. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 Sangen-jaya, "three tea stalls"
世田谷区 Setagaya ward / Sangenchaya 三軒茶屋
Under the un-auspicious name of "tea stall", a lot of extra entertainment was available in Edo.
Along the public roads to the countryside, there were many Chaya for travellers to rest.
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall - Introduction .
- - - - The three tea shops were
Ishibashi-ya 石橋屋 - originally 信楽 Shigaraki
Kado-ya 角屋
Tanaka-ya 田中屋
They were located at the beginning of two highways out of Edo,
大山街道 Oyama Kaido
二子街道 Futago Kaido.
Oyama Kaido was a favorite pilgrim road to
. 大山の不動様 Oyama no Fudo Son .
Shrine Oyama Afuri Jinja 大山阿夫利神社
There were two Oyama Kaido leading out of Edo, dividing at Sangen Jaya.

source : sangendyaya.co.jp
The rest of the area was still fields and forest in the early Edo period, but there were enough pilgrims to keep the tea stalls busy.
The Oyama Kaido is now called Tamagawa-doori 玉川通り Tamagawa-Dori.
The Futago Kaido was famous for
. Tamagawa Daishi 玉川大師 - temple Gyokushin Mitsuin .
4 Chome-13-3 Seta, Setagaya.
The postal station Futago Juku was at Kawasaki
神奈川県川崎市高津区二子 / Futago, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa
The tea stalls used to have two stories, with a second floor where the visitors could rest (and even stay over night if need be).
It is even told that Sakamoto Royma stayed at the 信楽 Shigaraki chaya.

source : sancha.jp/history
.... Ishibashi-ya 石橋屋
The shop was originally called 信楽 Shigaraki, but the name was later changed to 石橋楼 Ishibashi-rō.
In the Meiji Period,
Kado-ya went out of business and Tanaka-ya was lost in a fire.
In 1936, Ishibashi-ya moved across the street and changed its name to 茶寮イシバシ Saryō Ishibashi which means something like “Tea Room Ishibashi.” The first floor was a 洋食喫茶 yōshoku kissa a café specializing in yōshoku, Japanized western dishes. The second floor was a banquet hall that served yōshoku for large events and parties. In 1945, the family running the shop was evacuated due to the destruction incurred by the American firebombing of Tōkyō.
... according to local legend Tanaka-ya re-emerged at some time in the Sangenjaya area. It didn’t come back as a teahouse but as a ceramics shop. The modern shop is called 田中屋陶苑 Tanakaya Tōen Tanaka Ceramics. The shop uses the family name and is the only surviving business with any connection to the Sangen-jaya place name.

source : t-mame.blogspot.jp...
A modern reminder of Sancha 三軒茶屋交差点の交番前
- quote
The area is often affectionately called 三茶 Sancha “three tea.”
..... In the Edo Period,
the area called Sangenjaya today was comprised of the former 中馬引沢村 Naka-Umahikizawa Village, 下馬引沢村 Shimo-Umahikizawa Village, and 太子堂村 Taishi-dō Village in former 武蔵国荏原郡 Ebara District, Musashi Province.
It seems that by the 1800’s, the popular name Sangen-jaya was already well known in the area. However, the name didn’t officially exist until quite recently. The birth of the official place name Sangen-jaya coincided with the 1932 creation of Setagaya Ward.
In the Meiji Period, the area became famous for シャボン屋 shabon-ya shops selling western soaps, 立飲屋 tachinomi-ya shops where you drink while standing, 駄菓子屋 dagashi-ya cheap candy and snack shops, and 魚屋 sakana-ya fish mongers. Today, it’s a rather affluent area with many bustling restaurants and bars.
- source : japanthis.com/2015/01/14/sangenjaya
Tokiwabashi 常盤橋 Tokiwa bridge

This bridge is located at the Futago Kaido in the village 中馬牽沢村 Naka-Umahikizawa at Sangenjaya.
登戸街道 Noborito Kaido / Noborito-juku postal station

The road was called 津久井道 Tsukui Michi. This road met with the Oyama Kaido at Sangenjaya.
source : symphonic-net.com/tackara2000/rekishi/edomeishozue...

ayu no michi 鮎の道 road to carry ayu trout
also called Tsukui Ookan 津久井往還 Road of Tsukui, a town in the North-West of Kanagawa prefecture.
Trout that were fished in Kutsui had to be transported to Edo for consumption as fast as possible. They were carried to the tea shop Sangenjaya 三軒茶屋 in Setagaya.
The fish were put in buckets and the carriers stopped ever so often to put fresh water into the bucket to keep the fish happy and alive.
. ayu 鮎 trout .
kuchisake onna 口裂け女 the slit-mouthed woman
She likes the number three, so she likes to come here.
She knocks at the door three times.
. kuchisake onna 口裂け女 slit-mouthed woman .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- reference source : sangendyaya.co.jp -

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. Setagaya ku 世田谷区 Setagaya ward .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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