. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family
The Kûki family was originally from Muro district of Kii province, and had been settled in Shima province by
Kuki Takayoshi.
The clan became powerful in the Ago district of Shima and developed a reputation as pirates.
Yoshitaka, the eldest son of Kûki Sadataka (a warlord with a reputation for being a pirate),
Kuki suigun 九鬼水軍 the Kuki navy
Kuki Tadayoshi claimed remote descent from Fujiwara Tadahira, an important court noble of the 9th-10th century.
- source : samurai wiki -
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Kuki Yoshitaka (九鬼 嘉隆) (1542 – November 17, 1600)
was a naval commander during Japan's Sengoku Period, under Oda Nobunaga, and later, Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He was also the ninth headmaster of the Kuki family's school of martial arts, Kukishin-ryū and thus a very skilled warrior.
In the 1570s, Kuki allied himself with Oda Nobunaga, and commanded his fleet, supporting land-based attacks on the Ikkō-ikki. In 1574, his aid ensured a victory for Nobunaga in his third attempt to attack the Nagashima fortress. In 1576, he was defeated at Kizugawaguchi by the Mōri clan fleet, but 1578 brought victory in the second Battle of Kizugawaguchi, in which Kuki used 'iron ships' to repel the arrows and musket balls of the opposing Mōri clan's ships.
In 1587, he led Toyotomi Hideyoshi's fleet in a campaign in Kyūshū, alongside Konishi Yukinaga, Wakizaka Yasuharu and Katō Yoshiaki. Three years later, along with Wakizaka Yasuharu and Kato Yoshiaki he went on to lead the Siege of Odawara and the Siege of Shimoda. He continued in his role as commander of Hideyoshi's fleet, launching an invasion of Korea in 1592 from his flagship Nipponmaru. He was severely defeated in the Battle of Myeongryang.
In the Battle of Sekigahara, Kuki Yoshitaka fought alongside the Toyotomi forces, while his son Kuki Moritaka joined the opposing force, under Tokugawa Ieyasu. Following Tokugawa's victory, his son successfully guaranteed Yoshitaka's safety from Ieyasu. In a turn of fate, Yoshitaka committed seppuku before the news reached him.
Kuki Moritaka (九鬼 守隆) (?1573 ?1597 - October 28, 1632)
九鬼氏鳥羽藩初代藩主 First Lord of the Toba Domain
was a general and admiral in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the son of Kuki Yoshitaka, one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's top generals.
In the last years of the 16th century,
Kuki Moritaka supported Tokugawa Ieyasu in his bid for power, while his father fought for the opposing side, supporting Ishida Mitsunari. After Tokugawa's victory, Moritaka was confirmed in lordship of his family's han (fief), which was raised from 26,000 koku to 46,000 in wealth and power. Afterwards, Moritaka remained a loyal general to the Tokugawa, commanding a fleet in the siege of Osaka in 1614-1615.
- source : wikipedia -
. Kontaiji 金胎寺 Kontai-Ji, Toba .
This temple became the clan temple of the Kuki clan.
The Edo estate of the 九鬼家 Kuki family of the 丹波綾部 Tanba Ayabe domain was in Edo, Sarue.
In their park was an old pine, the famous
小名木川五本松 Onagigawa Gohon Matsu

Edo Meisho Zue
. Saruechoo 猿江町 Sarue Cho - "Monkey Inlet" in Edo .
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Toba Castle (鳥羽城 Toba-jō)
was a Japanese castle (now in ruins) located in Toba, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
Throughout the Edo period, Toba Castle was the administrative center for Toba Domain, a feudal domain of Shima Province under the Tokugawa shogunate. Located on the coast of Ise Bay, with its main gate facing the ocean, Toba Castle was also known as the Floating Castle of Toba (鳥羽の浮城 Toba-no-uki-jō) or the Two-color Castle (二色城 Nishoku-jō) (from the fact that its seaward side was painted black, and landward side painted white).
The castle was constructed in 1594 by Kuki Yoshitaka,
an admiral under Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who commanded a force of Japanese pirates, who dominated the Ise Bay area in the Sengoku period. The Kuki clan ruled for three generations until 1633.
Following three generations of the Kuki clan until 1633,
the castle came under the control of Naito Tadashige who expanded the grounds by adding a second and third bailey. It was subsequently ruled by various daimyō in the early Edo period, until it came into the possession of the Inagaki clan in 1725. The Inagaki ruled the 30,000 koku Toba Domain for eight generations until the Meiji restoration. The three-story tenshu (donjon) of the castle, built in 1633, was destroyed in 1854 during one of the Ansei great earthquakes and was not rebuilt.
The remaining structures of the castle
were destroyed in 1871 by orders of the new Meiji government. Located on the castle site are the modern Toba city hall, city elementary school, Shiroyama Park, and Toba Aquarium
- source : wikipedia
Kuki suigun 九鬼水軍 the Kuki navy
九鬼水軍楽市 Market in Toba, Mie prefecture

. Kuki Shūzō 九鬼周造 Kuki Shuzo .
(1888 – 1941)
was a prominent Japanese academic, philosopher and university professor.

source : squatyama.blog.so-net.ne.jp...
Kuki 九鬼 - means "nine Oni demons"
. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .
The name 九鬼 can also be read くおに Kuoni or きゅうき Kyuuki
Kuki-ura 九木浦 "Inlet with nine trees"
It goes back to the inleyKukiura 九木浦 / 九鬼浦 (spelled originally with 木 tree instead of Oni),
which was given to the 藤原氏 Fujiwara clan (or the 綾部家 Ayabe clan) by 天智天皇 Tenji Tenno (626 - 672).
三重県尾鷲市九鬼町 / Kukicho village, Owase, Mie
It is also a place name in many parts of Japan, often for rocks, boulders, small caves or steep valleys.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
九鬼 大隅守 Kuki Osumi no Kami

Nipponmaru (日本丸), flagship of Kuki Yoshitaka (九鬼嘉隆),
from '文禄癸巳六月於釜山海征韓水軍総督九鬼大隅守船柵之図'. Nipponmaru is believed to be one of the several Atakebune that was upgraded with iron plating. Tekkōsen (てっこうせん or 鉄甲船, lit. 'Ironclad ship').
... also known as ō-atakebune (大安宅船), is the souped-up and up-armoured version of atakebune (安宅船)
- source : greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com -
................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
南知多町 Minami-Chita
Kuki gun 九鬼軍 the army of the Kuki clan
In the year 1580, the Kuki army from Toba torched 岩屋寺本堂 the main hall of the temple Iwaya-Ji (Iwayadera) .
They came in their fearful 悪竹(あたけ) Atakebune 悪竹船 ships.
Before coming to Iwaya-Ji they torched many temples on the way, like 光明寺 Komyo-Ji, and killed the priests.
At that time of the attack, 白馬に乗った天女 a heavenly maiden on a white horse appeared, scooped water from 弁天の井 the Benten Well near the South Gate of Iwaya-Ji and threw it over the burning main hall. The flames soon receded and the main hall was miraculously back in its former shape.
The Kuki army fled in great fear and awe. The "Heavenly Maiden" was 藤島の弁天様 the Benten from Fujishima.
When Kuki Osumi no Kami attacked the temple Iwaya-Ji, many treasures were lost to fire and became ashes.
The three Sanzon statues jumped out of the flames, into the garden and hid in an old plum tree.
To our day, 三尊と梅の木 the Sanzon statues and the old plum tree still exist.
In 1868, at the back mountain of the temple 正衆寺 Shoshu-Ji there were strange flames to be seen dancing around, even on rainy nights.
The villagers were surprized and begun to dig in the area. They found old swords, armour and helmets and begun to venerate them. Soon the flames stopped to appear.
It seems that was a battleground of 九鬼嘉隆 Kuki Yoshitaka, who had killed so many samurai and villagers.
. onibi 鬼火 fire balls at Iwaya-Ji .

- Homepage to temple 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji
尾張高野山宗総本山 - Built in 715
- reference source : iwayaji.jp.. -
. Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 1000 Arms .
at Iwaya-Ji
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 明科町 Akashina
A village named Naguki 名九鬼
Naguki Akashinahigashikawate, Azumino-shi, Nagano
In Naguki is a 天狗松 Tengu pine, where the Tengu comes to sit on and have a look at the world below.
At 物見岩 Monomi-iwa there lived a demon. He was hit by an arrow of the general Sakanoue no Tamuramaro and fled to the village of Naguki, asking for help.
Other versions say his head and tail raised into the sky. The head fell down at Naguki, the tail at 柏尾 Kashio.
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . - (758 - 811)
................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
和泉市 Izumi
Kukitani, Kukidani 九鬼谷 Kuki valley
There lived a Father Oni and his nine Oni children in the valley.
This Kuki family, living quite secretely in the valley, venerated a Tengu.
................................................................................. Wakayama 和歌山県
東牟婁郡 Higashi-Muro district 本宮町 Hongu
In Kukimura くきむら / 九鬼村 / 久木村 Kuki village there lived no Oni in former times.
A priest had captured a hiru l蛭 leech and asked him to get rid of the Oni, then he would eventually let him free. So the leech kept eating the Oni. . . .
The ancestors of 永原家 the Nagahara family once got rid of most of the Oni who lived in ヤキオダニ Yakio valley.
But they helped the leader of the Oni to survive. To celebrate with sake rice wine they went to オドリ山 mount Odoriyama.
The Oni liked it and called it 九鬼 "Kuki".
................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県
. Kukiyama 九鬼山の鬼伝説 "Mountain with Nine Demons" .
Mt. Kukiyama is one of the 100 famous mountains of Yamanashi. It is 970 m high.
Once upon a time there lived nine bad demons on Mount Kukiyama.
They stole the food and Sake from the villagers.
And then came Momotaro to drive them out, . . . . .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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