
Edo - Welcome !


- Welcome to Edo 江戸 Yedo !

Edo Daruma eating nihachi soba 二八そば  buckwheat noodles


fengshui 風水 The four heavenly protectors of Edo

MOUNTAIN - - - - -Mount Fujisan as Genbu in the North
RIVER - - - - - Hiragawa as Green Dragon in the East
SEA - - - - - Edo Inlet as Red Phoenix in the South
ROAD - - - - - Tokaido Road as White Tiger in the West

. Four Guardians of the Compass .


. The History of Edo 江戸の歴史 - The Edo Period 江戸時代 .

. Tokaido 53 stations 東海道五十三次 .
. Nihonbashi bridge (Nihonbashi 日本橋)
. 1. Shinagawa-juku 品川宿(Shinagawa)

. Mount Fuji 富士山, Fuji-san, Fujiyama .

. Edo Haikai 江戸俳諧 Haiku and Hokku - INFO .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. EDO - Persons, People .

. EDO - Specialities - Meibutsu .

. EDO - Shrines 神社 .

. EDO - Temples お寺 .

. EDO - Places and Powerspots .

. Kaido 街道 Old Highways .


- - - - - Alphabetical Index - Table of Contents - - - - -

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


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Check the side bar on the top right for the CONTENTS!

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Edo - Introduction


Edo 江戸 - Introduction

The town of Edo 江戸 大江戸 Ooedo, Great Edo, Old Edo  

Fires and fighting were the "flowers of Edo", Edo no Hana.

- More Photos of Old Edo - 江戸名所図会

. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites” .
- - - - - and
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 - Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo

. Edo Meibutsu 江戸名物 Specialities of Edo .
- the main ABC-list -


Edo, The City That Became Tokyo
An Illustrated History / Akira Naito
Illustrations by Kazuo Hozumi
Translated by H. Mack Horton

From 1603 to 1868, the city of Edo was the seat of power of the Tokugawa shogunate and the political center of Japan. In 1868 the city was renamed Tokyo and made the official capital of the nation. Both literally and figuratively, present-day Tokyo rests upon the foundations of Edo, and much of what is now thought of as traditional Japanese culture (woodblock prints, kabuki, sumo, haiku poetry) found its final form in Edo. In this book, through over 200 black and white drawings and an insightful text, old Edo is brought vividly to life—its planning, its construction, and the cultural energy that made it one of the most exciting, and populous, cities on the face of the earth.

. . . Mitsuke Gate of Edo Castle

Edo was nothing more than a village on the edge of Edo Bay when Ieyasu Tokugawa chose it as the site for a castle from which he, as shogun, could administer the country. The castle was of utmost importance because Japan had just emerged from a hundred years of civil war, and Ieyasu was determined that the power he had gained should not be wrested from him by antagonistic warlords.

The castle, of course, had to be supplied with the necessities of everyday life, and thus a town had to be built where merchants and artisans could live. It is the planning and construction of Edo Castle and the town that would support it that lie at the core of this book. In fact, the construction of the city would be an ongoing process throughout its –year history, in the wake of repeated devastation by fire and earthquake and under the pressure of an ever-expanding population.

. . . Quarters of the Townspeople

Another aspect of the book concerns Edo's cultural life, which moved over time from classical conventions dominated by the samurai to the more popular and lively forms favored by the merchants and artisans. Featured here are temples and shrines, festivals, bath houses, pleasure quarters, kabuki theaters, street gangs, the poet Basho, sumo wrestling, side shows, ukiyo-e prints, barbers, and much more.
source : kodansha-intl.com/books/


CLICK for Edomatsu pages Hi there!
My name is Edoreki Gakushimaru,
and I live in the city of Edo (you probably call my city "Tokyo" -- that's the modern name for Edo). I'd like to take you on a trip through my city, to see what it was like when it was still ruled by the Shogun, when samurai walked the streets, accompanied by beautiful women wearing silk kimono. There are lots of sights to see and plenty to learn about ancient Japan. But first, you have to travel back in time about 200 years.
Are you ready?

Edo Japan, A Virtual Tour


Flower Viewing at Shinobazu Pond
『江戸名所図会』 不忍池 蓮見

- Edo and Edo Castle — Developing a Metropolis -


People of Edo, by Maki Bokusen 牧墨僊


Look at more here:
source : hatsuzawa


Edo Bungaku Collection - Waseda Daigaku 江戸文学

source : www.wul.waseda.ac.jp/kotenseki


. Edo Haikai 江戸俳諧 Haiku and Hokku .

. Tookyoo jusha 東京十社 ten shrines of Tokyo - Edo .

. BOOK - Titles of Books, Articles etc. - Book, Buchtitel .

- quote -
Bird's-eye View Illustration of Ōedo (大江戸鳥瞰図 Ōedo Chokan-zu)
This is a map that looks out eastwards from Edo Castle and depicts the view of a bustling city and Hinomi-yagura (fire watchtowers). The course of rivers and the coastline is also included allowing us to understand how the streets of Edo appeared at the time.
Keirin, the author of this bird's eye view illustration was the grandson of Keisai Kuwagata.
Keisai had a unusual career changing from an Ukiyo-e painter to becoming a painter for the Tsuyama clan (present day Okayama Prefecture) and he specialized in bird's eye view illustrations. Keisai left a number of bird's eye view illustrations of Edo such as 'Bird's Eye View of Greater Edo' and 'A Glance at Edo painted on Folding Screen', and the strong influence of his grandfather can clearly be seen in this illustration by Keirin. Bird's eye view illustration is the paiting that depicts the view of the ground as if seen from the point of view of a bird flying in the sky.
This kind of illustration became popular in the later years of Edo when perspectives began to be adopted.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


. Hana no Miyako 花の都 - Kyoto, the old capital .


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Edo Meibutsu


- - - - - Table of contents - - - - -

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


Edo Meibutsu 江戸名物 Specialities of Edo - Index -
meisanhin 名産品


Many words come with EDO at the beginning - here is a growing list.
Ooedo 大江戸 Oedo, "Great Edo" is another keyword.

. Edo, The City That Became Tokyo .
An Illustrated History - Akira Naito

. The Edo Clan of the Musashi Taira 武蔵江戸氏 Musashi Edo-Shi .
江戸太郎重長 Edo Taro Shigenaga (? around 1180)

. Edo o shoshite Tokyo to nasu 江戸を称して東京と為す .
- The End of Edo - September 3rd, 1868 : Imperial Edict Renaming Edo to Tōkyō.

. Edo Tokyo Hyakkei 百景 100 views of Edo / Tokyo .


Edo is an inland state in Western Nigeria. Benin Edo or Bini.
Edo-Khel, a Pashtun tribe of southeastern Afghanistan


. Edo - 40 Traditional Crafts of Tokyo - Introduction .
- - - - - including
. Edo Bekko 江戸鼈甲 Tortoiseshell Products.
- Edo chokin 江戸彫金 metal chasing
. Edo Fude 江戸筆 Handmade Calligraphy Brushes .
. Edo Garasu 江戸硝子 Edo Glassware .
. Edo Hake 江戸刷毛 Edo Brushes .
. Edo Hyogu 江戸表具 scroll mounting .
. Edo Ishogi Ningyo 江戸衣裳着人形 Costumed Dolls .
. Edo Karakami 江戸からかみ Hand-Made Patterned Paper .
. Edo Katchu 江戸甲冑 Warrior Armor from Edo .
. Edo kimekomi ningyoo 江戸木目込人形 kimekomi dolls from Edo .
. Edo Kiriko 江戸切子 Cut Glassware .
. Edo Moku-Chokoku 江戸木彫刻 Wood Sculptures .
. Edo Moku-Hanga 江戸木版画 Woodblock Prints .
. Edo Oshi-e Hagoita 江戸押絵羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .
. Edo Sarasa 江戸更紗 Printed Silk Calico .
. Edo Sashimono 江戸指物 Wood Joinery .
. Edo shikki 江戸漆器 Edo laquerware .
. Edo Shishu 江戸刺繍 Embroidery .
. Edo Sudare 江戸簾 Slatted Blinds .
. Edo Tegaki Chochin (Hand-Painted Paper Lanterns) 江戸手描提灯
. Edo Tsumami-Kanzashi 江戸つまみ簪 Ornamental Hairpins .
. Edo Wazao (Bamboo Fishing Rods) 江戸和竿 .
. Edo Zooge 江戸象牙 Edo Zoge, Ivory Carvings


. Edo Bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government and Administration .

Edobarai, Edo tokorobarai 江戸払い banishment from Edo (EG188)

. Edobina, Edo-bina 江戸雛 Hina dolls, Edo style .

. Edo Culture: Daily Life and Diversions in Urban Japan, 1600-1868 .
book by Nishiyama Matsunosuke, tr. ‎Gerald Groemer - 1997

. Edo Dandyism: From Swords to Inro .

. Edo Daruma 江戸だるま 江戸達磨 papermachee dolls .

. Edo Daruma Hakkei 江戸だるま八景 .
senbei せんべい。Nihonbashi Nishiki Horin : 日本橋錦豊琳 -

Edo deetabeesu データベース Illustrated Database of Edo
source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals

. Edo Fuuzoku Ningyoo 江戸風俗人形 Edo Fuzoku Dolls .

. Edogawa 江戸川 river Edogawa . (BF)

. Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Five Kaido routes starting from Nihonbashi .
- - - Edo Itsu Kuchi  江戸五口 five entrance gates to/from Edo castle

. Edo gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo .
江戸ウォーキング (大人の遠足ブック) Edo Walking - Excursions for Grown-Ups
ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trips and guidebooks for Edo

. Edo haikai 江戸俳諧 Edo Haiku Meetings .

. Edo hyaku nezu 江戸百鼠 100 shades of gray/grey color .

Edo jidai 江戸時代 the Edo period

. Edo joo 江戸城 Edo-Jo, Edo Castle .

Edo jooruri 江戸浄瑠璃 (EG)
. jooruri 浄瑠璃 narration and 文楽 bunraku puppet theater .

. Edo juuhachi daitsuu 十八大通 eighteen big spenders of Edo .

Edo kaijoo 江戸開城 Edo Kaijo - The Fall of Edo (wiki)

. Edo 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples .

. Edokko 江戸っ子 lit. "child of Edo" , born in Edo .

. Edo komon 江戸小紋 Small Edo Patterns .

Edomachi 江戸町 Edo district, in other towns, like Kobe and Nagasaki

. Edo machibugyoo 江戸町奉行 governor of Edo .
- - - - - 江戸の名奉行 Famous Bugyo from Edo

. Edo machi kan, Edomachikan 江戸町鑑 records of districts in Edo .

- - - - - Edomae, Edo-mae 江戸前 "in front of Edo" - food from Tokyo Bay
. Edomae Sushi (Edomaezushi) 江戸前寿司 .

. Edomae tenpura 江戸前天ぷら Edo-mae Tempura, .

. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites” .
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo

. Edo mingei  江戸民芸 folk art and craft from Edo .
. Edo anesama 江戸姉様 "elder sister" dolls from Edo .
. Edo gangu 江戸玩具 Edo Toys and the Color Red
. Edo koma, Edo-koma 江戸独楽 spinning top from Edo / Tokyo .
. Edo kaku, tako 凧 kites of Edo - 江戸奴凧
. Edo no engimono 江戸の縁起物 Good Luck Charms of Edo
. Patterns of the Edo Period .

Edo murasaki 江戸紫 purple of Edo (EG387)
. Colors of Japan #745399 purple .

Edo namari 江戸訛り dialect of Edo (EG300)
. namari なまり、訛 dialect, local speach .

. Edo Nana Fushigi 江戸七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Edo  . - tba -

. Edo no Hana 江戸の華名勝會 / 江戸の花名勝会 Edo no Hana Meisho E .
. The Flowers of Edo: A Collection of Famous Places

Edo no Idenshi 江戸の遺伝子 The Edo Inheritance (2009)
book by Tokugawa Tsunenari
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Edo no Izakaya 江戸の居酒屋 drinking shops in Edo .

Edo no kagaku 江戸の科学 - Natural Science of the Edo period
- source : gakken.co.jp/kagakusouken -

. Edo no kawa 江戸の川 -- 江戸の河 the rivers of Edo .

. Edo no susume 謎解き!江戸のススメ - BS-TBS .

. Edo no taika 江戸の大火 "Great Fires of Edo" .

. Edo Roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo .

. Edo Roku Jizo 江戸六地蔵 The Six Jizō Bosatsu of Edo .

. Edo Saijiki 江戸歳時記 - The Four Seasons in Edo .

. Edo Sengen sai 江戸浅間祭 Sengen festival in Edo .
at the Fuji Asama Sengen Shrine in Asakusa - 浅草の富士浅間神社

. Edo senke 江戸千家 the Sen family of Edo Tea masters .
..... founded by 川上不白 Kawakami Fuhaku (1716 – 1807)
- . Senke 千家 Sen family of Tea masters .

. Edo shigusa 江戸しぐさ the manners of Edo .

. Edo shishuku 江戸四宿 four postal stations out of of Edo . (EG45)
Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Edo Gokaido, Gokaidō - Edo Five Ruotes
Five Kaido starting at Nihonbashi, Edo

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 the craftsmen of Edo .

. Edo Suzume 江戸雀 (えどすずめ) Edo Sparrow publishing .

. Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum .
..... Tokyo Digital Museum
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography / MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO
- source : digitalmuseum.rekibun.or.jp -

Tokugawa Art Museum - English
Tokugawa-cho Higashi-ku, Nagoya

. Edo uchiwa 江戸団扇 handfan made in Edo .

Edo uta 江戸唄 song of Edo (EG)

Edowan, Edo wan 江戸湾 #Edo bay", Tokyo bay 近世の東京湾 (wiki)

. Edo wazurai 江戸煩ひ/江戸煩い/江戸患い the "Edo disease" - beriberi . (EG590)

Edo yakusha 江戸役者 actor from Edo (EG502)
. Kabuki theaters in Edo 歌舞伎 .

. Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 Vegetables of Edo .

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 portable food stalls in Edo .

. Edo Yookai Karuta 江戸妖怪かるた Edo Yokai monsters card game .

. Edo yuuzen 江戸友禅 Yuzen - Kimono dyeing from Edo .

Edoza 江戸座 Edo theater (EG)
. Edo Sanza 江戸三座 three famous Kabuki theaters .

Edozuma 江戸妻 Edo roof formation (EG390)
. yane 屋根 Japanese roofs - Introduction .
kirizuma-zukuri 切妻造


. Tokyo Daibutsu 東京大仏 Great Buddha of Tokyo .
Joorenji 乗蓮寺 Joren-Ji - Itabashi

. Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mascots .


Edo dana 江戸店 (EG230) stores in Edo

江戸町監 (EG472)
Edomachi kaisho 江戸町会所 - Introduced by Matsudaira Sadanobu in 1797


- - - - - - back to - EEE -


Cultural Keywords of the Edo period - used by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

- BF - bakufu book / EG - edogaku book -

江戸名物を歩く - 佐藤孔亮

under construction, please come back !

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- #edomeibutsu #meibutsu #specialitiesedo #tokyo2020 -


Places of Edo


Famous Places and Power Spots of Edo and the Edo period

source : Wikipedia
canal system of Edo

. machi, choo 町 small town or village - districts and Haiku   .
chiku 地区 area

The wikipedia has now extensive coverage about Tokyo and the districts of Edo.
The special wards of Tokyo are:
Adachi Arakawa Bunkyo Chiyoda Chūō Edogawa Itabashi Katsushika Kita Kōtō Meguro Minato Nakano Nerima Ōta Setagaya Shibuya Shinagawa Shinjuku Suginami Sumida Taitō Toshima
The "three central wards" of Tokyo – Chiyoda, Chūō and Minato – are the business core of the city,
- source : wikipedia -

The Landmarks of Edo in Color Woodblock Prints
484 nishiki-e picturing 103 landmarks of Edo
... links to illustrated geographical booklets Edo Meisho Zue
- source : National Diet Library-

Edo Meishō Zue 江戸名所図会 “Guide to famous Edo sites”
... an illustrated guide describing famous places and depicting their scenery...
20 books divided among seven volumes. Initially published in 1834.
... conceived by Saitō Yukio Nagaaki (1737–1799) ...
- source : wikipedia -

- This list is not updated, please check the ABC index. -

. - - - Persons and Place Names - Index - - - .

. Legends 伝説 from the 23 Tokyo wards .

. Edo Tokyo Hyakkei 百景 100 views of Edo / Tokyo .

. kawa 江戸の河 -- 江戸の川 the rivers of Edo .

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the many slopes of Edo .


. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward .

. Akasaka 赤坂 "the red slope" district . Minato
- Akasaka Kiribatake 赤坂桐畑 district, "paulownia fields"
- 赤坂一木町 / 一ツ木町 Akasaka Hitotsugi district
- Akasaka Tamachi 赤坂田町 Tamachi district, "district of fields"

. Amanuma district 天沼 "heavenly swamp" - Suginami ward .

. Anjinchoo 安針町 Anjin-Cho, Anjin Cho district .
- William Adams - Miura Anjin (三浦按針 "the pilot of Miura")

. Aomonochoo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .

. Aoyama 青山 Aoyama district, "Green Mountain" . - Minato ward

"Full moon at Arakawa River" 荒川の月
川瀬 巴水 - Hasui Kawase (1883-1957) - 1929

. Arakawa ku 荒川区 Arakawa ward - "wild river" .
. . . . . Machiya 町屋, Nippori 日暮里, Ogu 尾久

. Asakusa 浅草 district .
. . . . . Asakusabashi 浅草橋 Asakusa Bridge / Asakusa Heiemonchoo 平右衛門町 Heiemon machi
- - - - - . Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音, temple 浅草寺 Senso-Ji . .

. Atago 愛宕 Atago district . - Minato

. Azabu district 麻布 "hemp cloth" . Minato ward
- - - - - Azabuichibei 麻布市兵衛町 Azabu Ichibei district
- - - - - Azabuipponmatsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu district "one pine tree"
- - - - - 六本木 Roppongi
- - - - - Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu

. Bakurochoo, Bakuro-chō 馬喰町 Bakurocho district .

Banchoo 番町 Bancho and . Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district .

. Bunkyoo, Bunkyō 文京区 Bunkyo ward, "Literature Capital" .

. Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward "Fields of Eternity" .
Kanda area 神田地区 Kanda Area / Kōjimachi Kojimachi area 麹町地区

. Choofu 調布 Chofu / 田園調布 Denen Chofu .

. Chūō ku, Chuuoo Ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .

. Daikuchoo 神田大工町 Kanda Daikucho, carpenter district .
- Umibedaikuchmachi 海辺大工町 Umibe Daikumachi carpenter district on the coast
- river 小名木川 Onagigawa /高橋 Takahashi bridge / Mannenbashi 万年橋 "Ten Thousand Year Bridge"

Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井

. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .

Edojoo 江戸城 Edojo, Edo Castle

. Edogawa ku 江戸川区 Edogawa ward .
- Edogawa 江戸川 river Edogawa

. Egawachoo 江川町 Egawa-Cho, Egewa district .
- Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 (1801-1855)

. Eitaibashi 永代橋 Eitai-Bashi bridge .

. Fukagawa district 深川 .
- Sunamura 砂村 "Sand village" district / Fukagawa Kiba 深川木場 Fukagawa Timberyards

. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers .
- and Kayabacho 茅場町, 南茅場町 Minami-Kayabacho

. Ginza 銀座 "Silver Guild" district .
- - - - - Ginpari, Gin Pari 銀巴里 chanson cafe in Ginza
- - - - - Shin Sakanachoo 新肴町 Shin-Sakana Cho, Shinsakanacho district - "New Fish Village - Market"
- - - - - 新肴場 Shin Sakanaba
- - - - - Rogetsumura 老月村 / 新場橋 Shinbabashi bridge / Momijidoori もみじ通り Edo Momiji-dori Avenue.

. Gofukuchoo 呉服町 Gofukucho, district of the Kimono shops .
..... Gofukubashi 呉服橋. / Gofukubashi Mitsuke Mon 呉服橋見附門 Gofukubashi Mitsuke Gate

. Gofunai, Funai 御府内 "The Lord's City" .
御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo

. Gyootoku, Gyōtoku 船橋 と 行徳 Gyotoku .
..... Gyotoku enden 行徳塩田 Gyotoku salt fields / Imai 今井

. Hachiman 八幡 Shrines in the Edo period .

. Hachiooji 八王子 Hachioji district and 高尾山 Mount Takaosan .

. Hakkei 八景 Eight Views .
Sumida-gawa hakkei 隅田川八景 by Hiroshige II 広重 II
Sumida Hakkei in Edo 隅田八景
Zashiki Hakkei 座敷八景 Eight Parlor Views
Oomi Hakkei 近江八景 Omi Hakkei, Eight Views of Omi .

. Hakozakichō 箱崎町 Hakozaki-Cho district . - Chuo
..... Tokyo City Air Terminal T-CAT

. Hamamatsuchō 浜松町 Hamamatsucho, Hamamatsu district . Minato

. Hibiya 日比谷 / 比々谷 district in Chiyoda ward .

. Himonochoo 檜物町 / 檜物丁 HimonoCho District .
quarters of the craftsmen of Hinoki cypress wood

. Himonya 碑文谷 Himonya district . - Meguro
Ebara 荏原郡 district / 武州荏原 Bushu, Ebara

. Hongokuchoo 本石町 Hongoku District .

. Honcho 本町 Honcho districtct - Nakano ward .

. Honjo 本所 and Honcho (Motomachi) 本町 Honcho, Honmachi .
..... Honjo-Aioicho 本所相生町 Honjo-Aioi district

. Honryoogaechoo 本両替町 Hon-Ryogae-Cho district .
- Kanefukichoo 金吹町 Kanefukicho // Kinsukechoo 金助町 Kinsukecho - related to Ginza and 金座 Kinza

. Honzaimokuchoo 本材木町 Honzaimokucho, Honzaimoku-cho district .
..... 楓川 Kaedegawa / 海運橋 Kaigunbashi / 冬木町 Fuyuki district

Hooraikan 鳳来館 Horaikan now an exhibition hall in Aichi

. Horidomechoo 堀留町 Horidomecho District / Horidome rivers .

. Horiechoo, Horie choo 堀江町 Horie Cho district .
and Terefurechoo 照降町 (てれふれ) Terefurecho, Terefure Cho or (てりふりちょう ) Terifuri

. Horikiri mura 掘切村 Horikiri village "digging a moat" . - Katsushika ward / Sakasai 逆井

. Horinouchi 堀之内 / 堀ノ内 Horinouchi district .

. Hyakuninchoo 百人町 Hyakunincho district . - Aoyama, Shinjuku

. Ichigaya 市谷 / 市ヶ谷 / 市ケ谷 .
市谷加賀町 Ichigaya Kaga cho
Ichigaya Sanaizaka 市谷左内坂町 Ichigaya Sanaizaka cho

. Iidamachi, Iida-machi 飯田町 Iidamachi district .
and 飯田橋 Iidabashi Bridge // Kudanzaka 九段坂

. Ikebukuro district 池袋 "pond bag" . \ Toshima

. Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji  temple .

. Iriya 入谷 and Taitō 台東区 Taito ward .

. Itabashi ku 板橋区 Itabashi ward .

. Iwamotochoo, Iwamotochō 神田岩本町 Kanda Iwamotocho .
--- Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge / Aizomegawa 藍染川 river Aizome-gawa

. Jinboochoo, Jinbōchō 神保町 Jinbocho, Jimbocho .
神保小路 Jinbo Koji, Jinbo alley

. Kagachoo 加賀町 Kaga Cho districts - Ginza, Ichigaya .

. Kagurazaka - Kagurasaka 神楽坂 Ushigome Kagurazaka 牛込神楽坂 .

. Kajibashi 鍛冶橋 Kajibashi Bridge, "Blacksmith Bridge" .
Kajiyamachi 神田鍛冶屋町 "Blacksmith district" - also called
. Kanda Kajichoo, Kajimachi 千代田区 神田 鍛冶町 .

. Kamakurachoo 鎌倉町 Kamakura-Cho in Kanda, Chiyoda ward.
and - - - - - Kamakuragashi 鎌倉河岸 - 鎌倉川岸 Kamakura riverbank, Kamakura waterfront
and - - - - - Toshimaya 豊島屋 first "Izakaya 居酒屋" pub in Edo

. Kameido choo 亀戸町 Kemeido, Kame-Ido "Turtle Well" .

. Kameyama 亀山 "Turtle Mountain" .

. Kamisukichoo 紙漉町 Kamisuki-Cho, paper maker district .

Kanamachi 金町
. Kanamachi kokabu 金町こかぶ small turnips .

. Kanda 神田 "field for the gods" .

. Kanazawa choo 神田金沢町 Kanazawa machi district in Kanda .

. Kanto Henro Pilgrimage 関東八十八ヶ所霊場 .

. Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town . - Setagaya

. Kasugachoo 春日町 Kasugacho District, Kasuga-Cho - 練馬 Nerima, Bunkyo

. Kasumigaseki district 霞ヶ関 / 霞が関 "fog gate", "gate of mist" .

. Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward .

. Kawasaki district 川崎 - Tokaido .

. Kiba 木場 "place for wood" - lumberyards and carpenters .

. Kijichoo 雉子町 Kiji-Cho "pheasant district" wood-craft workers .
Kanda Kijibashi bridge 雉子橋 Kiji-Bashi, now in 千代田区神田 Chiyoda ward

. Kioichoo 紀尾井町 Kioicho district . - Chiyoda
- - - - - Kioizaka slope 紀尾井坂

. Kita ku 北区 Kita ward, "Northern Ward" .
- - - - - Asukayama 飛鳥山

. Kiyosumi choo, Kiyosumi machi 清住町 / 清澄町 Kiyosumi district .

. Kobunachoo 小舟町 Kobunacho, Kobuna Cho district ("small boat") .

. Kodenmachō 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho district .
- - - - - with the royashiki 江戸幕府が牢屋敷 main prison

. Koganei 小金井 and 小金井野菜 local vegetables . .

. Koishikawa 小石川 - and Koishikawa Garden .
- - - - - Sashigaya 指ヶ谷 / さしがや - - - - - Hakusan 白山
- - - - - Ootsuka 大塚 Otsuka "big mound"

. Komagatachoo 駒形町 Komagata district .

. Konyachoo, Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Kanda Konya-Cho, Kon'ya cho
Konyamachi, district for indigo cloth dyers . .

. Koogazaka 甲賀坂 Koga slope . Chioda, Surugadai

. Koojimachi, Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district . - Chiyoda
- Kojimachi Shimizudani 麹町清水谷

. Kootoo, Kōtō 江東区 Koto ward, "East River" .

. Kunitachi 国立市 .
- - - - - and the Yaho district 谷保 (やほ) / (やぼ Yabo)

. Kuramae 倉前 / 蔵前 The Bakufu Rice Granaries . - Asakusa, Taito

. Kyoobashi 京橋 Kyobashi Bridge .


お江戸の地名の意外な由来 - - 中江克己


. Matsugaechoo 松枝町 / 松ヶ枝町 Matsugae-Cho district . - Kanda

. Meguro 目黒 and Meguro no Sanma  目黒の秋刀魚 .
- - - . Meguro Fudoo 目黒不動 Meguro Fudo Temple .
- - - - - Kami-Meguro - The Shogun's Hawk-Hunting Grounds

. Mejiro 目白 the Mejiro district .

. Minato ku 港区 Minato ward, "Harbour ward" .

. Mita district 三田 / 御田 / 美田 "Three Rice Fields" . - Minato ward

. Miyake Mura 三宅村 Miyake village, 三宅島 Miyake Island - Izu Oshima .

. mon 門 the 36 gates of Edo castle .

. Muromachi 室町 Murocho Muro Cho .

. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / 武州 Bushu .
- - - Chōfu 調布市 Chofu city / 日野 Hino

. Nagasaki 長崎 in Toshima ward .

. Naitoo 内藤 Naito see Shinjuku, 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku .

. Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field" .
Arai 新井 Arai district - "new well"
Egota 江古田 Egota district
Saginomiya 鷺宮 Saginomiya district - "Shrine of the Heron - // Shirasagi 白鷺 Shirasagi district - "white heron" -

. Negishi 根岸 Negishi district - Taito ward .
..... Negishi no Sato 根岸の里 Negishi village

. Nerima 練馬区 Nerima ward .
and Nukui 貫井(ぬくい) "pulling out a well" village

. Nezu district 根津 - Bunkyo ward .
..... Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine

. nihon, nippon  日本 Japan .

Nihonbashi 日本橋 "Japan Bridge" in Edo / Tokyo  
- - - - - Koamichoo 小網町 Koami district,"small net" // Nihonbashi Tori 日本橋通

. Ningyoochoo, Ningyōchō  人形町 Ningyocho, Ningyo-Cho .

. Odaiba お台場 / Daiba 台場 . - Minato

. Odenmacho 大伝馬町 The Communications Center .

. Okechoo, okemachi、桶町 Okecho, "Bucket district" .

. Ooji, Ōji 王子 Oji district .

. Oome 青梅 / おうめ Ome village (Aome, Oume) .

. Oomori, Ōmori 大森 Omori district "Great Forest" . Ota ward

. Oota, Ōta 大田区 Ota ward .

. Ootemachi, Ōtemachi 大手町 Otemachi district .
The place of the former 大手門 Ote-Mon "Big, main Gate" to Edo castle.
- - - - - and Hirakawachoo 平川町 Hirakawa-Cho, Hirakawa district

. Otowachoo 音羽町 Otowa district .

. Reiganjima 霊巌島 / 霊岸島 Island Reiganjima .
- Shinkawa 新川, Chūō ward / Chiyoda ward

. Renjakuchoo, Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district .
- 入間村 Irima village / 和泉村 Izumi village / Komae 狛江郷

. Rokugō no watashi 六郷の渡し Rokugo river crossing .

. Ryoogoku, Ryōgoku 両国 Ryogoku district and bridge 両国橋  .

. Saeki 神田佐柄木町 Kanda Saeki-cho, Kanda Saekicho .

. Sakai Cho 堺町 Sakai in Edo .
- - - - - Edo Sanza 江戸三座 - the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo
堺町・葺屋町 Sakai Machi
木挽町 Kobiki choo
猿若町 Saruwaka choo. later renamed Nakamura-za

. Sakuma 神田佐久間町 Kanda Sakuma-cho, Sakumacho .

. Sakuradamon Gate 桜田門 and Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 (1860) .

. Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 Sangen-jaya, "three tea stalls" . - Setagaya

. Saruechoo 猿江町 Sarue Cho and 猿藤太 Mashira no Tota.

. Sengakuji (Senkakuji) 泉岳寺 Sengaku-Ji and the 47 Ronin .

. Senju 千住 Senju district . - Adachi

. Setagaya ku 世田谷区 Setagaya ward .

. Setomonocho 瀬戸物町 "Potter's district" .

. Shakujii 石神井 - Nerima ward .

. Shiba 芝 / 柴村 Shiba mura / 芝町 Shiba machi .
Shibaura 芝浦 Shiba-Ura

. Shibazaki 芝崎 . Musashino

. Shibuya ku 渋谷区 Shibuya ward .

. Shinagawa ku 品川区 Shinagaw ward .

. Shinbashi, Shimbashi 新橋 "new bridge" district . Minato

. Shinjuku 新宿 - Naitoo Shinjuku 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku .
- and Yodobashi 淀橋 "Yodo Bridge"

. Shin-Yanagibashi 新柳橋 . ... and Kappa raincoats

. Shirakabechoo 神田白壁町 Kanda Shirakabe-Cho district .

. Shiodome 汐留 / 塩留 . - Minato

. Shitaya 下谷 and Taitō 台東区 Taito ward . - Ueno

. Shizutani Gakkoo 閑谷学校 Shizutani School of the Ikeda clan, Okayama .

. Somei 染井 - uekiya 植木屋 gardeners . - Sugamo
伊兵衛三之烝 Ihei Sannojo

. Sotobori 外堀 / そとぼり / 外濠 outer moat of Edo castle .

. Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward .
- - - - - Shooanmura 松庵村 Shoan village

. Sumida ku, Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .

. Sumidagawa River 隅田川 and Katsushika 葛飾 .

. Surugadai 駿河台 . - Chioda
Suidobashi Surugadai 水道橋駿河台 / Kanda Surugadai 神田駿河台
Surugachoo 駿河町 Suruga Cho, Suruga Quarter, Suruga village, Suruga street (near Nihonbashi) / Suruga-Machi 駿河町 

. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .
Shitayaku, Shitaya ku 下谷区 Shitaya Ward // Iriya 入谷 // Torigoe 鳥越 Torigoe Ward (Torikoe)

. Tansumachi 箪笥町 / Ushigome Go-Tansucho 牛込御箪笥町 "Village of Tansu makers" .

. Takanawa district 高輪, Takanawadai 高輪台   .
Takanawa Okido 高輪 大木戸 The Great Gate of Takanawa  

. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 Tamagawa Josui Kanal .

. Tomizawachoo 富沢町 Tomizawa Cho district .

. Tooriaburachoo, Tōriabura-chō 通油町 Toriaburacho District .

. Toshima 豊島区 Toshima ward, "Rich Island" .
and 巣鴨 Sugamo district "ducks nest"

. Toyama 戸山 Shinjuku .

. Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場 Chuo Ward .
. . . . . Tsukiji - Visit to a Kabuki Theater

. Tsukudajima 佃島 / 佃嶌 The Island Tsukuda  .
. . . . . and Tsukuda Sumiyoshi Shrine 住吉神社

. Ueno district 上野 . - Taito

. Ukiyo-e ni miru Edo no meisho  浮世絵 Famous places in Edo on Ukiyo-E paintings .

. Unemegahara 采女ヶ原 Uneme plain - Unemebashi 采女橋 Uneme bridge .
Matsudaira Uneme no Sho 松平采女正 Sadamoto 定基 (1687 - 1759)

. Uogashi 魚河岸 the Fish Market .
- - - - - now - Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場

. Ushigome 牛込 Ushigome district . - Shinjuku
. . . . . Ushigome Fukuromachi 江戸牛込袋町

. Waseda 早稲田 Waseda district . - Shinjuku

. Yagenbori 薬研堀 "Yagen Canal".

. Yaguchi no watashi 矢ノ口渡 river crossing at Yaguchi village .
and the death of Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 (? - 1358)

. Yamabuki no Sato 山吹の里 Yamabuki village .

. Yamanote 山の手 and Shitamachi 下町 .

. Yanagibashi

. Yanaka 谷中 Temple town .

. Yaraichoo 矢来町 Yarai-Cho "Palisade quarter" - Ushigome Yaraicho 牛込矢来町 .

. Yatsukooji 八つ小路 Yatsukoji district . - "Eight small streets"

. Yayosugashi district 八代洲河岸 / Yaesu 八重洲 .

. Yokoyamachoo, Yokoyama-chō 日本橋 横山町 Nihonbashi Yokoyama-cho .
Bakuro-Yokoyama is a now district in Tokyo Shitamachi.

. Yoshiwara 葦原 / 吉原 pleasure quarters, red-light district .
- - - - - Okabasho 岡場所 "Place on a Hill"

. Yoyogi 代々木 . - Shibuya
- - - - - Yoyogi Hachimangu, Yoyogi Shusse Inari Shrine

. Yushima 湯島 - Yushima Tenjin Shrine .

. Yuurakuchoo, Yūrakuchō 有楽町 Yuraku-Cho district, Yurakucho .
- former 有楽原 Urakubara / Oda Urakusai Nagamasu 織田有楽斎長益 (1547 - 1621)
Edomaejima, Edo Maejima 江戸前島
. Zoshigaya 雑司が谷 / 雑司ヶ谷 / 雑司かや . - Toshima
. Shrines of Edo 江戸の神社 - INFO .

. Temples of Edo 江戸のお寺 - INFO .


地名で読む江戸の町 / 大石学


Explore Edo - Nineteenth-Century Edo Project
-- Maeda Ai

"There is congealed in the ōezu maps of Edo a peculiar compositional mode that fades from view when we look back from the perspective of a maps of Tokyo which introduced modern surveying techniques. At the center of the map is the white space of the shogun’s castle overlaid with the hollyhock crest of the Tokugawa around which is a mosaic of streets and daimyō residences reproduced with great precision. [...] This cartographic vision which scarcely changed for two hundred years suggests an image of urban space as it was understood by the people of early modern Japan.
It is a series of concentric circles with the castle at the center."
- source : www-personal.umich.edu... -

- 「東京の地名の由来」記事一覧
- reference source : zatsuneta.com/category... -

- 地域一覧
- reference source : edo.amebaownd.com/pages... -



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. WKD : Place Names used in Haiku - Utamakura .

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