. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 / Hyuga Okan 日向往還 Hyuga Highway
a part is also called
Bungo Michi 豊後道 Bungo road
From Oita via Miyazaki to Kagoshima.
日 means the sun // 向 means direction - "facing the sun"
Miyazaki, 宮崎県, the former Hyuga province 日向国 was also called
The part of the road running through Hyuga (Miyazaki) is the main part of this highway.
●府内○府内城○西寒多神社 Funai (Oita)
●小野市 Onoichi
Nobeoka (Miyazaki)
Takachiho ○天岩戸神社○高千穂峡○高千穂神社 Shrine Takachiho Jinja
●国見ヶ丘 Kunimigaoka Hill
●日向岬 Hyuga Misaki
●美々津 M
imitsu town
●都農 Tsuno ○ 巨田神社 Shrine Kota Jinja
●佐土原 Sadowara
Miyazaki ○宮崎神宮○ 青島神社 Shrine Aoshima Jinja
●高岡 Takaoka
●都城 Miyakonojo city
●霧島 Kirishima ○ 霧島神宮 Shrine Kirishima Jingu (Kagoshima)
●牧之原 Makinohara city
●国分 Kokubun ○鹿児島神宮 Shrine Kagoshima Jingu
●加治木 Kajiki town ○ 仙巌園
●鹿児島 Kagoshima
- - - Sengan-en is a Japanese garden attached to the former residence of the Shimazu clan in Kagoshima,
- map of Miyazaki prefecture -
- The following source lists different places -
日向街道は - 総距離:211.5km about 211 km
大分 Oita
犬飼 Inukai
菅尾 Sugao
三重町 Miemachi town
三国峠 Mikuni Toge Pass
樫峰 / 樫ヶ峰 Mount Kashigamine
宇目 Ume town
重岡 Shigeoka
梓峠 Azusa Toge Pass
北川 Kitagawa
日向長井 Hyuga-Nagai town
Nobeoka city
土々呂 Totoro town
日向市 Hyuga city
南日向 Minami-Hyuga town
Mimitsu town
都濃 Tsuno
高鍋 Takanabe
新富町 Shintomi town
本庄川 River Honjogawa
高岡 Takaoka
去川 River Sarukawa
雀ケ野 Suzumegano town Miyazaki
石山 Ishiyama town
- reference source : blog.jinriki.info/kacchan... -
高千穂と日向街道 Takachiho and Hyuga Kaido
安藤保 // 大賀郁夫
- The following source lists different places -
日向街道は Hyuga Kaido is about 236 km.
山国橋 Yamakunibashi (吉富町広津)から佐土原 Sadowara (西都市現王島)までの約236kmの街道です。
- reference source : gpscycling.net/tokaido -
Yamakunibashi 山国橋(福岡県吉富町-大分県中津市) from Fukuoka, Yoshitomi town to Oita, Nakatsu city
- The following source lists different places -
コース - - - - - ハイライト・見所
1 門司港、小倉 - - - - - 門司港レトロ、小倉城 Mojiko, Kokura
2 苅田町与原~行橋、中津 - - - - - 旧飴屋門、中津城 .. Kanda town, Nakatsu
3 宇佐神宮周辺 - - - - - 本殿、南楼門、西大門、呉橋 Usa Jingu
4 豊後高田 - - - - - 昭和の街 Bungo Takada
5 中山香~田染 - - - - - 熊野磨崖仏 Nakayamaga- Tashibu
6 杵築の散策 - - - - - 杵築城、武家屋敷、坂道ウォ―ク Kitsuki
7 西鹿鳴越~豊後豊岡 - - - - - ザビエルの通った道 Nishi-Kanagoe
8 亀川~東別府 - - - - - 竹瓦温泉 Kamegawa - Higashi-Beppu
9 大分市街、中戸次 - - - - - 府内城、中戸次の町並み Oita city
10 臼杵、延岡、日向市 - - - - - 臼杵石仏、仁王座歴史の道 Usuki - Nobeoka - Hyuga city
11 美々津、西都市東米良 - - - - - 美々津の町並み、銀鏡神楽
- reference source : kaidoaruki.com/area_kyusyu/hyuuga... -
- quote -
Mimitsu History
Mimitsu is located at the mouth of the Mimi River in northern Miyazaki on the east coast of Kyushu. It is now administratively a part of Hyuga City, named after the old name of the province.
According to the ancient myths set down in Japan's oldest books, Kojiki and Nihongi,
Mimitsu is where the mythical first emperor of Japan, Jimmu, built a fleet and set sail to conquer central Japan and set up the Yamato Dynasty.
In historical times
Mimitsu became a thriving port servicing the trade between Kyushu and the central Japanese ports and trading centres of Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto.

With so many merchants, shipping agents and sea captains other people referred to "the thousand houses of Mimitsu", though that may have been an exaggeration.
- source : japanvisitor.com... -
- The following long source lists different places -
Hyuga Okan
日向往還(ひゅうがおうかん)Hyuga Okan Road
熊本~日向・延岡 Road for the Sankin Kotai, from 熊本 Kumamoto via 日向 Hyuga to 延岡 Nobeoka, along the 九州山脈 Kyushu Mountain Range.
Also used for the trade of normal people, called
民の道 Tami no Michi.
札の辻 Fuda no Tsuji (at Kumamoto castle)
Mifune-guchi 御船口
From here, 木山往還 the Kiyama Okan branches road off.
At the crossroads is a statue of
Jizo Bosatsu.
. Hōgyū Jizō 放牛地蔵 Hogyu Jizo, Kumamoto .
. . . . . stone statues made by Buddhist monk Hōgyū (around 1672-1732).
六嘉神社 Shrine Rokka Jinja / 六嘉宮 Rokka-Gu
六嘉の獅子舞い famous for its lion dance during the annual festival in October.
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足手荒神 Ashite Kojin / 甲斐神社 Shrine Kai Jinja
Kamirokka, Kashima, Kamimashiki District
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In memory of lord 甲斐宗運 Kai Soun (1515 - 1585), who got severe wounds in his legs and arms (足手 ashi te ).
Now people come here to pray for healing of their legs and arms.
八勢目鑑橋 Yase Meganebashi bridge
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門前川橋(御船町)Monzenkawa Meakira Bridge (Mifune town)
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凱旋門 Gaisenmon gate (Mifune town)
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下鶴橋(御船町)Shimotsurubashi bridge (Mifune town)
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馬見原 Mamihara town
Yamato town, Kami-Mashiki District, Kumamoto

An important 宿場町 postal station of the Hyuga Highway. There were many pack horses to be seen, hence the name
mami 馬見 horses to be seen.
馬見原橋 Mamiharabashi bridge
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馬見原 火伏地蔵堂 Mamihara Hibuse Jizo Hall
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A large festival for fire prevention is held in August.
夫婦岩 Meoto-iwa rock for a couple
Near the 馬見原商店街 Shopping street of Mamihara
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通潤橋 Tsujunkyo bridge
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Tsūjun Bridge is an aqueduct in Yamato, Kumamoto, Japan.
It is an arch bridge completed in 1854 and is 84.0m long. The arch spans 27.3m. It is the largest stone aqueduct in Japan.
- quote wikipedia -
金内橋 Kaneuchibashi bridge
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Arches over the river 御船川 Mifunegawa.
立野橋 Tatenobashi bridge
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浜町橋 Hamamachibashi bridge
Hamamachi town was an important station of the 日向往還 Hyuga Okan road.
Now there are three roads passing here.
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夕尺橋 Yujakubashi bridge
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- quote -
Hyūga Province (日向国, Hyūga no kuni)
was an old province of Japan on the east coast of Kyūshū, corresponding to the modern Miyazaki Prefecture. It was sometimes called
Nisshū (日州) or
Kōshū (向州).
Hyūga bordered on Bungo, Higo, Ōsumi, and Satsuma Province.
In the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki,
Hyūga is called Kumaso Province (熊曽国,
Kumaso no kuni) of
Tsukushi-no-shima (Kyushu), along the provinces of Tsukushi, Toyo and Hi.
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713),
the land of Hyūga was administratively separated from Ōsumi Province (大隈国). In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other catastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period.
During the Sengoku period,
the area was often divided into a northern fief around
Agata castle (near modern Nobeoka), and a southern fief around
Obi castle, near modern Nichinan. The southern fief was held by the Shimazu clan of nearby Satsuma for much of the period.
The Itō clan held control of Hyuga until it was conquered by the Shimazu in 1578.
- source : wikipedia -
Higashi-Soo District (東囎唹郡)
Koyu District (児湯郡)
Miyazaki District (宮崎郡)
Morokata District (諸県郡)
Naka District (那珂郡)
Usuki District (臼杵郡)
Himukai Daijingu 日向大神宮 (ひむかいだいじんぐう) - Kyoto

総武本線 日向街道踏切(八街~日向間)
. Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway .
A road connecting 日向
Hyuga, a port city in 宮崎県 Miyazaki with 鹿児島城 Kagoshima castle.
. Bungo Kaido 豊後街道 Bungo Highway .
. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .
Hyuga Kaido (this page)
. Miike Kaido 三池街道 / Miike Okan 三池往還 Miike Road . - Kumamoto
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県
kami no ke 髪の毛 hair
Near 日向国中村 Nakamura village in Hyuga there lived a farmer.
His right cheek suddenly begun to swell and from the wound something like the grease of a wild boar came out. Then came about 200 beard hairs from a boar.
After that the wound healed.
. inoshishi 猪と伝説 Legends about the wild boar, Wildschwein .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
11 日向国 (01)
114 日向 (00)
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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #hyugakaido #hyuga #kyushu #hyugaokan #takachiho #nabeoka - - - -