Shikoku 四国

Ehime / Iyo 愛媛 / 伊予
Kagawa / Sanuki 香川 / 讃岐
Kochi / Tosa 高知 / 土佐
Tokushima / Awa 徳島 / 阿波
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Shikoku (四国, "four provinces")
is the smallest of the four main islands of Japan, located south of Honshū and east of the island of Kyūshū.
Its ancient names include Iyo-no-futana-shima (伊予之二名島), Iyo-shima (伊予島), and Futana-shima (二名島). The current name refers to the four former provinces which made up the island: Awa, Tosa, Sanuki, and Iyo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - Introduced in the Darumapedia - - - - -
Henro 遍路 Shikoku Henro Temple List
Pilgrimage to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai
. Shikoku Henro Temple List .
. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa .
. Matsuri - Festivals in Shikoku .
. Mingei - Toys and Amulets from Shikoku .
. Washoku - Regional Dishes from Shikoku .
. Sweets from Shikoku .
. Mita Shikoku Machi 三田四国町 "Shikoku Town" in Mita .
Tokyo, 港区 Minato ward, 芝2-5丁目 Shiba second to fifth sub-district
- - - - - Famous people from Shikoku - - - - -
Iwasaki Yataroo 岩崎弥太郎 Iwasaki Yataro
(1834 - 1885)
Japanese financier and shipping industrialist, and the founder of Mitsubishi 三菱.
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - Haiku Poet .
(1867 - 1902)
. Sakamoto Ryooma 坂本龍馬 Sakamoto Ryoma .
(1836 – 1867) - Sakamoto Ryuma

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