
Kuromon Black Gate Taito

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kuromon 黒門 "Black Gate"

source : wikipedia

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Kuromon (黒門, Black gate) is an historical gate (mon) located in the Taitō ward of Tokyo.
One of two remaining gates of the Edo period daimyō mansions in the city (the other one is Akamon, currently located in the University of Tokyo).
The exact date in which it was first constructed is not known, but the consensus is that it dates from the late Edo period, probably from the late 18th century or early 19th century.
It is currently located in the grounds of the Tokyo National Museum, and it has been designated an Important Cultural Property.
- - - - - History
The Kuromon was first built as the main gate of the Edo mansion of the branch of the Ikeda clan from the Tottori Domain, which included the Inaba Province and Hōki Province in the modern-day Tottori Prefecture. The mansion was located in the Marunouchi area (now Marunouchi 3-chome), and was part of the daimyō kōji (大名小路, daimyo alley), which included 24 such mansions.
In 1892 the gate was moved to Meiji-era Tōgū Palace in Akasaka, Tokyo, and some time later to the residence of Prince Takamatsu (1905–1987), the third son of Emperor Taishō.
It was designated an Important Cultural Property in September 1951.
Finally in March 1954 it was moved to its final location in the Tokyo National Museum and rebuilt there.
- source : wikipedia


Kuromoncho 黒門町 Kuromon district


Denshishi Torimonocho 伝七捕物帳 Records of Detective Denshichi
Denshichi torimonochô - A long-running Jidaigeki TV series.
Denshichi was active in the Kuromoncho area.
A story revolves around Denshichi, a kindhearted detective in Kuromoncho.
According to his motto "hate the crime, not the person," he punishes and roots out the evil lurking in Edo.
It featured 中村梅雀 Nakamura Baijaku as Denshichi. 
Denshichi of Kuromoncho is a subordinate of a police constable. He punishes widespread evil in the backstreets of Edo with a purple jitte 十手 truncheon entrusted to him by the inspector Toyama Saemon, who is the magistrate of Kitamachi.
- reference sources -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

ko no me ni mo kuromon suzushi Hachisuka tei

even in the eyes of children
the Kuromon feels cool -
Hachisuka residence

石川桂郎 Ishikawa Keiro

蜂須賀正氏 Hachisuka Masauji (1903 - 1953)
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He was the great grandson of the 11th shōgun Tokugawa Ienari and also nephew of the last shōgun Prince Tokugawa. Hachisuka was born in Tokyo in 1903.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : easthall.blog.jp...


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. Taito ward, Ueno 上野 Ueno district .

. Taitō 台東区 Taito ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kuromon #blackgate #taito - - - -


Edo 88 Mysteries Book

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

88 mysteries about Edo / Tokyo

春日和夫 Kasuga Kazuo



1 江戸城とその周辺(千代田・中央・港)―江戸時代以前から、江戸はここにあった!(「江戸」とはそもそもどこを示す地名だったのか?―そして江戸はいつごろから江戸だったのか?
太田道潅はなぜ江戸に城を構えたのか?―二大勢力の対立から生まれた江戸城 ほか)

2 城南(品川・大田・目黒)
宿場品川はなぜかくも「異界」なのか?―東海道ルートの江戸の入り口はかなり怖い ほか)

3 城西(新宿・渋谷・中野・杉並・世田谷)
盛り場としての「新宿」設置の本当の理由は?―軍事拠点は泰平の世に歓楽街と化した ほか)

4 城北(文京・豊島・北・板橋・練馬)
御殿が養生所になったのはなぜ?―小石川は民間信仰のデパートだった ほか)

5 城東(台東・荒川・江東・墨田・江戸川・葛飾・足立)
江戸にも「会いに行けるアイドル」がいた?― 美人の看板娘で商売繁昌 ほか)


. Joonan 城南 Jonan, south of the castle .
城西 Josai - west of the castle
城北 Johoku - north of the castle
城東 Joto - east of the castle


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. Edo - Reference, books and LINKS .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edo88mysteries #edoriddle #riddle #kasugakazuo - - - -


Yamashiro Kodo Road

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Yamashiro Kodo 山背古道 Old Road of Yamashiro
From 城陽 Joyo to 木津 Kizu (Kitsu) - 木津川市 Kizugawa city, Kyoto.
About 25 km.

This is a road, or rather hiking course, for families to introduce the culture and nature of the area.
It has been established in 1996 by the towns of 城陽市 Joyo, 井手町 Ide, 山城町 Yamashiro and 木津町 / 木津川市 Kizugawa.

source : city.joyo.kyoto.jp

山背 lit. "mountain ridge"

- reference and more : 0774.or.jp/spot/kodo .. Kizu town -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #yamashiro #yamashirokodo #kodo #kitsu #kizu - - - -


Tenma Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tenma Kaido 天馬街道 Tenma Highway, Tenma Road
From 十勝の帯広市 Obihiro to 浦河町 Urakawa, Hokkaido 北海道.
About 139 km long.
It took more than 25 years to complete this scenic road in Hokkaido.

The name derives from the former postal stations, “Ekiba, Tenma” (Post Horse System).
Literally tenma is a flying horse from Heaven, a kind of Pegasus.

Along the road is 野塚トンネル the Nozuka Tunnel, which is about 4,232 m long.


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Tenma Road
A route that connects Hidaka and Tokachi, It is an amazing driving course
A road that connects Hiroo and Urakawa on the National Highway 236. Everywhere on the road could be said to be a view point, and you can enjoy seasonally changing faces of magnificent nature and beautiful ravines of Hidaka Mountains. It is amazing during the fall foliage. In particular, “Nozuka Tunnel” area is known as a great photo spot for foliage.
Taking a break at the Suimei Bridge Park, known for its water, is highly recommended.

- source : occi.or.jp/nissho_peninsula... -


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Goshiki-keikoku 五色渓谷 Goshiki Gorge
Goshiki Gorge is a scenic spot located in the upstream of the Niobetsu River, a tributary of the Hidaka-Horobetsu River running along the Tenma Kaido Road, which connects the Hidaka area and the Tokachi area in Hokkaido.
This 10-kilometer beautiful gorge is counted as one of the 10 fine scenic spots in Urakawa Town. Located almost in the middle of the route crossing the Hidaka Mountain Range, which is called “the spine of Hokkaido,” visitors can enjoy bountiful nature of the Hidaka area all through the year.
The gorge
is surrounded with the forest of white birch, Japanese maple tree, Painted maple, Japanese Judas tree and Japanese Hop-hornbeam (Ostrya japonica). As is called “Goshiki (Five Colors),” the surrounding mountains are covered with colorful leaves in fall. The best time to view autumn leaves is from late September to the middle of October. Going down to the river bank, you can enjoy seeing the reflected images of red leaves on the surface of the clear stream. However, the most magnificent is the sights of the gorge seen from Suimeibashi Park and the Goshiki-bashi Bridge.
Kamikineusu, Urakawa-cho, Urakawa-gun, Hokkaido
- source : nippon-kichi.jp...


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Churui 忠類(ちゅうるい)
Along the National Highway 236, the “Churui” roadside rest area provides the playable and comfortable setting with foods and museum.
In the “Churui” located in the center of the area, you can rest while taking a snack, and then it provides visitor information on southern Tokachi and road information on the Tenma-Kaido road and the Nissho Pass.
Majestic figure of the Naumann elephant and the state at the time of excavation can be found in the Churui Naumann Elephant Museum.
Families can play at the fountain and wooden playground in the Naumann Park, and visitors can play two park-golf courses of beginner and advanced.
So you can enjoy at the park for the whole day.
Also you can relieve your weariness of a journey by getting in the Nauman Onsen Arco 236 with 100 % fresh hot spring water of alkaline simple hot spring.
- source : hokkaido-michinoeki.jp... -



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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #Tenma #tenmakaido #hokkaido #obihiro #urakawa - - - -


Tojo Orai Roads

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tojo Orai, Tōjō ōrai 東城往来 Tojo Roads
Many roads starting at the town of Tojo (広島県庄原市東城町 Hiroshima, Shobara city, Tojo town)
Tojo Kaido 東城街道 Tojo Highway
was the name used for roads leading to Tojo.
Roads leading away from the side of the Setonaikai were also called
雲州街道 Unshu Kaido(出雲街道 Izumo Kaido
雲州道 Unshu no Michi / 雲州路 Unshu-Ji

. Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 .

Tojo is located in the middle between Nihonkai 日本海 the Sea of Japan and
Setonaikai 瀬戸内海 the Seto Inland Sea.
Many roads were used to bring merchandise from 備後国北部 the North of Bingo no Kuni province.

under construction

出雲国への道 Road to Izumo no Kuni
From Tojo via 松江 Matsue to the Shrine 出雲大社 Izumo Taisha
Now National Highway 314.

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .


伯耆国への道 Road to Hoki no Kuni
From Tojo via 米子 Yonago to 大山 Mount Daisen.

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Hoki Province (伯耆国, Hōki no kuni)
was an old province of Japan in the area that is today the western part of Tottori Prefecture. It was sometimes called Hakushū (伯州). Hōki bordered on Inaba, Mimasaka, Bitchū, Bingo, and Izumo Provinces.
-source : wikipedia -


新見・美作国への道 Road to Niimi, Mimasaka no Kuni
Now National Highway 182.

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Mimasaka Province (美作国, Mimasaka no kuni)
or Sakushu (作州, Sakushū) was a province of Japan in the part of Honshū that is today northeastern Okayama Prefecture.
Mimasaka bordered Bitchū, Bizen, Harima, Hōki, and Inaba Provinces.
Mimasaka was landlocked, and was often ruled by the daimyō in Bizen. The ancient capital and castle town was Tsuyama.
During the Edo period the province was controlled by the Tsuyama Domain.
- source : wikipedia -


吹屋への道 Road to Fukiya
Called 吹屋往来 Fukiya Orai from the Tojo side.
Now National Highway 182.

. My Visit to Fukiya 吹屋 .
an important copper mining town in the Edo period.


備中松山城下への道 Road to Bitchu Matsuyama
From Tojo to the castle town, present-day 岡山県高梁市 Takahashi in Okayama.
Now National Highway 182.

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Bitchū Matsuyama Castle (備中松山城, Bitchū Matsuyama-jō),
also known as Takahashi Castle, is a castle located in Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. It is not to be confused with Matsuyama Castle in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture.
Along with being one of only twelve remaining original castles in the country, Bitchū Matsuyama Castle is notable as the castle with the highest elevation above sea level in Japan at 430 meters (1410 ft).
- source : wikipedia -


笠岡への道 Road to Kasaoka
From there called the 出雲街道 Izumo Kaido.


備後福山城下への道 Road to the castle of Bingo Fukuyama
From Tojo called 福山道 Fukuyama Michi.
From Fukuyama called 東城街道 Tojo Kaido, 東城道 Tojo Michi or 東城路 Tojo-Ji.
Now National Highway 182.

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Bingo Province (備後国, Bingo no kuni)
was a province of Japan on the Inland Sea side of western Honshū, comprising what is today the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture.
It was sometimes grouped together with Bizen and Bitchu Provinces as Bishū (備州). The 備 bi in the names of these provinces is taken from the second character in the name of Kibi Province, whose ambit also included the area that would be divided off as Mimasaka Province in the early 8th century CE. Bingo bordered Bitchū, Hōki, Izumo, Iwami, and Aki Provinces.
The ancient capital is believed to have been in the vicinity of the city of Fuchu. During the Sengoku Period, Bingo was part of the Mori clan's domains, but after the Battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu reassigned it to one of his allies.
A notable landmark includes Fukuyama Castle, which was the main castle of the Bingo-Fukuyama han (clan) during the Edo period of Japanese history.
- source : wikkpedia -


備後府中への道 Road to Bingo Fuchu in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.


尾道への道 Road to Onomichi in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.


三原城下への道 Road to the castle town of Mihara in Hiroshima
Now National Highway 25.

. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま .


三次への道 Road to Miyoshi in Hiroshima
This road was used to procede to 安芸国 Aki no Kuni and 石見国 Iwami no Kuni
Now National Highway 23.


- reference source : wikipedia -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県

庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. daikon 大根 と伝説 Legends about radish .
daikon no oto 大根の音 the sound of a radish
People should not cut radish on the day of Inoko, because if someone hears the sound of cutting, he will die.
Farmers are also not allowed to go into 大根畑 the radish fields to pull radishes.

. inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 day of the "young wild boar" .

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ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity
Once 柳右衛門 Ryuemon saw a large rock falling from the sky and wanted to venerate it in his estate. He asked a strong forest worker to carry it to his home. The worker could carry it without aproblem, finding it quite light. But when they reached the pass, the rock suddenly felt so heavy he could not carry it any more.
So they built a Shrine on the pass and prayed there to
手力男命 Tajikara Onokami / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
The rock seemed to grow larger every year.


. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokmi / Ame-no-tajikarao / Amenotejikara

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. Onibashi 鬼橋 the Demon Bridge .
At 帝釈山 Mount Taishakusan.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tojo #tojoorai #tojoroads - - - -


Kyogen theater

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kyoogen 狂言 Kyogen Theater - Legends

. Kyogen 狂言 Introduction .

- quote
What Really Happens in the Kyōgen Backstage
This material offers explanations mainly through picture on the tools and works, which were used for backstage devices of Kabuki. This helps us to learn about dramaturgy of Kabuki, including stage sets and theater properties.
With the growing popularity of ghost story-related plays since the Bunka and Bunsei periods (1804-1830), the large scale devices were developed by Hasegawa Kanpei, a professional set designer/producer, who handled all the stage sets at three officially recognized Kabuki theaters of Edo. This page is one of the scenes of "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" and describes the devise of "takiguruma (waterfalls wheels)" that expresses the Yoshino River. Usually, pale blue cloth is used to express the flow of a river. In this play, however, this devise was used to make it appear as if the water flew from the back of the stage to the audience seats.
In addition, this work includes the burning lantern entrance (chōchin nuke), the revolving door panel (toita gaeshi), the garden lantern entrance (tōrō nuke) of "Ghost Story at Yotsuya on the Tōkaidō", and the disclosure of a trick for a midair stunt feat of Ishikawa Goemon. The books for trick disclosure were a popular project to satisfy the curiosity of the audience, and many other books based on similar ideas were also published.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


kamanari 釜鳴 the kettle makes auspicious noises
A 刀鍛冶 sword smith named 国員 Kunikazu wanted to make mochi 餅 rice cakes for the New Year at the end of December, when suddenly his kama 釜 kettle begun to make auspicious noises. Since then Kunikazu became famous.
If a kettle makes noises the family will become prosperous. Kunikazu changed his name store name to
Kamanariya 釜鳴屋.
If a kettle begins to make noise in the kitchen, the womenfolk use new underwear and place it on the kettle to make it quiet.

. Narikama 鳴釜 Narigama yokai / Kamanari 釜鳴 .


. saru 猿と伝説 Legends about monkeys - Affen .
A ship carrying Kyogen actors from a tour to Yamaguchi became shipwrecked and the people, rescued on land, did not know where they are. There were no human houses on the island. But the monkeys on the island found the humans and many came to the beach to look at them. Since it was a ship carrying actors, the monkeys asked them for a performance of a 狂言 Kyogen. So one of them danced 三番叟 the Sanbaso. The monkeys liked that very much and threw some food at them. Then they climbed on a high tree and showed the actors the direction. When the actors started rowing that way, they finally reached 長門国 the Nagato province.
Sanbaso by Masayuki Kunisaki
. Sanbasoo 三番叟 The Sanbaso Dance .
It started in the ninth century as a dance to avoid earthquakes.
Later it was performed in Noh, Kyogen and even Kabuki.

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
中京区 Central ward

. Mibudera 壬生寺 Temple Mibu-Dera .
During the Kyogen performances in April at the 大念仏会 Great Nenbutsu Rituals there appear performers with masks.
The masks are of 牛若 Ushiwaka, 弁慶 Benkei, 土蜘蛛 Tsuchigumo, the Ground Spider, 鬼 Oni demons, 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu and others.

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県

. Horaijima 蓬莱島 a mythical island of eternal youth .
In a Kyogen performance for 節分 Setsubun rituals in Spring, an Oni 鬼 demon comes from Horaijima Island. He is tricked by a woman who snatches his kakuremino 隠れ蓑 straw raincoat (which makes him invisible). Then she throws Setsubun ritual beans at him to drive him out.

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase village

. Mount Konoyama 神野山 and koedame 肥溜め an area for fertilizer .

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
Osaka 堺市 Sakai city 少林寺町 Shorinji town

釣狐 Tsurigitsune (‘Fox Trapping’) - 狐釣り狂言 Kitsune tsuri

tsuri kitsune 釣狐 Tsurigitsune, Tsuri-gitsune "fox trapping"

Fox Dancing before a Fox Trap
the Kyôgen Play Tsurigitsune
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重

- Tsuri-Gitsune - kyogen-in-english text -


. The Fox Hakuzosu 白蔵主 / 伯蔵主 .
The legend of Hakuzōsu became a Kyōgen play "Fishing for a fox", 釣狐 Tsurigitsune (‘Fox Trapping’) / Konkai (‘The Cry of the Fox’)
In Tsurigitsune, an old fox who has lost all of his relatives to a hunter's trap assumes human form to try to convince the hunter to stop killing. In this story, a hunter is visited by his uncle, the priest Hakuzōsu, who lectures his nephew on the evils of killing foxes. The hunter is nearly convinced, but after the priest departs, he hears the cry of the fox and realizes it wasn't his uncle at all but a fox in guise.
The fox resumes his natural form and reverts to his wild ways, takes the bait in a trap and is captured.
- quote wikipedia -

sanbon ashi no kitsune 三本足の狐 a fox with three legs
Hakuzosu was a strong believer in 稲荷神 the Inari fox deity.
One day he found a fox with three legs. He thought this was a present of the deity and he brought it up with great care.
The fox became a wise animal and helped the priest to forecast disaster and bad luck.
The staff of the priest used in the Kyogen performance is made of bamboo taken from the bamboo grove at 少林寺 the temple Shorin-Ji.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kyogen #kyoogen #kitsune #tsurigitsune #tsurikitsune - - - -


Tanabu Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Tanabu Kaido 田名部街道 Tanabu Highway
In Aomori 青森県, connecting 野辺地 Noheji with 田名部 Tanabu (むつ市 Mutsu city).
About 53 km long.

Often used by the Daimyo of Morioka han 盛岡藩 the Morioka Domain as a waki kaido 脇街道 side-route.
Already mentioned in documents of 1649.
A road along the 陸奥湾 Mutsu wan bay, also called 入海辺道.

The part from 野辺地 Noheji to 横浜 Yokohama was called
sunamichi 砂道 "sand road" along the beach.

The time for a Daimyo procession from 盛岡 Morioka to Tanabu took 5 days in Summer and 7 days in Winter.
The junkenshi 巡見使 inspectors of the Edo Tokugawa government used this road.
The pilgrims to 恐山 Mount Osorezan used it too.

- Postal stations along the Tanabu Kaido
Noheji 野辺地 
Arito 有戸    
Yokohama 横浜   
Nakanozawa 中野沢 
Tanabu 田名部 

The name Tanabu was also written 田鍋 (Tanabe) or 田南部 (Tananbu).


. Aomori no Kaido 青森の街道 Highways of Aomori prefecture .

. Osorezan Taisai 恐山大祭 Great Summer Festival at Mount Osorezan .
and the イダコ Itako Shamans


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Noheji (野辺地町, Noheji-machi)
- History
The area around Noheji was inhabited by the Emishi people until the historical period, and the name “Noheji” is derived from “Nosobechi”, or “place where a pure river flows through a field” in the Ainu language.
During the Edo period, the area was controlled by the Nambu clan of Morioka Domain and prospered due to its fishing industry and location on the road connecting Morioka Domain with the Hirosaki Domain.
During the Boshin War of the Meiji Restoration, the Battle of Noheji occurred between the Tokugawa loyalist forces of Morioka Domain and pro-imperial forces of Hirosaki Domain on 11 November 1868, resulting in a victory for the Imperial faction.
During the post-Meiji restoration creation of the modern municipalities system on 1 April 1889, the village of Noheiji was established. Noheji was elevated to town status on 28 August 1898.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

常夜燈公園 Joyato Koen Park and the ship みちのく丸 Michinoku Maru
- source and more photos : nohezi-zyoyato ... -


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Yokohama (横浜町, Yokohama-machi)
- History
The area around Yokohama was controlled by the Nambu clan of Morioka Domain during the Edo period.
During the post-Meiji restoration establishment of the modern municipalities system on 1 April 1889, it was proclaimed to be a village. Yokohama was elevated to town status on April 1, 1958.
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Tanabu Matsuri 田名部祭り Tanabu Festival
In the northern wilds of Aomori, a land of long winters and cold snowy nights, summer is held in divine regard. This can be vividly experienced during the three nights of the Tanabu Festival in the town of Mutsu. If you were to ask any local what one event their region is known for, what one event everyone is looking forward to, what one event is the last great hoorah before winter's onslaught, it is this very one.
The festival spans three days, the first evening beginning with the "oshimako" dance. Men lead the procession carrying lanterns, followed in their wake by hundreds of women in traditional dress dancing the "oshimako" to centuries old music.
The second night is the "mikoshi" night where several teams of men drink their body weight in beer, lay hold of a portable Shinto shrine (the mikoshi), and start chucking it into the air while yelling to lung's capacity and spinning wildly. This author has participated in the "mikoshi" and can verify that hurling hundreds of pounds into the air, and entrusting the catch to a drunken cohort, is a great way pass the time. The "mikoshi" is used to transport the shrine's diety around the festival, while throwing him into the air is for his amusement. At least a thousand or so onlookers fill the streets, many dressed in traditional yukata, Each of the four separate neighborhoods of the aptly named "Tanabu" district in the town of Mutsu house their own portable shrines called "dashi" all year long, bringing them out to play for the festival. Each shrine is housed in a 15 ft tall structure resembling a mini-castle that is pulled along atop a wagon, with the image of the god on the top floor of the shrine. Each of the four wheels are wooden and probably decades old, having no axle so that a gang of men have to manhandle the "dashi" with ropes and poles to make it turn. Several people hang out in the shrines, playing flutes and drums. The shrines are pulled through the streets to the raucous shouts of "yama yare!", to my best knowledge meaning "get it done!".
On the last night of the festival,
the five shrines meet at an intersection for "gosho wakare", the ritual where they separate and return to their respective neighborhoods until next year. During this ritual, at around 10 PM, a giant barrel of sake is brought and men in priestly garb ladle sake out to all present until its empty.
The festival has a few side attractions as well: food booths, "noh" plays and samurai dramas acted out on a stage, local bars and restaurants set up booths on the streets and offer cheap fares to entice customers. During the day one can see small groups of men carrying around their "mikoshi" and playing traditional music in the backstreets. Perhaps the most enjoyable aspect of the festival is the people. Being the land of long winters, this summer festival brings everyone out of their homes and brings out joy in everyone present. If you are looking to interact with local people, this is the best time of year to do so.
The origins of the festival are unknown
but have been estimated to be over 300 years old. It resembles the Gion Festival in Kyoto in many ways. Each shrine houses a neighborhood deity. In the weeks leading up to the festival, the teams who pull the shrine will regularly meet, set the deity's statue in a place of honor, and get thoroughly drunk.
The name "Tanabu" relates to the town of Tanabu that existed before it was merged with another town called "Ominato", becoming what is the current town of Mutsu.
- source : en.japantravel.com/aomori/tanabu-festival... -


- reference and more photos of the Kaido : blog.livedoor.jp/kaketsuka8185... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県

- folk belief from Tanabu
komugi 小麦 wheat harvested in the sixth lunar month is made to flour and used for offerings on the 13th day of the 7th month, the old お盆 O-Bon rituals for the ancestors.
The souls come from 田名部(下北郡恐山)Tanabe and when O-Bon is over they go back walking around the fields.
People who have died are dressed in a white robe called iro イロ. A violet shawl is wrapped around the shoulders. That way the souls will not come back.
This is especially important for people who have died of a bad disease.
A woman from a farmer family made some very simple wheat offerings for O-Bon. When the souls came to the house, they got angry about the simple offerings. After they had left the children of the family all had wounds from a fire.

. obon, o-bon お盆 festival for the ancestors .

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ejina エジナ,izuna いずな a large weasel
It can bewitch humans and horses. People not well liked are often bewitched and begin to eat huge amounts of food.
To get rid of this, people go to the イダコ the Itako Shamans of Tanabe.

. itachi 鼬 /イタチ / 飯綱 Izuna weasel .
The least weasel (Mustela nivalis), little weasel, common weasel, or simply weasel

むつ市 Mutsu city 田名部 Tanabu

shigo no tamashi 死後のタマシ the soul after death
After death, the soul goes to 恐山 Mount Osorezan in Tanabu.
If the sound of the karasu ravens is strange, there is a new soul coming.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #Tanabu #Aomori #tanabe #mutsu #noheji - - - -


Shirakawa Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Shirakawa Kaido 白川街道 Shirakawa Highway
From Gujo Hachiman 郡上市八幡町 to 白川郷 Shirakawa village in 岐阜県 Gifu.

- Postal stations along the Shirakawa Kaido
Gujo Hachiman 郡上市八幡町 (Gifu 岐阜県)
Shirotori 白鳥町
Hirugano Kogen 蛭ヶ野高原 Highlands
Takasu 高鷲町
Shokawa 荘川町
Shirakawa 白川村
Gokayma 五箇山


. Gujo Kaido 郡上街道 Gujo Highway .
Gujo Hachiman Castle 郡上八幡城


. Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 .
- and Shirakawa Daruma 白河のだるま - 白川だるま - Introduction to Shirakawa village

He is almost square and has a rather unhappy expression !


. - - - Station 10 - Shirakawa no Seki 白川の関 - - - .
松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho, Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道

source : itoyo/basho
白河の関(「芭蕉翁絵詞伝」 Shirakawa no Seki


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県

郡上市 Gujo city 白鳥町 Shirotori town

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Kappa Legends .
A man named 正左衛門 Shozaemon gave his horse to a gawataroo ガワタロウ Kappa, but when he saw his horse struggle along the river bank, he helped it back. At the reins was a body the size of a child, all wet.
The Kappa was glad to be back on the shore and now helped Shozaemon. lending him zenwan 膳椀 trays and bowls many times.
Then once Shozaemon broke a bowl and from that time on, the Kappa did not come any more.

. zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls" .

高山市 Takayama city 荘川村 Shokawa village /
Hirugano Kogen 蛭ヶ野高原 / ひるがの高原 Hirugano Highlands Ski resort

source : Plateau of Hirugano

ryuujin 竜神 Dragon Deity,hakuba 白馬 white horse
The 蛭ヶ野の竜神 Dragon Deity from Hirugano sometimes shapeshifts into a white horse.
This Dragon Deity is also the a Suijin 水神 Water Deity.
. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .

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. yamainu 山犬,ookami 狼 wolf legends .
The wolves from Hirugano can jump over the back of a person.
Sometimes they grab a branch and bring it to the door of a home. Or they scratch earth and splash it on the door.


岐阜県郡上郡高鷲村 Gujo Takasu village 白山信仰 Hakusan Belief
25 郡上郡 to collect

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Takasu Snow Park is located in the northern area of Gujo city in the central region of Gifu Prefecture. The resort is on the eastern slopes of Mt Dainichi, part of the Ryohaku mountain range. Takasu Snow Park is lift and course-connected with the Dynaland resort and a shared lift ticket is available. Along with Dynaland, the connected area boasts 32 courses and 43km of ski courses and they are currently known as 'Dantotsu'. Some new 'tree run' courses opened for the 2017-2018 season.
Takasu Snow Park has been operating since 1999.
- ource : gifu/gujo/takasu-snow-park... -

. Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan .


飛弾国荘川村紀行 legends from Shokawa
林魁一 Hayashi Kaichi
21 荘川 to collect


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #shirakawa #shirakawakaido #gujohachiman - - - -