. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
- - - - 松庵村 Shoan village, 高井戸村 Takaido village, see below
Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward
- quote
"Cedars Avenue"
The ward refers to itself as Suginami City in English.
- The name Suginami dates back to the early Edo period and is a shortened version of Suginamiki ("avenue of cedars”). This name came about when an early land baron, Lord Tadayoshi Okabe, planted a row of cedar trees to mark the bounds of his property.
The ward was founded on March 15, 1947.
- - - - - The following neighborhoods make up Suginami-ku.
. Amanuma district 天沼 "heavenly swamp" . Hon-Amanuma
. Asagaya district 阿佐ヶ谷 / 阿佐谷 .
- Asagaya 阿佐ヶ谷村, Asagaya-Kita, Asagaya-Minami
Eifuku 永福寺村
. Horinouchi 堀之内 / 堀ノ内 Horinouchi district .
. Igusa 井草村 Igusa village . - Kami-Igusa, Shimo-Igusa
. Iogi 井荻 Iogi district .
. Kooenji, Kōenji 高円寺 Koen-Ji district .
. Kugayama 久我山 Kugayama district .
Narita-Higashi . Narita-Nishi
. Ogikubo 荻窪 Ogikubo district .
. Ōmiya, Oomiya 大宮 Omiya . - Omiya Hachiman Shrine 大宮八幡宮
Takaido mura
Zenpukuji, Suginami
幕府領 幕府領 12村 ●中野村、高円寺村、馬橋村、久我山村、上高井戸村、下高井戸村、中高井戸村、田端村、成宗村、本郷新田、和泉新田(和泉村のうち)、大宮前新田、松庵村
旗本領 7村 ●上鷺之宮村、和泉村、上高田村、片山村、●和田村、●上井草村、●下井草村
幕府領、旗本領 8村 江古田村、雑色村、●永福寺村、●上荻窪村、新井村、下鷺之宮村、上沼袋村、下沼袋村
鉄砲玉薬組同心給地 1村 ●本郷村
その他 寺社領 4村 下荻窪村、天沼村、阿佐ヶ谷村、堀之内村
- source : wikipedia
. Suginami tezuma 手妻, wazuma 和妻 traditional magician .
藤山新太郎 Shintaro Fujiyama
. 88 文殊院(杉並区和泉4-18-17))Monju-In (Suginami, Izumi) .
Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
Shooanmura 松庵村 Shoan village
杉並区松庵 Suginami ward 松庵一丁目から松庵三丁目 from the first to the third sub-district
In the South-West of Suginami ward.
The river 松庵川 Shoangawa used to pass through the village. Now it is put under ground.

The wilderness was developed for farming in the Edo period by
荻野松庵 doctor Ogino Shoan. He died in 1665.
He was probably also the head priest of the temple 円光寺 Enko-Ji.
The region was first called 松庵新田 Shoan Shinden. Around 1716, it was named Shoan Mura.
In 1889, it became 高井戸村 Takaido mura.
In 1932, it was divided into North Shoan 松庵北町 and South Shoan 松庵南町.
In 1969, the first and second sub-district of Takaido were finally named Shoan first to third sub-district.
西高井戸松庵稲荷神社 Nishi-Takai Shoan Inari Jinja

- Deity in residence
受持命 Ukemochi no Mikoto
It was a shrine in the precincts of temple Enko-Ji, where Ogino Shoan was active.
Shoan is venerated in this shrine as protector deity of the area. His grave is in the North of the Shrine, where the temple Enko-Ji used to be before shrine and temple had to be separated in the Meiji period.
There are two memorial towers in the precinct, one with the inscription
To the left of the torii 鳥居 entrance gate there is another small shrine venerating 狐のミイラ the mummy of a fox.

On an artificial hill beside the temple Enko-Ji there was a hole where a mother fox brought up her children.
When the temple had to be removed, the hill was also destroyed and the foxes had to go. Mother fox was so frustrated and sad, she bit off her front legs and died under the veranda of the temple.
The mummy shows a mother fox with her mouth biting the front legs. But it is not shown any more. There are countless small statues of the Inari fox in front of the sanctuary.
Takaido mura 高井戸村 Takaido village
Kami-Takaido 上高井戸村, Shimo-Takaido 下高井戸, Takaido-Higashi 高井戸東, Takaido-Nishi 高井戸西
See above, Shoan village.
In 1889, it became 高井戸村 Takaido mura.
. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Highway .
The main highway from Nihonbashi to Kofu.
Takaido mura was the first inofficial station 高井戸宿 Takaido shuku. It was divided in an upper (Kami) and lower (Shimo) part.
Kami-Takaido was allowed to operate on the first 15 days of a lunar month, Shimo-Takaido on the last 15 days of a lunar month. The postal station provides porters and pack horses, but it was not a very busy station, since few Daimyo had to pass here.
高井戸, takai ido "high well"
The original name refers to
takai o-doo 高いお堂 a high Temple hall, Hall on high ground
soon written 高井堂.
The temple was 宗源寺 Sogen-ji. It had a Hall for Fudo Myo-O 不動堂 at the sub-temple 本覚院 Hongaku-In, which was located on a high plateau, hence the name.

source : tesshow.jp/suginami/temple...
How is the relation to the well?
In 1486, a guide book by priest 道興准后 Doko Jugo (1430 - 1527) walking in the area mentions a pond
horikane no i ほりかねの井 / 堀兼の井 / 堀兼之井 / 堀難之井 , which is now called Takaido.

the well at Horigane, Sayama, Saitama Prefecture
Doko Jugo wrote a waka poem at the well, which had been dried out by the time he visited Musashino:
Horikane no I Well was also written Horigata-i 堀難井, "hard to dig well”.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Suginami 杉並区
boorei 亡霊 ghost
Once a man buried a man without family, named たきさん Taki san.
When he came back home, a man stood in front of his house and opened the door for him. Looking closer, it was the man he had just buried. But do not fear, Taki san had only come to express his gratitude, thanked the man and then vanished.
katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye
In front of the main hall of the temple 医王寺 Io-Ji there is a pond where fish are let free - but they soon become fish with only one eye.
They are maybe buna 鮒 fish of Yakushi Nyorai.
. buna densetsu 鮒 伝説 crucian carp legends .
薬缶坂 The monster from Yakanzaka
It used to prevent people from passing this slope. When a person stopped walking, the Yakan also stopped walking. Then the Yakan would stand up on its hind legs and dance.
The Yakan was often seen on rainy nights.

Yakanzaka 薬缶坂 Yakan slope
. yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China .
probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.
In Miyagi there is a slope called やかん坂 Yakanzaka. Also spelled 薬缶 or 野狐。
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #suginami #shoan - - - -
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