
Amanuma district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- for Ome 青梅, see below

Amanuma district 天沼 "heavenly swamp"

Amanuma, 杉並区 Suginami ward

From the first to the third sub-district. 天沼一丁目 - 天沼三丁目.

The name refers to a pond located at the third sub-district, the famous
Amanuma Benten-Ike 天沼弁天池

During the Edo period, 天沼村 Amanuma village had 73 houses, at the beginning of the Meiji period there were 77.
It was a countryside with forests, foxes and badgers like in the 武蔵野 Musashino plain.
In 1635, it belonged to the famous shrine 日枝神社 Hie Jinja.
The rivers 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa and 桃園川 Momozonogawa flow through this area.

In 1889, together with the villages of 高円寺村・馬橋村・阿佐ヶ谷村・田端村・成宗村 it became 東多摩郡杉並村 Higashi-Tama district, Suginami village.
In 1891 荻窪駅 the station of Ogikubo was built.

Another theory states that the plain was used since the Heian peroid for horse training, then written 乗潴「あまぬま」. cho 潴 means swamp.

Amanuma is located in the center of Suginami ward. The main street is 天沼本通り Ananuma Hondori.
In the West is the old 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Road. This road was used to transport sekkai 石灰 lime for the construction of the Edo castle. The road goes on to Kofu in Yamanashi.

. Ōme Kaido 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway .

. Ogikubo 荻窪 Ogikubo district . - Suginami

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
kootsuu jikoo 交通事故 traffic accident
Once upon a time a woman was killed in a traffic accident on the crossroads of the Ome Kaido.
A little later a woman in a white robe (as dead people are dressed for a funeral) appeared at the gas station and waved for a taxi.
When the taxi driver reached the destination, he looked at the back seat but there was nobody, only the seat was rather wet.


天沼弁天池公園 Amanuma Benten Pond Park


天沼八幡神社 Amanuma Hachiman Jinja

The Shrine dates back more than 400 years.

. The Hachiman Shrines of Japan 八幡宮 Hachiman Gu .


天沼熊野神社 Amanuma Kumano Jinja
東京都杉並区 天沼2-40-2

- reference source : amanumakumano.org...-

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- - - - -History
There are two origins given for this shrine, the first in 768, the second in 1333. On the former occasion, it is said that when an official who was patrolling the Tōkaidō arrived in the area he established a way station and named it Amanuma-eki (乘潴驛), he also recognized a local deity.
The latter date is
when the Hōjō-controlled Kamakura fell to the forces led by Nitta Yoshisada (新田義貞), the father of Nitto Yoshioki who we came across in connection with Onnazuka Jinja. En route to besieging Kamamkura, Yoshisada set up camp in the area and built a shrine, at which, perhaps not unnaturally, he prayed for success in his campaign and planted two Japanese cedar (sugi) trees.
In 1395 a samurai by the name of Asakura Mikawakami (朝倉三河守) returned to the area to resume his life of farming, and among other things rebuilt the shrine and named it Jūnisha Gengon (十二社権現). After the Meiji Restoration the name was changed to Kumano Jinja and in March 1874 it was given Village Shrine status.
- source : Rod Lucas -

. The Kumano Shrines of Japan 熊野 .


Onnazuka Jinja 女塚神社

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Onnazuka (lit. “Female Mound”) Jinja was originally a Hachiman Jinja which was the tutelary shrine for what were then Onnazuka and Misono Villages and is now the area close to the east exit of Kamata Station. When it was founded is unclear, but it must have been no later than 1614 as the Shin-pen-Musashi-Fudo-Kiko notes its completion in that year.
In 1888 the shrine moved to its present location following the construction of the Shimbashi-Yokohama railway line and was given its present name, while Misono Jinja was designated as the shrine for the Misono Village. The two shrines are less than 500m apart.
The Onnazuka name
is derived from an episode during the Nanboku Period of the fourteenth century. Nitta Yoshioki (新田義興, on the Southern Imperial Court Side) had devised a plan to attack the Ashikaga (Northern Imperial Court) in their Kamakura stronghold. Takezawa Ukyōsuke (竹沢左京亮), who at this time was an Ashikaga retainer but whose allegiance had previously been with Nitta, became aware of this and drew up his own plan to assassinate Nitta. This involved reingratiating himself with Nitta and to this end he summoned a court lady, Shōshō-tsubone (少将局), from Kyōto, who was presumably to use her sensual wiles on Nitta. She, however, quickly realized Takesawa’s true intent and sent a letter to Nitta informing him of the plot, which duly failed. On finding out the reason for the failure, an enraged Takesawa killed Shōshō and just cast her body aside. Out of pity and compassion the local villagers gave Shōshō a proper burial in a grave which was a small mound.
- source : Rod Lucas -


. The Hie shrines of Japan 日枝神社 .
Hie Shrine in Nagatachō, Chiyoda, Tokyo.


Oome, Ōme 青梅 / おうめ Ome town
Ome means "Green Ume", a kind of plum tree known as Japanese Apricot.
Ōme is located in the Okutama Mountains of western Tokyo, bordered by Saitama Prefecture to the north.
The river Tamagawa flows through the city.

An important postal station of the
青梅街道 Ome kaido highway from Shinjuku to Kofu.

It was a sort of shortcut to 甲府 Kofu in Yamanashi and often called the 甲州裏街道 Koshu Ura Kaido .
First only used for the transportation of lime to Edo, it soon turned into a busy road for all kinds of merchandise.
Now it is one of the modern "emergency access roads", kept open for ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles during national and Tokyo emergencies.

. Ōme Kaido 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway .

. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa.

. Tanashi juku 田無宿 postal station .
about 24 km from Edo and 32 km from Ome

The name Ome comes from just one plum tree.
It had fruit which stayed green until autumn and never changed color.
People thought this very strange and called the tree
"green plum tree" - ao ume 青梅, soon shortened to Ome.

There is a legend linking this strange plum tree to Taira no Masakado.
When Masakado passed the temple Kongō-ji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (Ome shi Amagase 青梅市天ヶ瀬町), he planted one branch of a plum tree, which he had used as a whip, in the ground and prayed for his long-lasting success as a warrior. Masakado eventually was killed in battle. But the branch became a tree with fine blossoms and fruit.
The tree is often called "Masakado chikai no ume" 将門誓いの梅 "Plum tree of the vow of Masakado".

. ao-ume, ao ume 青梅 green plum .
Kooshuu ume 甲州梅(こうしゅううめ)plum from Koshu
- kigo for mid-summer -

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 - (? – 940) .

In 1922, this tree became 金剛寺の青梅 Kongo-Ji no Ome
and was registered as a 天然記念物 Natural Monument of Tokyo.
Kongooji, Kongō-ji


Omejima, ome-jima 青梅縞 striped fabrics, weaving from Ome

Dates back to 759 !
江戸中期 青梅が宿場町として栄える
1661年 青梅桟留(サントメ)縞の生産開始

- reference source : life-ome.com/textile/history... -


. Ome hime daruma 青梅姫だるま Princess Daruma doll from Ome .
and 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja


武蔵御嶽神社 Musashi Mitake Jinja
176 Mitakesan, Ome, Tokyo - Musashimitake Shrine

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Musashi-no-kuni Mitake-san 武蔵国御嶽山
Mitake-san (Mt. Mitake) has received many visitors as a sacred place of mountain worship since the Middle Ages.
On top of the mountain the Musashi Mitake Shrine is enshrined,
which originates from the fact that Gyōki built a hall on this site and enshrined Zaō Gongen in 736.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
. 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749)G .

Mitakesan, 御岳山 Mitake-san, Mount Mitake, 929 m

. Futomani matsuri 太占祭 Futomani festival .
at Musashi Mitake Jinja 武蔵御嶽神社
Ooguchi magami matsuri 大口真神祭り Wolf Deity Festival


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edoamanuma #amanuma #mitake - - - -


Gabi Greve said...

a friend wrote:
Amanuma benten pond park 、now municipal park,
is the former site of private house owned by the president Yoshiaki Tsutsumi of Seibu Group. When I visited there in 2012 to trace the benten pond which is the source of Momozono river, the pond was in a magnificent estate so that I couldn't see it.
Amanuma Hachiman Jinja and Amanuma Kumano Jinja stand along closed Momozono river.

Gabi Greve said...

Ogawa cho 小川町 Ogawa district, "small river"
東京都小平市小川町一丁目及び小川町二丁目 Kodaira city, from 1 to 2nd sub-district
Ogawa was located along the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido Highway. The village of 小川村 Ogawa mura profited from the highway travelers, providing the with fresh horses (馬継場).
The village had ケヤキ並木 zelkova trees for shadow along the road and 防風林 windbreak trees around the farm houses.