. Kaido 街道 The old highways .
ichirizuka 一里塚 distance marker, milestone mound
Along the highways in a distance of about 4 kilometers.
A mound at the roadside, with a diameter of about 9 meters and a hight of about 3 meters.
Along the Tokaido the trees were enoki 榎 nettletree, Japanese hackberry and matsu 松 pine trees.
ALong the Nikko Kaido they were sugi 杉 Japanese cedar trees.
They were established by the Bakufu government to give travelers a place to rest in the shade.
Ando Hiroshige
- quote
Ichirizuka (一里塚) are historic Japanese distance markers akin to milestones. Comprising a pair of earthen mounds (tsuka or zuka) covered in trees and flanking the road, they denoted the distance in ri (3.927 kilometres (2.440 mi)) to Nihonbashi, the "Bridge of Japan", erected in Edo in 1603.
Ichirizuka were encountered and described by Engelbert Kaempfer, c.1690:
"serving as a milestone are two hills, facing each other, which are raised up on both sides of the road, and planted with one or more trees."
- - - - - Establishment
The Tokugawa shogunate established ichirizuka on the major roads in 1604, enabling calculation both of distance travelled and of the charge for transportation by kago or palanquin. These mounds, to be maintained by "post stations and local villages", were one component of the developing road infrastructure, which also included bridges and ferries; post stations (both shukuba, and the more informal ai no shuku); and tea-houses (chaya). However, the main aim was "official mobility, not recreational travelling": the movement of farmers and women was discouraged, and a system of passports and barriers (関所) maintained. By marking the distance from Edo rather than Kyoto,
establishing a symbolic point of origin for all movements, the Tokugawa made of mile markers what they would later make of checkpoints: powerful reminders of the government's geopolitical ubiquity and efficacious tools in its appropriation of space.
Ichirizuka were important enough to be found on the well-known "Proportional Map of the Tokaido" by printmaker Hishikawa Moronobu (d. 1694).
A traditional poem allegorically compares the ichirizuka that mark distance to the Kadomatsu marking the years of a person's life. (see below)
... With the modernization of Japan in the Meiji period, many of the mounds disappeared through road-widening and construction schemes, and the survival of both is now rare. ...
- source : wikipedia
. Morikawajuku 森川宿 Morikawa postal station Tokyo .
Here was the first ichirizuka 一里塚 stone marker mound of the 中仙道 Nakasendo Highway, where the
日光御成道 Nikko Onari Michi started.
This Onari Michi was also called 岩槻街道 Iwatsuki Kaido.
. Shimura Ichirizuka milestone 志村一里塚 .
板橋区 Itabashi ward Tokyo

神奈川宿一里塚 Ichirizuka at Kanagawa Juku postal station
- reference source : shinmeisya.or.jp/rekisi/mituke_itiriduka... -
. Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 The Old Trade Road of Izumo .
... the Feudal Lords with their large entourage used this road on their yearly obligatory visits to the capital of Edo. At the distance of one RI ( 2.44 miles) there was a special stone marker (distance marker, milestsone, ichiri zuka, ichirizuka 一里塚).

natsu no hate koshikaketeiru ichirizuka
summer's end
I am sitting
on the milestone
岡本久一 Okamoto Kyuichi
Tr. Fay Aoyagi
. Noneyama Kaido 野根山街道 Noneyama Highway - Kochi .
ichirizuka 一里塚, sanrizuka 三里塚 and gorizuka 五里塚 mounds for one, three and five miles
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
多賀城市 Tagajo city 慈雲寺 Jiun-Ji
. shibarare Jizoo 縛られ地蔵 Jizo bound by ropes .

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/hi-sann_001...
夜泣き地蔵 yonaki Jizo (縛り地蔵)Jibari Jizo at Temple Jiun-Ji
Near the Ichirizuka mound beside the Jizo statue, there was a popular song during 天保の飢饉 the great famine of Tenpo (1832).
"Don't cry, don't make so much noise.
Just wait until autumn.
Then there will be enough rice to eat.
Parents chanted this when the children would cry at night (yonaki).
They would make a wish and cast a straw rope around the statue of Jizo.
When their wish was fulfilled, they offered a red hood for Jizo.
. kikin 飢饉 great famine periods.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
kadomatsu ya meido no michi no ichirizuka
pine decoration at the gate -
a milestone mound on my way
to the Nether World
Tr. Gabi Greve
Another year in the life of Saikaku has passed . . .
In the Edo period people celebrated one more year in their live on the first of January, not on their birthday.
. Ihara Saikaku, Ibara Saikaku 井原西鶴 . - (1642 - 1693)
. kadomatsu 門松 Gate Decoration with Pine - New Year .
- - - - - -and another take at the kadomatsu, New Year and ichirizuka connection

門松や冥土の旅の一里塚 めでたくもありめでたくもなし
正月は 冥土の旅の 一里塚
kadomatsu ya (shoogatsu wa) meido no tabi no ichirizuka
medetaku mo ari medetaku mo nashi
maybe that is auspicious, maybe that is not auspicious . . .
Said to be a poem by Zen priest Ikkyu, traveling on a dangerous road.
. Ikkyū 一休宗純 Ikkyū Sōjun, Ikkyu Sojun . - (1394 - 1481)

- reference source : kikuutan.hatenablog.com...-
ichirizuka sugi himori no shio no michi
past the milestone mound
the sun is high up in the sky
of the salt road
佐々木小夜 Sasaki Sayo

白石峠 Shiraishi pass(久慈 Kuji)
. shio no michi 塩の道 the Salt Road .
Also called Chikuni Kaido 千国街道
kusamochi ya Nakasendoo ni ichirizuka
these mugword rice cakes -
along the Nakasendo
at the milestone mound
福原紫朗 Fukuwara Shiro
We can see the poet sitting down and enjoying a snack at the milestone marker.

八瀬沢一里塚 milestone marker at Yasezawa
. Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Highway .
. kusamochi 草餅 mugwort rice cakes .
- A long list with photos of the mounds -
- reference source : home.b05.itscom.net/kaidou/nakasendo/8itirituka... -
shino no ko ya Ishite no oku no ichirizuka
young arrow bamboo shoots -
the milestone mound
behind temple Ishite
清水基吉 Shimizu Motoyoshi (1918 - 2008)

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/walkinghenro/e...
「里程石」ritei ishi (一里塚)
. Ishiteji 石手寺 Ishite-Ji .
Temple in Matsuyama on the Shikoku Henro Pilgrims Road
michi o shi e tonde Tsumago no ichirizuka
大橋敦子 Ohashi Atsuko (1924 - 2014)

The 上久保の一里塚 Ichirizuka at Kamikubo is between 妻籠宿 Tsumago and 三留野宿 Midono
along the Nakasendo Kaido.
むく大樹芽ぶくと見ゆる一里塚 佐藤ちゑ
一里塚に声かけてゆく雪の旅 小川原嘘帥
冬草のつづきし道の一里塚 五十島典子
北風やわが生涯の一里塚 星野立子
杉の葉の雨が冷たし一里塚 中拓夫
柵されて榎の実をこぼす一里塚 小林勇二
榎の実熟るる志村の一里塚 斎藤一郎
清明の風きらきらと一里塚 甘田正翠
登りつめたる葛が首振る一里塚 加藤知世子
秋暑し榎枯れたる一里塚 茅舎
秋風や乗りてあそびし一里塚 長谷川かな女
空っぽの鉄鉢が行く一里塚 内田利之
蕗の葉を傾けし風一里塚 柏原眠雨
銀杏黄葉日のまろうして一里塚 井桁衣子
- reference source : haikureikudatabase -

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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #ichirizuka #distancemarkers #mound - - - -
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