
senryu in Edo

senryuu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo

Senryū is named after Edo period haikai poet Senryū Karai (柄井川柳, 1718-1790),
whose collection Haifū yanagidaru (誹風柳多留) launched the genre into the public consciousness.

The main introduction to the formal poetry of Edo is here :
. WKD : Haiku, Senryu, Zappai (俳句, 川柳, 雑俳) .

Senryu were anonymous and thus a kind of "twitter" of our modern times.
They are closely related to the manners, customs and people of the town and therefore best understood with the cultural background of the time they appeared.

- Introduction -
. Light Verse from the Floating World: An Anthology of Premodern Japanese Senryu
Makoto Ueda .


. Senryu about Doing Business in Edo .

. Senryu about the Food Vendors in Edo .

. Senryu about chin shoobai 珍商売 special business in Edo .

. Senryu about Repairmen in Edo .

. Senryu about Yoshiwara 吉原 pleasure quarters in Edo .

. - - - senryu - latest additions - - - .


川柳 - Sexy Senryu - 破礼句(はれく) hareku

source : www.mikipress.com/books

Edo no Hareku 江戸破礼句・梅の寶匣(たからばこ)- by 蕣露庵主人
Eros Senryu


Senryu: Japanese satirical verses - Reginald Horace Blyth

under construction

- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

source : myoanshakuhachi.blogspot.jp

. Shakuhachi, 尺八 the Bamboo Flute .


- - - - - SENRYU ABC list - - - - -

. amayadori 雨宿り taking shelter from the rain .
- and niwaka ame 俄雨 sudden rain shower

. fudeya 筆屋 brush maker .

. haikai 灰買い buying ashes .

. hariko 張子 / 張り子 papermachee dolls .

. hayaokeya, hayaoke ya 早桶屋 "fast coffin maker", undertaker .

. inniku 印肉 stamp pads .

. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
..... mikankago, mikan kago みかん籠 / 蜜柑籠 "basket for tangerines"
- synonym for an abandoned child

. kamikuzu 紙屑 waste paper, old paper .

. katana 日本刀 the Japanese sword .
- - bushi no tamashi 武士の魂 The "Soul of a Samurai"

. katsuo 鰹 bonito, skipjack tuna .

. keisan, bunchin 文鎮 paperweight .  

. kojiki shibai 乞食芝居 beggar's performance, beggar's play .

. momijigari 紅葉狩り viewing the red leaves .

. shimogoe tori 下肥取り collector of human manure, night soil collector .
- - koebishaku, koe-bishaku 肥柄杓 ladle for urin or night soil

. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop .

. shoobengumi 小便組 Shobengumi, "the urine gang" prostitutes .

. sore made wa tada no tera nari sengakuji .
temple Sengaku-Ji 泉岳寺 and the 48 Ronin

. Sumo wrestling 相撲 / 角力 and rikishi 力士 wrestlers .

. Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次 (1719 - 1788) .
senryu about bribes of his time

. tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura .

. uchiwa 団扇 handfan, hand fan .

to be updated

- - - -- Senryu about famous places

. Sado-koku 佐渡国 Sado Province .


川柳江戸歳時記 - Senryu Saijiki - 花咲 一男

- - - - - The Four Seasons in Edo - Senryu

. The First Lunar Month 一月 ichigatsu - 睦月 mutsuki - in Edo .

. The Second Lunar Month 二月 nigatsu - 如月 kisaragi - in Edo .

. The Third Lunar Month 三月 sangatsu - 弥生 yayoi - in Edo .

. The Fourth Lunar Month 四月 shigatsu - 卯月 uzuki - - in Edo .

. The Fifth Lunar Month 五月 gogatsu - 皐月 satsuki - .

. The Sixth Lunar Month 六月 rokugatsu 水無月 minazuki - .

. The Seventh Lunar Month 七月 shichigatsu - 水無月 minazuki - .

. The Eighth Lunar Month 八月 hachigatsu - 葉月 hazuki - .

. The Ninth Lunar Month 九月 kugatsu - 長月 nagatsuki - .

. The Tenth Lunar Month 十月 juugatsu - 神無月 kannazuki - .

. The Eleventh Lunar Month 十一月 juuichigatsu - 霜月 shimotsuki - .

. The Twelfth Lunar Month 十二月 juunigatsu - 師走 shiwasu - .


江戸サラリーマン川柳 Senryu of salaried workers in Edo / 三谷茉沙夫

Senryu zappai Edo shomin no sekai by Katsutada Suzuki

Tanbo Edo senryu by Kaname Okitsu
Edo no onnatachi no yuami: Senryu ni miru mokuyoku bunka by Shinichiro Watanabeb 

Senryu Edo meibutsu zue 川柳江戸名物図会

Search for a senryu keyword - 江戸川柳 目次 - and list !!!
- source : haikusenryu.yomibitoshirazu.com

江戸の川柳 - with explanations
- source : homepage3.nifty.com/~sirakawa

Edo Senryu o tanoshimu - about some special topics, with explanation !!!
- source : houyukai.life.coocan.jp/samenu-senryu

風流江戸川柳 - with explanations
- source : www.geocities.jp/kinomemocho

alphabetical index, some explanations
- source : chukonen.com/oboegaki/edo

- further reference -


- - - To join Senryu on facebook, click the image !


. - - - senryu - UPDATES of this Blog - - - .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

- #senryuinedo #edosenryu #senryu -


Food vendors

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
Food vendors in Edo

Since many men lived alone in Edo, food vendors had a good clientel. Fast food was also "invented" in Edo.
The vendors would come in the morning and evening to call out their merchandise, thus being some kind of "clock" for the people to know the time and adjust their living to it.

- - - - - This is part of the main entry about
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .  

. WASHOKU - 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo - 江戸料理百選 .


. Toshimaya 豊島屋 first Izakaya in Edo (1596) .

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo .
The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.

. yaozen 八百善 Yaozen restaurant .
八百屋善四郎 Yaoya Zenshiro
江戸流行料理通 Edo Ryuko Ryori-Tsu - - Book by Zenshiro

. Nihonbashi Uogashi 日本橋魚河岸 Fish Market in Edo .


Oedo Tabemono Saijiki 大江戸食べもの歳時記 Food Saijiki
永山久夫 Nagayama Hisao

- source : www.kumanichi-jb.co.jp


浮世絵に見る 江戸の食卓 Food of Edo seen in Ukiyo-E prints
林 綾野 Hayashi Ayano
- source : artsfield.jp/lecture -


akaiwashi uri 赤鰯売り selling "red iwashi sardines"

aka-iwashi 赤鰯 are dried, salted pickled sardines. They were best sold during the time of Setsubun rituals in Spring.
aka-iwashi was also another name for a rusty sword.

. hiiragi uri 柊売 selling holly branches .
Holly and Sardine Head (hiiragi iwashi 柊鰯)
You pierce the head and eat the sardine !
The holly branch with the fish head is placed outside of the front door to ward off evil influence and keep you healthy. The demons do not like the smell of this fish and keep off. Demons also fear the sharp needles of the holly pierce their eyes, so both together are a powerful talisman. This custom is more common in the Kansai area.


. amazake uri 甘酒売り selling sweet rice wine .
"over night drink", hitoyazake 一夜酒(ひとよざけ)- sold in summer

. ame-uri, ameuri 飴売り candy vendors of Edo.
ameya, ame-ya 飴屋 sweets and candy maker and vendor

. aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor - Edo yasai 江戸伝統野菜 .
- - - - - yasai uri 野菜売り vegetable vendor

. botefuri ぼてふり selling ice water .

. hatsugatsuo uri 初鰹売り selling first Katsuo bonito .

. hiyamizu uri 冷や水売り selling cold drinking water .
mizu-uri 水売 (みずうり) vendor of water / koori uri 氷売 (こおりうり) vendor of ice blocks
shiratama uri 白玉売 vendor of Shiratama sweets
- - - - - . 志ら玉 Shiratama sweets in Edo - ukiyo-e .

. Izakaya in Edo 江戸の居酒屋 drinking Sake .


旅したい!おいしい浮世絵―NHK趣味どきっ! 2016
Traveling in Edo with Ukiyo-E prints and food !

江戸のすし Sushi / 江戸のうなぎ Unagi / 江戸の天ぷら Tempura / 江戸のそば Soba / 江戸のおやつ O-Yatsu snack
東海道名物 Tokaido / 京都の豆腐料理 Kyoto / 上方の清酒 Kamigata/Osaka
- reference : nhk.or.jp/kurashi/doki-tue-


. momonjiya ももんじ屋 ・百獣屋 
selling meat "from one-hundred wild animals" .

kedamonoya 獣屋 dealers in wild animals
yamaokuya 山奥屋 dealers with stuff from the far-away mountains
kusuriguiho 薬食舗 restaurant serving "medicine" meat

koojimachi kitsune o uma ni nosete kuru

Kojimachi town -
a fox comes riding
on a horse

. Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district in Edo .

. monjiyakiya  文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" .
mojiyaki 文字焼き "frying letters".
This is the fore-runner of okonomiyaki お好み焼き.

shamoji hodo fude de wa kakenu mojiyakiya

with a spatula
he writes better than with a pen -
the "fried letters" chef


. mukimi uri, mukimi-uri 剥き身売り selling shelled (stripped) clams .
like asari, hamaguri etc. - asari mukin, hamaguri mukin 浅蜊むきん蛤むきん

. nattoo uri 納豆売り natto vendor in Edo .

. niuriya, niuri-ya 煮売屋 / 煮売り屋 / にうりや selling simmered, boiled food .
saiya 菜屋
niurizakaya 煮売り酒屋 selling simmered food and sake
ichizen meshiya 一膳飯屋 quick lunch vendor
ochazuke ya お茶漬け屋 selling o-chazuke
- niuribune 煮売船 / 煮売り船

. satoo uri 砂糖売 selling sugar .
and 砂糖水 selling sugar-water

. senbeiya, senbei-ya せんべい / 煎餅屋 selling Sembei 煎餅 (irimochi) rice crackers .

. shiruko uri 汁粉売り sweet broth with red Azuki beans .
- - - - - zenzai uri 善哉売り (zenzai is another name for this sweet)

. sobaya 蕎麦屋 Soba buckwheat noodle shops and stalls .

. soomen uri 索麺売 selling thin somen noodles .

. sushi-uri, sushiuri  寿司売り / 鮨売り sushi vendor .
- - - inarizushi uri 稲荷寿司売り / 稲荷鮨売り vendor of Inarizushi

. takenoko uri たけのこ売り vendor of bamboo shoots .
- - - - - takenoko 江戸の筍 / 竹の子 bamboo shoots in Edo

. tamago uri, tamago-uri 卵売り 玉子売り selling eggs (raw and boiled) .

. tenpuraya, tenpura ya 天麩羅屋 / てんぷら Tempura stalls .

. tokoroten uri ところてん売り selling Tokoroten jelly .

. toofuya, toofu-ya, tôfu ya  豆腐屋 / とうふ屋 Tofu makers .
toofu uri 豆腐売り vendor of Tofu, Tofu salesman
toofu, tōfu 豆腐 Tofu, Dofu, bean curd

. uiroo uri 外郎売り selling Uiro sweets and 透頂香 medicine .

. unagiya うなぎ屋 eel restaurant .
unagi no kabayaki 鰻の蒲焼き skewered grilled eel

. wasabi uri 山葵売り vendors of Japanese horseradish .

source : www.library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

urimeshi ni yuu-kogarashi no kakari keri

on the food for sale
the winter wind blows
this evening

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


shamoji hodo fude de wa kakenu mojiyakiya

with a spatula
he writes better than with a pen -
the "fried letters" chef

. monjiyakiya  文字焼き屋 selling "monjiyaki" in Edo .


- - - - - Further reading

Edo no gaishoku bunka 江戸の外食文化

- source : park11.wakwak.com/~kitai/Kitai_Shoyu


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

- #foodedo #edofood #footvendors #botefuri #vendor -

chin shoobai business

chin shoobai 珍商売 strange business in Edo

This is part of the main entry about
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .


awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき artistic pounding of foxtail milled dumplings

The artists pounded millet dough for mochi in rhythmical tunes to entertain people during the seasonal festivals. They also used artistic movements of their arms when tearing the mochi dough into bitesize pieces of dumplings to sell.

. awamochi 粟餅(あわもち)foxtail millet mochi dumplings .


chinko kiri 賃粉切り cutting leaf tobacco for money

He used a carpenter's kanna 鉋 plain to do his job.
Others just owned a block and a good knife. It was hard labor with pain in the legs and arms from working in a straining position. Sometimes they took a brake, taking a puff themselves. But they had to be careful with open fire with all the tobacco shavings around. Therefore they always had a small tub full of water by the side too, where the rest of the tobacco from the pipe was thrown in. This made a sound like "juu juu".
The water from the tub was also used when sharpening the blade.

fukigara o juu to iwaseru chinko kiri

the tobacco cutter
lets his pipe leftovers say
"juu juu"

It was a job for poor people living in the smallest and cheapest of the nagaya row houses, working for a tobacco dealer. Some of them were ronin without a master or other job.
Some of them were women, even beautiful ladies who were mistaken for prostitutes, as one story of Ihara Saikaku tells.

. kiseru 煙管 tobacco pipes from Edo .
and rauya, raoya 羅宇屋 repairman of tobacco pipes

. Ihara Saikaku, Ibara Saikaku 井原西鶴 (1624 - 1693).

. nagaya 長屋 ながや row house, long house .

chinko ちんこ /陰茎 is also a children's naming for the male sexual organ.
Therefore chinko kiri 陰茎切り sounded dangerous to children.

chinko kiri nara kowai yo to ganze nasa

cutting chinko -
oh, that sounds dangerous
to an innocent child





. heoi bikuni, he-oi bikuni 屁負比く尼 / 屁負比丘尼 fart-pretending nuns .

. kashi setchin 貸雪隠 portable toilet for rent - kawaya 厠 .


Edo-neko Ukiyoe Nekotzukushi- (Collected Woodblock Prints of Cats in Edo)
Shinichi Inagaki and Toshihiko Isao

This is the first book in Japan to exclusively collect ‘ukiyoe’ (woodblock print) images of cats.
The volume features carefully selected works by the most notable wood block print artists of the Edo Period, including Hiroshige Utagawa, Kyosai Kawanabe, Kuniyoshi Utagawa and Harunobu Suzuki. An astoundingly wide variety of felines can be seen in the works, such as humorously adorable dancing cats, frightening ghost-like cats, cats playing with beautiful women and cats at work as if they are humans. Whether it’s the Edo Period (1603-1868) or today, cats never seem to lose their free-spirited character. That said, this volume helps us learn more about life in the Edo period.
- source : ilove.cat/en -

Cats were a favorit pet in the town of Edo and also loved by the farmers, because it was chasing away the mice.

. Cats and Haiku - Introduction .


neko no ekaki 猫の絵描き painter of cats

They painted cats on pictures to hang up in the kitchen or loft where silk worms were kept to chase away the mice.
Raising silk worms was a good business in the Edo period, and mice were the worst enemy of the farmers.

The paintings had to be done very carefully, to have the cat watch
the "eight directions" 八方にらみの猫 (happo nirami no neko).


neko no nomi-tori 猫の蚤(ノミ)取り picking fleas from cats

They walked the streets of Edo, calling out
neko no nomi toran 猫の蚤取らん "Any fleas to pick from your cat?"

When called to a home, they first put the cat in a warm bath and then wrapped the cat in the fur of a "wild animal" 獣 , most probably a wolf. The fleas then moved from the wet fur to the dry fur . . . and the job was done. The price was 3 mon 三文 (about 30 Yen), which was quite cheap.
But they were only called by rich people wh loved their cats very much and many quit this job soon.


. "oya kookoo de gozai" 親孝行でござい selling filial piety .


sokuriki 足力 "strong legs" massage
sokuriki anma 足力按摩 / 足力あんま massage with the feet

A kind of massage with the feet, by stepping on the back and kicking the patient.
They used long sticks to support themselves (shumokuzue 撞木杖 crutch)).
Some of them also applied moxabustion (kyuu 灸).

One famous "sokuriki" was Takuetsu 宅悦 in a Kabuki play.

Anma was popularised in the seventeenth century by acupuncturist Sugiyama Waichi, and around the same time the first books on the subject, including Fujibayashi Ryohaku's Anma Tebiki ("Manual of Anma"), appeared.
Anma practices uses common massage techniques such as kneading, rubbing, tapping and shaking.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Sugiyama Waichi 杉山和一 (1614–1694) .
"Father of Japanese Acupuncture". Blind doctor of Shogun Tsunayoshi.

. zatoboo, zato boo 座頭坊 blind priest, doing massage .
anma 按摩 Amma massage


sunae, suna-e 砂絵 painting with sand

A kind of street performance with pure white and colored sand, making effects almost like an ink paintings or woodblock prints.
Before they begun the work, they had to clean the road and water it for a while, before applying the sand.
It was quite popular in Edo, Kyoto and Osaka.

This art developed from bonga 盆画 paintings with sand on a tray.
. Bonsai 盆栽 small potted plants and tray art .

There is a novel about Edo with this title.
ときめき砂絵 いなずま砂絵 - なめくじ長屋捕物さわぎ
Tsuzuki Michio 都筑道夫 (1929 - 2003) Mystery Writer

which incorporates a lot of the customs of Edo in a criminal investigation.


. yomiuri 読売、lit. "to read and sell" .
kawaraban 瓦版 Edo newspaper, handbill, broadside

This is still the name of a newspaper in our time.


. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .

. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .

- #chinshobai #edostrangebusiness -


street performers

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance
kyokugei 曲芸 stunt artists, acrobatics
yose engei 寄席演芸 vaudeville theater, variety theater
kado geinin 門芸人 performers at the gate (of each estate)

This is part of the main entry about
. Doing Business in Edo - 江戸の商売 .

. chin shoobai 珍商売 strange business in Edo .
- - - - - including
awamochi no kyokutsuki 栗餅の曲つき artistic pounding of foxtail milled dumplings
sunae, suna-e 砂絵 painting with sand - and more

Street performers were quite popular in an age without television . . .
Especially during the holiday season of the New Year they entertained the townspeople.

CLICK for more illustrations.

. choroken ちよろけん / ちょろけん  Choroken .
street performance custom 長老舞 in Kyoto and Osaka.


source : log.goo.ne.jp/htshumei

樽の曲ざし / 青蛙房 / 芝居、新狂言 / 鎌倉節の飴売り / 乞食芝居 / 栗餅の曲つき 


. daikagura, dai kagura 太神楽 / 大神楽 great Kagura dance .
Edo Daikagura - dance and street performance performance for the New Year

. dengaku mai 田楽舞 Dengaku dance and performance .
Performers on sticks, with poles and wooden swords


hariki 歯力 (はりき)lifting heavy things with the teeth
kuchichikara (kooriki) 口力 "strong mouth"

- source : 江戸は大道芸 -

歯力鬼右衛門の見世物 Oni Uemon with the strong teeth
this photo shows what he could do, in the form of a sugoroku game with 11 fields.
Oni Uemon was born in Kishu Wakayama 紀州和歌山 and soon became a favorite of the street performers in Edo.
He could also break a pottery plate by just biting into it. He could dance while keeping a barrel with two children in his mouth and many other feats to entertain the viewers.
- source : misemono nenpyo -
- blog.livedoor.jp/misemono ... -


hitorishibai, hitori shibai 一人芝居 one-man theater
often with the left and right side of the body with different make-up and costumes, so one person could play two roles.

Also called
kojiki shibai 乞食芝居 beggar's performance, beggar's play

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/aboo-kai

hitori futayaku kojiki shibai ya hana no shita

one playing two roles
in a poor man's performance -
under the cherry blossoms

. kojiki 乞食 beggar .

- - - - - - and one meaning related to the many fires of Edo
- quote -
Hitsuke tōzoku aratame was a position introduced by the shogunate to target the felonies of arson, theft, and gambling.
... Contrary to the machi-bugyō, who were civil officials, hitsuke tōzoku aratame were military officials. Therefore, their interrogation strategies tended to be violent. While they had the power to arrest suspected arsonists, there was no penalty for mistaken arrests. For this reason, they often tortured the arrested suspects to force confessions, leading to a great number of false charges.
This left a notorious image on the chōnin, who nicknamed them "kojiki shibai" (乞食芝居, lowly theaters) while comparing the machi-bugyō and kanjō-bugyō (勘定奉行, financial commissioner) to "ōshibai" (大芝居, grand theaters).
- source : wikipedia - Fires in Edo -


. hitorizumoo  一人相撲 / 一人角力 Hitori Sumo - one-man wrestling .


hyakumanako, hyaku manako 百眼 "one hundred eyes"
using various simple paper masks (mekazura 目鬘) to represent different emotions in a funny performance.

They were also called shichihenme 七変目 "seven different eyes" (a pun with shichihenge) or nanatsume 七つ目 "seven eyes" and also often performed indoors to entertain visitors.
A favorite was the performance of cleaning teeth, hyakumanako hamigaki 百眼歯磨き.

Playing with mekazura 目鬘 "eye wigs" was also enjoyed by others.

CLICK for more photos !


iainuki, iai nuki 居合い抜き sword performance
torite 捕手 / hamahoo 浜法 

Exercises with the samurai sword have become showpieces at the roadside.
Some used to sell medicine on the side.

battoojutsu 抜刀術 "the craft of drawing out the sword"
an old term for iaijutsu 居合術.
Iaijutsu (居合術), a combative quick-draw sword technique. This art of drawing the Japanese sword, katana, is one of the Japanese koryū martial art disciplines in the education of the classical warrior (bushi).
- source : wikipedia -

source : htshumei
居合抜きの長井兵助 by 菊池貴一郎著

. selling gamaabura がま油 toad grease .
while performing sword tricks


kago nuke, kagonuke 籠抜け / 篭抜け crawling through a narrow bamboo basket 
while another sticks a sword into the basket

"Since a horse cannot perform such a nimble trick, "horse's basket trick" uma no kagonuke 馬の籠抜け became a proverb for doing something thought to be impossible. The word kagonuke is also used to describe the act of entering through one door and escaping through another."

quote from google books : Haruo Shirane
Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900

umanori kozoo no kago nuke 'The horse-riding monk's escape from the basket'

Kagonuke no Yatsushi
Kabuki role in the drama "Tanba Yosaku Tazuma Obi".


koogushi, yashi 香具師 performer, yashi 野師、野士、弥四、矢師
yashi 薬師 vendor of medicine by the roadside

some also treated teeth and illness of the mouth at their shop by the roadside
tsuji isha 辻医者 doctor by the roadside
others made and sold、薬や香具 medicine or incense.
also called
tekiya 的屋(てきや)
or sanzun 三寸(さんずん)
In records of the year 1735 there is a mention of 13 Kogushi.
yashi 野士 was maybe short for 野武士
The YA was formerly written as 奴 yakko.
maybe the first vendor of medicine by the roadside was a person called
Yashiro 弥四郎 turned Yashi.

- - - More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !

. isha 医者, ishi 医師 doctors in Edo .


. kyokugoma 曲独楽 acrobatics with spinning tops (koma) .
the famous 松井源水 Matsui Gensui family

. kyokuhe 曲屁 "acrobatic farting" , performance like music .
With all the vegetable food and sweet potatoes, farting was very common in Edo.


. makuragaeshi 枕返し juggling with pillows, pillow turner .

. Manzai 漫才. 万歳 / Banzai 萬歳 .
三河万歳 Mikawa Manzai, Yamato Manzai大和万歳, Oowari Manzai 尾張万歳
street performers for the New Year

misemono 見世物 showing strange things

- source : shungirl.com/diary-shunga-misemono1... -


. Nanjing Tamasudare たますだれ (玉簾/珠簾) .
performance with bamboo sticks


nazotoki 謎解き/ nazokake なぞかけ making riddles

"I call it ooo and explain it as xxx. The reason is this yyy!"
This kind of riddle story is still popular on present-day TV.

nazotoki boozu 謎解き坊主春雪の見世物 was quite popular around 1815.
謎坊主春雪 Nazotoki Bozu Shunsetsu. He worked at a mountain in the back of Asakusa Kannon in Edo.


source : misemono/archives


o-chiyobune, ochiyobune お千代舟 O-Chio Boat
performed by beggars to get some money.

O-Chio was a general name for the woman who had to work as prostitutes on a boat owned by their husband.

. funamanjuu 船饅頭 "sweet buns on a boat" .

The street performers imitated this business boat and made people laugh by doing some rhythmical swinging.

source : 絵で見る江戸のユーモア


. sekizoro 節季候 Year End Singers .
December Singers, Twelfth Month Singers

..... female singers, old ladies, ubara 姥等 うばら
..... hitting the breasts, mune tataki 胸敲 むねたたき


taiheiki yomi 太平記読み reading the Taiheiki story
reciting the Taiheiki Saga
The origin of koza story telling.
koodan 講談  kooza 講座 kooshaku 講釈

source : supernil.web.fc2.com/rekisiga

"oral commentary on the Record of Great Peace"
Rethinking East Asian Languages, Vernaculars, and Literacies, 1000–1919
- - - - - Read more
- source : books.google.co.jp -

The Taiheiki (太平記)
is a Japanese historical epic written in the late 14th century.
It deals primarily with the Nanboku-chō, the period of war between the Northern Court of Ashikaga Takauji in Kyoto, and the Southern Court of Emperor Go-Daigo in Yoshino.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kōdan (講談, formerly known as kōshaku (講釈)),
is a style of traditional oral Japanese storytelling. The form evolved out of lectures on historical or literary topics given to high-ranking nobles of the Heian period, changing over the centuries to be adopted by the general samurai class and eventually by commoners, and eventually, by the end of the Edo period, declining in favor of new types of entertainment and storytelling such as naniwa-bushi. It was at this time that the term kōshaku was abandoned and kōdan adopted.
Today, after a failed attempt to revive the art in 1974, there are four schools of kōdan and only a very few performers between them.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Ooshima Hakkaku, Ōshima 大島伯鶴 Oshima Hakkaku .
Koshaku story teller family in Edo / Tokyo.


. tori oi, torioi, tori-oi 鳥追 / 鳥追い chasing away the birds ritual .
A ceremony held on the "Small New Year", now January 14 or 15.


. yaku harai, yakuharai 厄払い / 厄はらい exorcism, driving out bad luck .
- during the Setsubun rituals at the beginning of spring


Acrobats (Handscroll)
source : Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


- reference -
江戸浅草奥山 - - source : misemono nenpyo -

畸人(きじん) 不具者を見世物 strange people / 珍畸鳥獣 strange beasts
- source : kappa/watashi -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

daidoogei enten ni oku zeni no hako

these street performers -
under the blazing sky
a box for donations

Tr. Gabi Greve

Kashiwara Min-U 柏原眠雨

. WKD : enten 炎天 blazing sky .


大道芸なべて陽炎ふ自由席 高澤良一
大道芸にどつと声湧く半夏生 守谷順子
大道芸の鞄開けば小鳥来る 一 民江
に置く銭の箱 柏原眠雨
大道芸祭囃すやオッペケペー 高澤良一 素抱
大道芸蒸す日を火噴き男かな 高澤良一 寒暑

もみづる樹下大道芸の下準備 高澤良一 素抱
冬帽子大道芸の銭集む 山口超心鬼
冬眠す大道芸の帽子中 対馬康子 吾亦紅

小樽初夏大道芸も運河べり 小倉英男
島寺に大道芸やさくら満つ 中戸川朝人 星辰
永日の掏摸も輪中に大道芸 高澤良一 寒暑
沙翁忌の大道芸の紙吹雪 永澤 謙
父の日に大道芸の傘ひらく 角谷憲武
野毛山下春ともなれば大道芸 高澤良一 寒暑

- source : HAIKUreikuDB


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. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

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