
terakoya private schools

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
terakoya 寺子屋  "temple school", private school

source : facebook - meeting

. Teikin Oorai, Teikin ōrai 庭訓往来 textbooks in Edo .

From the 14th to the 19th century, the king of ōraimono was Teikin ōrai 庭訓往来. The title literally meant "Correspondence [samples] for education at home," but it was eventually used in temple schools (terakoya) as well. It contained 25 letters dated from the first month through the twelfth, artfully crafted to cover as much as possible of the topic and vocabulary pool from which your standard social letter might draw.

. gakumonjo 学問所 Academies of Higher Learning - Introduction .


The Oyomei (Chinese: Wang Yang-ming) School:
... In sum scholarly Neo-Confucian studies were widespread and varied. A number of Confucian "academies" (like think tanks) were established, such as the Kaitokudo in Osaka. A so-called "merchant academy," it taught, subtly, that the merchants did have value to society as well and their contribution to the welfare of the realm was significant. Generally, only the samurai class would attend these academies, so this gave merchants a place to send their sons and instill pride in what their families did.
On the popular level, though, people learned about their place in society and the importance of loyalty and filial piety through travelling scholars and what was taught in the terakoya or temple schools.


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Terakoya (temple schools) were public educational institutions that provided children with an education of reading and writing and in some places taught the use of the abacus. They existed not only in Edo but in also in other towns and villages throughout Japan.

Thousands of terakoya began receiving pupils throughout the country during the Tempō era (1830-1844). The number of terakoya at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate seems to have reached some thirty or forty thousand and it was these institutions that contributed to the high levels of literacy among ordinary people.

An example from the beginning of the Meiji period, according to a survey conducted by the Tokyo government, the majority of terayako teachers were Edo citizens. Many were men, but in urban areas, especially in Edo, there were also female teachers. The teachers would consider the professions of the parents of the children who came to learn at terakoya and also their desires and would carry out education respectively with individual curriculums tailored to these needs and circumstances.

Osanarikugei No Uchi Shosū / Painted by Utagawa Kunisada

From the Six Neccesary Subjects for Children, Calligraphy and Abaccus
(Osanarikugei No Uchi Shosū) - rikugei

From the term "rikugei", which means the six kinds of knowledge a wise man has, "osanarikugei" denotes the six subjects necessary for children to learn. "Sho" means calligraphy and "sū" means the Japanese abacus. Children learning "sho" and "sū" are depicted.

Rikugei was knowledge required in ancient China for people who held a rank higher than samurai. It means six kinds of knowledge including "Rei" (moral education), "Raku" (music), "Sha" (archery), "Gyo" (technique to operate horse cart), "Sho" (literature) and "Sū" (math).
Take a look the abacus in the picture. You can see two columns in the upper space (heaven) and five in the lower space (earth). The number of columns is one more than the current abacus in both the upper and lower spaces. This is the exact form of the kind of abacus that originated from China and in the Meiji period, abaci with one heaven column removed, leaving five columns of one heaven and five earth columns, became widespread. Then in 1935 (Shōwa 10), the present abacus with one column in the upper and four columns in the lower spaces appeared

(Bungaku Bandai no Takara (Shinomaki, Suenomaki)
These works are a two piece nishiki-e (colored woodblock print) series depicting a class at terakoya (temple school). A male teacher teaches the class at "Shinomaki" (first volume) and a female teacher at "Suenomaki" (end volume). You can see that most of the children behave freely.

At terakoya (temple school) in the Edo period, not all students sat facing the teacher, the textbooks used and the ages of children varied and attending the class or not was optional.
Most children in the picture are not studying quietly. There are indeed many kinds of going on with some children fooling around with ink brushes and others punching each other or playing with dolls. Also from books behind the female teacher in "sue-no-maki" (end volume), we can see that flower arrangement, tea ceremony and incense burning were taught in addition to reading and writing.
This being said, the teachers at terakoya teachers strictly instructed morals, manners, and rules of decorum and there was a fixed set of rules in the class with punishments for excessive misbehavior whereby children were made to stand still or sit erect with legs folded.

- - - - - Textbooks - - - - -
(1) Teikinourai Terakodakara
(2) Jinkoki Kukunomizu
(3) Onotakamura Utajizukushi" / 1819 (Bunsei 2)

At Terakoya, the education method greatly differed from the present and children generally learned how to read and write. Different textbooks were used for children of farmers and for children of merchants so that each could obtain the respective knowledge neccesary for farming or trading. The general name for the textbook used in terakoya was "ōraimono". The objective of these studies was to learn how to write a letter to someone, and the textbook was called "ōraimono", which means to learn texts that go back and forth.

Teikin-ōrai was one of "Ōraibutsu" textbooks often used to learn basic culture and calligraphy at terakoya (temple school). When it was first developed in the Muromachi period, it was used to educate children of aristocrats, samurai, and monks but it was said to have been most popular in the Edo period as a textbook for common people.
In addition, "Onotakamura Utajizukushi", which was developed in early Edo period to learn Kanji, was so popular that multiple editions were published throughout the Edo period. The textbook contained kanji characters with the same "radical" and "tsukuri" such as 椿, 榎, 楸, 柊, 桐, etc. and also contained was a song to learn and remember them by (haru tsubaki, natsu ha enoki ni aki hisagi, fuyu ha hiiragi onajiku hakiri).
Jinkōki" was famous as an introductory book for math. This was written by a mathematician

- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp -


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A Day at a Terakoya School
How were children taught?
The terakoya, or "temple schools" that became common in the Edo period, were organized much like the private, after-school cramming classes found today. Rather than follow the same curriculum as others in their grade, however, the students progressed at their own pace.

The subjects they were taught were primarily reading, writing, and calculation using the abacus. They copied what the instructor wrote down, and practiced writing the same phrase over and over until they were able to approximate the teacher's handwriting. Most of the texts they read were Chinese and Japanese classics, which were repeatedly read aloud until they were practically memorized.

High rate of literacy
The terakoya were found throughout Edo (now Tokyo). According to one Edo-period source, some neighborhoods even had two schools, suggesting a high literacy rate of the townspeople. Enrollment in these schools was about 70% to 80%, much higher than the enrollment ratios found in Europe at the time.

There was no fixed curriculum for each grade and subject, as is the case today. Each school operator adapted the subject matter to the aptitude and progress of each child. Instruction followed a general course order, however, with children first learning the syllabary and then common kanji (Sino-Japanese characters) before studying more complex kanji and phrases. Many different textbooks were used, depending on the children's family background.

A typical day
In addition to academic subjects, children were also given lessons in some art, such as traditional dance and music. In the Ukiyo-buro (The Communal Bath), a late Edo-period novel by Shikitei Sanba depicting the life of townspeople and their children, a girl who is about to enter the bath describes a typical day to a friend: "After I get up, I go to the terakoya to prepare for the calligraphy lesson. Then I have a shamisen (a banjo-like three-stringed instrument) lesson before I come home for breakfast. I go to the terakoya again after my dance lesson, and it's already 3 o'clock by this time. I go to the bath and then go to my koto (zither) lesson. I come home to practice the shamisen and dance parts I learned that day. I play for a while, and after the sun sets I practice the koto."

While not all children may have been this busy, many foreign visitors to Japan toward the end of the Edo period expressed surprised in their diaries and journals at the high number of children who were able to read and write.
- source : web-japan.org/tokyo/know - Hidekazu Ishiyama -


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- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

uguisu ya terakoya ni iku michi no yabu

this bush warbler -
the thicket along the road
to the temple school

Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規

. Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu 鴬) .


寺子屋に傘多し春の泥 妻木

黒柳召波 春泥句集

高澤良一 寒暑



深見けん二 日月


Edo no Manabi 「江戸の学び」Schooling in Edo
「江戸東京博物館」 Edo Tokyo Museum

Hiroshige - 歌川広重の「諸芸稽古図会」Hiroshige’s Caricature:

- source : www.1101.com/edo/2006-

Mischievous Boys at a Terakoya

. . . CLICK here for more ukiyo-e of Edo Terakoya !


- - - - - quoting Hayato:
A short composition by one of Lafcadio Hearn's students in Kumamoto (From Out of the East):
"Before Meiji, there were no such public schools in Japan as there are now. But, in every province there was a sort of student society, composed of the sons of samurai. Unless a man was a samurai, his son could not enter such a society. It was under the control of the lord of the province, who appointed a director to rule the students. The principal study of the samurai was that of the Chinese language and literature.
Most of the statesmen of the present government were once students in such samurai schools. Common citizens and country people had to send their sons and daughters to primary schools called terakoya, where all the teaching was usually done by one teacher. It consisted of little more than reading, writing, calculating, and some moral instruction.
We could learn to write an ordinary letter, or a very easy essay. At eight years old, I was sent to a terakoya, as I was not the son of a samurai. At first, I did not want to go; and every morning my grandfather had to strike me with his stick to make me go. The discipline at the school was very severe. If a boy did not obey, he was beaten with a bamboo stick, while being held down to receive his punishment. After a year, many public schools were opened and I entered a public school.
- source : Hayato Tokugawa -

化々学校 - おばけの学校 School for Monsters and Demons
河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 89)


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Temple Schools
The late 18th century Ehon sakaegusa (Fig.3), an illustrated book by the artist Katsukawa Shunko, shows us what contemporary temple schools (known as terakoya) looked like.
On left-hand side of the picture, we see two children sitting at the desk holding a brush and practicing writing. In Edo times, “learning to write” (tenarai) consisted of repeatedly copying words and sentences from a copybook. To save paper, every inch of the sheet has been used so that the sheet is completely covered in black ink. On the right-hand side, there is a female teacher holding a baby on her back and two little girls sitting in front of her with an open book in front of them. They point at the characters on the page with a stick. The girls are actually learning to recite Chinese texts in Chinese by mimicking the teacher’s pronunciation. The stick they are holding was called a jisashi (character pointer), and was used to trace the lines of the characters as one read them. In learning to both read and write, “repetition” was the key pedagogic device, and texts were an indispensable tool in both cases.

Temple schools were the simplest way for commoners to acquire the basic skills needed in everyday life (literacy, arithmetic, etc.). Over the course of the Edo period, thousands of books for use as textbooks in temple schools were published.

One example is the Ehon teikin ōrai (Fig.4). Because the illustrations are by the famous painter and printmaker Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), they are larger than usual. One of them shows students at work at a temple school.

Onna daigaku (Fig.5), a popular behavior manual for women, contains an image of young girls learning to read Chinese texts from a female instructor.Images of commoners learning from books are indeed common in Edo-period educational books.

Despite some obvious changes, attitudes to education remained rather consistent after the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji period.
With the influx of ideas and institutions from the West following the Restoration, Japan rapidly reorganized itself as a modern nation state. As the title shows, Doi Kōka (1847-1918)’s Kinsei onna daigaku (Fig.6) was conceived as a “Great Learning for Women” for the modern age. ...
- source : future learn - Keio University -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

........................................................................................................ Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe city

furudanuki 古狸 an old badger
Around 1868, at the terakoya 寺子屋 temple school from 常源寺 Temple Jogen-Ji there appeared furudanuki 古狸 an old tanuki badger.
Some brave boys drove it out with a stick but
there was now always a voice of someone reciting homework coming from under the floor.
. tanuki 狸と伝説 Tanuki badger legends .

........................................................................................................ Iwate 岩手県
奥州市 Oshu City

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
In the year 1877, there was a family working as teachers of a terakoya 寺子屋 temple school. Every night they saw the shadow of a young boy on the shooji 障子 paper sliding doors. It was hebi 蛇 a serpent that had come to tempt the woman of the family.

........................................................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
蔵王町 Zao town

. furugeta no urami 古下駄の怨 the grudge of the old Geta .

........................................................................................................ Niigata 新潟県
新潟市 Niigata city 江南区 Konan ward

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
There lived a fox under the floor beams, who often looked very hungry, always came when the children from the terakoya 寺子屋 temple school were eating lunch.
One boy gave only a few bites to the fox, but it became bewitched by the fox.
The parents of the boy went to apologize to the fox and the boy came back to be normal.

........................................................................................................ Saga 佐賀県
佐賀市 Saga city

. Kappa Water Goblin Legends from Saga .
Once a girl of about 11 or 12 years of a rich merchant family came home from the terakoya 寺子屋 temple school when she met the child from next-door.
He invited the girl to play near the temple 観成院 Kanjo-In at the river.
The girl went home to tell her parents, who prayed to the Kami and smeared black ashes from the hearth fire on her face.
The neighbourhood child looked astonished and afraid at the black color and run away.
Now they knew this had been a Kappa in disguise.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. gakumonjo 学問所 Academies of Higher Learning - Introduction .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #terakoya #gakkoo #gakkoshool #school - - - -

Kamimeguro district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- legends about hunting with falcons, see below -
Kamimeguro, Kami-Meguro 上目黒    

. Meguro 目黒区 Meguro-ku, Meguro ward .

Meguro was home to the hawks and falcons hunting grounds (takajo 鷹所)of the Shogun, first developed by Tokugawa Ieyasu himself, because he was an avid hunter.

. 幕府放鷹制度 Bakufu government rules about takagari 鷹狩 .


- quote
Kami-Meguro - The Shogun's Hawk-Hunting Grounds
A long procession of men streams down the country road. Today I am going to take you along with Matsudaira-dono and a large party of his retainers to the western fringe of the city. The shogun is on one of his annual hawk-hunting expeditions, and has asked Matsudaira-dono to come along for a few days and take part.

The shogun has seven taka-jo (hawking estates) strategically located in a ring around the city. From these estates, it is possible to get quickly to any of the major farming villages and small towns in the greater Edo vicinity. The location of hawk-hunting estates is very important, and the first shogun, Ieyasu, spent a great deal of time in planning them. The one that you are going to, in Meguro, is well placed at the center of a busy farming region, and it can serve as a base of operations to visit all of the farming villages in the area. It might seem strange that the head of the bakufu (government) pays so much attention to hawking, but this is because hunting has other roles besides simply a pastime.

Hawking has been a popular sport among the nobles and high-ranking samurai for many centuries. At first, however, it simply involved an overnight outing to the countryside, where each of the participants would show off the hunting skills of the eagles and hawks that they raised and trained. However, during the sengoku jidai (the age of warring states), hawk hunting began to take on several other purposes. Hawk hunting expeditions would often last for months at a time, and the daimyo and high-level samurai would cover wide areas of their domains during their hunt.

The leaders discovered that hawk-hunting gave them a convenient excuse to show up unannounced in villages throughout their territory. This allowed them to see for themselves how daily life was in the countryside they ruled, and make sure that everything was all right in the area. If farmers were cheating on their taxes, he would often find evidence when making an unexpected visit. On the other hand, if the local administrators were treating the local people unfairly, the daimyo could ask the people about their conditions as he passed through the villages on one of his hawk-hunting expeditions. However, since the daimyo was just "out hunting", the people would not have any reason to complain, or feel upset that he was spying on them.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu became shogun, he made hawking a very formal part of his yearly activities. He set up hawk-hunting manors throughout his own territory, and encouraged the other daimyo to do so as well. Several times a year he would go on expeditions, and in addition to his hunting companions and hawk-tenders, he also brought along accountants and clerks to check carefully all the local tax and production records of the towns they travel through during their hunts. The shipments of tax rice could be checked and compared with the size of the fields in the town, to see if everyone was paying the proper amount.

In addition, Ieyasu passed a law that allows any farmer or peasant to come forward and make a complaint or petition while the shogun is travelling through their village on a hawk hunt. This way, if the local people have a complaint about how the local government officials are treating them, they can go directly to the shogun with the problem, and don't have to worry that the local leaders might punish them for speaking out. All of Ieyasu's successors have continued the tradition of hawk hunting. The current shogun goes out hawking about six or seven times a year, usually for at least a week.

Although hawking expeditions involve quite a lot of "unofficial business", they are also a chance for the shogun to relax from the dull routine of life at the castle. The shogun is the most powerful man in Japan, but he has to answer to the demands of many different groups -- the Imperial court in Kyoto, each of the local daimyo, the leaders of major temples and shrines throughout the country, the local administrators in Edo, and so on. Back in Ieyasu's day, these demands were still limited, but nowadays the shogun's life seems to be one meeting after another. Hawk hunting gives him a chance to get out of the city and away from all the long, formal meetings. A chance to enjoy the open countryside, fresh air and sunshine!

- 名所江戸百景 -
元不二(元富士)"Old Mount Fujisan" and 新冨士 "New Mount Fujisan"

Hawk hunting is not very strenuous for the shogun and the daimyo who accompany him. However, their main purpose in going on a hawking expedition, in addition to the opportunity to relax and enjoy nature, is to view the farms and villages in the area and study the landscape. Back in the days when daimyo were still fighting one another, the expedition would include many scouts and spies, who would try to find locations for a strong fort, or try to see what was going on in neighboring territories. Nowadays, the men are mainly looking for fields of crops that the farmers did not mention when paying their taxes, or examining new areas where the land might be cleared and made suitable for farming.

Each of the shogun's seven hawking estates, or taka-jo ("taka" means "hawk") is managed by a staff of several hawk supervisors (taka-mi). Their job is to raise the hawks and train them to hunt for small birds and rabbits. They also keep an eye on the local villages and make sure they follow the rules. There are many special rules for the areas surrounding the hawk-hunting estates. For example, local people living near the estates are not allowed to have dogs or cats as pets. They also have to get special permission if they need to do any building work, and usually the permission is only granted at certain times of the year when the noise will not disturp the game birds and animals that live in the area. Most of these rules are intended to ensure that there is plenty of game to hunt. Because of these strict rules, the areas of farmland immediately surrounding the hawking manors are filled with birds and game. In fact, as your company crosses the fields and meadows, flocks of game birds can be seen even right near the homes of the local villagers.

The shogun and his companions ride their horses at the front of the long procession. Their hawks are perched on their arms, the head covered by a tiny hood until it is time for the bird to hunt. When the lead riders reach a clearing that looks like a good place for hunting, they dismount and then send a signal back to the servants and assistants who are following them. The assistants then fan out through the woods and begin moving slowly toward the place where the shogun and his companions are waiting.

富士山麓の鷹狩り - 喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro

The birds and rabbits in the woods run away from the servants, who make a lot of noise as they walk through the woods. The line of servants continues to move toward the clearing, and eventually the game birds have to fly out into the open to get away. As soon as a game bird flies out into the clearing, one of the riders releases his hawk. The hawk flies swiftly after its prey, soaring into the sky and then wheeling to strike. The hawks are well trained, and they rarely miss a kill. The hawk soars like an arrow towards its prey, striking quickly and bringing down its victim. The assistants collect the dead birds or rabbits once the hawk has made the kill, and put them in a large sack. The game that the hawks catch today will be served to the shogun and his companions at dinner tonight.

The hunt covers a wide area of fields and woodland, stopping many times both to hunt and to speak to local farmers and gather information. After a long day of jogging over hills and fields to keep up with the men on horseback, the guards and servants are exhausted. While the shogun, and the other high-ranking officials dine in the taka-jo's main house, the servants and retainers will roast quail or ducks over the fire. After dinner, they will sit by the fire, lie back smoking their pipes, and gaze at the sparkling stars before dropping off to sleep by the fire.
- source : Edomatsu

. Hayabusachoo, Hayabusachō 隼町 Hayabusacho district . - Chiyoda
When Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo, he loved falconry and his falconers lived in this district.
Also written 鷹匠町 Takajo cho, falconers district.


- reference source : wheatbaku.exblog.jp -

Many shoguns liked to go for takagari 鷹狩り hunting with hawks and falcons. During these outings, they used to rest and eat outside.
These places were called (with the honorable 御 O at the beginning):

御腰掛 okoshikake, 御立寄所 otachiyorijo, 御仲休所, 御休憩所 okyusokujo - "resting place"
御膳所 ozenjo、御弁当所 obentojo - "place to eat"
御小休所 oshonbensho - "place to use a toilet"

The best known of these places are shrines and temples :
隅田村の木母寺 Sumida village, Mokubo-Ji - 木下川村の浄光寺 Kinegawa village, Joko-Ji
音羽町の護持院 Otowa village, Goji-In - 中目黒の祐天寺 Naka-Meguro, Yutenji
品川の東海寺 Shinagawa, Tofuku-Ji - 鈴ヶ森八幡 Suzugamori Hachiman - 深川の永代寺 Fukagawa, Eitai-Ji
亀戸村の亀戸天神・普門院 Kameido Tenjin, Fumon-In
. Shinshooji 真性寺 / 眞性寺 Shinsho-Ji . - Sugamo

千駄木の鷹部屋 Sendagi Falconry - 雑司ヶ谷の鷹部屋 Zoshigaya Falconry - 駒場の御用屋敷 Komaba Falconry
上中里村の御用屋敷 Kaminakamura Falconry - 小菅村の伊奈半左衛門屋敷 Kosuge village, estate of Ina Hanzaemon - 中川番所 Nakagawa Guard House

. Komaba district Meguro 駒場 .
Around 1720, the Edo Bakufu Government established this area as a hunting ground for the Shogun, especially 将軍吉宗 Yoshimune, who came here 15 times. Since the Shogun was supposed to catch something on a hunting excursion, the villagers kept some prey in cages and let them loose on a hunting day. These villagers were called
tsuna sashi 綱差 rope feeders.
One of these feeders was 川井権兵衛 Kawai Gonbei.
He planted soy beans in a large plot of land. From a hidden hut he observed when the pheasants came to eat the beans. When many had come he pulled a rope with a net and caught them. But very often before the pheasant there came raven and crows to eat the beans, so he had to run through the fields with a long wooden sword to drive them away . . .
When the Shogun came, he cut small wounds in the wings of the birds and let them fly as an easy pray for his lord.
The Kawai family kept this job for some generations.

. Toofukuji 東福寺 Tofuku-Ji .
ozensho 御膳所 "place to eat" for the Shogun

. Mokuboji 木母寺と梅若丸伝説 Mokubo-Ji and Umewakamaru Legend .

. Otowachoo 音羽町 Otowa district in Edo .


下目黒 (しもめぐろ) Shimomeguro - 葛飾北斎 Hokusai


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks and falcons .
falconry - ... hooyoo 放鷹(ほうよう)
takano 鷹野(たかの)open field with hawks
takajoo 鷹匠 (たかじょう) Takajo, keeper, trainer of the falcons and hawks
... takashi 鷹師(たかし)
- - kigo for all winter - -

naitogari 鳴鳥狩 ないとがり hunting and training with hawks
asa takagari 朝鷹狩(あさたかがり)
asatogari 朝鳥狩(あさとがり)、
oboegari 覚狩(おぼえがり)training the hawk
tomarigari 泊り狩(とまりがり)staying in the mountain (hut for training)
tomariyama, tomari-yama 泊り山(とまりやま)
kikisuedori 聞すえ鳥(ききすえどり)
misuedori 見すえ鳥(みすえどり)
suzuko 鈴子(すずこ) little bell
suzuko sasu taka 鈴子挿す鷹(すずこさすたか)
tsugi ootaka 継尾の鷹(つぎおのたか)
shirao no taka 白尾の鷹(しらおのたか)hawk with a white tail
shirafu no taka 白斑の鷹(しらふのたか)hawk with white spots
Hunting with hawks is done in winter, but the training of the animals starts in spring. They get a bell on one foot and have to learn how to hunt and come back to the master. Often the hawker and his animal stay in a mountain hut for a while together during this time.
- - kigo for late spring - -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
about takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks

source : nomu.com/machikara...

愛知県 Aichi 津島市 Tsushima

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
The 尾張大納言 Lord of Owari once came to Tsushima for hunting with hawks.
To make some special medicine he wanted 狐の生肝 the liver of a living fox. 餌指の市兵衛 Hyoe from Ezanshi captured a fox and got all the meat and fur of the fox as reward.
His wife who was at 清洲 Kiyosu became bewitched by a fox, who wanted to have his revenge.
The 大納言 Lord Dainagon thought the fox was a reijuu 霊獣 sacred animal and sent his retainer 真島権左衛門 Nabeshima Gonzaemon. He let the animal know that he was sacred and had given his life to heal other human beings, which was a rewardable thing to do.
The fox felt honored and let go of the bewitchment.

- - - - -

Once the Lord of Owari went hunting with hawks in the evening.
He heard the voice coming from the mountain forest:
"Where is the Lord of Owari who had killed a saru 猿 monkey on 申の歳申の月申の日 the special day of the monkey in the hour of the monkey during the year of the monkey?"
His companions and he himself could not move any more.
The Lord called for a very strong man to help. This man called toward the mountain:
"Who is it out there? Who is it out there?"
In the morning it seemed the monster has left the place and all came back to their senses.

. saru 猿と伝説 Legends about monkeys - Affen .

愛媛県 Ehime 温泉郡 Onsen district

. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ Nananin Misaki Legends .
a group of persons who died in an accident or in unnatural circumstances

- Ehime 西岡 Nichioka and 重信町 Shigenobu town

Once a family of seven went hunting for hawks, (which was forbidden), and even ate the hawk. They were executed by chopping off their heads. Later if people walk by that ground, they will soon encounter some misfortune. The souls of the seven are now venerated at a small Hokora sanctuary as
七社権現 Shichisha Gongen - The Gongen Deities from Seven Shrines .
(Their photo is in the link about Nananin Misaki Legends above.)

福岡県 Fukuoka 北九州市 Kita-Kyushu city

. Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 the "ox-head-heaven-king" deity .

At the shrine 小倉八坂神社 Kokura Yasaka Jinja there is a legend about the beginning of the festival.
Once Lord 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki (1563 - 1646) went hunting with hawks and took a rest at 不動山 Mount Fudoyama.
There was one small stone shrine and when Tadaoki placed his staff against it, it opened and one 霊鷹 sacred hawk flew out of it. The hawk kicked out both eyes of Tadaoki. He felt great pain, went home soon but would not heal at all. He realized it was the punishment of Gozu Tenno and had a shrine built in his honor. After a performance of a ritual Kagura, 神楽湯立, one eye begun to heal. He had 能興行 another ritual of Noh performed and the other eye begun to heal too.

栃木県 Tochigi

In the area of 阿曽沼 Asonuma swamp lived a man skilled with falcons.
One day he captured oshidori 鴛の雄 a male mandarin duck.
That night in a dream a beauiful woman appeared, crying in dispair.
"Why did you kill my husband?" The hunter said "But I did not kill anybody!"
"Yes you did, today in the swamp." Then she flew off and he saw it was the female mandarin duck.
Next morning he looked at the male duck and saw a female one, her beak like kissing him.
The man had a great shock, stopped hunting and became a monk.

. oshidori 鴛鴦 mandarin ducks .

東京都 Tokyo

In Edo in the district 通銀町二丁目 Tsugin lived a merchant called 堯順 Takayasu. He had employed the child of a hunter who was responsible to provide food for the Falconry in Hachioji. But this child died in an epidemic. They washed the body and wanted to cut its hair, but the scissors did not cut a thing. Then Takayasu looked closer, he saw a beak of a bird had grown at the head, almost as hard as a stone. This was around the year 1680.

. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .

- - - - -

. Samuhara サムハラ Samuhara omamori お守り amulets .
Special Divine Protection.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Suruga-chô 駿河町 - see below
Surugadai 駿河台
Suidobashi Surugadai 水道橋駿河台 / Kanda Surugadai 神田駿河台

Surugadai Ogawa-cho ezu
This area used to be called Kandadai, however after the Genna Era (1615-24), retainers of the Tokugawa Clan moved here from Suruga no kuni (now Shizuoka), and it came to be called Surugadai. The top provided a good view of Mount Fuji in Suruga, so there is a theory that this is the origin of the name of the area.
The entire area was a soil borrowing pit, and the soil taken from the plateau was used to landfill Nihonbashi and Shibashi. In addition, the Kanda-gawa River was dug between here and Hongodai. From the Meiji Era, the former sites of the residences of the direct samurai retainers of the Tokugawa shogunate were used to construct Meiji University, Nihon University and Chuo University, and the area became a students' quarter.
- source : National Diet Library -

Suidôbashi Surugadai 水道橋駿河台 Suidô Bridge and Surugadai
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige
from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei 名所江戸百景)


- quote -
Kanda-Surugadai 神田駿河台 Kanda-Surugadai
is a district of Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It was so named because after Tokugawa Ieyasu's death in 1616, the Edo government let officials from Sunpu 駿府 (now Shizuoka) live in the area.
Kanda-Surugadai is often called Surugadai (駿河台 Surugadai) or, colloquially, Sundai (駿台 Sundai).
- source : wikipedia -

- quote -
Surugadai Campus
is the traditional home to Meiji University. The campus is located in the Kanda Surugadai area which, while retaining a strong atmosphere of a students’ town, is located in proximity to Kasumigaseki, Otemachi, and other areas that are home to companies and government ministries and agencies that are pivotal to Japan’s politics and economy.
- source : meiji.ac.jp -


Surugadai in Edo (Tôto sundai 東都駿台)
葛飾北斎 Katsushika Hokusai
from the series Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji (Fugaku sanjûrokkei 冨嶽三十六景)


- - - - - Famous residents of Surugadai - - - - -

Oguri Tadamasa 小栗 忠順 - Oguri Kozukenosuke 小栗上野介
(1827 - 1868)
a statesman of the Tokugawa government in the last stage of the Edo period,
- source : wikipedia -

Ōkubo Hikozaemon 大久保 彦左衛門 - Ōkubo Tadataka 大久保 忠教
(1560 – 1639)
- source : wikipedia -
The famous stories about Hikozaemon Okubo and the fish vendor 一心太助 Isshin Tasuke will be told elsewhere.

Oota Nanpo 大田南畝 Ota Nanpo, Ota Nampo - 蜀山人 Shokusanjin
(1749 - 1823)
penname of Ōta Tan - poet and fiction writer.
. . . he wrote primarily in the comedic forms of kyōshi, derived from comic Chinese verse, and kyōka, derived from waka poetry.

. Ota Nampo 大田 南畝 - Introduction .
and a Daruma painting


Surugachoo, Suruga-chô 駿河町 Suruga Cho, Suruga Machi
Suruga Quarter, Suruga village, Suruga street

安藤広重 Ando Hiroshige - The Mitsui Store - Nihonbashi Mitsukoshimae
日本橋室町 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku

This road ran straight in the South-Western direction and provided a view to Edo Castle and Mount Fujisan.
It is named after the view of Mount Fujisan that was similar to the one in Suruga no Kuni, Shizuoka.
Since Suruga was the birthplace of the founder of the Edo Government, Tokugawa Ieyasu, this street was of special honor to the Edoites.

. Mitsui Echigoya 三井 越後屋 - Introduction .

Surugacho Echigoya / by Utagawa Kunisada


Ando Hiroshige

Suruga Province 駿河国 Suruga no kuni
was an old province in the area that is today the central part of Shizuoka Prefecture. Suruga bordered on Izu, Kai, Sagami, Shinano, and Tōtōmi provinces; and was bordered by the Pacific Ocean through Suruga Bay to the south.
Its abbreviated form name was Sunshū (駿州) Sunshu.
. . . During the Edo period, Suruga prospered due to its location on the Tōkaidō, and numerous post towns developed. For defensive purposes, the Tokugawa shogunate forbid the construction of bridges on the major rivers of Suruga Province (such as at the Ōi River), which further led to town development on the major river crossings.

During this period, the major urban center of Sunpu remained a tenryō territory, administered directly the Shōgun by the Sunpu jōdai, and several smaller feudal domains were assigned to close fudai retainers.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Suruga Dainagon 駿河大納言 ー Tokugawa Tadanaga 徳川忠長
(1606 – 1634) was a Japanese daimyo of the early Edo period. The son of the second shogun Tokugawa Hidetada, his elder brother was the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu.
Suruga Dainagon (the major counsellor of Suruga) . . .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

hatsu fuji ya ima ni kawaranu surugadai

first view of Mount Fuji -
Surugadai has not changed
one bit

黒木野雨 Kuroki Noa

. WKD : hatsu fuji 初富士 first Mount Fuji .
- - kigo for the New Year - -


aki shigure kosho no nioi no surugadai

sleet in autumn -
the smell of old books
in Surugadai

沢ふみ江 Zawa Fumie


izayoi ya furuki saka teru surugadai

moon on the sixteenth night -
the old slopes shine
at Surugadai

. 水原秋櫻子 Mizuhara Shuoshi (1892 - 1981) .

. juurokuya 十六夜 night on the 16th day .
- - moon kigo for mid-autumn - -
izayoi 十六夜 (いざよい) moon on day 16
..... izayoo tsuki いざよう月(いざようつき)"hesitant moon"
..... nihachiya 二八夜(にはちや)

駿河台.月夜 Surugadai Full Moon Night
広重.二代 Hiroshige II


Koogazaka 甲賀坂 Koga slope

Remains of the gambling spot of Ninja in Surugadai

A group of 100 Koga ninja members 甲賀百人組 settled in Kanda in Edo, in
Koogamachi 甲賀町(こうかまち) Koga Machi, Koga Village.
This placename was kept until 1933, when it was renamed to
神田駿河台一、三丁目 Kanda Surugadai Ichi - Sanchome.
And Kogaichoo in Azabu 麻布の笄町(こうがいちょう)は「甲賀町 Koga-cho・伊賀町 Iga-cho」was named after the Koga and Iga ninja.

Koogashu no shinobi no kake ya yowa no aki

this gambling
of the Koga ninja -
midnight in autumn

. 与謝蕪村 Yosa Buson (1715-1783) .

After the Iga and Koga ninja spies had come to Edo to serve the government, peace came and there was not so much to do for them any more. So on the evenings getting longer in autumn they would gather secretely and do some gambling.

- source : daiya_gp -

. Ninja spy 忍者 Shinobi - Introduction .


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

- - - - - #surugadai #kogamachi #surugacho #surugamachi #surugadainagon - - - -


Kodenmacho district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Kodenmachoo, Kodenmachō 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho (Kodemmacho)   
Nihonbashi, Chuo ward - 中央区 - 日本橋小伝馬町 Kodenmacho 1 till 3

. Ōdenma-chō 大伝馬町 Odenmacho district  .
Part of 伝馬町 Tenmacho, with the two sections,
大伝馬町 Large and Small 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho.

宮辺又四郎 Miyabe Matashiro was a packhorse and messenger superintendent who established his business here, at the beginning of the Oshu Kaido 奥州街道 Road to Northern Japan. He became the nanushi 名主 landlord of the district.

under construction

- source : bunkaya wadachi -

- quote
Kodenmacho - Local government in Edo
A warm spring breeze is blowing through the willows along the Kanda river. Today I am going to take you to visit the home of the machi-bugyo (city mayor). His official residence and office is about halfway between Nihonbashi and the banks of the Sumida river, in a neighborhood called Kodenmacho.

The machi-bugyo is one of the top government officials, and is officially responsible for all local matters that affect the city of Edo. There are many different levels of officials in the bakufu (military government), and although the machi-bugyo is a few steps down the ladder, he has a great deal of power in local matters. The Shogun is the head of the government, and exercises almost absolute control over the central parts of the country, though his authority in regional areas is a bit weaker, due to the relative independence of the daimyo in running their local affairs. The Shogun is advised by a council of top advisors, known as the roju (chief elders). This group includes my master, Lord Matsudaira. The roju, meets frequently at Edo Castle with the other top advisors to the Shogun, making policies to help run the country smoothly. Any time the policies and laws issued by the central govermnent will affect the citizens of Edo, they will inform the machi-bugyo, since he has the direct responsibility for governing the city. The machi-bugyo meets with one of the roju, or perhaps even with the Shogun, almost every day, informing the central government of the major issues that were handled by his officials the previous day, and asking for advice when necessary.

Most jobs in the government are hereditary. For example, the mizu-bugyo, who is in charge of Edo's water supply, is always chosen from the same family. Only a few officials are appointed directly to their jobs by the Shogun. The main appointed positions are machi-bugyo and roju. With most government positions, you can be sure of keeping the same job until you retire, but the machi-bugyo and the roju are sometimes replaced, especially when one Shogun dies and a new one takes charge of the government.

There are actually three machi-bugyo in Edo. The two "main" machi-bugyo are known as the "North" and the "South" machi-bugyo, because their homes are at opposite ends of Kodenmacho. These two men take turns governing the town for one month at a time (so each one is actually "in charge" for only six months a year). This system of two machi-bugyo was set up in order to prevent corruption. If one machi-bugyo is doing things that the townspeople don't like, they can wait until the other machi-bugyo is in charge and then take their complaint to him. It also allows the machi-bugyo and his staff to rest from time to time, since their jobs are among the most strenuous in the entire government.

In addition to the North and South machi-bugyo, there is a third official who is in charge of only the new neighborhoods of Honjo and Fukagawa, on the east bank of the Sumida river. He is known as the Honjo machi-bugyo. As Edo grew, the work of managing all parts of the city became too much for one person to handle, so a third machi-bugyo was appointed in the early 1700s to govern only the new sections of the city.

The machi-bugyo are only responsible for common townspeople, the daimyo and other members of the samurai class have their own government structure, which reports directly to the Shogun. Monks, priests and other people who live in the temple districts are governed by special jisha-bugyo (temple area mayors), which have a bit more independence from the central government. Still, the job of machi-bugyo is very difficult, and there are many different things he has to take care of. There are two main jobs that take up the majority of his time. First, he is responsible for informing everyone in the city about new laws or rules created by the Shogun and his advisors. Second, he is responsible for maintaining law and order in the city.

The machi-bugyo has a large staff of several hundred assistants, known as yoriki, to help him run things, but actually his staff is quite small. There are only about three hundred yoriki to help him run the entire city. The reason why Edo is able to manage with such a "slim" city government is that the townspeople play an important role in city management. In addition to the full-time "government employees", the government depends a great deal on local leaders. Each machi ("town" or "neighborhood") has its own leaders. In most cases, these men and women are chosen from among the landlords who own most of the land in the area. These landlords are known as na-nushi (nanushi) (literally: "name owners"), because they own a certain area of land in their own name. Other residents of a town may rent a house or a shop from one of the na-nushi. All of the na-nushi in a district get together and select a few respected individuals to represent them. These people are known as toshi-yori , or "elders".

When the Shogun passes a new law governing the people in Edo, he sends a message to the machi-bugyo. The machi-bugyo is directly responsible for making sure that everyone in Edo gets the message, so he calls all of the toshi-yori to a meeting and tells them about the new law. The toshi-yori then go back to their own neighborhoods and inform each of the na-nushi. The nanushi then have the responsibility to inform each of the people who lives in a rented house or apartment on their land. This system ensures that everyone in Edo gets the news about any new rules or laws.

The machi-bugyo's second job -- and the one that takes up most of his time -- is preserving law and order in the city. Whenever a crime takes place or when somebody accuses someone else of wrongdoing, it is up to the machi-bugyo and his staff to sort out the matter and decide on a punishment. The first thing they need to do is apprehend the suspect. Usually this is not hard, because most areas have a "neighborhood watch" made up of local citizens who grab the suspected criminal and turn him in to the machi-bugyo. In the crowded city of Edo, it is not easy for a lone criminal to escape these "neighborhood watches".

Sometimes, however, the neighborhood watch cannot arrest the person by themselves. This is often a problem in the case of unruly gangs of outlaw samurai. Lower-class city people are not allowed to own swords, so it is hard for them to catch an armed samurai. In a case like this, the yoriki who work for the machi-bugyo will go out to apprehend the criminals. Most of the yoriki are also lower-class city people, so they can't own swords either. Instead, they have to trap the criminal using other methods. The most common technique is to surround the criminal and keep him at bay using large ladders, then try to trap him or wear him down using long, spiked poles and collars. Eventually this method usually allows the yoriki to catch their man. Only if they are having too much trouble with the suspect will the machi-bugyo join the posse. Since he is a highly trained samurai, often chosen in part for his military skills, he usually can take out even the fiercest opponent, expecially if he is backed up by a group of yoriki,

source : ee-tokyo.com - 江戸散策

Once the suspects are caught, they are placed in the ro-yashiki (royashiki) (criminal hall). The ro-yashiki is sort of like a jail, but it is not usually used for people who have been found guilty. Instead, it is used only to hold a suspect in custody while the machi-bugyo tries to find out whether they are guilty, and decides whether or not to punish them. In a few cases, where the crime is not that serious, the punishment may be to spend a few months in the ro-yashiki, and to do heavy labor during the day to pay off your debt to society. However, this is the exception. In most cases, the punishment for a crime is either death, banishment, or a monetary fine, depending on the seriousness of the crime. When someone is banished, they may just be sent to the wild north of Japan to live on their own, or they may be sent to a prison island like Hachijo island or Sado island, to work the rest of their lives in the gold and silver mines. If their crime is not so bad, they may only be bankshed from Edo. Minor crimes are punished by fines, and if the person is poor and has no money to pay, they will be whipped instead.

There are no real "trials" in Edo. It is up to the machi-bugyo to decide on guilt or innocence. First, the yoriki go out and ask all the local people about the facts of the case. If there seems to be a good reason to suspect that the suspect is guilty, the machi-bugyo will question them and try to get them to confess. Confession is usually the way that most cases are solved. If the criminal does not confess, they may be tortured, to force them to give information, but if they insist on their innocence, the machi-bugyo may decide that there is not enough evidence and let them go. Most guilty people confess, though, because in all but the most serious cases (like murder or attempted murder), the torture reserved for those who refuse to confess is worse than the final punishment.

There are many, many laws in Edo, and the government maintains very strict control over the behaviour of citizens. There are rules about what sort of clothes people are allowed to wear, and what type of food they are allowed to eat, depending on their class. There are also rules telling them what sort of taxes and fees each class of people has to pay to keep the city running smoothly, and rules about public works projects. Each neighborhood has to provide a certain number of people to work on the Shogun's projects -- building canals and bridges, doing flood control work, clearing land, and so on. Although the laws might seem very strict, in practice the machi-bugyo and the local government leaders tend to be lenient in applying the rules. In most cases, it is enough just to give someone a warning.

One of the shogun's most popular public works projects is building large parks around the city and planting lots of flowering trees, like cherry trees, azaleas and hydrangeas. The citizens of Edo love to have picnics in these flower-filled parks, and few people complain about having to work on the projects to build these public facilities. Since the people of Edo work so hard on his other projects, the shogun also tries to include useful recreation spots like these to keep the people happy. Although the government of Edo is extremely strict, on the whole, it provides a great deal of safety and stability to the people of the city. This may be part of the reason why there have been no wars in Japan for almost 200 years.
- source : Edomatsu


The Royashiki 牢屋敷 Prison burned down many times, but was always rebuilt in the same way.
agariya 揚屋 (牢獄) special prison for Samurai, priests, doctors . . .
shiokiba 仕置場 execution ground

- quote -
Denma-chō Rōyashiki 伝馬町牢屋敷 Denma-chō Prison
Alternatively written 傳馬町牢屋敷 Denma-chō (old style), and often referred to as 小伝馬町 Kodenma-chō after the local train station name, Denma-chō Prison and Execution Ground was located near Nihonbashi in the outskirts of old Edo. It’s estimated that during its 200 year history somewhere between 100,000 – 200,000 people were executed here. The facility was in use from 1613 – 1875 and it was the largest of the prisons in Edo.

江戸小伝馬町牢屋敷跡 - royashiki prison
correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment

The famous samurai doctor, Takano Chōei, was sentenced to 5 years in the commoner’s section here for criticizing the Tokugawa shōgunate in a paper he wrote. Chōshū Domain’s Yoshida Shōin, teacher and all around twat extraordinaire, was sentenced here and eventually executed by beheading. While Denma-chō Prison had a section for commoners, it primarily housed high ranking officials (retainers of daimyo, direct retainers of the shōgun, physicians, and other criminals of samurai status).
- - - photos about
Prisoners arriving at the gate of Denma-cho Prison
Incarceration at Denma-cho prison
Dai-Anraku Temple is built on the killing floor to appease the spirits of executed
- snip -
In 1875, Ichigaya Prison replaced Denma-chō and a new era of the Japanese penile system began.

- - - - - Article with many photos:
- source : markystar.wordpress.com -

Criminals of Japan’s Edo Period Were Often Punished by Getting Face Tattoos
Called a “tattoo penalty” (irezumi kei 刺青刑) it was handed down to perpetrators of relatively minor crimes like theft and burglary. It was classified as a type of “corporal punishment” along with caning.
- source : en.rocketnews24.com/2013 -


. Criminal Punishment in Edo .
- Introduction -


. bugyoo, bugyō 奉行 Bugyo officials in the Edo government .
- Introduction -

Rōya-bugyō 牢屋奉行 Roya Bugyo
Commissioners of the Shogunal prison.

His official residence was immediately adjoining the same prison, in Kodenma-chō, Kodenmacho.
The position was hereditary in the Ishide clan, with the head of each generation taking the name Ishide Tatewaki (石出帯刀). The duties of the Rōya bugyō included witnessing executions, summoning witnesses for court cases, and listening to hearings, as well as general oversight of the Tokugawa prison system (particularly the main prison at Kodenma-chō).
- quote wikipedia-


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

Kodenmachoo Oodenmachoo nuke bettara ichi

right behind Odenmacho -
Bettara pickles market

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

. WKD : bettara ichi べったら市 market selling bettara pickles .
bettarazuke (べったら漬) "sticky pickles"
- - kigo for late autumn- -


Kodenmachoo biru zatsuzen to kari wataru

the buildings at Kodenmacho
in no particular order -
geese crossing over

轡田進 Kutsuwada Susumu

. WKD : kari wataru 雁渡る geese crossing over .
- - kigo for late autumn - -


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends - Introduction .

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