. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Nakano ku 中野区 Nakano ward - "Middle Wild Field"

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- History
The ward was founded on October 1, 1932 when the towns of Nogata and Nakano were absorbed into the former Tokyo City as Nakano Ward. The present administration dates from March 15, 1947 when the Allied occupation reformed the administration of Tokyo-to.
1447: Ōta Dōkan defeated Toshima Yasutsune in a battle here.
1606: The Naruki Kaidō, predecessor of today's Ōme Kaidō (a road to Ōme) was established.
1695: In connection with the Shorui Awaremi no Rei (a law for the protection of animals), a facility for keeping wild dogs opened.
1871: The twelve villages that comprise present-day Nakano became part of Tokyo Prefecture.
1889: The Kofu Railway opens. The forerunner of today's Chūō Main Line included a station at Nakano en route from Shinjuku to Hachioji.
1897: Nakano becomes a village.
1932: Tokyo City expands to encompass the district that included Nakano.
1943: With the abolition of Tokyo City, Nakano becomes part of Tokyo-to.
1947: Nakano becomes one of the special wards under the new system.
1961: The Tokyo subway system extends to Nakano.
1973: Construction of Nakano Sun Plaza near Nakano Station reaches completion.
- Five special wards surround Nakano:
Shinjuku, Suginami, Nerima, Shibuya, and Toshima. It lies just west of the bustling Shinjuku area.
- - More in the Wikipedia !
- Sub-districts -
- - - Nakano area 中野
. Chuuoo, Chūō 中央 Chuo district districtct .
. Higashinakano 東中野 Higashi-Nakano districtct .
. Honcho 本町 Honcho districtct .
. Minamidai / Nandai 南台 districtct .
. Nakano machi 中野町 Nakano districtct .
. Yayoichō 弥生町 Yayoicho, Yayoi district .
- - - Nogata Area 野方
Arai 新井 - see below
. (Daiwacho) Yamatocho 大和町(やまとちょう) - Yamato districtct .
. Eharachō 荏原町 Ebara .
Egota, Egoda, Ekota, Ekoda 江古田 - see below
Kamisaginomiya 鷺ノ宮 / Saginomiya 鷺宮 - see below
. Kamitakada 上高田 .
. Maruyama 丸山 (円山) .
Matsugaoka 松ヶ丘 / 松が丘 - see below
. Nogata 野方 .
. Numabukuro 沼袋 .
Saginomiya 鷺宮 - see below
Shirasagi 白鷺 "White Heron" - see below
Wakamiya 若宮
- Rivers
江古田川 Egotagawa
神田川 Kandagawa
. 旧桃園川 former Momozonogawa .
妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa
善福寺川 Zenpukujigawa
荒玉水道 Aratama Suido waterway
千川上水 Sengawa / Senkawa Josui waterway
Senkawa Aqueduct is 22 km long. - 千川上水跡

東北復興大祭典 Tohoku Recovery Festival in Nakano
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Nakano is convenient as a place to live or visit, with fifteen train stations in the ward, the Seibu Shinjuku line and the Toei Oedo line running in the North, the Marunouchi line running in the South, and with, at the center of the ward, Nakano station, which is only four minutes on the JR Chuo line from Shinjuku station.
At the North Entrance to Nakano Station is “Nakano Broadway”, which is known as a hub for subcultures such as manga and anime. Not only subcultures, but also stores that handle antique high-quality watches, model train stores, and other stores that support various enthusiasts are gathered there. Also, it contains stores like grocery stores, butchers, fish shops, and eateries like the underground one known for its extra large eight-tiered ice cream cone. It is a shopping mall that contains everything necessary for everyday life.
..... When you exit Nakano station’s North exit and head West, Nakano’s new face, “the City of Four Seasons”, spreads out before you.
..... In Nakano there is a famous Tokyo scenic spot called Tetsugakudou (Temple of Philosophy) Park. ... built by the late Dr. Inoue Enryo.
Near Tetsugakudou Park is the Nokata Water Tower. A building with a unique form, it is designated as the country’s Tangible Cultural Property.
- source : city.tokyo-nakano.lg.jp... -
One of the oldest temples in Nakano is
. Jooganji 成願寺 Jogan-Ji .
Joganji (2-26 Honcho, Nakano-ku). 東京都中野区本町二丁目
. 明王山 Myoozan 聖無動院 Shomudo-In 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji .
(中野区中央2-33-3)- Chuo, Nakano
Nr. 12 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
. 十善山 Juzenzan 密蔵院 Mitsuzo-In 蓮花寺 Renge-Ji .
中野区沼袋2-33-4 / 2 Chome-33-4 Numabukuro, Nakano ward
Nr. 41 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
. Meijidera 明治寺 Meiji-dera .
東京都中野区沼袋2-28-20 / Tokyo, Nakano ward, Numabukuro
. 瑠璃光山 Rurikozan 禅定院 Zenjo-In 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji .
中野区沼袋2-28-2 / 2 Chome-28-2 Numabukuro, Nakano ward
Nr. 48 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
. 七星山 Shichiseizan 光徳院 Kotoku-In 息災寺 Sokusai-Ji .
中野区上高田五丁目18-3 / 5 Chome-18-3 Kamitakada, Nakano ward
Nr. 58 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
. 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo .
17 宝福寺 Hofuku-Ji- 中野観音 Nakano Kannon
(中野区南台3-43-2) - 如意輪観世音菩薩
Arai 新井 Arai district - "new well"
Nakano, Arai 新井三丁目, 四丁目 third and fourth sub-district
In 1413, the villagers dug a new well and named their village 新井村 Arai mura.
Later the temple 梅照院 Baisho-In was built, with a statue of Yakushi Nyorai to protect children.
. Baishoo-In 梅照院 Baisho-In 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji .
中野区新井5-3-5 / Nakano ward, Arai 5-3-5
Arai Yakushi 新井薬師.
There is even a station for the temple, 新井薬師前駅 Arai Yakushi mae eki
Egota 江古田 Egota district
Nakano, Egota 一丁目 - 四丁目 first to fourth sub-district / Egota, Egoda, Ekota, Ekoda

The station 江古田駅 is called Egoda eki 「えこだ」.
The name might refere to the location
tanima no chiisa na shitsuden 谷間の小さな湿田 a small wetland in a valley.
Another theory - more probable:

Around the fields (田 ta )were many ego no ki エゴノキ Japanese snowbell trees, Styrax japonica.

Egota no mori kōen 江古田の森公園 Egota no Mori Park
Egota-no-Mori Park is a public park, the largest in Nakano ward.
Within the grounds of the park there is a large, six-story building called Tokyo General Health and Welfare Center Egota-no-Mori (東京総合保健福祉センター江古田の森 Tōkyō Sōgō Hoken Fukushi Shisetsu Egota no Mori).
The park also has a multipurpose open area, wooded area, wooden playground equipment, sandbox, swings, water fountain, toilet (with wheelchair access), study room, benches, lawn, biotope pond, and dogwood hill.
- quote wikipedia -

source : sam on facebook
Drinking joint. Ekoda, Tokyo, March 2020.
. Toofukuji 東福寺 Tofuku-Ji - 金峯山 Kinbozan 世尊院 Seson-In ..
中野区江古田3丁目 / 3 Chome Egoda, Nakano ward
Nr. 02 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
江古田富士塚 Egota Fujizuka Mound is in Nerima
Ekoda Fuji Mound - 1 Chome-59-2 Kotakecho, Nerima
at Shrine 江古田浅間神社 Egota Sengen Jinja
Matsugaoka 松が丘 / 松ヶ岡 Matsugaoka town -
Nakano, Matsugaoka 松が丘一丁目及び松が丘二丁目
first and second district
Matsugaoka was called 片山村 Katayama village until the Meiji Period.
Since there was a large pine forest in the area, it was renamed 松が丘 Hill with pine trees.
Between the first and second district, there is a river with a bridge named 片山橋 Katayama Bridge.
Saginomiya 鷺宮 Saginomiya district - "Shrine of the Heron -
Nakano, Saginomiya 一丁目 - 六丁目 from the first to the sixth sub-district
- - - Kami-Saginomiya 上鷺宮 一丁目 - 五丁目 from the first to the fifth sub-district
Saginomiya eki 鷺ノ宮駅 Station
Shirasagi 白鷺 Shirasagi district - "white heron" -
Nakano, Shirasagi 一丁目 - 三丁目 from the first to the third sub-district.
This district was separated from Saginomiya in 1965.
Since many herons lived here, the area was called Saginomori 鷺森 (Forest of the Heron) or Saginomiya.
In the Heian period, Minamoto no Yoriyoshi 源頼義 (988 - 1075) erected a Hachiman shrine here and many herons came, so the shrine deity was called
鷺宮大明神 Sagi no Miya Daimyojin.
The Shrine 鷺宮八幡神社 Saginomiya Hachiman Jinja
is in the South of this district, called Shirasagi 白鷺.
1 Chome-31-10 Shirasagi, Nakano

There is also a temple named in the compound:
. 白鷺山 Shirasagizan 福蔵院 Fukuzo-In 正幡寺 Shoban-Ji .
中野区白鷺1-31-5 / 1 Chome-31-5 Shirasagi, Nakano
. Heron (aosagi) - Egret (shirasagi) .
Arai 新井 Arai district - "new well"
Nakano, Arai 新井三丁目, 四丁目 third and fourth sub-district
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. 中野区
daija no hone 大蛇の骨 bones of a huge serpent
At the temple 円照寺 Ensho-Ji in Shinjuku and 豊仙寺 / 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji in Nakano there are parts of the bones of one huge serpent kept as secret treasures.
River water can be poured over the bones for an oracle about coming rain.
At the temple Hosen-Ji the water from the well 井の頭 Inokashira is used for offerings.
- - - - - Temple Hosen-Ji, see above.
. Inokashira 井の頭 "Head of the Well" .
. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .
A stone mason had very strong pain in the back and could not get up.
In a dream he saw Jizo Bosatsu, telling him if he would make a stone statue of Jizo, his body would heal.
And indeed, waking up he felt well enough to make a statue.
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Jizo no hoosoo 地蔵の疱瘡 Jizo Bosatsu with smallpox
At the temple Hosen-Ji there was a rumor that the statue of Jizo had caught smallpox. But, well, it was just a rumor.
kitsune-tsuki 狐つき bewitched by a fox
Around 1775, there was a Hatamoto samurai well versed in
kitsune otoshi 狐落とし getting rid of the bewitching from a fox.
Once a man from 武州中野村 Bushu Nakanomura village was brought to him. The Hatamoto in trance tried to hear the story of the bewitchment from the fox.
The father of the man had been to the 加茂明神 Kamo Myojin Shrine and behaved in a bad way, thus he became bewitched. But the father had soon died of poverty and hunger and thus the bewitchment had been passed on to the son.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - ###nakano ##nakanoward #nakanoedo #ekoda #ekota #edoda #egota - - - -
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