
Persons, People


Persons and People of Edo - Personen

source : www.heritage-images.com
People of Yedo, Japan

. Edokko 江戸っ子 / 江戸ッ子, lit. "child of Edo" .
a person born and raised in Edo

. - - - Persons and Place Names - Index - - - .

. samurai 侍, buke - Samurai warrious .


Abe Masahiro 阿部 正弘 / 阿部正弘 (1819 – 1857) 老中 Roju in the Bakufu Government
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Adams, William Adams "Anjin" 按針 .

. Amakusa Shirō 天草四郎 Amakusa Shiro .
(1621? – April 12, 1638) Nagasaki

Aoki Shukuya 青木夙夜 - nanga painter
literati (bunjin 文人)

. Asahi Shigeaki 朝日重章 . - (1674 - 1718) Samurai and diary writer

. Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In .
- (1836 - 1883)

Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko - (1718 - 1759) political writer

. Baisaoo, Baisaō 売茶翁 Baisao, "Old Tea Seller" Zen master .
賣茶翁 (ばいさおう) / 高遊外 Ko Yugai. - (1675 – 1763)


. - - Bakumatsu  幕末 foreigners in Japan - - .
Aime, Humbert Aime エメ アンベール (1819-1900)
William John Alt - (1840-1905) ウィリアム・オールト
Bird, Isabella Bird, Isabella Lucy Bird イザベラ・バード (1831-1904)
Richard Henry Brunton - (1841 – 1901) - "Father of Japanese lighthouses"
Ranald MacDonald - (1824 – 1894) - first English teacher
- - Kenneth Ross MacKenzie
- - James Mitchell
Laurence Oliphant - (1829 – 1888)
Wirgman, Charles Wirgman チャールズ・ワーグマン(1832 - 1891)
Ernest Satow - Sir Ernest Mason Satow (1843 - 1929) アーネスト・サトウ
Schliemann, Johannes Heinrich Schliemann ハインリヒ・ユリウス・シュリーマン (1822 - 1890)
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore エリザ・ルアマー・シドモア (1856 - 1928)
Suenson, Edouard Suenson エドゥアルド・スエンソン (1842 - 1921)

- - - - - Jack Seward (1924 – November 2010)


. Banzuin Chobei 幡随院長兵衛 Chobei of Bandzuin . - (1622–1657)

. Benkei Kozaemon 棟梁弁慶小左衛門 master carpenter .

. Bigot, Georges Ferdinand ジョルジュ・フェルディナン・ビゴー .
- and Charles Wirgman (1832 - 1891)

. Buruma Ian Buruma . - (1951 - ) - Historian

. Buson, 与謝蕪村 Yosa Buson in Edo .
(1715-1783) - Haiku poet

. bugyoo, bugyō 奉行 Bugyo officials in the Edo government .

. busshi 仏師 Buddhist sculptors and Buddha statues .

. Chaya Shiroojiroo, Chaya Shirōjirō 茶屋四郎次郎 Chaya Shirojiro merchant family .
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyonobu 茶屋四郎次郎清信 (1545-1596)
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotada  茶屋清忠 (1584-1603)
Chaya Shirōjirō Kiyotsugu  茶屋清次 (1584-1622)

. Daidôzan Bungorô 大童山文五郎 Daidozan Bungoro .
(1788 - 1822) - "Great Child Mountain" Sumo wrestler

. Daikoku Sakubei Joze 大黒常是 Daikoku Joze .
- 湯浅作兵衛常是 Yuasa Sakubei Joze, Inspector of the Ginza Silver Mint

. Dodoitsubo Senka the First 都々逸坊扇歌 (1804 - 1852) .

. dokufu 毒婦 "poisonous woman" .
Hanai O-Ume 花井お梅
Harada O-Kinu 原田お絹 / Yoarashi O-Kinu 夜嵐お絹
O-Miyo no Kata お美代の方 Senkoin 専行院 
Shirakoya O-Kuma 白子屋お熊
Takahashi O-Den 高橋お伝
Torioi O-Matsu 鳥追お松
Yaoya o-Shichi 八百屋お七

. dooshin, dōshin  同心 Doshin, police officers .
onmitsu dooshin 隠密同心 secret police officers
yoriki 与力 police sergant
meakashi 目明し -okappiki 岡引  semi-official detectives

. Edo Taroo Shigenaga 江戸太郎重長 Edo Taro Shigenaga   .
- The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi

. Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 . - (1801-1855) - Scholar - Hidetatsu Egawa

. Enku 円空 Master Carver .

. Fujiokaya Yoshizoo 藤岡屋由蔵 Fujiokaya Yoshizo . - (1739 - )
- Sudoo Yoshizoo 須藤由蔵 Sudo Yoshizo - Honyoshi 本由

. Fukagawa Hachiroemon 深川八郎右衛門 . - active around 1596. Headman of Fukagawa

Fukami Jikyu - samurai Edokko
source : www.myjapanesehanga.com

Furuyama Moromasa 古山師政 Ukiyoe painter, Edo

. Fuyukiya Yaheiji冬木屋弥平次 . Lumber merchant


gesakusha 戯作者 writers of light fiction in Edo
author of popular stories -
Kibyooshi 黄表紙 Kibyoshi "Yellow cover" magazines and kokkeibon 滑稽本 comic writing

- - - . Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 - 1831) .
Santoo Kyooden 山東京伝 Santo Kyoden (1761 - 1816)
Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)


. Glover, Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー (1838 - 1911) .
Merchant in Nagasaki

. Go Saga Tenno, Gosaga Tenno 後嵯峨天皇 "Saga the Second". - (1220 - 1272)

. Gotoo Nuinosuke 後藤縫之助 / 後藤縫殿助 Goto Nuinosuke . - Kimono dealer

. Gotoo Shoosaburo 後藤庄三郎 Goto Shosaburo .
- Inspector of the 金座 Kinza Gold Mint

. Habu Genseki Habu 土生玄碩 (1762 - 1848) . - Medical doctor

. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho . (1652 – 1724) - painter

. Hasegawa Heizoo, Hasegawa Heizô 長谷川平蔵 Hasegawwa Heizo / Onihei  . (1719 - 1773)

. hatamoto 旗本 samurai class .

. Hattori Hanzo 服部半蔵 / 風魔小太郎 Fuma Kotaro / ninja 忍者 spies .

. Hayashi Razan 林羅山 . - (1583 - 1657) - Neo-Confucian philosopher

. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro . - left-handed carpenter - legends

. Hiki Ikkan 飛来一閑 . (1578年?~明暦3年(1657年)
papier-machee style lacquerer

. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 80)

. Hijiri ひじり【聖】”holy men", mendicant monks .

. Hiroshige - 安藤広重 Ando Hiroshige, 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige .
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo - Meisho Yedo Hiakkei 名所江戸百景
- - - - - source : www.hiroshige.org.uk

. Honinbo Sansa 本因坊算砂 (1612-1623) .
- first in the famous family of Go players Hon'inbō / Honin-Bo

. Horie Rokuroo 堀江六郎 Horie Rokuro . - fisherman

. Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之 . (1611 - 1673). Founder of the Matsudaira clan of Aizu.

. Iba Hachiroo 伊庭八郎 Iba Hachiro . - (1844 - 1869) Samurai and diary writer

. Ichiroo 一路 Ichiro "One Road" - 小野寺一路 Onodera Ichiro .

. Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 -- Hikone 彦根 and Sakuradamon . - (1815 - 1860)
Okabe Sanjuro 岡部三十郎 // Arimura Jisaemon 有村次左衛門

. Iida Kihei 飯田喜兵衛 - 1590 .

. Ina Hanzaemon Tadanobu 伊奈半左衛門忠順 . (? - 1712)

Inoo Tadataka, Inō 伊能忠敬 Ino Tadataka, Inoh Tadataka
(1745 - 1818) cartographer

. Inoue Ryukan 井上龍閑 . and 龍閑町 Ryukan districts

. Inoue Enryō (井上円了, 1858 – 1919) .

Issa - . Issa, Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
- Haiku Poet

. Isshin Tasuke 一心太助 fictional fishmonger in Edo .

Iwahashi Zenbei 岩橋善兵衛 (1756–1811) observed the sky -
heitengi 平天儀 to measure celestial bodies
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. Iwasaki Yataroo 岩崎弥太郎 Iwasaki Yataro (1834 - 1885) . Founder of Mitsubishi 三菱

. Izawa Yasobei 井沢弥惣兵衛 (1654 - 1738) and the waterworks at Minuma 見沼  .

. Izu no Choohachi 伊豆の長八 Izu no Chohachi - Irie Choohachi 入江長八 Irie Chohachi .
(1815 - 1889) wall plasterer artist

. Jan Joosten van Lodensteyn - (1557 - 1623) .
ヤン・ヨーステン ファン・ローデンスタイン / 耶揚子
Yayosugashi district 八代洲河岸 / Yaesu 八重洲 named after him

. Jinboo Nagaharu 神保長治 Jinbo Nagaharu .
- and the district Jinbōchō 神保町 Jinbocho, Jimbocho in Kanda

. Jizooboo Shoogen 地蔵坊正元 Jizobo Shogen . - Priest around 1708

. Jiun Onkoo 慈雲飲光 Priest Jiun Onko . (1718 – 1804/1805)

. Kaga Heiemon 加賀平右衛門 .
and 銀座加賀町 Ginza Kaga cho district

. Kamada Matahachi (Kamata Matahachi) 鎌田又八 . (? 1657) loyal retainer, strong man

. Kasuga no Tsubone 春日局 Lady Kasuga. - (1579 – 1643)

. Katoo Tamikichi 加藤民吉 Kato Tamikichi .
(1772 - 1824) - the "father of porcelain" it Seto, Aichi.

. Keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker .
- - - - - doctor Yamato Keian 大和慶庵 (around 1653)

Kin Noo 金農 Kin-Nou, Kin No (1687 - 1764) painter
literati (bunjin 文人)

. Komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso monks and Shakuhachi flute players .

Koo Fuyoo 高芙蓉 Ko Fuyo (1722 - 1784) painter / literati (bunjin 文人)

. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family .
Kuki Yoshitaka (九鬼嘉隆) (1542 –1600)

. kyookaku 侠客 Kyokaku, "chivalrous Yakuza" .
Banzuiin Chōbei 幡随院長兵衛 Banzuin Chobei . (1622–1657)
Kunisada Chuuji 国定忠治 Kunisada Chuji . (1810-1851)
Shimizu no Jirocho 清水次郎長 . (1820-1893)
Shinmon Tatsugoro 新門辰五郎 . (?1792 / ?1800 - 1875)

. Maejima Hisoka 前島密 (1835 - 1919) .
Yūbin Seido no Chichi (郵便制度の父), or "Father of the Postal System".

Matsudaira shi 松平氏 Matsudaira clan
Matsudaira Motoyasu changed his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu . . .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Matsudaira Naonori 松平直矩 . - (1642 - 1695) Samurai and diary writer

. Matsudaira Nobutsuna 松平信綱 (1596 – 1662) .

. Matsui Gensui 松井源水 spinning top juggler family . - Asakusa, Edo

. Matsuo Basho in Edo 松尾芭蕉 . (1644 - 1694) - Haiku Poet

Meisho - Empress Meishō (1623–96)
and Cultural Pursuits at the Japanese Imperial Court"
by Elizabeth Lillehoj, DePaul University
- source : facebook -

. Mito Koomon 水戸黄門 Mito Komon .
Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川 光圀
July 11, 1628 - January 14, 1701

. Mizuno Heikuroo 水野兵九郎 Mizuno Heikuro - Setomonoya.

Mizuno Tadakuni 水野忠邦 (1794 – 1851) - Sōshaban (Master of Ceremonies)
Mizuno Tadamasa (水野忠政) and other MIZUNO officials in the Edo Bakufu

. Mokujiki 木食上人観正 Saint Mokujiki Shonin Kansho / 木食観正上人 . - around 1780

. Moriyama Takamori 森山孝盛 . - (1738 - 1815) Samurai and diary writer

. Murata Harumi 村田春海 (1746 - 1812) . Scholar and poet

. Nakae Tooju 中江藤樹 Nakae Tōju (1608 – 1648) .
Confucian philosopher - "the sage of Ōmi" 近江聖人

. Nami no Ihachi 波の伊八 "Ihachi the carver of waves" .

. Nichoosai, Nichōsai 耳鳥斎 Nichosai, Nicho-sai . - (?1751 - 1802/03) Painter from Osaka

. Nezumi Kozō ねずみ小僧 / 鼠小僧 Nezumi Kozo, a famous thief .

. Ninmiya Sontoku 二宮尊徳 . - (1787-1856)- studying food

. Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 . (? - 1358) and
矢口渡 Yaguchi no Watashi

. Oguri Tadamasa 小栗 忠順 - Oguri Kozukenosuke 小栗上野介 . - (1827 - 1868) - Statesman

. Oni-Azami Seikichi 鬼あざみ清吉 - famous thief, bandit . *

. Onogawa Kisaburō 小野川喜三郎 Onogawa Kisaburo . - (1758 - 1806) Sumo wrestler

Ookubu Shibutsu 大窪詩佛 Okubo Shibutsu (1767 - 1837) Poet
literati (bunjin 文人)

. Ooka Echizen, 大岡越前 Oka Echizen, .
Ōoka Tadasuke (大岡 忠相) (1677 - 1752) - Governor of Edo (machi bugyoo 町奉行)

. Ookubo Hikozaemon 大久保彦左衛門 - Okubo Tadataka 大久保 忠教 . (1560 - 1639)

Ooshio Heihachiroo 大塩平八郎 Ōshio Heihachirō, Oshio Heihachiro
Neo-Confucianist scholar
- reference source : 江戸時代の人物 rekishi memo -

. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan .
(1432 - 1486) Builder of Edo Castle / 道灌山 Mount Dokanyama

. Oota Nanpo 大田南畝 Ota Nanpo, Ota Nampo - 蜀山人 Shokusanjin . (1749 - 1823)

. Perry, Admiral Commodore Perry and Black Ships .

Rai Sanyoo 頼山陽 Rai Sanyo (1781- 1832)poet / literati (bunjin 文人)

. Ryuutatsu 隆達 Ryutatsu - 高三隆達 Takasabu Ryutatsu .
(1527 - 1611)
- - - - - and a monk named Roosai 弄斎 Rosai.

. Saeki Yataroo 佐柄木弥太郎 Saeki Yataro . - sword polisher

. Saito Gesshin 斉藤月岑 (1804 - 1878) .
----- . 斎藤月岑 Saito Gesshin . - (1674 - 1718) Samurai and diary writer

. Sakai Banshiroo 酒井伴四郎 Sakai Banshiro . - (1833 - ?) Samurai and diary writer

. Sakai Tadakatsu 酒井忠勝 (1587 - 1662) . - Daimoy, Roju

. Sakamoto Ryooma (Ryuuma) 坂本竜馬 Sakamoto Ryoma (1836 - 1867) .

. Sakuma Heihachi 佐久間平八 . lumber merchant

. Sanada Yukimura and the Sanada clan 真田幸村 . - (1567 -1615) Sanadamaru 真田丸

. Sanai 左内 - 島田左内 Shimada Sanai .
酒上熟寐 Sakenoue no Jukune (1724-1784) = 島田友直 Shimada Tomonao
and Ichigaya Magojirō 市ヶ谷孫四郎 / 市谷孫四郎 Ichigaya Magojiro

. Sengai Gibon 仙厓義梵 (1751–1837) .

. sendoo sendō 船頭 boatsman, ferryman, chief fisherman .

. shakan, sakan 左官 plasterer, stucco master .

. Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1807 - 1891) and laquer ware .

. Shibukawa Shunkai 渋川春海 Shibukawa Harumi .
- (1639 - 1715) astronomer and go player

. Shinsengumi 新選組 Group of Samurai to protect Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi .

. shokunin  職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
- - - - - takumi 匠 master craftsman

. Siebold, Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796 - 1866) .
German physician, botanist, and traveler. Stayed in Dejima, Nagasaki.

. Sukeroku 助六 - Hero of Edo .

. Sumitomo family 住友家, Osaka .

. Suruga Dainagon 駿河大納言 ー Tokugawa Tadanaga 徳川忠長 . - (1606 – 1634)

. Suuden, Konchi-In Suuden 金地院崇伝 Priest Konchin Suden - Ishin Suuden 以心崇伝 .

. Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 .
(1588 - 1653)

. Tachibana Sakon no Shogen 立花左近将監 from Fukuoka / Asakusa .

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – March 25, 940) .

. Tajima Zusho 田島図書 .

. Takadaya Kahei 高田屋嘉兵衛 .
(1769 - 1827) Merchant from Awajishima 淡路島, Shikoku

. 高松喜六 Takamatsu Kiroku (? - 1713) . and 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku

. Takano Chooei, Takano Chōei 高野長英 Takano Choei . - (1804 - 1850) . Doctor

. Takatsu Ihee, Ihei 高津伊兵衛 (1679 - ) .
Iseya 伊勢屋 Iseya Store and Iseya Ihee 伊勢屋伊兵衛

. Tamura clan 田村氏 Tamura-shi .

. Tani Bunchō, Tani Bunchoo 谷 文晁 Tani Buncho . (1763 - 1841)
literati (bunjin 文人) painter and poet.

. Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次 (1719 - 1788) Edo councillor .

. Tanzenburo Katsuyama Tanzen Buro Katsuyama 丹前風呂勝山 . - lady of pleasure

. Tokiwazu Moji Tayuu 常磐津 文字太夫 Tokiwazu Mojitayu . - (1709 - 1781)
and the Joruri Tokiwazu-bushi 常磐津節


- Tokugawa Shogun 将軍徳川家

Tokugawa Hidetada 徳川秀忠 (1579 - 1632) - Second Shogun
He died from a worm infection of マンソン孤虫 Schistosoma mansoni.

. Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 Third Shogun . - (1604 – 1651)
and his reimuzoo 霊夢像 Reimuzo, Oracle Dream Images of Ieyasu

. Tokugawwa Ieyasu 徳川家康 First Shogun . - (1543 - 1616)

. Tokugawa Muneharu 徳川宗春 . - (1696 - 1764) - Nagoya

. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 . - (1646 – 1709)
- "the dog Shōgun" 犬公方, inu kubo

. Tokugawa Yorinobu 徳川頼宣 . - (1602 - 1671)

. Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 . (1684 - 1751)

. Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜 . - (1873 - 1913) The Last Shogun


. Tomokuroo 鬘師の友九郎 Kabuki wig maker Tomokuro .

. Tooyama 遠山景元 Toyama Saemon no Jo Kagemoto .
(1793 – 1855) - Tōyama no Kin-san (遠山の金さん)

. Tsuchiya Goroemon 土屋五郎右衛門 . - and Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Konya-Cho Indigo dyeing

. Tsuruya Kiemon 鶴屋喜右衛門 Publisher 仙鶴堂 Senkakudo .

Tsuruya Nanboku 鶴屋南北 Tsuruya Namboku IV
Ebiya Genzō, Dai Namboku (1755 - 1892) playwright of macaber and supernatural stories.
Married to the daughter of Tsuruya Nanboku, the Kabuki actor.

. Tsutaya Jūzaburō 蔦屋重三郎 Tsutaya Jusaburo . (1750 - 1797) Publisher

Ukita Kookichi - Ukita Kōkichi - Ukita Kokichi 浮田 幸吉, 1757 - 1847
aviation pioneer from Okayama
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. Uzawa Shoogetsu 鵜沢松月 Uzawa Shogetsu (1853 - 1923) and laquer ware .

. Watanabe Kazan 渡辺崋山 (1793 - 1841) .
painter, scholar and statesman

. woman, women 女性, bijin 美人 beauties .

. Yagyu clan and legends 柳生一族と伝説 .
Yagyū "Sekishūsai" Munetoshi 柳生 石舟斎 宗厳 (1529 - 1606)
- His son,
Yagyū Munenori 柳生宗矩 (1571 – 1646)
- Munenori's sons,
Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi 柳生 十兵衞 三厳 (Yagyu Jubei) (1607 - 1650) -- and Yagyū Munefuyu 柳生宗冬 (1613 - 1675)

Yanagawa Kooran 梁川紅蘭 Yanagawa Koran (1804 - 1879) Poet
literati (bunjin 文人)

. Yanagisawa Nobutoki 柳沢信鴻 . - (1724 - 1792) Samurai and diary writer

. Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu 柳沢吉保 . - (1658 - 1714 )
worked for Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.

. Yoshimune, 8th Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 . (1684 - 1751)

. zatoo 座頭 blind people, often playing the biwa .


- - - - - to be added - - - - -

Akera Kanko 朱楽菅江 (1740 – 1800) - Kyoka poet

Hoseido Kisanji 朋誠堂喜三二 / 平沢常富 Hirasawa Tsunetomi (1735 - 1813) - 出羽国久保田藩の定府藩士で江戸留守居

Jippensha Itsuku 十返舎一九 (1765 - 1831) - Shigeta Sadakazu, a Japanese writer

Koikawa Harumachi 恋川春町 (1744 - 1789) - 戯作者、浮世絵師

Maeda Tsunanori 前田綱紀 (1643 - 1724)

Matsudaira Sadamasa 松平定正 (1610 - 1673)

Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842) - author

Sakakibara Masamine 榊原政岑 (1713 - 1743) - 姫路藩

Tachibana Jitsuuzan 立花実山 (1655 - 1708) - 福岡藩の家老


. Daruma Pilgrims .

All people mentioned in the Darumapedia :
. PERSONS - index - PERSONEN .

to be updated

- #persons #edopersons -


Onsen Hot Spring

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Onsen 温泉 - Hot Spring - Introduction .

- quote
Ranking list of hot springs in various regions / 諸国温泉鑑 Shokoku Onsen Kagami
This is a ranking list of hot springs made in the style of a sumo banzuke.
In the middle is a diagram of the Ōzeki (grand champion) of the east, Jōshū Kusatsu Onsen (hot spring).
The use of hot springs spread among the common people during the Edo Period.
Numerous banzuke were published to list hot springs or rank their therapeutic benefits.
They all ranked Kusatsu Onsen as being the Ōzeki of the east, and
Arima Onsen as being the Ōzeki of the west,
while many of them showed Hongūno Yu or Shingūno Yu of Kumano in the position of the "promoter" or "referee."
Books were also published on the therapeutic benefits of hot springs,
including the book, "The Secret to Maintaining Good Health (Yōjō kun)" (published in 1713),
written by Kaibara Ekiken, and "Discussions on Hot Springs(Onsen kō)"
written by Hara Sōkei who was a doctor and a Confucian scholar.
. source . Tokyo Metropolitan Library .

under construction


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Toyotama District Nerima

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Toyotama 豊玉 Toyotama discrict, Nerima

Located in the 中新井 Nakaarai Area.
It used to be 北豊島郡 Kita Toyoshima District.

- - - - - There are now four Toyotama districts :
豊玉上 Toyotamakami - Upper
豊玉北 Toyotamakita - North
豊玉南 Toyotamaminami - South

豊玉中 Toyotama Naka - Center
From the first to the fourth district.

The primary school 豊玉(ほうぎょく)小学校 Hogyoku Shogakko was founded in 1876.
Hogyoku is one way of reading the characters 豊玉.
In 1844 the reading of the town characters was changed to Toyotama.

The Shrine 氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja is located in Minami second district.

カソリック徳田教会(豊玉中1丁目) Tokuden Catholic Church
. Tokuden Catholic Church - Homepage .


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

shunchoo ni Toyotama hime no torii tatsu

下村梅子 Shimomura Umeko
Tr. Gabi Greve

. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 "Luminous Pearl Princess" .
Amenoakarutama 天明玉命. Tama no oya (Kojiki), Kushiakarutama no kami,
Haakaru tama, Tamanoya no mikoto (Nihongi).
- quote
Toyotama-hime (Japanese: 豊玉姫) is a goddess in Japanese mythology who appears in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki.
She is the daughter of the sea deity, Watatsumi, and the wife of Hoori.
She is known as the paternal grandmother of Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan.

Toyotama marries the prince Hoori, but returns to the sea when he breaks the vow
not to spy on her while she goes through childbirth.
The child she gave birth to was Ugayafukiaezu.

- - - Name
Toyotama-hime's name is believed to mean "a miko (shrine maiden) who makes rich pearls attract divine spirits,"
in which toyo (豊) stands for "rich" and tama (玉) stands for "pearl".
- - - Myth
The account of Toyatama-hime and Hoori appear in the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki.
More in the wikipedia
. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 - wikipedia .


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. Nerima 練馬区 Nerima ward .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Imagawa district Suginami

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Imagawa district, Suginami
From the first to the fourth district.

- quote
The Imagawa clan (今川氏)
was a Japanese samurai clan that claimed descent from the Seiwa Genji by way of the Kawachi Genji.
It was a branch of the Minamoto clan by the Ashikaga clan.

Ashikaga Kuniuji, grandson of Ashikaga Yoshiuji, established himself in the 13th century
at Imagawa (Mikawa Province) and took its name.
Imagawa Norikuni (1295–1384) received from his cousin the shōgun Ashikaga Takauji
the province of Tōtōmi, and later that of Suruga.

Located at
Ounami no Kori, Mikawa (modern day Nishio, Aichi) mainly Suruga Province and
Tōtōmi Province during the Warring States period

- - - - - Major figures
Imagawa Sadayo
Imagawa Yoshitada
Imagawa Ujichika
Imagawa Ujiteru
Imagawa Yoshimoto
Imagawa Ujizane
- - - - -
Edo period
Shinagawa Takahisa, the son of Imagawa Ujizane. He was a hatamoto and served the Tokugawa clan.
Imagawa Norinobu, an Imagawa of the late Edo period, was a wakadoshiyori in the Tokugawa administration.
. source - wikipedia .

. Imagawabashi 今川橋 Imagawa Bridge .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県

Aichi 名古屋市 Nagoya city 緑区 Midori ward

karito sama かりと様

Aichi 豊明市 Toyoake city

kikoku kaii 鬼哭怪異 a demonic monster

................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県

mame-ishi 豆石

静岡市 Shizuoka city

tonbo トンボ


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Suginami ward 杉並区 .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

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Imado district

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .
. Famous People of Japan .

Imado 今戸 Imado district

Imado Shrine 今戸神社 Imado jinja

The maneki-neko legend of an old woman takes places in Imado.


Imado Yaki 今戸焼 Imado Porcelain
Although the exact origin of Imado porcelain is unknown,
it is said that it began when a retainer of 千葉氏 the Chiba clan in 下総国 Shimousa Province
settled in 石浜 Ishihama or 今戸 Imado and began making roof tiles and earthenware.
Aside from roof tiles, there were also many hibachi 火鉢 (charcoal braziers,)
tablewear and figurines such as 稲荷の狐 Inari foxes and Maneki-neko 招き猫 (beckoning cats.)
source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum


Imado ningyoo 今戸人形 dolls from Imado

made by 吉田義和 Yoshida Yoshikazu

marushime no neko 丸〆の猫 / 丸〆猫 / manekineko 招き猫
the lucky cat from Imado

Imado is located close to Asakusa in Tokyo. The clay was taken from the river Sumidagawa to produce cheap toys for the children of Edo.
The last craftsman to produce these dolls was Owariya Harukichi 尾張屋春吉 who died in 1944.
Now made by 白井 Imado-yaki Shrai.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Imado yaki 今戸焼 Imado ware
Imado Shrine 今戸神社, Imado jinja
is a Japanese shrine located in Imado where north part of Tokyo Asakusa. It is one of the Shichifukujin (七福神) Shines of Asakusa, and enshrined Fukurokuju (福禄寿). The history of the shrine begins at 1063 by Yoshitomo Minamoto and Yoshiie Minamoto.
It is very famous for the birth place of fortune cat (招き猫, manekineko), and last place of Soji Okita (沖田総司), the greatest samurai warrior of Shinsengumi (新撰組). Now, it is well known as good luck shrine for love and marriage.
There are many good luck items for love and marriage with fortune cat.

Imado Ware (Imado Yaki)
Imado ware made in what is now called Imado in Taito city, was one of the most popular type of earthernware fo vessels and figures during the Edo period. The Pedestals of the guardian dogs at the Imado Shrine, carry the names of Imado potters and the date of 1752 when these figures were presented.

Imado ware was said to have originated at the beginning of the Edo period, however it was not until the endo of the 18th Century that it was given the name of Imado ware. As a result, it can be presumed that Imado ware was already being produced full scale during the first half of the 18th Century. THe production of old fashioned roof tiles flourished along the banks of Sumida River. This production of Imado ware was depicted in "Edo Meisyo Zue" and in "Sumidagawa Choryu Zukan" currently being held at The British Museum.

In recent years, excavations at the ruins of Edo have uncovered earthenware vessels and dolls carrying names of potters of Imado ware and also roof tiles with the impressed seal of Imado.
The Great Kanto Earthquake and WWII Tokyo air raids forced almost all potters to move out of Taito city, leaving only one family, which still produces earthenware dolls of traditional figures. These include "maneki neko" know as fortune cats and "Kuchi ire kitsune" know as good life foxes.

Last place of Soji Okita
This shrine is also known as the last place of Soji Okita who is one of the most popular and strongest Sumurai in the Edo period. He was the team leader of 1st party of Shinsengumi. When he was suffering from tuberculosis, he was curing at this temple. However, he died because of that. It was great irony that the greatest samurai who never lost by sword fighting could never get over with his disease.

Fukurokuju is the one of the enshrined god in this shrine. Fukurokuju is one of the Seven Lucky God in Japan. When you are in Asakusa, visit all Seven shrines and temple where enshrined each gods. This god brings you the happiness and long life.

Enshrined God:
Emperor Ojin, Izanaginomikoto, Izanaminomikoto and Fukurokuju.
Pray for: Good luck for love and marriage (enmusubi).
source : mustlovejapan.com

source : kyoudoningyou/imado...
Hotei 布袋

. ryooen manekineko 良縁招き猫
beckoning cat for a good match from Imado shrine .

. tookooshi 陶工師 Tokoshi, potters in Edo .

. Hashiba 橋場 Hashiba district, "place with a bridge" and Imado .


北斎 『繪本東都遊』 Katsushika
Kanda Imado 今戸里 Imado district in Kanda
A harbour on the Western side of 隅田川 the Sumida river.


Kilns of Imado along the river in Asakusa
Utagawa Kuniyoshi


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. Taito ward, Asakusa 台東区元浅草 .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Daikan town

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Daikancho 代官町 Daikan town
千代田区北の丸公園1~6番、- Chiyoda, Kitanomaru Koen 1 - 6
and 九段南一・二丁目の各一部 Kudan Minami 1 und 2.
The district was established in 1879.
In 1875, two new districs on the left and right of the river,
東代官町 East-Daikan town and 西代官町 West-Daikan town were stablished.
In 1878, both towns were united as 東京府麹町区 Kojimachi ward.
In 1943, it belonged to 麹町区 Kojimachi ward.
In 1967, it was abolished and added to 北の丸公園 Kitanomaru Koen

daikan 代官 means magistrate.

- source : edo.amebaownd.com ...


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. Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #daikancho #daikantown #chiyoda - - - -

Kamitakada Ward Nakano

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kamitakada 上高田 Kami-Takada ward
上高田一丁目から上高田五丁目 - From Kamitakada first till Kamitakada fifth district

The name dates back to the early Edo period of the village
多摩郡上高田村 Tama district Kami-Takada.
In 1899, 上高田村 Kami-Takada village and 野方町 Nogata town were merged with the name Nogata village.
The present-day Kamitakada village was established in 1967.
The district includes new highways, 早稲田通り the Waseda Road in the South, the 昭和通 Showa Road in the North.
Along the Waseda Road was the old 寺町 Teramachi Temple Town.

One railway station is 西武新宿線新井薬師前駅 Seibu line, Shin-Yakushi station.

. Kootoku-in, Kōtoku-in 光徳院 Temple Kotoku-In .
中野区上高田五丁目18-3 / 5 Chome-18-3 Kamitakada, Nakano ward


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. Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward .

- - - - - ##kamitakada #takada #nakano - - -


Numabukuro district Nakano

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
for Maruyama, see below

Numabukuro 沼袋 Numabukuro district

Places of interest in Numabukuro

Jissoin 実相院 Temple Jisso-In

. Hyakukannon Meijidera 百観音明治寺 Temple Meijidera with 100 Kannon Statues .

新道橋 Shindobashi bridge

Teigenji 貞源寺 Temple Teigen-Ji

Maruyamazuka Koen 丸山塚公園 Park

Seikokuji 清谷寺 Seikoku-Ji
庭先には清谷寺の十三仏板碑は室町時代初期(1399)のもので、梵字により十三仏と菩薩が刻まれている十三仏板碑があります。平成26年2月、中野区認定観光資源に認定されました。 東京都中野区沼袋3-21-7

Numabukuro Hikawa Jinja 沼袋氷川神社 Hikawa Shrine

. 瑠璃光山 Rurikozan 禅定院 Zenjo-In 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji .

Dokan Sugi 道灌杉 cedar tree in Memory of Ota Dokan
It was planted in 1477 by Ota Dokan with the wish to win the war.
But in 1944 in withered.
In 2014 the area was designated as an important place in Nakano ward.
  東京都中野区沼袋1-31-4 沼袋氷川神社内
The tree is located in the compound of Numabukuro Hikawa Shrine.
. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan (1432 - 1486) .

- source : www.jalan.net/kankou ...

. 十善山 Juzenzan 密蔵院 Mitsuzo-In 蓮花寺 Renge-Ji .
中野区沼袋2-33-4 / 2 Chome-33-4 Numabukuro, Nakano ward

. 瑠璃光山 Rurikozan 禅定院 Zenjo-In 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji .
中野区沼袋2-28-2 / 2 Chome-28-2 Numabukuro, Nakano ward


Maruyama 丸山町 Maruyama district a district of Shibuya, Tokyo.

Maruyamazuka Koen 丸山塚公園 Park

. Maruyamachō (円山町) wikipedia .

. Shibuya ku 渋谷区 Shibuya ward .


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. Nakano ward 中野区 .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Kaname town Toshima

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Nagasaki 長崎, see below

Kaname 要町 Kaname town
要町一丁目から要町三丁目 From the first to third district.
The area used to be in kanamethe middle of the former 長崎町 Nagasaki town.

In 1871, 長崎村 Nagasaki village became a part of 埼玉県) Saitama.
In 1926, it came back to Tokyo, Toshima ward.
In 1939, the name Nagasaki was changed to Kaname.

Kaname Station 要町駅


Nagasaki town 長崎
長崎一丁目から長崎六丁目 from first to sixth district
The name goes back to the Kamakura period, when the local lord was 長崎氏 Nagasaki.
長崎村 Nagasaki village became part of Saitama in 1871.
In 1932, it became part of Toshima ward.
In 1939 the name became official.
長崎神社 Shrine Nagasaki Jinja.
. 長崎不動尊 Nagasaki Fudo .
Nagasaki Kannondo 長崎観音堂 Nagasaki Kannon Hall.


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. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##kanamecho #toshima - - - -


Ebisu district Shibuya

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ebisu 恵比寿

- quote
Ebisu (恵比寿) is major district of Shibuya-ku in Tokyo, Japan.
It was developed on the site of a former brewery and is now home to Yebisu Garden Place.
It has a high concentration of bars and restaurants.
- - - History Ebisu was founded around 1928 as a community developed around the Japan Beer Brewery Company
(now Sapporo Breweries Limited) facilities which began brewing Yebisu Beer in 1890.
After the breweries were moved to Chiba in 1988,
the area underwent a major urban development resulting in the construction of Yebisu Garden Place,
which opened to the public in 1994.
Following the construction of Yebisu Garden Place in 1994, the area around Ebisu Station developed rapidly.
The district and railway station of Ebisu takes its name from the Yebisu Beer brand,
which in turn was named after Ebisu (one of the Japanese Seven Gods of Fortune).
The spelling "Yebisu" is intentionally archaic.
With or without the "y" the pronunciation is the same as "Ebisu".
- - - Food and drink
Ebisu has a high concentration of restaurants, cafés, izakaya, ramen shops, bars and old-fashioned tachinomi ("stand and drink") bars.
- - - Yebisu Garden Place
Yebisu Garden Place is a shopping and cultural center located in Ebisu.
It has a sloped promenade leading to a large central plaza covered by a wide glass arch. The area regularly hosts events and markets on weekends.
The complex contains the following attractions:
Sapporo Breweries headquarters;
Museum of Yebisu Beer;
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography;
Château Restaurant Joël Robuchon, a replica of a Louis XVI French château which houses three Michelin-starred restaurants (L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon - 2 stars, La Table de Joël Robuchon - 2 stars, and Le Chateau de Joël Robuchon - 3 stars);
Yebisu Garden Place Tower, a skyscraper with "sky dining" restaurants on the top 38th and 39th floors with panoramic views over Tokyo;
Atre shopping arcade;
Glass Square, a self-enclosed shopping centre; and
Mitsukoshi department store.
Yebisu Garden Place also offers annual winter illumination.
It is one of the most popular winter illumination events in Tokyo which has been held for over 20 years. It contains over 100,000 LED lights and a Baccarat crystal chandelier that is 5m large x 3m wide "It’s the world biggest Baccarat chandelier created with 8,472 pieces of crystal parts and 250 lights by 70 skilled craftsmen."
This is one of the most romantic attractions and it is perfect for couples usually from November 3 to December 25.
- source : wikipedia

エビスビール / 恵比寿ビール Yebisu Beer


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. Shibuya ku 渋谷区 Shibuya ward .
恵比寿 . 大向 地域 Ebisu-Ōmukai
Kamiyamachō, Jinnan, Udagawachō, Shōtō, Shinsenchō, Maruyamachō, Nanpeidaichō, Sakuragaokachō, Hachiyamachō, Uguisudanichō, Sarugakuchō, Daikanyamachō, Ebisunishi, Ebisuminami

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ebisushibuya #shibuyaebisu #yebisu - - - -