads - Yokai and Yurei 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 .
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