. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Ensho Kaido 塩硝街道 Saltpeter Highway
Ensho no Michi 塩硝の道 Salpeter Road
From Kanazawa to Nishi-Akao, Ishikawa prefecture, former Kaga domain.
To transport saltpeter found near 刀利 Tori and 五箇山間 Gokayama to the harbour of Kanazawa.
This road was kept very secret,
Kaga han no kage michi 加賀藩の陰道 "Shadow road of the Kaga domain".
The saltpeter was used for the army and thus kept secret.

Kanazawa 金沢
Odatsuno 小立野
Tsuchishimizu 土清水
Yuwaku hot spring 湯涌(温泉)
Yokodani 横谷
Tori 刀利 (五箇山間) Gokayama
Bunao toge pass ブナオ峠
Nishi-Akao 西赤尾

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- source : kaidoaruki.com/area_chubu...

salpeter - saltpetre (UK) - saltpeter (US) - various spellings of the word
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About Gokayama
The geographic making of Gokayama allowed the people to secretly produce saltpeter and gunpowder in underground facilities.
In 1585, Gokayama became part of the Kaga Domain under the Maeda family. The mountainous terrain led to the development of the sericulture industry with silkworms, for their cocoons, Japanese washing paper production, and saltpeter, for gunpowder. The money made from production was collected by the Kaga domain.
One of the reasons
for the high-roofed gasshō-style houses was to provide suitable space for all of the producers. The ground floor was where the saltpeter making and living spaces were located. The second floor, which is warmer, was where the silkworms were raised and also had some living spaces.
Saltpeter and black gunpowder production
was a huge industry here, with every home in Gokayama involved. When the demand for enshō (a raw ingredient of gunpowder) rose, up to 20 tons of Kaga enshō were produced here. Both the quantity and quality were the best in the country. ...
Saltpeter Museum (Ensho no Yakata 塩硝の館)
- source : thegate12.com... -
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Ensho no Yakata 塩硝の館 Salpeter Museum

富山県南砺市菅沼134 Toyama, Nanto city, Suganuma
- reference source : 塩硝の館 -
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塩硝の作り方 How to make salpeter
- reference source : 金沢市崎浦公民館 -

火縄銃演武 Festival
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Origin of Japanese gunpowder production and it's first use
Noel Perrin:”Giving up the gun-Japan’s Reversion to the Sword,1543-1879”(1979) pointed out that Japan was No.1 in the world for number of gun. But his discription did not touched to gun powder. A gun is only a pipe without gunpowder.
How to produce the gun powder?
Ancient times, black gunpowder was a mixture of three fine powders. It consists of 75% saltpeter, 10% sulfur and 15% carbon. The grinding of saltpeter and sulfur are very easy, but grinding of carbon is very hard work, because the origin of carbon is charcoal of special hard wood( Hannoki in Japanese). For the grinding implement, stone mill was used. For pilot light of gunpowder, special fine powder, which was grinding by tea-mill, was used until second world war in Japan.
A secret of saltpeter production in Japan Gun was introduced into Japan from Europe 1543 AD. The gun was present from TOKIAKI to a SHOGUN , which mediated by HONGANJI. HONGANJI temple initiate into the secrets to a warrior UESUGI KENSHIN.).
As the production of the gunpowder is a secret, there was no information. We can find the origin of saltpeter in a game of children. Under the floor of old Japanese private house, we could find the crystal of saltpeter. The crystals is play a role of interesting toys. I’m sorry, but the phenomenon was lost by environmental change of sanitary living style. You can understand the mechanism of formation of saltpeter in Fig.1. ...
First use of gun was in KAWANAKAJIMA war
Industrial production was started in GOKAYAMA by the of the disciples of HONGANJI. HONGANJI (temple) to oppose ODA NOBUNAGA. On the first use of gun was 1561 at fourth KAWANAKAJIMA war by SHINGEN. 1570A.D. by HONGANJI , NOBUNAGA was surprised very much in SESSHU-NODAFUKUSHIMA. An accepted theory of first use in NAGASHINO must revise by this fact. ...
- source : bigai.world.coocan.jp/msand... -

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Saltpeter - Potassium nitrate .-
is a common food preservative and additive, fertilizer, and oxidizer for fireworks and rockets. It is one of the principal ingredients in gunpowder. Potassium nitrate is used to treat asthma and in topical formulations for sensitive teeth. It was once a popular medication for lowering blood pressure.
Niter, or nitre (chiefly British),
is the mineral form of potassium nitrate, KNO3, also known as saltpeter or saltpetre. Historically, the term niter was not well differentiated from natron, both of which have been very vaguely defined but generally refer to compounds of sodium or potassium joined with carbonate or nitrate ions.
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- - - - - #enshokaido #saltpeter #saltpetre #ensho #potassiumnitrate #salpeter - - - -
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