senryuu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo
Senryū is named after Edo period haikai poet Senryū Karai (柄井川柳, 1718-1790),
whose collection Haifū yanagidaru (誹風柳多留) launched the genre into the public consciousness.
The main introduction to the formal poetry of Edo is here :
. WKD : Haiku, Senryu, Zappai (俳句, 川柳, 雑俳) .
Senryu were anonymous and thus a kind of "twitter" of our modern times.
They are closely related to the manners, customs and people of the town and therefore best understood with the cultural background of the time they appeared.
- Introduction -
. Light Verse from the Floating World: An Anthology of Premodern Japanese Senryu
Makoto Ueda .

. Senryu about Doing Business in Edo .
. Senryu about the Food Vendors in Edo .
. Senryu about chin shoobai 珍商売 special business in Edo .
. Senryu about Repairmen in Edo .
. Senryu about Yoshiwara 吉原 pleasure quarters in Edo .
. - - - senryu - latest additions - - - .

川柳 - Sexy Senryu - 破礼句(はれく) hareku

source : www.mikipress.com/books
Edo no Hareku 江戸破礼句・梅の寶匣(たからばこ)- by 蕣露庵主人
Eros Senryu

Senryu: Japanese satirical verses - Reginald Horace Blyth
under construction
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

source : myoanshakuhachi.blogspot.jp
. Shakuhachi, 尺八 the Bamboo Flute .
- - - - - SENRYU ABC list - - - - -
. amayadori 雨宿り taking shelter from the rain .
- and niwaka ame 俄雨 sudden rain shower
. fudeya 筆屋 brush maker .
. haikai 灰買い buying ashes .
. hariko 張子 / 張り子 papermachee dolls .
. hayaokeya, hayaoke ya 早桶屋 "fast coffin maker", undertaker .
. inniku 印肉 stamp pads .
. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
..... mikankago, mikan kago みかん籠 / 蜜柑籠 "basket for tangerines"
- synonym for an abandoned child
. kamikuzu 紙屑 waste paper, old paper .
. katana 日本刀 the Japanese sword .
- - bushi no tamashi 武士の魂 The "Soul of a Samurai"
. katsuo 鰹 bonito, skipjack tuna .
. keisan, bunchin 文鎮 paperweight .
. kojiki shibai 乞食芝居 beggar's performance, beggar's play .
. momijigari 紅葉狩り viewing the red leaves .
. shimogoe tori 下肥取り collector of human manure, night soil collector .
- - koebishaku, koe-bishaku 肥柄杓 ladle for urin or night soil
. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop .
. shoobengumi 小便組 Shobengumi, "the urine gang" prostitutes .
. sore made wa tada no tera nari sengakuji .
temple Sengaku-Ji 泉岳寺 and the 48 Ronin
. Sumo wrestling 相撲 / 角力 and rikishi 力士 wrestlers .
. Tanuma Okitsugu 田沼意次 (1719 - 1788) .
senryu about bribes of his time
. tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura .
. uchiwa 団扇 handfan, hand fan .
to be updated
- - - -- Senryu about famous places
. Sado-koku 佐渡国 Sado Province .

川柳江戸歳時記 - Senryu Saijiki - 花咲 一男
- - - - - The Four Seasons in Edo - Senryu
. The First Lunar Month 一月 ichigatsu - 睦月 mutsuki - in Edo .
. The Second Lunar Month 二月 nigatsu - 如月 kisaragi - in Edo .
. The Third Lunar Month 三月 sangatsu - 弥生 yayoi - in Edo .
. The Fourth Lunar Month 四月 shigatsu - 卯月 uzuki - - in Edo .
. The Fifth Lunar Month 五月 gogatsu - 皐月 satsuki - .
. The Sixth Lunar Month 六月 rokugatsu 水無月 minazuki - .
. The Seventh Lunar Month 七月 shichigatsu - 水無月 minazuki - .
. The Eighth Lunar Month 八月 hachigatsu - 葉月 hazuki - .
. The Ninth Lunar Month 九月 kugatsu - 長月 nagatsuki - .
. The Tenth Lunar Month 十月 juugatsu - 神無月 kannazuki - .
. The Eleventh Lunar Month 十一月 juuichigatsu - 霜月 shimotsuki - .
. The Twelfth Lunar Month 十二月 juunigatsu - 師走 shiwasu - .

江戸サラリーマン川柳 Senryu of salaried workers in Edo / 三谷茉沙夫

Senryu zappai Edo shomin no sekai by Katsutada Suzuki
Tanbo Edo senryu by Kaname Okitsu
Edo no onnatachi no yuami: Senryu ni miru mokuyoku bunka by Shinichiro Watanabeb

Senryu Edo meibutsu zue 川柳江戸名物図会
Search for a senryu keyword - 江戸川柳 目次 - and list !!!
- source : haikusenryu.yomibitoshirazu.com
江戸の川柳 - with explanations
- source : homepage3.nifty.com/~sirakawa
Edo Senryu o tanoshimu - about some special topics, with explanation !!!
- source : houyukai.life.coocan.jp/samenu-senryu
風流江戸川柳 - with explanations
- source : www.geocities.jp/kinomemocho
alphabetical index, some explanations
- source : chukonen.com/oboegaki/edo
- further reference -
- - - To join Senryu on facebook, click the image !
. - - - senryu - UPDATES of this Blog - - - .
. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
- #senryuinedo #edosenryu #senryu -
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