
Chayazaka slope Meguro

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope"
Meguro 目黒区三田二丁目 Mita second district, 中目黒二丁目 Naka-Meguro second district

In the Edo period, this was a steep meandering slope with many pine trees on both sides, providing a view of Mount Fuji on the way.

江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue


- - - - - Meguro no Sanma 目黒の秋刀魚 Sanma fish from Meguro - - - - -
Grilling Sanma on a small brazier “Shichirin” and adding some soy sauce is the most popular recipe. “Shichirin” is a traditional Japanese charcoal cooking stove, which was used in many households but gradually gave way to gas cookers. You can still see them used in some barbecue restaurants. There are other ways to serve Sanma, such as in Sushi-style, broiled, boiled, fried and in sashimi-style.

- - - The story of “Meguro no Sanma”
A long ago, sometime around the Edo Period, the Shogun felt hungry while he was performing falconry in Meguro. He dropped by a teahouse named
Jiji ga Chaya, Jiji-ga-chaya 爺々が茶屋 Grandfather's Tea House,
belonging to the farmer 彦四郎 Hikoshiro. There the Shogun was served a grilled Sanma (which was ordinary people's every day dish).
He loved it so much and this became the origin of the name “Meguro-no Sanma”.
Some say,
the two Shoguns 3代将軍家光 Iemitsu and 8代将軍吉宗 Yoshimune came here to eat. Iemitsu liked the old farmer Hikoshiro so much, he called him "Jiji", my Grandfather, giving way to the name. Other Shoguns also came by and usually left a piece of silver as payment.
When 10代将軍家治 the 10th Shogun, Ieharu (1737 - 1786) passed by, he also became dango 団子 dumplings and dengaku 田楽 tidbits on skewers, grilled with misopaste.

. WKD : sanma さんま Pacific Saury,mackerel pike, (Cololabis saira) .

目黒さんま祭り Sanma Festival in Meguro

The Meguro Sanma Festival has been taking place every year since 1996. At the festival they give away about 7000 grilled Sanma fish (Pacific Saury) for free - you have to line up in the 1 kilometer queue though.
It is said that moons ago,
a feudal lord was riding on his horse in Meguro and came across the smell of some Sanma being grilled. When he asked the local peasants what it was, they replied that it was a fish called Sanma and that it was not appropriate for a lord to consume. The lord requested for some of this fish to be brought to him and he discovered how tasty this om nom nom Sanma was. The festival is said to celebrate this story.
source and more photos : www.dannychoo.com


stone memorial for the fresh water of the tea stall


- quote -
Grandpa's Teahouse 爺々が茶屋 Jijigachaya and the path down the slope to Meguro river
Utagawa Ando Hiroshige 広重
Jiji-ga-chaya is the name of a teahouse the 3rd Shogun Iemitsu visited during his falconry hunts.
There is still a slope named Chaya-zaka spreading from present-day Naka-Meguro,
Meguro Ward to around Mita and this seems to have been the location of Jiji-ga-chaya.
The place became known because it provided a view of wide-open fields to the west and Mt. Fuji could be seen.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


stamp from Meguro Station

. chaya 茶屋 tea stalls in Edo .

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo .


茶屋坂街かど公園 Chayazaka Machikado Koen Park



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. 目黒区 Meguro ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #chayazaka #jijizaka #jijislope #grandpaslope #jijigachaya - - - -

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