Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Kaido Highways -. Show all posts


Edo - Welcome !


- Welcome to Edo 江戸 Yedo !

Edo Daruma eating nihachi soba 二八そば  buckwheat noodles


fengshui 風水 The four heavenly protectors of Edo

MOUNTAIN - - - - -Mount Fujisan as Genbu in the North
RIVER - - - - - Hiragawa as Green Dragon in the East
SEA - - - - - Edo Inlet as Red Phoenix in the South
ROAD - - - - - Tokaido Road as White Tiger in the West

. Four Guardians of the Compass .


. The History of Edo 江戸の歴史 - The Edo Period 江戸時代 .

. Tokaido 53 stations 東海道五十三次 .
. Nihonbashi bridge (Nihonbashi 日本橋)
. 1. Shinagawa-juku 品川宿(Shinagawa)

. Mount Fuji 富士山, Fuji-san, Fujiyama .

. Edo Haikai 江戸俳諧 Haiku and Hokku - INFO .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. EDO - Persons, People .

. EDO - Specialities - Meibutsu .

. EDO - Shrines 神社 .

. EDO - Temples お寺 .

. EDO - Places and Powerspots .

. Kaido 街道 Old Highways .


- - - - - Alphabetical Index - Table of Contents - - - - -

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


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Check the side bar on the top right for the CONTENTS!

- the latest additions
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- #edojidai #japanesehistory #edo #edopedia #kaido


Shichigashuku Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Shichigashuku Kaido 七ケ宿街道 / 七ヶ宿街道 Shishigashuku Highway
Miyagi 宮城県 to 山形県 Yamagata.

Branching off from Kori juku 桑折[こおり]宿 of the 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido connecting to the
羽州[うしゅう]街道 Ushu Kaido at the 上ノ山宿 Kaminoyama shuku in 山形県 Yamagata.

. Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Highway .

. Ushu Kaido, Ushū Kaidō 羽州街道 Ushu Highway .

- reference and photos -

- Postal stations along the Shichigashuku Kaido

Kami-Tozawa 上戸沢 - Miyagi
Shimo-Tozawa 下戸沢
Watase 渡瀬
Seki 関
Namezu 滑津
Togeta 峠田
Yubara 湯原


Kami-Tozawa 上戸沢

- reference source : shurakumachinami.natsu.... -


Namezu 滑津


Togeta 峠田


Yubara 湯原


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

tsuyugumo no sore mo sanchuu Shichigashuku

clouds of the rainy season
in the middle of mountains -

Tr. Gabi Greve

Kishida Chigyo 岸田稚魚 (1918 - 1988)

. tsuyu 梅雨 rainy season .
- - kigo for Mid-Summer - -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #shichigajuku #shichigashuku - - - -


Tango Tanba Kaido Highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- for 丹波街道 Tanba Kaido, see below -
- for 亀岡街道 Kameoka Kaido, see below



Tango Kaido 丹後街道 Tango Highway
From Tsuruga, Fukui to Maizuru, Kyoto.
Now National Highway Nr. 27.

Part of the Jukan Doro along the Sea of Japan
日本海側の縦貫道路の一部 jūkan dōro

- Postal stations along the Tango Kaido
Tsuruga 敦賀市
Wakasa 若狭町
Obama 小浜市
Takahama 高浜町
Kichisaka toge pass 吉坂峠 (in Maizuru)
Maizuru 舞鶴市 (Kyoto)


- quote -
Tango Province (丹後国, Tango no Kuni)
was an old province in the area that is today northern Kyoto Prefecture facing the Sea of Japan. Together with Tanba Province, Tango was sometimes called Tanshū (丹州).
Tango bordered on Tajima, Tanba, and Wakasa provinces.
At various times both Maizuru and Miyazu were the capital and chief town of the province.
- History
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713), the land of Tango Province was administratively separated from Tanba Province. In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other cadastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period.
In Wadō 6, Mimasaka Province was sundered from Bizen Province, and Hyūga Province was divided from Ōsumi Province. In Wadō 5 (712), Mutsu Province had been severed from Dewa Province.
Maps of Japan and Tango Province were reformed in the 1870s when the prefecture system was introduced. At the same time, the province continued to exist for some purposes. For example, Tango is explicitly recognized in treaties in 1894 (a) between Japan and the United States and (b) between Japan and the United Kingdom.
The 1927 Kita Tango earthquake caused major damage in the region and killed around 3,000 people.
This area is still known as Tango Peninsula, some parts of it are in Tango Quasi-National Park. A town in this region was likewise named Tango. It is now defunct and part of Kyōtango (Kyō + Tango) since 2004.
- Historical districts
Kasa District (加佐郡)
Yosa District (与謝郡)
Naka District (中郡)
Takeno District (竹野郡)
Kumano District (熊野郡)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kurihan Kaido 九里半街道 Kurihan Highway .
Connecting 今津 Imazu in 近江国 Omi on the West side of 琵琶湖 Lake Biwako with 若狭国小浜 Obama in Wakasa, Fukui.


. Matsuo Basho - Station 41 - Tsuruga 敦賀 .


. Wakasa 若狭 lacquer and agate 漆と瑪瑙 .


Kichisaka toge pass 吉坂峠


. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .

. Ama no Hashidate 天の橋立 .


- quote -
Historical streetscape of Onyu / Obama
Historical streetscape of 遠敷 Onyu spreads along the road at the junction of Wakasa-kaido Road and 針畑越(根来道) Harihatagoe also known as Negori-zaka slope. In the surrounding area of Onyu district stand 若狭姫神社 Wakasahime Shrine, 若狭国府 Wakasa Kokufu, and 若狭国分寺 Wakasa Kokubunji Temple. This is the area where dedicated articles and salt were sent to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. A market was established here after medieval times and developed into a town in front of Wakasahime Shrine.
Before 熊川宿 Kumagawa-juku was developed, it used to be the base of transportation of 鯖街道 Saba-kaido Road, or a highway supplying marine products and fish such as mackerel called “saba” in Japanese to the Imperial family and court in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. In the mid Edo Period, Onyu district flourished by processing agate in Hokkaido and Tohoku region brought there by Kitamae-bune, or freight vessels by way of the Japan Sea. A large quantity of agate called Wakasa agate processed in Onyu was shipped to Kyoto and Osaka. Processing of agate has been handed down as a traditional craft up to today.
Today Tango-kaido Road
and the area close to Wakasahime Shrine are lined with houses called Machiya, or merchants’ houses, which retain traditional architectural style built after the Meiji Period. In Onyu Festival, an annual festival of Wakasahiko shrine and Himegami shrine, drum dance and Kagura drum performance are dedicated to the gods of these shrines by local residents and Ujiko, or shrine parishioners. Kagura refers to sacred Shinto music and dancing performed at a shrine.
- source :

source :
熊川宿 Kumagawa-juku


. Tango Chirimen Kaidoo 縮緬街道 the Chirimen Road .
to transport Tango Chirimen Silk Crepe to Kyoto.

. saba kaido 鯖街道 mackerel road .


Tanba Kaido 丹波街道 / 旦波街道 Tanba Highway
From Tanba (Tamba) to Kyoto.

Tanba no kuni 丹波国 the Tamba province of the Edo period, now parts belong to Hyogo, others to Kyoto.

The first part of the 山陰街道 Sanin Kaido led to the Tanba region.
It was also called
Tanba Kaido 丹波街道
Tanshu Kaido 丹州街道
Tanbaji, Tanba-Ji 丹波路
Tanshuji, Tanshu-Ji 丹州路

- quote -
Tanba Province (丹波国, Tanba no kuni)
was an old province of Japan. The ambit of its borders encompassed both the central part of modern Kyōto Prefecture and the east-central part of Hyōgo Prefecture. It and the neighbouring Tango Province were collectively known as Tanshū (丹州). Besides Tango, Tanba bordered on Harima, Ōmi, Settsu, Tajima, Wakasa, and Yamashiro Provinces.
The ancient provincial capital is believed to be in the area of modern Kameoka.
- History
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713), Tango Province (丹後国) was administratively separated from Tanba. In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other cadastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period. ...
After being governed by a succession of minor daimyō, the region was eventually conquered by Oda Nobunaga in the Sengoku period. He assigned the province to one of his generals, Akechi Mitsuhide, who would become the central figure in Nobunaga's assassination in 1582.
A town in this region also named Tanba was merged with several other towns in 2005 to create Kyōtanba (Kyō + Tanba).
- Historic districts
----- Hyōgo Prefecture
Hikami District (氷上郡)
Taki District (多紀郡)
----- Kyoto Prefecture
Amata District (天田郡)
Funai District (船井郡)
Ikaruga District (何鹿郡)
Kuwada District (桑田郡)
- Kitakuwada District (北桑田郡)
- Minamikuwada District (南桑田郡)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -

(丹波地域)たんば三街道 - 3 Kaido in Tanba
丹波の森街道: Tanba no Mori Kaido
水分れ街道: Mizuwakare Kaido
デカンショ街道:Dekansho Kaido
川代恐竜街道:Kawashiro Kyoryu Kaido- Dinosaur road

- reference source : -


Tanba Province: 鐘坂 Kanegasaka
Utagawa Hiroshige
鐘坂と鬼の架け橋 -Kanegasaka Oni no kakehashi 鬼の架け橋 - Kinzan

- quote -
Kinzan Castle
Oiiri Tanba-Sasayama city, Hyogo
..... Kinzan castle spreads T shaped peak of Kinzan mountain. Central area of castle is a rectangular one of 50 meter long and 20 meter wide, which has about two meter height stone wall at its western half where main building might exist. At the west slope of central area there is a huge shaped rock called as “Oni no Kakehashi”, which is a huge flat stone stands over the gap of the rock like a bridge......
- source : -

. Kanegasaka Toge pass 鐘ヶ坂峠 .
Sasayama Kaido 篠山街道 Sasayama Highway


. Kameoka Kaido 亀岡街道 Kameoka Highway / 摂丹街道 Settan Kaido .

. Sanin Kaido 山陰街道 Sanin Highway, San'in Highway .

. Folk art from the Tanba region .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Tango no Kuni 丹後国

A person from 丹後国宮津出 Tango no Kuni, Miyazu came to Kyoto to do business, but he became ill and could not hear any more. He followed the advise of a friend and went to Osaka for three years, but his deafness did not heal. Finally he went back to Miyazu.
But his language had changed and he now talked like someone from Osaka!

. Miyazu Kaido 宮津街道 Miyazu Highway .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
宮津市 Miyazu city
Located in Miyazu City is 天橋立 Amanohashidate, the "bridge to heaven", one of the three most beautiful sights of Japan.
The naturally formed land bridge is 3.6 kilometers long and covered in pine trees.

oo-onna 大女 a huge woman
In 1702, there was an epidemic in the village of 宮津村 Miyazu, which finally ebbed down.
On the 7th day of the first lunar month in the evening, a villager saw a large woman of about 3 meters in white robes sitting at the foot of a pine tree. When he came home he fell ill with a fever, and mumbled the words of the woman:
"I was the servant of the lady of the castle and was executed because of an intrigue. To get my revenge I made the epidemic come to the village. If you hold a special ritual for me on the 17th day of the second lunar month, I will be saved and become the mamorigami 守り神 protector deity of this village."

- - - - -

In the year 1026, a woman of about 2 meters with a long face came on a boat from 丹後国 Tango no Kuni. On the boat they had quite a Sake party and everybody got ill. When the boat reached the coast, they had all died.

- - - - -

. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .
At Amanohashidate, at night on the 16th day of every month, there is a strange light coming from the ushitora 丑寅 North-East direction and heading to the Monju Do 文殊堂 Hall for Monju Bosatsu at the temple 智恩寺 Chion-Ji. In front of the hall is one pine tree, which is called
ryuutoo no matsu 竜灯の松 "pine of the Dragon Lantern"

Kyoto 与謝郡 Yosa district 野田川町 Nodagawa

. Eiko 英胡,Karuashi 迦樓夜叉,Tsuchiguma 土熊 - Three oni 鬼 demons .
and 麻呂子親王 Prince Maroko Shinno


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
丹後国 - ok
50 丹波国 (00)
24 丹波国 動物 (00)
78 亀岡市 (00)

丹波国船井郡の動物伝説 Animal legends from Funai, Tanba.
田中勝雄 Tanaka Katsuo


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

asanagi no chirimen nami mo Tango naru

大立しづ Hirotatsu Shizu

. asanagi - no wind in the morning .
- - kigo for late summer - -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tango #tangokaidi #tangohighway #kumagawa #sabakaido #miyazu #miyatsu #kyotango #kameoka #tanba #tamba - - - -


Mino Kaido Minoji Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Mino Kaido 美濃街道 Mino Highway
Minoji, Mino-Ji 美濃路 Mino Road

It was a side-road and connects the Nakasendō with the Tōkaidō.

The route was named after Mino Province, which makes up the southern portion of the modern-day Gifu Prefecture.

- quote -
The Minoji (美濃路, Mino Road) was a 60 km (37 mi) highway in Japan during the Edo period. It was a secondary route, ranked below the Edo Five Routes in importance, and connected Miya-juku on the Tōkaidō with Tarui-juku on the Nakasendō.
The road received much use before and after the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. Fukushima Masanori, the leader of the eastern armies, traveled the Minoji from Okoshi (modern-day Ichinomiya) to Mino Province for the battle. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the victor of the battle, traveled the route afterwards to a hero's welcome.
It was also referred to as the Kichirei Kaidō (吉例街道 Kitsurei Kaido (きつれいかいどう).
Royal embassies to Tokugawa Japan from Korea traveled along the route ten times. Their general itinerary was they stayed the night in Ōgaki-juku, then rested at either Sunomata-juku or Okoshi-juku, before spending the following night in Nagoya-juku.
Official travelers from the Ryukyu Islands also traveled along the Minoji. Though initially just traveling along the Tōkaidō, they began traveling along the Minoji in 1714.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- Postal stations along the Minoji
Including the starting and ending points, there were only nine post stations on the Minoji.

Aichi Prefecture
1. Miya-juku (宮宿) (Atsuta-ku, Nagoya) (also part of the Tōkaidō)
2. Nagoya-juku (名古屋宿) (Naka-ku, Nagoya)
3. Kiyosu-juku (清須宿) (Kiyosu)
4. Inaba-juku (稲葉宿) (Inazawa)
5. Hagiwara-juku (萩原宿) (Ichinomiya)
6. Okoshi-juku (起宿) (Ichinomiya)

Gifu Prefecture
7. Sunomata-juku (墨俣宿) (Ogaki)
8. Ōgaki-juku (大垣宿) (Ōgaki)
9. Tarui-juku (垂井宿) (Tarui, Fuwa District) (also part of the Nakasendō)


Another name for this highway was
Kichirei Kaidō 吉例街道 Kitsurei Kaido (きつれいかいどう)
Kitsurei Kaido Highway, "auspicious road"

since it was used by the Shogun and the embassies from Korea.


Tarui-juku 垂井宿
Tarui-juku was divided into three parts: western, middle and eastern. Its honjin was located in the middle section. The post town itself served as a major transportation hub for western Mino Province, as it was one end point for the Minoji, which connected the Nakasendō with the Tōkaidō at Miya-juku. It also sat on the banks of the Ai River.
source : wikipedia


. Tokaido 53 Stations 東海道五十三次 .

. Nakasendo 中山道 .


Kiyosu-juku 清須宿 Kiyosujuku

source and photos :


Inaba-juku 稲葉宿 Inabajuku


Hagiwara-juku 萩原宿 Hagiwarajuku


Okoshi-juku 起宿 Okoshijuku

source :


Sunomata-juku 墨俣宿 Sunomatajuku


Ōgaki-juku 大垣宿 Ogakijuku

. 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho in Ogaki .

At the Ogaki Town Museum for the End of the Trip


- quote -
Mino Province (美濃国, Mino no kuni),
one of the old provinces of Japan, encompassed the southern part of modern-day Gifu Prefecture.
It was sometimes called Nōshū (濃州). Mino Province bordered Echizen, Hida, Ise, Mikawa, Ōmi, Owari, and Shinano Provinces.
Although the ancient provincial capital was near Tarui, the main castle town was at Gifu, the home of Inabayama Castle.
In 713,
the road crossing through Mino and Shinano provinces was widened to accommodate increasing numbers of travelers.
Mino Province served an important military and political role as the path to Kyoto as well as to Tokaido.
During the Kamakura and Muromachi Period,
Mino Province was governed by the 土岐 Toki clan and later in Azuchi period controlled by Oda Nobunaga. His heirs continued to control it after Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi took power.
The Battle of Sekigahara took place at the western edge of Mino, near the mountains between the Chūbu Region and the Kinki Region.
..... Mino and Owari provinces were separated by the Sakai River, which means "border river." .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
多治見市 Tajimi city

. ryuu ga ike, ryuu-ga-ike 竜が池 / 竜ヶ池 "Dragon Pond" .
At the foot of 高社山 Mount Koshasan (1,351 m) at 小泉村 Koizumi village there is Ryugaike 龍ヶ池 a dragon pond.
Once upon a time, a dragon lived there and there was always enough water for the farmers. Even during a drought when people went to this pond it would rain.

On top of the mountain is a boulder named 天狗岩 Tengu-Iwa.
In olden times, the mountain bandits lived there.
At the foot of the mountain is a boulder named 戸棚岩 Todana-Iwa.
In olden times, the mountain bandits lived there.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

木全圓寿 Kimata Enju

- reference from Mie -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #minokaido #minomichi #gifu #minoroad #ogaki - - - -


Hyuga Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 / Hyuga Okan 日向往還 Hyuga Highway
a part is also called
Bungo Michi 豊後道 Bungo road
From Oita via Miyazaki to Kagoshima.

日 means the sun // 向 means direction - "facing the sun"

Miyazaki, 宮崎県, the former Hyuga province 日向国 was also called

The part of the road running through Hyuga (Miyazaki) is the main part of this highway.

●府内○府内城○西寒多神社 Funai (Oita)
●小野市 Onoichi

●延岡 Nobeoka (Miyazaki)
●高千穂 Takachiho ○天岩戸神社○高千穂峡○高千穂神社 Shrine Takachiho Jinja
●国見ヶ丘 Kunimigaoka Hill
●日向岬 Hyuga Misaki
●美々津 Mimitsu town
●都農 Tsuno ○ 巨田神社 Shrine Kota Jinja
●佐土原 Sadowara
●宮崎 Miyazaki ○宮崎神宮○ 青島神社 Shrine Aoshima Jinja
●高岡 Takaoka
●都城 Miyakonojo city

●霧島 Kirishima ○ 霧島神宮 Shrine Kirishima Jingu (Kagoshima)
●牧之原 Makinohara city
●国分 Kokubun ○鹿児島神宮 Shrine Kagoshima Jingu
●加治木 Kajiki town ○ 仙巌園 Sengan-En
●鹿児島 Kagoshima

- - - Sengan-en is a Japanese garden attached to the former residence of the Shimazu clan in Kagoshima,

- map of Miyazaki prefecture -


- The following source lists different places -

日向街道は - 総距離:211.5km about 211 km

大分 Oita
犬飼 Inukai
菅尾 Sugao
三重町 Miemachi town
三国峠 Mikuni Toge Pass
樫峰 / 樫ヶ峰 Mount Kashigamine
宇目 Ume town
重岡 Shigeoka
梓峠 Azusa Toge Pass
北川 Kitagawa
日向長井 Hyuga-Nagai town
延岡 Nobeoka city
土々呂 Totoro town
日向市 Hyuga city
南日向 Minami-Hyuga town
美々津 Mimitsu town
都濃 Tsuno
高鍋 Takanabe
新富町 Shintomi town
本庄川 River Honjogawa
高岡 Takaoka
去川 River Sarukawa
雀ケ野 Suzumegano town Miyazaki
石山 Ishiyama town

- reference source : -


高千穂と日向街道 Takachiho and Hyuga Kaido
安藤保 // 大賀郁夫


- The following source lists different places -

日向街道は Hyuga Kaido is about 236 km.
山国橋 Yamakunibashi (吉富町広津)から佐土原 Sadowara (西都市現王島)までの約236kmの街道です。
- reference source : -

Yamakunibashi 山国橋(福岡県吉富町-大分県中津市) from Fukuoka, Yoshitomi town to Oita, Nakatsu city


- The following source lists different places -

コース - - - - - ハイライト・見所
1 門司港、小倉 - - - - - 門司港レトロ、小倉城 Mojiko, Kokura
2 苅田町与原~行橋、中津 - - - - - 旧飴屋門、中津城 .. Kanda town, Nakatsu
3 宇佐神宮周辺 - - - - - 本殿、南楼門、西大門、呉橋 Usa Jingu
4 豊後高田 - - - - - 昭和の街 Bungo Takada
5 中山香~田染 - - - - - 熊野磨崖仏 Nakayamaga- Tashibu
6 杵築の散策 - - - - - 杵築城、武家屋敷、坂道ウォ―ク Kitsuki
7 西鹿鳴越~豊後豊岡 - - - - - ザビエルの通った道 Nishi-Kanagoe
8 亀川~東別府 - - - - - 竹瓦温泉 Kamegawa - Higashi-Beppu
9 大分市街、中戸次 - - - - - 府内城、中戸次の町並み Oita city
10 臼杵、延岡、日向市 - - - - - 臼杵石仏、仁王座歴史の道 Usuki - Nobeoka - Hyuga city
11 美々津、西都市東米良 - - - - - 美々津の町並み、銀鏡神楽 Mimitsu

- reference source : -


- quote -
Mimitsu History
Mimitsu is located at the mouth of the Mimi River in northern Miyazaki on the east coast of Kyushu. It is now administratively a part of Hyuga City, named after the old name of the province.
According to the ancient myths set down in Japan's oldest books, Kojiki and Nihongi,
Mimitsu is where the mythical first emperor of Japan, Jimmu, built a fleet and set sail to conquer central Japan and set up the Yamato Dynasty.
In historical times
Mimitsu became a thriving port servicing the trade between Kyushu and the central Japanese ports and trading centres of Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto.

With so many merchants, shipping agents and sea captains other people referred to "the thousand houses of Mimitsu", though that may have been an exaggeration.
- source : -


- The following long source lists different places -

日向往還(ひゅうがおうかん)Hyuga Okan

日向往還(ひゅうがおうかん)Hyuga Okan Road
熊本~日向・延岡 Road for the Sankin Kotai, from 熊本 Kumamoto via 日向 Hyuga to 延岡 Nobeoka, along the 九州山脈 Kyushu Mountain Range.
Also used for the trade of normal people, called
民の道 Tami no Michi.


札の辻 Fuda no Tsuji (at Kumamoto castle)
Mifune-guchi 御船口
From here, 木山往還 the Kiyama Okan branches road off.
At the crossroads is a statue of Jizo Bosatsu.


. Hōgyū Jizō 放牛地蔵 Hogyu Jizo, Kumamoto .
. . . . . stone statues made by Buddhist monk Hōgyū (around 1672-1732).


六嘉神社 Shrine Rokka Jinja / 六嘉宮 Rokka-Gu
六嘉の獅子舞い famous for its lion dance during the annual festival in October.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


足手荒神 Ashite Kojin / 甲斐神社 Shrine Kai Jinja
Kamirokka, Kashima, Kamimashiki District
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
In memory of lord 甲斐宗運 Kai Soun (1515 - 1585), who got severe wounds in his legs and arms (足手 ashi te ).
Now people come here to pray for healing of their legs and arms.


八勢目鑑橋 Yase Meganebashi bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


門前川橋(御船町)Monzenkawa Meakira Bridge (Mifune town)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


凱旋門 Gaisenmon gate (Mifune town)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


下鶴橋(御船町)Shimotsurubashi bridge (Mifune town)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


馬見原 Mamihara town
Yamato town, Kami-Mashiki District, Kumamoto

An important 宿場町 postal station of the Hyuga Highway. There were many pack horses to be seen, hence the name mami 馬見 horses to be seen.

馬見原橋 Mamiharabashi bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

馬見原 火伏地蔵堂 Mamihara Hibuse Jizo Hall
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
A large festival for fire prevention is held in August.

夫婦岩 Meoto-iwa rock for a couple
Near the 馬見原商店街 Shopping street of Mamihara
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


通潤橋 Tsujunkyo bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Tsūjun Bridge is an aqueduct in Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan.
It is an arch bridge completed in 1854 and is 84.0m long. The arch spans 27.3m. It is the largest stone aqueduct in Japan.
- quote wikipedia -


金内橋 Kaneuchibashi bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Arches over the river 御船川 Mifunegawa.


立野橋 Tatenobashi bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


浜町橋 Hamamachibashi bridge
Hamamachi town was an important station of the 日向往還 Hyuga Okan road.
Now there are three roads passing here.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


夕尺橋 Yujakubashi bridge
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


- quote -
Hyūga Province (日向国, Hyūga no kuni)
was an old province of Japan on the east coast of Kyūshū, corresponding to the modern Miyazaki Prefecture. It was sometimes called Nisshū (日州) or Kōshū (向州).
Hyūga bordered on Bungo, Higo, Ōsumi, and Satsuma Province.
In the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki,
Hyūga is called Kumaso Province (熊曽国, Kumaso no kuni) of Tsukushi-no-shima (Kyushu), along the provinces of Tsukushi, Toyo and Hi.
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713),
the land of Hyūga was administratively separated from Ōsumi Province (大隈国). In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other catastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period.
During the Sengoku period,
the area was often divided into a northern fief around Agata castle (near modern Nobeoka), and a southern fief around Obi castle, near modern Nichinan. The southern fief was held by the Shimazu clan of nearby Satsuma for much of the period.
The Itō clan held control of Hyuga until it was conquered by the Shimazu in 1578.
- source : wikipedia -

Higashi-Soo District (東囎唹郡)
Koyu District (児湯郡)
Miyazaki District (宮崎郡)
Morokata District (諸県郡)
Naka District (那珂郡)
Usuki District (臼杵郡)


Himukai Daijingu 日向大神宮 (ひむかいだいじんぐう) - Kyoto


総武本線 日向街道踏切(八街~日向間)


. Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway .
A road connecting 日向 Hyuga, a port city in 宮崎県 Miyazaki with 鹿児島城 Kagoshima castle.

. Bungo Kaido 豊後街道 Bungo Highway .

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .

Hyuga Kaido (this page)

. Miike Kaido 三池街道 / Miike Okan 三池往還 Miike Road . - Kumamoto


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県

kami no ke 髪の毛 hair
Near 日向国中村 Nakamura village in Hyuga there lived a farmer.
His right cheek suddenly begun to swell and from the wound something like the grease of a wild boar came out. Then came about 200 beard hairs from a boar.
After that the wound healed.

. inoshishi 猪と伝説 Legends about the wild boar, Wildschwein .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
11 日向国 (01)
114 日向 (00)


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hyugakaido #hyuga #kyushu #hyugaokan #takachiho #nabeoka - - - -


Miike Kaido Okan Road

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Miike Kaido 三池街道 / Miike Okan 三池往還 Miike Road

Used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1587 as an army road built by 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa, Lord of 熊本城 Kumamoto Castle.
It started at Kumamoto castle,

- Postal stations on the road -
Mitori Shimachi 味取新町
Konoha 木葉
Takase 高瀬町
Kanayama 金山
Fumoto 府本
Iwamoto 岩本
Miike 三池

In former times also called
高瀬街道 Takase Kaido.




Mitori Shinmachi 味取新町
(now in 熊本市北区 Kita Ward, Kumamoto city)
The Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway
branched off at Mitori Shinmachi.
The town thrived as the starting point of the Buzen Kaido.
When 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi (1585 - 1641) became the lord of the region,the town got its name.
There were more than 100 Hatago lodgings in town.

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .


Tabaruzaka 田原坂 Tabaru slope
A mountain road leading up about 80 m via three slopes along 1,5 km along the river 木葉川 Konohagawa.


Konoha 木葉
(former 木葉村 Konoha village, now 玉名郡玉東町 Tamana district, Gyokuto town)
The temple 徳成寺 Tokujo-Ji is located in this town.
The kiln 木の葉猿窯元 Konoha Sarugamamoto is located here, with a history of more than 1300 years, making the famous
three monkeys.
. Konoha saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha .


Takase 高瀬
(now 玉名市 Tamana city)
Before the Mejij period there was no bridge over the river 菊池川 Kikuchigawa (about 100 wide river) and travelers had to use a boat.
- quote -
Tamana Onsen
Tamana Onsen is one of the best hot springs in Kumamoto, being proud of its abundant, high-quality spring water with a history over 1,300 years old.
It is also called ”Ryuganji Onsen,” and has been popular with local people since the olden days.
Legends say that a heron used the water to heal its wounded wing, after which it was able to fly. The old part of the town, near Hikino Shrine, still has a tasteful atmosphere to date, and ”Ryuganji Park”, in the town center, offers a free foot baths, which are popular with visitors who wish to unwind their minds and bodies.
- source : -


Kanayama 金山
(now 荒尾市金山 Arao city, Kanayama)
It was the residence of the 大野一族 Ono clan since the 戦国時代 Sengoku period (1467 – 1600).
Arao was a large coal mining town, but it has since lost a great deal of its population, due to the closing of the mine.
Arai is famous for its Shōdai ware, an art form almost completely exclusive to Arao, involving slow kilning and under glazing.
Also, the Arao nashi pear is a fruit product grown widely in this town. The pear is round, brown and about the size of a bowling ball.
- wikipedia -


Fumoto 府本
(now Arao city, Fumoto荒尾市府本)
In 1714 Fumoto got permission from the Hosokawa domaine to become a postal station of the Miike Highway.
The shrine 熊野宮 Kumano-Gu has an old stone marker from 1743.


At the border between the old provinces of Bungo and Miike is the
Iwamoto Bansho barrier 岩本番所.
(now 荒尾市上井出 Arao, Shimo-Ide)
The 高瀬奉行所 Takase Bugyo barrier office from the Hosokawa clan was located here.
The families of 内野 Uchino and 桜井 Sakurai held this position for many years and their descendants still live in the town.
Before a bridge was built, travelers had to use a boat to cross the river 諏訪川 Suwagawa.
In 1865, the barrier was abolished.

. 岩本橋 Iwamotobashi bridge .
Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway

- - - - - Info from Temple 徳成寺 Tokujo-Ji
- reference :


. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1537 - 1598) .


Miike coal mine (三池炭鉱 Miike Tankō),
also known as the Mitsui Miike Coal Mine (三井三池炭鉱 Mitsui Miike Tankō), was the largest coal mine in Japan, located in the area of Ōmuta, Fukuoka and Arao, Kumamoto, Japan.
Mining began in the region during the Kyoho era, with the Miike mine under the control of the Tachibana clan.
The mine was nationalised in 1872 by the Meiji government. The Mitsui zaibatsu took control in 1899.
The mine closed in 1997,[6] with devastating effects on the local economy.
- wikipedia -


三池街道をゆく - - Walking the Miike Kaido Road
石川保 Ishikawa Tamotsu


- quote -

Miike Hatsuichi 三池初市 first market of the year
Miike Hatsuichi is a spring market which announces the arrival of the spring to Omuta. It is said to have originated from the barter trade of farming tools, rice and vegetables along Miike Kaido Road during the Edo Era (1603 - 1867). The market has a roughly 300 year history and there is a saying, “If you feel a breeze at Hatsuichi, you won’t catch a cold all year!”
The market takes place on March 1 and 2, during which time about 200 stalls selling local specialties like flower and bamboo baskets, saplings, garden trees and food line the road.
- source : -


. Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway .

. Bungo Kaido 豊後街道 Bungo Highway .

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .

. Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 / Hyuga Okan 日向往還 Hyuga Highway .

Miike Kaido - this page


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #miike #Miikekaido #miikeokan - - - -