
Akita Kaido Highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Akita Kaido 秋田街道 Highways in Akita

There are quite a few highways in Akita.

- reference source : thr.mlit.go.jp/akita/jimusyo... -

Many routes were use for
. 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai - Daimyo attendance in Edo .
from the local castle towns to the main Kaido connecting with Edo.

. Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido .
connecting Edo with Tohoku


. Ushu Kaido, Ushū Kaidō 羽州街道 Ushu Highway .
- Postal stations in Akita:

21. Innai-juku (院内宿) (Yuzawa)
22. Yokobori-juku (横堀宿) (Yuzawa)
23. Yuzawa-juku (湯沢宿) (Yuzawa)
24. Yokote-juku (横手宿) (Yokote)
25. Kanezawa-juku (金沢宿) (Yokote)
26. Rokugō-juku (六郷宿) (Misato, Senboku District)
27. Omagari-juku (大曲宿) (Daisen)
28. Jingūji-juku (神宮寺宿) (Daisen)
29. Kariwano-juku (刈和野宿) (Daisen)
--- Kamiyodokawa-juku (上淀川宿) (Daisen)

30. Sakai-juku (境宿) (Daisen)
--- Wada-juku (和田宿) (Akita)
31. Toshima-juku (豊島宿) (Akita)
32. Kubota-juku (久保田宿) (Akita)
33. Tsuchizakiminato-juku (土崎湊宿) (Akita)
34. Okubo-juku (大久保宿) (Katagami)
35. Abukawa-juku (虻川宿) (Katagami)
36. Okawa-juku (大川宿) (Gojōme, Minamiakita District)
37. Hitoichi-juku (一日市宿) (Hachirōgata, Minamiakita District)
38. Kado-juku (鹿渡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)
39. Morioka-juku (森岡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)

40. Toyooka-juku (豊岡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)
41. Hiyama-juku (檜山宿) (Noshiro)
42. Tsurugata-juku (鶴形宿) (Noshiro)
43. Tobine-juku (飛根宿) (Noshiro)
44. Niageba-juku (荷上場宿) (Noshiro)
45. Kotsunagi-juku (小繋宿) (Noshiro)
46. Imaizumi-juku (今泉宿) (Kitaakita)
47. Maeyama-juku (前山宿) (Kitaakita)
48. Tsuzureko-juku (綴子宿) (Kitaakita)
49. Kawaguchi-juku (川口宿) (Ōdate)
50. Odate-juku (大館宿) (Ōdate)
51. Shakanai-juku (釈迦内宿) (Ōdate)


. Ani Kaido 阿仁街道 .
and the Sumitomo silver mines

Gojome Kaido 五城目街道
From Gojome City via 阿仁 Ani village to 米内沢 Yonaizawa Town. Used by the Ani silver mines.
Now National Highway 285.

Heiwa Kaido 平和街道
From 岩手県北上市 Kitakami city in Iwate to 秋田県横手市 Yokote city in Akita.
Part of National Highway 107.

Honjo Kaido 本荘街道
From 西馬音内 Nishimonai to the 羽州街道 Ushu Kaido (near 湯沢付 Yuzawa village).
Used for Sankin Kotai by the 六郷氏 Rokugo Clan.

Junisho Kaido 十二所街道
- also called 鹿角街道 Kazuno Kaido in Iwate.
Used for Sankin Kotai from the 久保田藩 Kubota Domain along 川口 Kawaguchi to Junisho. Then past Kakunodate to 滝沢 Takizawa in Iwate.
Also used by 藤原氏 the Fujiwara clan from 岩手県平泉町 Hiraizumi.
. Kazuno Kaido 鹿角街道 Kazuno Highway .

Kakunodate Kaido 角館街道
From 大曲宿 Omagari station via 長野宿 Nagano to the castle town of Kakunodate.
Used by the 戸沢氏 Tozawa clan for the army.
Now National Highway 46 and 105.
- - - - - . Miyako Kaido 宮古街道 Miyako Highway . - Iwate

Kameda Kaido 亀田街道
This highway was established in the Edo period by the 久保田藩 Kubota domain, from the town 刈和野 Kariwano to the town of Kameda.
It was a waki kaido 脇街道 byroad to the 川大内街道 Kawaono Kaido and used for Sankin Kotai.
It was also called Tonosama Kaido 殿様街道 "Kaido for the Daimyo".
It was used for the transportation of seafood and used by many travelers and pilgrims.
The three domaines of Kameda, Kubota and 矢島藩 Yashino bordered on this highway and they were often fighting for the territory.

Kariwano Kaido 刈和野街道
From the town of Kariwano to 角館 Kakunodate.
Mentioned in records of the Edo period from 1681.
Kariwano was an important station of the 羽州街道 Ushu Kaido. It had the daikansho 代官所 government official's residence.
Goods could be transported via the river 雄物川 Omonogawa.

Kawaono Kaido 川大内街道
From the town of Kameda to Honjo, connecting to the Oshu Kaido.
Passing over the pass 駒泣峠 Komanakase Toge (Pass where the horses weep).
Mostly used by the 岩城家 Iwakishi clan for Sankin Kotai.

Kei Kaido 繋街道
From the hamlet Kei past the river 上淀川 Kamiyodokawa along the river 荒川 Arakawa to Kakunodate.
Mostly used to transport merchandise.
Nearby was the Arakawa koozan 荒川鉱山 Arakawa mine, supported by the 久保田藩 Kubota domain.

Numadate Kaido 沼館街道
A byroad to the Ushu Kaido. From 大曲 Omagari to the 角間川 river Kakumagawa, Numadate and on to 湯沢 Yuzawa.
The Daimyo of the 久保田藩 Kubota domain used it often. The river was useful for transporting merchandise.
Most stations were in 横手市 Yokote city.

Obonai Kaido 生保内街道
From 六郷 Rokugo, a postal station of the Ushu Kaido to 角館 Kakunodate.
Obonai village is now part of 仙北 Senboku.
The road was often used by the local Daimyo on their many war expeditions and is
one of the 100 historical roads, 歴史の道百選.

. Rekishi no Michi Hyakusen 歴史の道百選 100 historical roads .
森田敏隆 Morita Toshitaka


Oga Kaido 男鹿街道
Leaving the Ushu Kaido at 追分 Oiwake to turn to 男鹿半島 the Oga peninsula harbour town 船川 Funakawa.
. Namahage なまはげ Monsters from Oga Peninsula. .

Omagoshi Kaido 大間越街道
Developed in the Edo period from the station and castle town 檜山宿 Hiyama on the Ushu Kaido with the temple 金光寺 Konko-Ji via 能代 Noshiro and 八森 Hachimori to the castle town 弘前 Hirosaki.
Noshiro was an important harbour town at the river 米代川 Yoneshirogawa, where the kitamaebune 北前船 trade ships for Hokkaido stopped.
The road from the temple Konko-Ji to Noshiro is also called
能代道 Noshiro michi.

Oyasu Kaido 小安街道
From the hamlet 十文字 Jumonji on the Ushu Kaido, leaving the 手倉街道 Tekura Kaido, then via 川連 Kawatsura, 稲庭 Inaniwa to 小安 Oyasu and then on to Miyagi prefecture.
This is an old road for warfare, already known at the time of the senkunen no eki 前九年の役 in the late Heian period and gosannen no eki 後三年の役 (1083).

In the Edo period the hot spring 小安温泉 Oyasu Onsen became quite popular and the road was frequented.
- quote -
Yuzawa city is located in the southeast of Akita Prefecture. In the city there are many hot springs.
The Oyasu Hot Spring Village is one of them, where you can see steam blowing out dynamically from the valley.

Yuzawa city is the home of Inaniwa udon noodle. Enjoy very smooth and beautiful noodles.
Furthermore, there is the traditional storage (Uchikura) in Masuda on the way from the Port of Akita to Yuzawa city.
- source : cruise-japan.jp/en... -


- for large size - click here -
Raiman Kaido 来満街道
From 花輪 Hanawa via 毛馬内 Kemanai, 大湯 Oyu to 三戸 Sannohe, where 南部氏 the Daimyo of the Nanbu domaine used to reside.
The road was therefore also called
殿様道 Tonosama no Michi or 殿様街道 Tonosama Kaido, Highway for the Lord.
It was part (or another name) of the
三戸鹿角街道 Sannohe Kazsuno Kaido.
The pass 来満峠 Raiman Toge (611m) is on the road.
In the Edo period it was also used for transportation from the 尾去沢鉱山 Osarizawa mine.


Shizukuishi Kaido 雫石街道
Connecting 盛岡 Morioka and 秋田 Akita
The road was wide, with trees on both sides and regular ichirizuka 一里塚 milestones.
生森一里塚 Oimori no Ichiri Zuka
Now at National Highway 46.
The mound is about 3 meters high and 12 meters in circumference.


Tekura Kaido 手倉街道
From the hamlet 十文字 Jumonji on the Ushu Kaido via 増田 Masuda, 田子 Takko and the pass 手倉峠 Tekura Toge to 水沢 Mizuzawa, Iwate.
The road dates back to the times of
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
It was used for transportation and warfare from the Pacific ocean side of Japan to the Nihonkai 日本海 Sea of Japan side.
Mostly used for transportation of goods.

. Ushu Hamakaido 羽州浜街道 . - and - Ushu Kaido 羽州街道

Yajima Kaido 矢島街道
From the 本荘藩 Honjo domaine via the 矢島藩 Yajima domain, along the river 真室川 Mamurogawa
in 山形県 Yamagata.
Along the river 子吉川 Koyoshigawa.
It was used by the 生駒氏 Ikoma clan for Sankin Kotai.
From Honjo to 笹子 Sasago is the present-day highway Nr. 108.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/kayaba_1938...


- source and many photos : akitabi.com...


In Iwate there are connections to

岩崎街道 Iwasaki Kaido
沢内街道 Sawauchi Kaido


Miyazawa Kenji "Akita Highway" (Akita kaido)

. Kenji Miyazawa 宮沢賢治, Miyazawa Kenji .
(1896 - 1933)


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #akita #akitakaido #akitahighways #yuzawa #yokote #omagari #hiyama #kawaguchi #shizukuishi - - - -

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