. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan

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Fujizuka (富士塚) are small mounds, commonly found in and around Tokyo, which represent Mount Fuji.
During the Edo period (1603–1868), a cult arose around the mountain, one of whose major devotional rites was to climb to the peak. Pilgrims who were unable through age, infirmity or gender to climb Mount Fuji would ascend one of these surrogates instead. They were usually around ten feet high, and replicate the 10 stations on Fuji itself, from the foot of the mountain to the summit. Some were also situated so as to provide pleasant views of their surrounding area, such as the Moto-Fuji at Meguro.
Although they are not included among the objects that make up the Cultural World Heritage Site, there are many Fujizuka that have been designated as Cultural Properties by the national government of Japan or by local governments. Famous Fujizuka within the precincts of Tokyo include
the Shitaya-sakamoto Fuji (within the grounds of the Onoterusaki shrine),
the Nagasaki Fuji (beside the main shrine building of the Fuji Sengen shrine) and
the Ekoda Fuji (within the grounds of the Ekoda Sengen shrine).
One such Fujizuka is found at Shinagawa Shrine near Shinbanba station in Tokyo. According to the shrine's kannushi, Mr. Suzuki, the Fujizuka, built between 1869–72, is a relatively late addition, and is said to bestow the same benefit on those who climb it as climbing Mt. Fuji.
- source : wikipedia

source : Yoko Arisaka
Map of the many Fujizuka in Edo - said to be more than 60 !
Many are off limits now and can only be climbed once a year during the Festival when the climbing season of the real Mount Fuji starts in Summer.
Many shrines in Japan had a special boulder or mound where Fuji worshippers could "climb" to the top and perform austerities and offer prayers.
. Fujikoo 富士講 Fujiko, Mount Fuji worship group .

Hatonomori Hachiman Jinja 鳩森八幡神社
Asakusa 浅草
. Fuji Asama Shrine 富士浅間神社 .
Fukagawa 深川

Ando Hiroshige
Funabori no Fujizuka 船堀の富士塚
日枝神社 Hie Jinja

Build with some lava rocks of Mount Fuji.
At the top is a small shrine of 浅間神 Asama Jinja.
Imai no Fujizuka 今井の富士塚

Located at the back of 上今井香取神社 Kami Imai Katori Jinja (1564).
It was built with the lava rocks of Mt. Fuji in 1930. It is 2.5 meters high. One stone at its base dates back to 1751.
Mizuinari Jinja 水稲荷神社 Shinjuku 新宿
Takada Fuji 高田富士

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On the north side of Hosen-ji Temple in the vicinity of Waseda University Building No.9 (in the grounds of the former Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine), is the site of an Edo period landmark called Takada Fuji-zuka. From the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), the divinity of Mount Fuji was a popular belief and in every region "Fuji-zuka" (Fuji mound) were constructed as replicas of Mount Fuji.
Takada Fuji was created in 1779 by Takada Toshiro, a landscaper from Takada Village and was the oldest of these mounds in Edo. It was about 5 meters high.
During 1905-1906, Waseda University purchased the grounds of the then Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine and the Takada Fuji-zuka was destroyed. However, it was restored in the grounds of the current Mizu-Inari-jinja Shrine which itself was moved to the side of the city administered Kansen-en Park.
On the site of the original Takada Fuji-zuka now stands Waseda University Building No.9, a high rise building.
- source : kanko-shinjuku.jp -
Takada Tooshiroo 高田藤四郎 Takada Toshiro
Born I706 in Tajima no Kuni 但馬の国 (now Hyogo).
He climbed Mount Fuji for the first time when he was 16 and 34 times alltogether in his lifetime.
Nagashima no Fujizuka 長島の富士塚
at Shrine 香取神社 Katori Jinja at 東葛西 Higashi Kasai

This hill is about 4 meters hig.
The top is covered with unregular boulders, the stones at the bottom are about more round.
At the top is a stone memorial with the inscription of 浅間神社 Asama Jinja.
This mound has been built in 1917 on request of the nearby villages of 長島 /b 桑川両村 Nagashima and Kuwagawa.
Meguro 目黒

Ando Hiroshige - and the 三田上水 Mita Josui waterway
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This is a picture of Meguro Fujizaka by Utagawa Hiroshige, April 1857.
The Fujizaka in Meguro was about 15 metres high and was complete with a Shintō Torii at its base and a zig zag path to a shrine at the top imitating the paths on the slopes of the real Mount Fuji. It was built in 1819 on land belonging to Kondo Juzō, an explorer of Hokkaido and a hatamato. In 1826 he was involved in a land dispute with a man called Hannosuke, the owner of a teahouse that was located in the area at the base of Meguro Shinfuji . He took the case to court and won. Hannosuke made threats and as a consequence Kondo’s son Tomizo, to avenge his father’s honour, attacked Hannosuke killing seven members of the family. Tomizo was exiled to Hokkaido and Kondo was exiled to Ōmizo Domain and place under house arrest in the care of the Lord of that Domain, Mitsuyasu Wakebe, who treated him with the utmost respect.
The story was adapted by Takeshiba Kisui for the Kabuki stage in a play entitled
‘The Incident at the foot of Meguro’s New Miniature Mountain’ (山開目黒新富士 Yamabiraki Meguro no Shinfuji).
- source : Trevor Skingle facebook 2017 -
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Meguro Moto-Fuji 目黒元不二
Meguro Moto-Fuji is a 12m high man-made Mt. Fuji at Kami Meguro, Meguro Ward
built by a Fuji-worshipping group of Meguro in 1812 (the ninth year of Bunka).
Asama Shrine 浅間神社 was dedicated at the summit, just as on the real Mt. Fuji
and at the opening of the mountain on June 1st, many would come on pilgrimages.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
. Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 Onoterusaki Shrine .
and the Fujizuka festival 富士塚祭り
... to celebrate the opening of the mountain climbing season of Mt. Fuji.
The "Fuji Hill", a miniature of Mount Fuji, is about 7 meters high. To climb it would bring the same spiritual merit as climbing Mt. Fuji itself.
The "Fuji Hill" of this shrine was constructed in 1828.
Once every three years the festival is especially large and the mikoshi palanquin is carried around in the neighbourhood. Only when a new emperor succeeds or a crown prince is born will the festival be held in this year too.
- - - - - Shimokamata no Fujizuka 下鎌田の富士塚
There are at least two, one in 天祖神社 Tenso Jinja and one in 豊田神社 Toyota Jinja.
Built in the beginning of the Showa period by the Fujiko group 葛西講.
It has been rebuilt together with the re-moving of the shrine to its present location, now
江戸川区東葛西7-17 (中割天祖神社)Tenso Jinja
. 鐵砲洲 Teppozu Fujizuka .
at Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社
The one in Toyota Jinja is about three meters high and rather new, built in 1916. The shrine itself is about 200 years old.
The Fujiko Group is 下鎌田割菱八行講. The main festivals are on the first of July and 28th of August.
. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Hikawa Shrines in Japan .

Ando Hiroshige
上目黒氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 in Kami-Meguro
川口氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja
Kawaguchi 埼玉県川口市青木5丁目18番48号

source : ameblo.jp/yorozu39
Amulet with Fujizuka 絵馬 ema votive tablet
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
Fujizuka ni nobori Urayasu matsuri kana
at the Urayasu
festival I climb up
the Fuji Mound . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
米倉典子 Yonekura Noriko
浦安稲荷神社 Urayasu Inari Jinja

- source and more photos : ナツパパ さん -
- - - - - Events in Urayasu
Urayasu Sanja Matsuri 浦安三社祭
Seiryuu Jinja (清瀧神社)/ Toyouke Jinja (豊受神社) / Inari Jinja (稲荷神社)
- source : sites.google.com/site -

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .
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Shrine Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社
with a Fujizuka
The Fujizuka of Shimonerima
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