. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
kekkon 結婚 konrei 婚礼 marriage in Edo
and engiri, en kiri 縁切り to cut a bond - divorce .
under construction
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Love and Marriage
Among the textbooks that were commonly used during the Edo Period are a number of editions offering instruction on letter writing. One of them specifically addressed the art of composing love letters. As evidenced by the large number of such letters that have been found, moreover, one can surmised that written correspondence between lovers was a common practice.

Monogyny was the rule for both samurai aristocrats and commoners in the Edo period. Marriage partners were usually sought from families with similar social rank, and the consent of domainal and shogunal authorities were required for marriages involving samurai households. Wedding a partner of one's desire was rare, therefore, since the choice of spouse was made in accordance with the will and judgment of the parents. Cases of double suicide among young lovers were not uncommon when they found their parents' decisions unacceptable.
Those from low-ranking farming households that were less preoccupied with social status were freer to choose their own mates. Often, they met potential partners at local village festivals.
Tying the Knot
Marriage was a more formalized affair for higher-ranking farming households, though. Parents usually asked relatives and others with a broad network of acquaintances to find suitable marriage candidates. The family background of such candidates was checked, and if both families found the arrangement agreeable, a meeting was set up.
If both sides agreed to proceed with the marriage, an engagement ceremony was held, mediated by a village elder. On the day of the marriage, the groom visited the house of the bride, from where the couple, along with their parents and attendants, marched to the groom's house. The wedding ceremony was held at night, and the bride was introduced to members of the groom's village.
Marriage was even more complicated for leading aristocratic houses. A written request had to be submitted to the shogunal government, and newly married couples were required to visit Edo Castle to formally announce their wedlock.
The age of first marriage for women was much younger than it is today, although it rose toward the end of the Edo period. This was because girls began serving for a number of years as housemaids for aristocratic families and large landowners. Men who were employed business establishments were not allowed to marry until they were able to support a family, so their average age of first marriage over 40.
Divorces were fairly common, as were second, third, and even fourth marriages. Although it has been supposed that only the male had the right to demand a divorce, quite often divorce proceedings were initiated by the wife, and the cause of divorce was quite frequently the wife's involvement in an affair or her running away from home. In cases where discussions fail to produce an amicable divorce, women had a last-resort choice of seeking refuge in one of two temples in the country; after three years in the temple, the husband was unconditionally required to issue a letter of divorce.
- source : web-japan.org/tokyo/know/marriage / Hisako Hata
Introductory Meeting (Miai 見合い) the Carriage of the Virtuous Woman (Konrei nishiki misao-guruma 婚礼錦貞女車) - source : nhk.jp... -
Japanese Weddings in the Edo Period (1615–1868)
daimyô wedding.
Konrei-dôgu shokikei sunpô-sho (Wedding Trousseau Items Size Manual)
- source : metmuseum.org- - Monika Bincsik
Samurai's marriage in Edo Period
The wedding was called Koshi-ire (輿入れ).
Tokoiri (床入り), the first night the new couple goes to bed together.
- source : iromegane.com/japan/culture -
. nakoodo isha 仲人医者 doctors as matchmakers for marriage .
keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker
Named after the famous matchmacer-doctor Yamato Keian 大和慶庵 (around 1653).
A 仲人 Nakodo go-between was necessary for a regular marriage in Edo.
miai 見合い, "matchmaking", lit. "looking at one another"
omiai, o-miai お見合い
. Tookeiji 東慶寺 Tokei-Ji - Kamakura .
A nunnery that was a refuge for women who wanted to divorce their husbands.
. Enkiri, engiri 縁切り to cut a bond - divorce .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
kekkon 結婚 100
konrei 婚礼 66
koshi-ire 輿入れ 02

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #kekkonmarriage #mariageinedo #enkiridivorce #divorceinedo - - - -
1 comment:
Introductory Meeting (Miai 見合い)
the Carriage of the Virtuous Woman (Konrei nishiki misao-guruma 婚礼錦貞女車),
known as the Marriage series (婚礼錦貞女車--見合い)
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