. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Iidamachi, Iida-machi 飯田町 Iidamachi district and Kudanzaka
This district got its name during the time of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
In 1590, when Ieyasu inspected the area around his new residence in Edo, he found that in this area there lived only 17 farming families.
The head of one of them was 飯田喜兵衛 Iida Kihei,
who served as guide for Ieyasu. Kihei knew all the details of the area and could answer to all the questions of Ieyasu, so he was made headman of the area, and Ieyasu gave it his name, Iida-machi.
Iidamachi was later part of the Shitamachi downtown districts for the townspeople. One hill above it was called
飯田町中坂 Iidamachi Nakazaka

There was also the slope Kudanzaka 九段坂 on the hillside, which was called 飯田坂Iidazaka before the settlement of the nine sub-slopes.
The river along its borders was 飯田川 Iidagawa, with a bridge called 俎橋 Manaitabashi (lit. Chopping Board Bridge). The Manaita area was a busy river port, with a lot of food landing here.
Many people working for the kitchen of the Shogun (賄方 makanaikata) lived here.
The district was even jokingly called 台所町 Daidokoro-cho, "Kitchen district".

千代田村があって14軒の中の1軒が飯田喜兵衛 Home of Iida Kihei in Chiyoda-mura village
. Iidabashi 飯田橋 Iidabashi Bridge .

Iidabashi Station (飯田橋駅 Iidabashi-eki)
is a major interchange railway station which straddles Tokyo's Chiyoda, Shinjuku and Bunkyō wards. It was originally built as Iidamachi Station (albeit in a slightly different location), terminus of the then Kobu railway, precursor to today's Chūō Line.
Iidamachi Station (飯田町駅 Iidamachi-eki)
was a railway station on the Chūō Main Line located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.
Iidamachi Station was operated by Kōbu Railway, Japanese Government Railways, Japanese National Railways and Japan Freight Railway Company (JR Freight). Its location was 0.5 km from Suidōbashi Station and 0.4 km from Iidabashi Station.
The station was built in 1895 as the terminal of the Kōbu Railway, a predecessor of the present Chūō Main Line. It ceased to serve passengers in 1933, but continued to serve freight until 1997. - March 9, 1999 - Station officially closes.
After the closure, the site of the station was redeveloped and became a business district named I-Garden Air. One of the buildings in the area is the headquarters of JR Freight.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kudanzaka 九段坂 Kusansaka, Kudan slope

九段坂 - 牛ヶ淵 Kudanzaka Ushigabuchi
Utagawa, Hiroshige

東京名所 九段さかの灯籠 Kudanzaka Lighthouse (Kudanzaka tôrô)
広重、安藤徳兵エ Hiroshige III, Ando Tokobei
東京名所 Tokyo meisho
- source : mfa.org/collections -
- quote
... luxury is said to have been prodigious when Tanuma Okitsugu was in power, but the commoners were still quite plainly dressed, as may be seen from the fact that among the inhabitants of Iidamachi Edo there was only a single person who possessed a haori (coat) and this gentleman was so afraid of gossip that he never put on the haori until out of sight of his neighbours.
----- The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan
By Yosaburō Takekoshi
- source : books.google.co.jp/books
In the Nakazaka district lived the famous writer
. Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 . (1767 - 1848)

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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