. Kaido 街道 The old highways - Index.
Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido
connecting Edo with the Mutsu Province in Tohoku
and then further North up to Hokkaido

- The first 27 stations of the Ōshū Kaidō
- quote -
... one of the five routes of the Edo period. It was built to connect Edo (modern-day Tokyo) with Mutsu Province and the present-day city of Shirakawa, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. It was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu for government officials traveling through the area.
- Subroutes
In addition to the established use of traveling from Edo to Mutsu Province, there were also many roads that connected from the Ōshū Kaidō. One such sub-route was the Sendaidō (仙台道), which connected Mutsu Province with Sendai. The terminus for the Sendaidō is in Aoba-ku in modern Sendai. From there, the Matsumaedō (松前道) connected Sendai with Hakodate, Hokkaidō.
Though the Ōshū Kaidō has only 27 post stations, there were over 100 designated post stations when the subroutes are included.
- reference : wikipedia -
. Matsumae Kaido 松前街道 Matsumae Highway - Hokkaido .
Tokyo : Starting Point: Nihonbashi 日本橋
1. Senju-shuku (千住宿) (Adachi-ku)
Saitama Prefecture
2. Sōka-shuku (草加宿) (Sōka)
3. Koshigaya-shuku (越ヶ谷宿) (Koshigaya)
4. Kasukabe-shuku (粕壁宿) (Kasukabe)
5. Sugito-shuku (杉戸宿) (Sugito, Kitakatsushika District)
6. Satte-shuku (幸手宿) (Satte)
7. Kurihashi-shuku (栗橋宿) (Kuki)
Ibaraki Prefecture
8. Nakada-shuku (中田宿) (Koga)
9. Koga-shuku (古河宿) (Koga)
Tochigi Prefecture
10. Nogi-shuku (野木宿) (Nogi, Shimotsuga District)
11. Mamada-shuku (間々田宿) (Oyama)
12. Oyama-shuku (小山宿) (Oyama)
13. Shinden-shuku (新田宿) (Oyama)
14. Koganei-shuku (小金井宿) (Shimotsuke)
15. Ishibashi-shuku (石橋宿) (Shimotsuke)
16. Suzumenomiya-shuku (雀宮宿) (Utsunomiya)
17. Utsunomiya-shuku (宇都宮宿) (Utsunomiya)
18. Shirosawa-shuku (白澤宿) (Utsunomiya)
19. . Ujiie-shuku (氏家宿) (Sakura) .
20. Kitsuregawa-shuku (喜連川宿) (Sakura)
21. Sakuyama-shuku (佐久山宿) (Ōtawara)
o Yagisawa-shuku (八木沢宿) (Ōtawara) (ai no shuku)
22. Ōtawara-shuku (大田原宿) (Ōtawara)
23. Nabekake-shuku (鍋掛宿) (Nasushiobara)
24. Koebori-shuku (越堀宿) (Nasushiobara)
o Terago-shuku (寺子宿) (Nasushiobara) (ai no shuku)
25. Ashino-shuku (芦野宿) (Nasu, Nasu District)
o Tani-shuku (谷宿) (Nasu, Nasu District) (ai no shuku)
o Yorii-shuku (寄居宿) (Nasu, Nasu District) (ai no shuku)

Fukushima Prefecture
26. Shirosaka-shuku (白坂宿) (Shirakawa)
27. Shirakawa-shuku (白川宿) (Shirakawa)
28. Neda 根田宿
29. Odagawa 小田川宿
30. Otagawa 太田川宿
31. Fumase 踏瀬宿
32. Owagu 大和久宿
33. Nakahatashinden 中畑新田宿
34. Yabuki 矢吹宿
35. Kyuraishi 久来石宿
36. Kasaishi 笠石宿
37. Sukagawa 須賀川宿
38. Sasagawa 笹川宿
39. Hidenoyama 日出山宿
40. Koharada 小原田宿
41. Koriyama 郡山宿
42. Fukuhara 福原宿
43. Hiwada 日和田宿
44. Takakura 高倉宿
45. Motomiya 本宮宿
46. Minamisugita 南杉田宿
47. Kitasugita 北杉田宿
48. Nihonmatsu 二本松宿
49. Nihonyanagi 二本柳宿
50. Hachome 八丁目宿
51. Wakamiya 若宮宿
52. Shimizumachi 清水町宿
53. Fukushima 福島宿
54. Senoue 瀬上宿
55. Kori 桑折宿
56. Fujita 藤田宿
57. Kaida 貝田宿
Miyagi prefecture
58. Kosugo 越河宿
59. Saikawa 斎川宿
60. Shiroishi 白石宿
61. Miya 宮宿
62. Kanagase 金ヶ瀬宿
63. Ogawara 大河原宿
64. Funabasama 船迫宿
65. Tsukinoki 槻木宿
66. Iwanuma 岩沼宿
67. Masuda 増田宿
68. Nakada 中田宿
69. Nagamachi 長町宿
70. Sendai 仙台宿
71. Nanakita 七北田宿
72. Tomiya 富谷宿
73. Yoshioka 吉岡宿
74. Sanbongi 三本木宿
75. Furukawa 古川宿
76. Araya 荒谷宿
77. Takashimizu 高清水宿
78. Tsukidate 築館宿
79. Miyano 宮野宿
80. Sawabe 沢辺宿
81. Kannari 金成宿
82. Arikabe 有壁宿
Iwate prefecture
83. Ichinoseki 一関宿
84. Yamanome 山目宿
85. Maesawa 前沢宿
86. Mizusawa 水沢宿
87. Kanegasaki 金ヶ崎宿
88. Oniyanagi 鬼柳宿
89. Kurosawajiri 黒沢尻宿
90. Hanamaki 花巻宿
91. Ishidoriya 石鳥谷宿
92. Hizume Koriyama 日詰郡山宿
93. Morioka 盛岡宿
94. Shibutami 渋民宿
95. Numakunai 沼宮内宿
96. Ichinohe 一戸宿
97. Fukuoka 福岡宿
98. Kintaichi 金田一宿
. Aomori prefecture - Stations 99 - 112.
099. 三戸宿 - Sannohe
100. 浅水宿 - Asami
101. 五戸宿 - Gonohe
102. 伝法寺宿 - Denboji
103. 藤島宿 - Fujishima
104. 七戸宿 - Shichinohe
105. 野辺地宿 - Noheji
106. 馬門宿 - Makado
107. 小湊宿 - Kominato -- start of Tsugaru district
108. 野内宿 - Nouchi
109. 青森宿 - Aomori
110. 油川宿 - Aburakawa
111. 平舘宿 - Tairadate
112. 三厩宿 - Minmaya -- end of Tsugaru district
. 113.Matsumae 松前宿 .
114. Hakodate 箱館宿
- . Takadaya Kahei 高田屋嘉兵衛 .
- the founder of Hakodate
. Sendaidoo 仙台道 Sendaidō, Sendaido Highway .
from the above postal station
27. Shirakawa 白川宿 to 70. Sendai 仙台宿.
Matsuo Basho松尾芭蕉 travelled along this highway on his famous travel
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道 .
The Narrow Road to the Deep North
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
柴田町 Shibata town
koromo no seki 衣ノ関 the gate of the robe (of Ono no Komachi)
Along the old Oshu Kaido near the iron bridge over the river Shiroishigawa 白石川鉄橋 there is 一本の老松 an old pine. North of it is the temple 東禅寺 Tozen-Ji with the remains of the "Gate of the Robe". The mountain name of the temple is 衣関山.
In the temple are relics related to Ono no Komachi in 観音堂 the Kannon Hall.
The pine is also called 小野小町手掛松.
The tree has been cut down around 1700, because it was a problem for the people traveling here. But the man who used the ax to cut the tree died in no time.
The priest of the temple also turned crazy and died soon afterwards.
. Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 .
c. 825 — c. 900. Waka Poetess and Famous Beauty - and more legends
Now the river bank is know for its 1000 cherry trees.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .

- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. Kaido 街道 The old highways .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #oshukaido #mutsunokuni - - - -
1 comment:
Shichigashuku Kaido 七ケ宿街道 / 七ヶ宿街道 Shishigashuku Highway
Miyagi 宮城県 to 山形県 Yamagata.
Branching off from Kori juku 桑折[こおり]宿 of the 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido connecting to the
羽州[うしゅう]街道 Ushu Kaido at the 上ノ山宿 Kaminoyama shuku in 山形県 Yamagata.
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