. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Miyazu Kaido 宮津街道 Miyazu Highway
Connecting Miyazu, passing 大江山 Oeyama, leading to 福知山 Fukuchiyama.
Also called
Oda no michi 普甲道

Crossing the 普甲峠 Oda Toge Pass.
Used by the Daimyo of 宮津藩 the Miyazu domain for Sankin Kotai.
The pilgrims of Saigoku 33 Temples 西国三十三所 also used this road.
. Tango Kaido 丹後街道 Tango Highway .
From 敦賀 Tsuruga, Fukui to 舞鶴 Maizuru, Kyoto.

Oda Toge 普甲峠 Pass with stone pavement

South of Miyatsu city, in the mountains of Oda. From the pass there is a nice view of the city and the 宮津湾 Miyazu bay.
The stone pavement was ordered by the lord of Miyazu province to use for his military activities.
About 1 km of this old road near Oeyama has been repaired and can now be seen.
oni 鬼 demon
Jiemon 大谷の治右ェ門 from Otani came home on a Winter day from Kyoto. After he had passed the 普甲峠 Oda Toge the 薦池の鬼 demon from Komoike appeared and asked him not to throw beans at him.
This is the reason why the the farmers from Otani never throw beans during the Setsubun festival.
. Setsubun 節分 the "Seasonal Divide" .
. Oeyama 大江山 .
and the legend of 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji
. Nariaiji 成相寺 Nariai-Ji .
The main statue is a Bijin Kannon 美人観音 "Beautiful Kannon Bosatsu".
Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage 西国三十三所
宮津市 Miyazu city
Located in Miyazu City is 天橋立 Amanohashidate, the "bridge to heaven", one of the three most beautiful sights of Japan.
The naturally formed land bridge is 3.6 kilometers long and covered in pine trees.
An Imperial decree in July 1899 established Miyazu as an open port for trading with the United States and the United Kingdom.

keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵群 group of painted Jizo Bosatsu

source : www.sukima.com/temp/miyadu
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
宮津市 Miyazu city
. Gengoroogitsune 源五郎狐 The Fox Gengoro .
and his wife Kojoroogitsune 小女郎狐 Kojorogitsune
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. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .
Even if the old man taking care of the temple hall and the bell fell asleep in the afternoon, there always came a dog and woke them up in time. One day the old man and the dog slept both and there was no bell ringing at the usual time.
That night the dog took responsibility for this, cut his tongue and commited suicide.
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. komajishi 高麗獅子 Korean lion dog .
Once a stone statue of a lion dog became alive, flew up to the sky and came to town. There it did a lot of bad things and troubles.
A roonin 浪人 Ronin, masterless Samurai cut off its leg, the lion dog fell down but soon got up again and run away.
Next morning the leg of the stone statue was cut off and blood was oozing out.
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O-Kiku Inari Shrine お菊稲荷
2159 Tsuruga, Miyazu, Kyoto
About 200 years ago there was a maid of the Lord of Miyazu castle, who was falsely charged with a misdeed. She felt so helpless she threw herself into the well to die.
This well, O-Kiku ido お菊井戸 was burred a few years ago, but a small shrine in her honor, O-Kiku Inari is still there.
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oo-onna 大女 a huge woman
In 1702, there was an epidemic in the village of 宮津村 Miyazu, which finally ebbed down.
On the 7th day of the first lunar month in the evening, a villager saw a large woman of about 3 meters in white robes sitting at the foot of a pine tree. When he came home he fell ill with a fever, and mumbled the words of the woman:
"I was the servant of the lady of the castle and was executed because of an intrigue. To get my revenge I made the epidemic come to the village. If you hold a special ritual for me on the 17th day of the second lunar month, I will be saved and become the mamorigami 守り神 protector deity of this village."
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. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .
At Amanohashidate, at night on the 16th day of every month, there is a strange light coming from the ushitora 丑寅 North-East direction and heading to the Monju Do 文殊堂 Hall for Monju Bosatsu at the temple 智恩寺 Chion-Ji. In front of the hall is one pine tree, which is called
ryuutoo no matsu 竜灯の松 "pine of the Dragon Lantern"
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shikazu no kane 撞かずの鐘 the bell which could not be made
The villagers were collecting money to have a bell, but one family had not yet made any contribution.
At the house there was an old man who said he was so poor, he could only give the baby of the family. So they took the baby and threw it into the ritual fire.
When they rang the bell for the first time there appeared the figure of a baby and the crying of the child was heard all over the village.
................................................................................. Tango no Kuni 丹後国
A person from 丹後国宮津出 Tango no Kuni, Miyazu came to Kyoto to do business, but he became ill and could not hear any more.
He followed the advise of a friend and went to Osaka for three years, but his deafness did not heal. Finally he went back to Miyazu.
But his language had changed and he now talked like someone with the dialect of Osaka!
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
try to shoot the skin of my belly, nyaa, nyaa

. Buson Yokai Emaki 蕪村妖怪絵巻 Buson Monster Scroll .
He painted this scroll while he was living in 丹後 Tango, 京都府宮津市 Kyoto, Miyazu city from 1754 - 1757.

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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #miyazukaido #miyatsu #fukuchiyama #maizuri #tango #amanohashidate #kyotango - - - -
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