. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
Cultural keywords and kigo used by Issa
. Emotions expressed directly by Issa .
asamashi 浅まし
. isogashiki いそがしき so busy .
mutsukashi むつかし
natsukashi なつかし
okashisa おかしさ
sabishisa さびしさ
- - - Numbers - used by Issa in his haiku
. - Onomatopoetic words used by Issa - .
- - - - - . WKD - Onomatopoetic words .
- - - べったり bettari
. Issa and Animals .
. aki 秋 autumn in Japan .
. akikaze, aki no kaze - autumn wind .
ama - Buddhist nun
amadare - rain from eaves and leaves
amado 雨戸 wooden shutters, 遣り戸, 鑓戸, 槍戸 yarido wooden sliding doors
. asa-gasumi tenshu no amado kikoe keri .
. Amanojaku 天邪鬼 Heavenly Evil Spirit .
. Amida Buddha 阿弥陀 and Namu Amida Prayer .
. anaichi, ana-ichi 穴一 coin-throwing game .
. andon 行灯 room lantern .
aruki-gami - God of Wandering
. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 - 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .
. asaichi, asa-ichi 朝市 morning market .
Asamayama, Mount Asama - and Shinano province
asameshi - breakfast
ase 汗 sweat, sweating
. awase 袷 / あわせ light lined kimono .
. benizara, beni-zara 紅皿 dish for red lipstick .
. binboogami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty .
. Binzuru 賓頭盧 and nadebotoke 撫で仏 Buddhas to rub .
. Bon odori 盆踊り Dance for the O-Bon festival .
. bootsukis, boo-tsuki 棒突 guards with poles .
botamochi - rice cakes with bean paste
. botan 牡丹 peony .
Buddha birthday rituals
chawan 茶碗 tea bowl or rice bowl
. chaya, -jaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall .
. chazaru 茶笊 basket for drying tea or tea strainer .
. chimaki 粽 Chimaki rice dumplings .
chiri no mi - this body of dust
choo, choochoo - butterfly, butterflies
. Confucius 孔子 Kooshi / 孔夫子, Kung Tzu, Kung Fu Tzu .
. Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, kankodori 閑古鳥 .
- - - - - and
Little Cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalis, hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥
. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 God of Wealth and Good Luck .
daiko, daikon - long white radishes
. Dokurakuboo, Dokurakubou 獨楽坊 Dokuraku Bo / Chidoo 知洞 Chido .
Dookan, Oota Dookan, Ota Dokan - founder of Edo castle
. doosha 道者 pilgrim "man on the road" .
eda - branch of a tree
. Edo niwa 江戸庭 Garden in Edo .
. ehoomaki 恵方巻き auspicious sushi roll .
hiiragi sasu 柊挿す (ひいらぎさす) piercing with a holly
eta - outcast, lowest rank in Edo society
Ezo, the Island of Hokkaido
fog - mist - haze - kiri, oboro, kazumi . . .
. - Food and hokku by Issa - .
Fukagawa in Edo
Fukakusa clay dolls - Kaguya Hime
fukuto, fugu - puffer fish, blowfish, Kugelfisch
. fundoshi 褌 ふんどし loincloth .
. furusato ふるさと 故郷、古里 my hometown, my home village . .
. fuyugomori 冬篭 winter seclusion .
. ga 蛾 moth, hi-tori-mushi 火とり虫 self-burning moth .
gaki - hungry ghosts
. ge-gaki 夏書 summer prayer and natsu ango natsu ango 夏安吾 retreat .
. Gensei 元政 Saint Gensei, Gensei Shoonin 元政上人 . (1623―1668)
. gesshoku 月食 eclipse of 1819 .
Goji-In and kawahori prostitutes
gokutsubushi - person without an income or job monogoi, beggar
. gomame 五万米(ゴマメ)dried sardines .
gosun kugi, go sun kugi - a nail of 5 sun length
hachi, mitsubachi, arare-bachi - bees, honey bees and hornets
hae - fly, flies 蝿
. hanabi 花火 fireworks .
hanagami, hana-kami - tissue paper
. hana-uri, hana uri 花うり / 花売り flower vendor .
harishigoto - needlework
harusame - spring rain
hasu, hasu no hana - lotou, Lotos
hatago, lodging on the road
hatobue, pigeon flute
. hatsumono 初物 ー first things (of the year or season) .
. hatsugatsuo 初鰹 first bonito .
hatsu haru - first spring, New Year
. hehirimushi, he-kiri mushi 屁ひり虫 fart bug .
higasa - parasol, summer umbrella
Higashiyama in Kyoto
. hijiri, cha no hijiri 茶の聖 the saint of tea, Eisai .
- - - - - . Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Sen Rikyu, Sen no Rikyu .
hiki - toad, kawazu - frog hiki-dono, lord toad
. hina ningyoo 雛人形 Hina dolls festival, March 3 .
hisago, fukube - gourd and melon - kome fukube, kome-hisago to keep rice
. hito no hi 人の日, jinjitsu 人日 "day of Man", January 7 .
hoojoo-e, Hojo-E - Ceremonies for the Release of Living Beings
hotaru - firefly, fierflies
. Ichihime no kami 一姫の神 protector of the market .
. imo 芋 (いも) / satoimo, sato-imo 里芋 taro plant .
inazuma - lightning and kaminari - thunder
. inoki, inoshishi ゐのこ / 猪 wild boar .
. inu 犬 dog, koinu 子犬 - enoko えのこ puppy .
. io 庵 / kakurega 隠れ家 - my humble hut, my dwelling .
. ishinago 石子 / イシナゴ / 石投 / 擲石 toy pebble or dice .
ishizue - corner stone, stone foundation
. jigoku 地獄 17 haiku about hell .
. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 Jizoo, Jizō .
juzu - rosary
. ka 蚊 mosquito, kabashira 蚊柱 and mosquitoes and larvae .
. kaba no ki, kanba no ki かんば, shirakaba 白樺 birch tree .
. kadomatsu 門松 pine decorations for New Year .
kago - palanquin, sedan chair
. Kagura Dance 神楽 .
. kaidan 戒壇 platform for Buddhist ordination .
kaji - fire in Edo Shitaya fire 下谷
October 9, 1698 - Chokugaku Fire 勅額火事
文化3年(1806年)3月4日、火災により焼失。after a fire in 1806
蕣(あさがお)の下谷せましと咲にけり asagao no Shitaya semashi to saki ni keri
- reference : members.jcom.home.ne.jp/michiko328 -
. kajoogui 嘉定喰 Eating on the Kajo-Day .
. kakine 垣根 hedge, fence / kakoi 囲い, saku さく. hei 塀 .
. kamikaze 神風 divine wind .
. kamiko 紙衣 paper robes .
. kamiyui 髪結い hairdo master, hairdresser .
kanreki 還暦, manroku - circle of 60 years
. kanzashi かんざし / 簪 hairpin - and kushi / comb .
. kao 顔 face,faces of humans, animals, dolls .
. kara-kurenai 唐紅 "chinese red", bright crimson .
. kari 雁 goose, geese .
karuta - card games and other games
. kashiwa 柏 oak tree . - and kogarashi 木がらし withering wind
. katajin, katabutsu 堅人 / 堅物 honest, reliable person .
. katashiro 形代 ritual paper figure .
. katatsuburi, katatsumuri 蝸牛 (かたつむり land snail, snail .
. kawatemizu, kawachoozu 川手水 "river to wash the hands" .
. kayoichoo, tsuuchoo 通帳 credit account book .
keshi, keshi no hana - poppy, poppies
. kiji 雉 pheasant and yamadori 山鳥 copper pheasant .
. kiku 菊 chrysanthemum .
- - - . kiku 菊 chrysanthemums and the festival .
. kimigayo, kimi ga yo 君が代 national anthem of Japan .
kimono and other robes - karigi - lending robes
kinoko, ki no ko - mushrooms
kinuta - fulling block, pounding cloth
. kiri, kiri hitoha 桐一葉 paulownia, one leaf .
Kisagata lagoon in Akita - in memory of Basho
. kiseru 煙管 tobacco pipe in the Edo period .
- - - - - tabako-bon たばこ盆 pipe-smoking tray
. Kiso 木曽 .
. Kitano Tenmangu Shrine 北野天満宮 - Kyoto .
kobiru, ko-biru "littel lunch" snack and usu, a stone hand mill
. kodomo 子供 child, children .
- - - - - koboozu 小坊主 young boy, young monk. 継子、まま子 stepchild
kojiki, konjiki - beggar
. komatsu hiki 小松引 pulling out small pine seeldlings .
. komo 菰 wild rice, Komo rice, water oats .
. Konpira 金毘羅 visiting Kotohira in Shikoku .
koo, jinkoo 香 沈香 incense
. koomori, kawahori 蝙蝠 bats and cheap prostitutes .
koozui 洪水 flood, flooding
koromogae 衣替え changing to summer robes, priests
kotatsu 炬燵 こたつ heated table
. Kuge 公家 Aristocrats .
. Kumasaka 熊坂長範 Kumasaka Chohan - . - a famous robber
. kumo 蜘蛛 spider, Spinne . .
. kumo no mine 雲の峰 billowing clouds .
kusa - weeds, small plants - mugura cleavers
. kusuri gui 薬喰 eating medicine in winter .
. kuwa 鍬 hoe, plough .
. Kyooto, Kyoo 京都 Kyoto, the floweringn capital - Hana no Miyako 花の都 .
. Lunar Eclipse of 1819 - 8/15 (Oct. 3) .
Maeda Toshiie - Lord of Kaga domaine
. maiden flower, woman flower 女郎花 ominaeshi .
matsu - pine
. menpeki 面壁 wall gazing (like Daruma san) .
meshi - cooked rice
. mi み【箕】 winnow for grain .
minomushi - bagworm case moth, basketworm
. miso 味噌 miso paste .
. mizudori, mizu-tori 水鳥 water birds .
mokugyo - fish gong for prayers
. mon, kado 門 gate .
. Monjudoo 文珠堂 Monju-D0 Hall of Monju Bosatsu, Wisdom Buddha's temple .
. monzenmachi 門前町 "town in front of the gate" .
. mudabito, muda-bito むだ人 socially useless people .
. mugi 麦 / oomugi 大麦 barley. .
. Myoojin 明神 Myojin deity .
Myoojin no mashira 明神の猿 Monkeys of Myojin
. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .
. Nanto Shichi Daiji 南都七大寺 seven big temples in Nara .
Natsume Seibi, his sponsor in Edo
. neko 猫 cat, cats .
- - - - - . Nekozuka (neko tsuka) 猫塚 cat mound .
. New Year and picking herbs .
. nihon, nippon 日本 Japan .
. niji 虹 rainbow, zankoo 残虹 .
nikui - to hate
ningyoo, karakuri ningyoo - mechanical dolls
. Nishiyama 西山 "Western Mountains" Kyoto .
. nobotoke 野仏 "Buddhas in the wilderness" .
nomi - flea, fleas
nunoko - quilt, blanket
. nuribon ぬり盆 laquered food tray .
ochiba - fallen leaves
ongaku 音楽 music
. onna-zaka, onnazaka 女坂 women's slope .
. Oojooji, ôjôji 往生寺 Ojo-Ji temple .
. ookami狼 - yama-inu 山犬 - wolf, wolves .
. orekugi 折釘 hooked nail .
. otabisho, o-tabisho 御旅所 / お旅所 sacred resting point .
. rakugaki 落書 / らく書 grafitti .
rin - singing bowl, prayer bowl
. roku no wan 鹿の椀 gooroku no wan 合鹿 の椀 laquer bowl .
. sakazuki 盃 /坏 / さかずき sake cup .
. sakura 桜 the cherry blossoms .
. sandarabooshi 桟俵法師 sandara boshi - straw cover .
. sanrai-i 山雷頤 / I Ching, I-Ging 易經 / 易经 The Book of Changes .
sanson - three haikai poet treasures
. sarashi i さらし井 cleaning the well .
Sarashinayama - Mount Sarashina
. Sarumaru 猿丸 "Lord Monkey", Mister Monkey, Sarumaru Dayū 猿丸大夫 Poet .
sendoo - boatman, boatsman
Sensooji - Temple Senso-Ji, Sensoji Asakusa
. sentaku 洗濯 washing, doing the laundry .
setchin - toiled, outhouse
- and the deity of the outhouse, Benjogami
. setsubun 節分 oni 鬼 the seasonal divide .
beginning of the New Year in Edo
. shaba 娑婆 / しゃば / シャバ this world of Samsara .
. Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 Gautama Buddha .
. shakuya 借家 house for rent .
. . . . . ame-ochi ishi 雨おちの石 rain-drop stones around the house
. shamisen, samisen, sangen 三味線, 三絃 Shamisen .
shamoji, shakushi - ladle for rice, rice spoon
. Shianbashi, shian-bashi 思案橋 "Bridge to make a decision", to the pleasure quarters .
shigi 鴫 snipe
. shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet .
shika - deer, kanoko - fawn
. 下総 (Shimofusa) Shimosa and 上総 Kazusa in Chiba .
. Shinano province 信濃国 and river .
. shinigami 死神 god of death .
shirauo, shira-uo - whitebait fish
. shiratsuyu, shira-tsuyu, shira tsuyu, hakuro 白露 white dew .
. shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance for New Year . kado-jishi 門獅子
. shooben, shomben 小便 pissing .
. shoogatsu, o-shoogatsu 正月 the NEW YEAR .
. soba 蕎麦 (そば) buckwheat noodles .
. soojoo. sôjô 僧正 high-ranking priest, "archbishop" .
boozu 坊主, oshoo 和尚, shoonin 上人 - all kinds of priests
. soozu - sôzu 僧都 rank of a priest .
- and - tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box
. sora 空 sky in all seasons .
sotoba - grave marker
sudare, blinds, bamboo blinds
Sugino Suikei (1754-1813)
suisen - daffodils and narcissus
. Sumidagawa 隅田川 River Sumidagawa . Amida Buddha and his mother
sumire - violets in spring bloom early
. susu 煤 soot and susuharai 煤払 cleaning off soot .
. susuki すすき / 薄 pampas grass - Miscanthus sinensis .
Suwa Shrine in Nagano
. sutebito 捨人 hermit .
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 - Prince Hei Shinoo 平親王 .
. Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival and the Heavenly River 天の川 Amanogawa .
. Tango no Sekku 端午の節句 Boy's Festival .
. tan o kiru たんをきる "clear one's throat", to brag .
. tanpopo 蒲公英 (たんぽぽ) dandelion .
. tashoo no en 他生の縁 karma relations from a previous life .
. tatami 畳 floor mats for a home .
. take 竹 bamboo, wakatake 若竹 bamboo shoots .
. tasuki 襷 sleeve cord (for kimono) .
. ta-ue uta 田植唄 planting rice with songs .
. temakura 手枕 / udemakura - my arms for a pillow .
Tendai Daishi and ritual rice gruel
. Tengu no mugimeshi 天狗の麦飯 boiled barley and rice of the Tengu .
. teppoo,teppô 鉄砲 musket, matchlock gun .
tetsuki - gesture, position of the hands
tokoroten - gelidium jelly, jelly stripes
. tokkuri 徳利 sake flask .
Tokuman-Ji temple
. toogarashi 唐辛子 (とうがらし) red pepper, hot pepper .
Tooji - temple Toji in Kyoto
. tooji 湯治 healing bath, onsen 温泉 hot spring .
toojin - karabito - foreigners, Duchmen and Chinese
. toomegane, too megane 遠眼鏡 Tomegane, telescope .
tora ga ame - Tears of Lady Tora
. toshigami 年神 god of the year / toshitoku 年德 .
Tsukuma Festival - "pot festival", nabe matsuri
tsubame, tsubakura - swallow
. tsugiho 接穂(つぎほ)grafting branches (mid-spring) .
. tsujidoo 辻堂 wayside sanctuary - tsujibotoke 辻仏 Buddha statue at the crossroad .
. tsujigahana 辻が花 "flowers at the crossroads" dyeing method .
. tsuwamono 強者、兵 brave warrior .
tsuyu - dew, dewdrops
. ubuya 産屋 hut for giving birth .
. ukikusa 浮草 all kinds of duckweed .
. ukinedori 浮寝鳥 "birds who sleep while floating on water" .
. ukiyo 浮世 this floating world .
. u no hana 卯の花 deutzia blossoms, tofu dregs .
ureshi, ureshisa - joy expressed directly
. uri 瓜 melon, melons .
. ushi 牛 cow, ox, bull, calf .
. wakaba 若葉 young leaves .
. wakamizu 若水 "young water", first water of the New Year .
. wakazakari, waka-zakari わか盛り、若盛り the peak of youth、first flush of youth .
. waniguchi 鰐口 "crocodile mouth" temple gong .
. waraji 草鞋 - わらじ straw sandals .
. wataridori, watari-dori 渡り鳥 migrating birds .
yakimeshi - half-browned rice balls
. yakudoshi 厄年 "years of calamity" - yakubarai, yakuyoke 厄除け to ward off evil .
. yama 山 mountains - natsuyama 夏山 mountain in summer .
yamamori - large rice portions
Yamato, Yamato no Kuni 大和の国 Japan
. yamaudo, yama-udo 山人 mountain man, hermit .
. yanagi 柳 willow tree .
. yogi 夜着 bedtime quild, bedding "night wear" / fusuma 衾 .
. Yoshinoyama - 吉野山 Mount Yoshino - miyoshino みよしの .
. yohsizu 葭簀 (よしず ) reed screen .
. yuri 百合 (ゆり) lily, lilies .
yuudachi 夕立 yudachi - evening cloudburst
zen - dinner tray
. zoori 草履 straw sandals / uwazoori 上草履 indoor sandals .
..... kamizoori, kami zoori 紙草履 / 紙ぞうり kamizori, sandals made from paper
- - - - - - - - - -
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 visiting shrines and temples .
. Issa with Comments by Chris Drake .
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. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - Introduction .
- issaculturalkeywords #issaabc -
ya 矢 arrow
hito natsuki tsuru yo dochira ni ya ga ataru
Tonegawa 利根川 / 刀禰川 River Tonegawa
tone-gawa ya tatta hitotsu no mizusumashi
IROHA 以呂波 いろは, the Japanese ABC
hatsu yuki ya i-ro-ha-ni-o-e to narau-goe
uguisu mo toshi no yoranu ya yama no sake
the nightingale, too
isn't growing old!
mountain sake
(tr. David Lanoue)
with a memorial stone at the shrine Haruna Jinja
Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu)
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