. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Hagi ookan 萩往還 Hagi Okan Road
Yamaguchi Kaido 山口街道 Yamaguchi Highway
Connecting Hagi city at the Sea of Japan and 三田尻 Mitajiri (now 長府 Chofu) on the Inland Sea, via Yamaguchi city.
The 毛利氏 Mori clan lived in Hagi and used the 萩往還 Hagi Okan for Sankin Kotai to Edo.
It was built in 1607 and is about 53 km long. It is about 4 m wide and mostly paved with stone.
It was also used by traders.
Many names of the old postal stations have changed in the Meiji period.
徳山 Tokuyama became part of 周南 Shunan.
小郡 Ogori became part of 山口 Yamaguchi city.
府中 Fuchu became 長門府中 Nagato Fuchu, shortened to 長府 Chofu

introducing four routes
- reference source : hagi-okan.yamaguchi-city... -
There are still many parts with stone pavement and mile markers along the road.

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ichirizuka 一里塚 mile mound

Hagi castle 萩城 (CG version)
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Hagi city (萩市, Hagi-shi)
- History
In the medieval period, Hagi was dominated by the Yoshimi clan, who built Hagi Castle, the ruins of which can be visited today. The Mōri clan became daimyōs of Chōshū Domain at the beginning of the Edo period and built Hagi Castle at the foot of Mt. Shizuki in 1608. They transferred the capital of the domain from Hiroshima to Hagi at the same time. Since then, Hagi developed as the political center of Chōshū for over 250 years.
When the Meiji Restoration came about in the 1860s,
as the result of efforts by samurai from Chōshū and a number of other domains, this small city gained great historical significance. Many Japanese statesmen and Prime Ministers were born and brought up in this city.
On March 6, 2005, Hagi absorbed the towns of Susa and Tamagawa, and the villages of Asahi, Fukue, Kawakami and Mutsumi (all from Abu District) to create the new, expanded city of Hagi.
..... Hagi Pottery (Hagiyaki)
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Yamaguchi town 山口市

. Oouchi Daruma 大内だるま Ouchi Daruma
and more Ouchi Lacquer ware 大内人形 Ouchi ningyoo
. More Folk Art from Yamaguchi .
The two towns of Suo and Nagato in Yamaguchi prefecture were connected in the South to the 山陽道 Sanyodo and in the North to the 山陰道 Sanindo.
Hōfu 防府市 Hofu City - "the capital (国府) of Suō Province (周防国)".
Founded in 1936.
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Suō Province (周防国, Suō no kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area that is today the eastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It was sometimes called Bōshū (防州). Suō bordered on Aki, Iwami, and Nagato Provinces.
The ancient provincial capital was in Hōfu. Suō was ruled for much of the Muromachi period by the Ōuchi clan, who built a castle at Yamaguchi. In the Sengoku period it was conquered by the Mōri clan, and was ruled remotely by them for much of the Edo period.
- Historical districts -
Kuga District (玖珂郡)
Kumage District (熊毛郡)
Ōshima District (大島郡)
Saba District (佐波郡)
Tsuno District (都濃郡)
Yoshiki District (吉敷郡)
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Nagato Province (長門国, Nagato no kuni),
often called Chōshū (長州), was a province of Japan. It was at the extreme western end of Honshū, in the area that is today Yamaguchi Prefecture.[1] Nagato bordered on Iwami and Suō Provinces.
Although the ancient capital of the province was Shimonoseki, Hagi was the seat of the Chōshū han (fief or domain) during the Edo period. Nagato was ruled by the Mōri clan before and after the Battle of Sekigahara.
In 1871 with the abolition of feudal domains and the establishment of prefectures (Haihan Chiken) after the Meiji Restoration, the provinces of Nagato and Suō were combined to eventually establish Yamaguchi Prefecture. At the same time, the province continued to exist for some purposes. For example, Nagato is explicitly recognized in treaties in 1894 (a) between Japan and the United States and (b) between Japan and the United Kingdom.
Historically, the oligarchy that came into power after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 had a strong representation from the Chōshū province, as Itō Hirobumi, Yamagata Aritomo, and Kido Kōin were from there. Other natives famous for their role in the restoration include Yoshida Shōin, Takasugi Shinsaku, and Kusaka Genzui among others.
- Historical districts -
Abu District (阿武郡)
Asa District (厚狭郡)
Mine District (美祢郡)
Mishima District (見島郡)
Ōtsu District (大津郡)
Toyoura District (豊浦郡)
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Hagi Okan Matsuri 萩往還工芸まつり Art Festival
Hagi was the center of political activity during the Bakumatsu period, causing the change to the Meiji government.
bakumatsu shishi 幕末志士 born in Hagi :
Yoshida Shōin 吉田松陰 Yoshida Shoin (1830 - 1859)
- Kido Takayoshi 木戸孝允 (1833 - 1877) -
- Takasugi Shinsaku 高杉晋作 (1839 - 1867) -
- Kusaka Genzui 久坂玄瑞 (1840 - 1864) -
- Itō Hirobumi 伊藤博文 Ito Hirobumi (1841 – 1909) -

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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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