
Satsuma Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- Obi Kaido. see below -

Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway
also known as
(Demizu Suji) 出水筋 Izumi Suji

source : uraken.net/chimei..miyazaki..

A road connecting 日向 Hyuga, a port city in 宮崎県 Miyazaki with 鹿児島城 Kagoshima castle (of the Satsuma clan).
From the castle town 佐土原城下 Sadowara via 高岡 Takaoka, 浦之名 Uranomyo, 去川の関所 the barrier station at Sarukawa, 国見峠 the Kunimi Toge pass, 有水 Arimizu, 桜木 Sakuragi to 都城 Miyakonojo.
Around 1500 the 伊東氏 Ito clan had taken over 三俣院 Mitsumata-In and reigned over 都於郡 the Tonokori area (now 西都市 Saito city).
The road was used to transport army supplies and merchandise.

薩摩街道(出水筋) マップ (いずみすじ)Izumi suji
Connecting 薩摩藩の鹿児島城 Kagoshima castle of the Satsuma clan with
肥後藩の熊本城 the Kumamoto castle in Higo.
Mainly used for 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai to Edo.

- - postal stations along the Izumi Suji 出水筋
00 山家(やまえ)宿(福岡県筑紫野市) Yamae - starting point
01 松崎(まつざき)宿(福岡県小郡市)- Matsuzaki
02 府中(ふちゅう)宿(福岡県久留米市)- Fuchu
03 羽犬塚(はいぬづか)宿(福岡県筑後市)- Hainuzuka
04 瀬高(せたか)宿(福岡県みやま市)- Setaka
05 原町(はらまち)宿(福岡県みやま市)- Haramachi
06 南関(なんかん)宿(熊本県玉名郡南関町)- Nankan
07 山鹿(やまが)宿(熊本県山鹿市)- Yamaga
08 . Mitori Shimachi 味取新町 .
09 熊本(くまもと)宿(熊本県熊本市)- Kumamoto
10 河尻(かわしり)宿(熊本県熊本市)- Kawashiri
11 宇土(うと)宿(熊本県宇土市)- Uto
12 小川(おがわ)宿(熊本県宇城市)- Ogawa
13 八代(やつしろ)宿(熊本県八代市)- Yatsushiro
14 日奈久(ひなく)宿(熊本県八代市)- Hinaku
15 佐敷(さしき)宿(熊本県葦北郡芦北町)- Sashiki
16 陳町(ちんまち)宿(熊本県水俣市)- Chinmachi
17 出水(いずみ)宿(鹿児島県出水市)- Izumi
18 阿久根(あくね)宿(鹿児島県阿久根市)- Akune
19 向田(むこうだ)宿(鹿児島県薩摩川内市)- Mukoda
20 串木野(くしきの)宿(鹿児島県いちき串木野市)- Kushikino
21 市来(いちき)宿(鹿児島県いちき串木野市)- Ichiki
22 伊集院(いじゅういん)宿(鹿児島県日置市)- Ijuin
23 鹿児島(かごしま)宿(鹿児島県鹿児島市)Kagoshima
XX 鹿児島城(鶴丸城)(鹿児島県鹿児島市) Kagoshima castle - end point
- wikipedia -


- - - Kita-Satsuma no Kodo 北薩摩の古道

- - - Ichiki Kushikino いちき串木野市

- reference source : pref.kagoshima.jp/am01/chiiki... -


Okuchi Suji 大口筋
From Kagoshima North via 吉田 Yoshida, 白銀坂 Shiraganezaka slope, 重富 Shigetomi, 帖佐 Chosa, over the border pass to 加治木 Kajiki (present-day 姶良市 Aira city),
At Kajiki is a branch road to Takaoka.
On to 龍門司坂 Rymonjizaka slope to 溝辺 Mizonobe (present-day 霧島市 Kirishima city) to
Okuchi (present-day 伊佐市 Isa city).
An important trading road in the Edo period. Parts through the mountain forests were kept about 7 m wide for horses to pass each other and laid out with cobblestones, finished in 1635.

Hitoyoshi Kaido 人吉街道 / Hitoyoshi Okan 人吉往還
another name for the 大口筋 Okuchi Suji


Takaoka Suji 高岡筋 (東目筋 Higashime Suji)
Branching off from the Okuchi Suji at 加治木 Kajiki and on to Takaoka (present-day 宮崎市 Miyazaki city).
Now National Highway Nr. 10.
From Takaoka a road extended to 佐土原城 Sadowara castle.

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Sadowara Castle in Miyazaki Prefecture
was a Yamajiro, mountaintop castle, first built during the Nanboku-Cho period (1334-1394) by the Tajima clan. Like most castles of the period, the mountain used, Mt. Kakusho, was shaved flat in terraced sections to create the various baileys, or kuruwa, and while there were various structures and defensive works built at the top, and around the mountain, the lords main living quarters and administrative offices were located at the foot of the mountain.
The Tajima lost Sadowara Castle to Miyazaki prefectures mighty Ito clan around 1427. The Ito clan remained in Sadowara until 1537, when much of the castle was destroyed in a fire, forcing the Ito to relocate to Miyazaki castle for 5 years until repairs could be completed.
In 1568, they returned to Sadowara,
making it their main base castle. The Ito lost the castle to the Otomo clan in 1577, and they in turn lost it in 1579 when the Shimazu clan took control. Upon the death of lord Shimazu Iehisa, he was succeeded by Shimazu Toyohisa. After Toyohisa’s death in the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Sadowara became Tokugawa property, and in 1693, despite their previous opposition to the Tokugawa, Toyohisa’s cousin became castellan.
The castle underwent an expansion in 1610,
when a three story keep, Yagura watchtowers and stronger gates were constructed. The remains of the castle keep show it to have been about 11m X 12m in size. During excavations, parts of a shachihoko, the tiger-fish roof ornament gracing castles and temples was discovered. This shows that a set of 50cm wide, 80cm high, gold covered shachihoko ornaments once graced the keep’s roof. .....
- source : samurai-world.com/sadowara-castle... -


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Miyakonojō city 都城市, a modern city founded in 1924.
- History
Miyakonojō is known as the birthplace of the Shimazu Estate, the largest shōen (estate or manor) of medieval Japan.
In the 1020s, a powerful official named Taira no Suemoto developed a small manor named Shimazu-in. Expanded substantially in the first half of the 12th century, it eventually covered large portions of Satsuma, Ōsumi and Hyūga Provinces. In 1185, Koremune no Tadahisa was appointed as jitō of the Shimazu Estate and thereafter claimed the clan name of Shimazu. It is said that one of Tadahisa's residences, called Iwayoshi Gosho, was located at Miyakonojō.
Between the Muromachi period and Edo period, the Hōngō family, which was a branch family of the Shimazus, controlled the area. After the Boshin War, it became one of the cities to abolish the han system. In 1871, it became a prefecture for a year.
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The Satsuma kaidô, or Satsuma Highway, was a road, roughly 100 km in length, which ran through Satsuma province to the border with Higo province. It was a major commercial thoroughfare, and was used for a variety of purposes, including as one of the main routes used by the Shimazu clan as the first (and last) leg of their sankin kôtai missions to Edo.
The road began at Shimomachi fudatsuji in Kagoshima
(today the site of the parking lot of the eastern branch building of Kagoshima City Hall), and ran past the 1000 koku riding grounds (Sengoku baba), through Nishida-bashi, the port of Ichiki, Mukôda, Akune, and Demizu, before arriving at Noma-seki at the border with Higo province. Stone markers were arranged every ri (roughly four km) along the route, and much of the route was lined with pine trees, which provided shelter from sun and rain.
- source : samurai-archives.com... -


Obi Kaido 飫肥街道 Obi Highway

Now National Route 222 and part of 27, connecting 飫肥城下 the castle town of Obi (modern 日南市 Nichinan city) and 清武 Kiyotake (都城市 Miyakonojō).

飫肥城 Obi castle


飫肥街道 ― 歩く感じる江戸時代
前田博仁 Maeda Hiroto


Obi Kaido and 人吉街道 Hitoyoshi Kaido

飫肥街道と人吉街道 鵜戸神宮・宮崎神宮・球磨川 もうひとつの街道 五箇庄への道 佐敷・人吉・宮崎

- Places visited

contents 目次
●人吉城 今昔
●もうひとつの街道 五箇庄への道 
- reference source : kaidoaruki.com... hitoyoshi... -


The former Hyuga province 日向国 was also called

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Hyūga Province (日向国 Hyūga no kuni)
- History
In the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki,
Hyūga is called Kumaso Province (熊曽国 Kumaso no kuni) of Tsukushi-no-shima (Kyushu), along the provinces of Tsukushi, Toyo and Hi.
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713), the land of Hyūga was administratively separated from Ōsumi Province (大隈国). In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other catastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period.
During the Sengoku period,
the area was often divided into a northern fief around Agata castle (near modern 延岡 Nobeoka), and a southern fief around Obi castle, near modern Nichinan. The southern fief was held by the Shimazu clan of nearby Satsuma for much of the period. The Itō clan held control of Hyuga until it was conquered by the Shimazu in 1578.
Higashisoo District (東囎唹郡)
Koyu District (児湯郡)
Morokata District (諸県郡)
Naka District (那珂郡)
Usuki District (臼杵郡)
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県
飫肥 Obi

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
In a valley of 日州飫肥 Obi a man went to get firewood in the mountain forest and was chased by a huge serpent. He also saw a cat and a serpent have a fight.
If someone tries to shoot the huge serpent with an arrow, he will be cursed.

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. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls .
When a person dies, his soul becomes a fire ball and flies away out of the roof.

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. kumo 蜘蛛と伝説 Legends about spiders / Spinnen .
If a spider is seen leaving from the body of an ill person, it means his soul has left the body.

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. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .
In the 井津 Itsu hamlet of 日州飫肥領 the Obi domaine there was an island called 児島 Kojima.
Since olden times 弁財天 Benzaiten and 虚空蔵 Kokuzo were venerated there (seen as incarnations of Ryujin).
In former times the island was connected to the mainland, but once during a heavy rainfall the land was swept away. The local fishermen in trouble, because they had lost some fishing grounds. One day a fisherman went to a temple of the Zen sect and asked the priest for advise. The priest wanted to help and gave the fisherman a letter. The fisherman took this letter, wrapped it around a stone and threw it into the sea. That night there was a strong thunderstorm and much rain and next morning the land was back in place.
The letter must have contained a prayer to Kokuzo.

. Benten 弁天と伝説 Legends about Benten, Benzaiten .

. Kokūzō 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu .

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. udonge 優曇華 / ウドンゲ と伝説 Legends about Udonge flowers .
If someone sees the Udonge flowers in a dream, he is going to die soon.

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boorei 亡霊 a ghost
The lord of 清武城 Kiyotake castle, 稲津重政 Inazu Shigemasa (1574 - 1602), had falsely been accused by the Lord of Obi, so he and his wife 雪江 Yukie commited suicide.
They were buried at the side of togamezuka 咎塚 a special mound for criminals. At night the ghosts of the couple would come out, flew over to the harbour and destroyed the ships of the Obi domaine.
The people did not know what to do, but eventually buried them in the middle of the special mound, from where they could not see the harbour.
Since then all was quiet again.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #satsumakaido - - - -


Kijo Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Kijo Kaido 木城街道 Kijō Highway
Miyazaki 宮崎県

- reference : town.kijo.lg.jp/matidukuri-suisin...

Kijō-chō 木城町 a town in the Koyu District of Miyazaki.
Along the river is a road, now with a tunnel, dedicated to the writer Mushanokoji Saneatsu
Mushanokoji Bungaku Road 武者小路文学ロード Literature Road .

In 新しき村 Atarashikimura village are the remains of 高城城址 Takajo castle.

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Takajo castle (高城) is built on the plateau at the north side of Omaru-gawa river, in the middle part of current Miyazaki prefecture. At castle site a sheer cliff is formed by the erosion of Shirasu plateau by the river, and the height of the cliff is nearly 50 meter.
Furthermore, in addition to the south side faces the river, the north side of the castle is also deeply hollowed by a creek. Therefore, Takajo castle is a secure castle protected it's both side by sheer cliff.
In addition to this, Castle site is at the north edge of three rivers forms Miyazaki plain, it mean Omaru-gawa river, Oyodo-gawa river and Kiyotake-gawa river. As Shirasu plateau is not suitable for cultivation, agricultural production of Hyuga provine (Miyazaki prefecture) concentrated on the side of three rivers. Castle site is the last defense place of this fertile area against northward.
- Origin of Takajo castle - 14th century
- Decisive battle of fate - In 1577
- Outrage at defeat at skirmish
- Severe defeat after reckless charge
- Structure of Takajo castle
- Outbreak of another battle
- End of the fatal battle and afterward - around 1600 - fierce battle between 大友軍 Otomo clan and 島津軍 Shimazu clan over 9 years.
- source : japancastle.jp/2017/09/Takajo-castle... google translate -


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Saneatsu Mushanokōji (武者小路 実篤(實篤) Mushanokōji Saneatsu (1885 – 1976)
was a Japanese novelist, playwright, poet, artist, and philosopher active during the late Taishō and Shōwa periods of Japan.
..... With the outbreak of World War I, Mushanokōji turned again to Tolstoy for inspiration and for the further development of his humanitarianism philosophy. During this time, he published Sono imōto (その妹 His Sister) (1915), a play involving a choice between self-love and love for mankind. He relocated to what is now part of Abiko, Chiba in 1916, together with Shiga Naoya and Yanagi Sōetsu.
In 1918, Mushanokōji took the next step in the development of his philosophy by moving to the mountains of Kijō, Miyazaki in Kyūshū, and establishing a quasi-socialistic utopian commune, Atarashiki-mura (New Village) along vaguely Tolstoyan lines.
Soon afterwards, he published Kōfukumono (幸福者 A Happy Man) (1919), a novel presenting his image of the ideal human; and Yūjō (友情 Friendship) (1920), a novel portraying the victory of humanism over ego. His idealism appears in his autobiographical novel Aru otoko (或る男 A Certain Man) (1923), and in the play Ningen banzai (人間万歳 Three Cheers for Mankind) (1922). The commune also published its own literary magazine, Atarashiki-mura. In the 1920s, while running the commune, Mushanokōji was very prolific in his literary output. However, Mushanokōji tired of the social experiment and left the village in 1926; a dam project forced it to relocate to Saitama Prefecture in 1939, where it still exists. ...
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Entrance to Atarashikimura.

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Atarashiki-mura (新しき村), "New Village",
is a Japanese intentional community founded by the author, artist and philosopher Saneatsu Mushanokōji.
It was founded in 1918 in Hyūga, in the mountains of Miyazaki Prefecture in Kyūshū, but in 1939 they were warned that much of their land was about to be submerged by the construction of a dam, so they searched for a new home and found 10 hectares in Moroyama, Iruma District, Saitama Prefecture. A few members remain at Hyūga to this day, but they are still to a certain extent dependent on the Saitama community and support from "external members".
Mushanokōji worked at the village for a while, but later found that he could help it more by working outside and supporting it with the income from his novels, plays and paintings. There has always been a strong artistic bent at the Mura (as distinct from other religious or political communes, or the well-known Israeli kibbutzim) and many well-known artists lived there or supported it externally. Although there is an art gallery which also produces some publications, and various members have at times worked as potters, for much of its existence, most of the community's income has come from agriculture, including battery-hen eggs (and fertilizer produced from their manure), shiitake, rice, organic vegetables, and to a lesser extent green tea, apricots, and bread. There used to be a nursery school.
The income earned by activities in the village is pooled, and individual members receive only 'pocket money', but all other needs are met, including housing, food, medical care, and schooling. Members live in their own houses, in 'conventional' family units with private possessions, but most food is eaten in a communal dining area which also has a stage used for occasional plays and concerts. There are monthly meetings to decide any matters affecting the village, and in principle all decisions must be unanimous.
Premature rumours of Atarashiki-mura's demise have existed for decades, but it is a fact that the population is ageing and there is a shortage of new entrants, while children born in the village tend to migrate outside, so its future is far from secure. Membership in 2007 was 21 people in 16 households, with approximately 200 external supporters; there were five members in three households at the Hyūga site. By 2016 membership had declined further to 11 residents, many of whom were in their seventies. The surviving members are no longer young/fit enough to continue the egg business, and partly to offset the punitive effects of new tax regulations, large parts of the village land have been covered in solar panels, although the income from this is only guaranteed until around 2020, when the community is likely to face a financial crisis.
- Ideals
The "spirit of Atarashiki-mura" is summed up in six lines written by Mushanokōji and reprinted on the back of each issue of the village's magazine.
- Our ideal is that all the world's people should fulfill their own destinies, and that the individuality residing in each one of them should be allowed to grow fully.
- One must not therefore allow the promotion of one's own individuality to infringe upon the individuality of others.
- Hence one must promote one's own individuality in a correct manner. One must not harm the destiny or just demands of other people merely for the sake of one's own pleasure, happiness or freedom.
- We will work so that all the world's people may share our ideals and choose the same style of life, and thereby walk along a path where they are able to fulfil their duties equally, enjoy freedom, lead correct lives and fulfil their destinies (including individuality).
- Those who endeavor to live this way, who believe in the possibility of such a way of life and pray or hope fervently that all the world's people may put it into practice, such people are members of Atarashiki-mura and are our brothers and sisters.
- We therefore believe that if all people embark upon a correct way of life, or endeavour to do so, and such people truly cooperate with each other, then the world we desire will come to be without struggle between nations nor between classes. We will do our utmost to achieve this goal.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Mushanokoji Bungaku Road 武者小路文学ロード

Photos and details
- source : kijokanko.com... -


. Shrine Mikado Jinja 神門神社 / 神門(みかど)神社 .
This shrine is located in Misato Cho, Mikado village 美郷町南郷区神門 in the north of Miyazaki prefecture in Kyushu.
In this shrine a Korean Emperor has become the main deity for more than 1000 years. 禎嘉帝 Teika-O, also known as Kudara no Ookimi, Kudara no Miko 百済王. ...


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県
児湯郡 Koyu district 高鍋町 Takanabe town

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
An old man of about 100 years remembers the past.
Once while he stayed in a postal station at the Kijo Highway a fox stole his dinner on a moonlit night.

. Takanabe Daishi Statues 高鍋大師 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kijokaido #kijo #takajo #takacastle - - - -


Tohoku Kaido highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
under construction

Tohoku no Kaido 東北の街道 Highways in Tohoku
There are a few books about this popular subject.

東北の街道 渡辺信夫 Watanabe Nobuo



- quote
東北の道 概説(その1 古代)
1 古代の陸道
2 蝦夷の道 Ezo no Michi
3 古代の海の道
4 阿倍比羅夫の道 Abe no Hirabu (Hirafu) no Michi (Hirafu, 575 - 664)
5 渤海使の道 Hokkaishi no Michi (used around 728 - 922 by people from Korea)

東北の道 概説(その2 平泉政権と奥大道)
1 古代の官道整備と平泉政権を支えた道
2 奥大道 - Oku no Daido
3 北方世界と奥大道
4 奥大道の貫通時期
5 奥大道の意義

東北の道 概説(その3 中世)
just a map

東北の道 概説(その4・完 近世)
1 街道の整備
2 交流の活発化
3 水運と人馬の交流
- source and details : plaza.rakuten.co.jp/odazuma...


奥大道 - Oku no Daido
- kotobank -


. Akita no Kaido 秋田の街道 Highways in Akita prefecture .

. Aomori no Kaido 青森の街道 Highways of Aomori prefecture .



. Miyagi no Kaido 宮城県の街道 Highways of Miyagi prefecture .



Tohoku Sakura Kaido 東北夢の桜街道 Cherry Blossom Highways in Tohoku

One detailed page for each prefecture.
- reference source : - tohoku-sakurakaido.jp...-


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tohokukaido #kaidotohoku - - - -


Ise Kaido Pilgrim Roads

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Isemairi, Ise Mairi 伊勢参り Pilgrimage to Ise - Legends .

Ise no Kaido 伊勢の街道 Pilgrim roads to Ise
There were many popular pilgrims road to the Grand Shrine at Ise..
The main road from Edo to Ise is the
Ise Sangu Kaido 伊勢参宮街道 / 伊勢街道 Ise Kaido
Ise city 伊勢市, where the Shrine is located, used to be called Ujiyamada 宇治山田 Uji Yamada.

Ise Jingū 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Grand Shrine at Ise .
- Introduction -

. Isemairi, Ise Mairi 伊勢参り Pilgrimage to Ise - Legends .


Ise udon 伊勢うどん served at the shrine Ise Jingu  
They are rather thick with mochigome glutinous rice.
They come with a thick "black" soy sauce broth, and a few cut leek rings.


Ise Sangu Kaido 伊勢参宮街道 / 伊勢街道 Ise Kaido

Leaving the Tokaido at 日永の追分 Hinaga no Oiwake, leading to Ise.
Passing 白子 Shirako, 津 Tsu, 松阪 Matsuzaka and 斎宮 Saiku (Saigu).
About 70 km. Now mostly Highway 428.
Saiku, also called Itsuki-no-miya, was a shrine in a village located approximately 10 kilometers north-west of Ise Shrine,

Next after Oiwake on the Tokaido is
. Nr. 42 - Kuwana-juku 桑名宿 Kuwana postal station .


Ise Betsu Kaido 伊勢別街道
Also called
「いせみち」Isemichi, 「参宮道」Sangumichi, 「山田道」Yamadamichi
There were many postal stations along this road, used by many people coming from Kyoto to Ise.

Leaving the the Tokaido at Seki 関宿, via 椋本宿 Mukumoto (Tsu city), 津市一身田 Isshinden in Tsu,
back to the main Ise Kaido at 江戸橋 Edobashi in Tsu city.
At the bridge Edobashi there was a large stone lantern, to keep the place light even at night.

. Sekijuku 関宿 Seki Shukuba Postal Station .


Ise Hon Kaido, Honkaido 伊勢本街道
From Osaka, Shrine 玉造稲荷神社 Tamatsukuri Inari Jinja, passing 榛原 Haibara, 御杖村 Mitsue village, 横野 Yokono, 奥津 Okutsu, (津市)Tsu city leading to Ise.

- - - - - There are many shido 支道 branch roads leading to the main Ise Kaido.


Iga Kaido 伊賀街道 Iga Kaido
Connecting Ise with Iga Ueno.
From 津 Tsu via the pass 橡ノ木峠 Tochinoki Toge (also called 長野峠 Nagano Toge, 美里 Misato town
to 伊賀国上野 Iga Ueno.
About 50 km. Now National Highway Nr. 163.
A crossing point was at present-day 松阪市中林町 Matsusaka city, Nakabayashi.

- - - - - A road taken by Matsuo Basho 芭蕉が歩いた伊賀の街道
(1)長野峠(美里村平木~大山田村上阿波1)Pass Nagano Toge
(2)長野峠(美里村平木~大山田村上阿波2)Pass Nagano Toge
(3)平松宿(大山田村平松~下阿波)Hiramatsu juku postal station
(4)平田宿(大山田村中村~平田)Hirata juku
(5)荒木(上野市荒木~西明寺)Araki, Temple Saimyoji
(6)上野(上野市西明寺)Ueno, Temple Saimyoji
- reference source : ict.ne.jp/~basho/guide... -

Igagoe Naramichi 伊賀越奈良道 Road crossing Iga to Nara
Includes most of the roads mentioned below:
- wikipedia -


Hase Kaido 初瀬街道
From Hase (in Sakurai city, Nara) to 松阪 Matsuzaka in Mie. The modern spelling of Hase is 長谷.
Also called
Sangu Ura Kaido 参宮表街道 "back road to the Ise Shrine"
Now National Highway Nr. 165.
Exists since about 672, the jinshin no ran 壬申の乱 "war of succession" in the Asuka period.
The main stations are
桜井市 - Sakurai city - 初瀬 Hase
宇陀市 - Uda city - 萩原 Hagihara(伊勢本街道との分岐・追分)
名張市 - Nabari city - 鹿高 Kataka, 名張 Nabari, 新田 Shinden
伊賀市 - Iga city - 阿保 Abo (伊勢路)
津市 - Tsu city - 垣内 Kaido, 二本木 Nihongi, 大仰 Ogyo and 八太 Hatta.
松阪市 - Matsuzaka city - 六軒 Rokken

. Hasedera 長谷寺 Temple Hase-Dera / はつせ Hatsuse .

初瀬街道まつり Hase Kaido Festival
Held in 奈良県桜井市長谷 Hase, Sakurai city, Nara.
- reference source : igayaki.or.jp... -

Jinshin War (壬申の乱 jinshin no ran)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Kasagi Kaido 笠置街道 Kasagi Highway .
From 伊賀上野 Iga Ueno to 笠置山 Kasagiyama.
Kasagidera 笠置寺 Temple Kasagi-Dera


Kamitsumichi 上ツ道 / 上街道 Kami Kaido
An old kandoo 官道 road for officials.
Since the Asuka period, leading from North to South through the plain of Nara.
From 奈良市 Nara to 天理市 Tenri to 桜井市 Sakurai
Now Highway 169.


Nara Kaido 奈良街道
Also called
Yamato Kaido 大和街道
From Osaka, Shrine 玉造稲荷神社 Tamatsukuri Inare Jinja to 桜井 Sakurai (Nara), then joining the
Hase Kaido 初瀬街道
at 宇陀市 Uda city, on to Ise.

On the way was a pass to cross over, with its own name
Kuragarigoe Nara Kaido (Kuragoshi, Kurayami) 暗越奈良街道 (くらがりごえならかいどう)
The pass 暗峠 Kuragari Toge is 455 m high.
One of the 日本の道100選 100 famous roads of Japan.
There was also the pass 榁木峠 Muronoki Toge (268 m) to cross on the way and
追分梅林 Oiwake Bairin, plum tree forest at Oiwake, 1912 Owadacho, Nara.

浪花百景より : 玉造 Tamatsukuri
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - Along the Nara Kaido are more sub-roads :

Fushimi Kaido 伏見街道
Furutsutsumi Kaido 古堤街道
Jusan Kaido 十三街道
Kiyotaki Kaido 清滝街道
Ooto Kaido おおと街道
Shuntoku Kaido 俊徳街道
Takeda Kaido 竹田街道
Tateishi Kaido 立石街道
Tatsutagoe Nara Kaido 竜田越奈良街道


. Kaido 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. oonyuudoo 大入道 Onyudo, O-Nyudo legends .
A man saw a a strange monster with a green face near the Rokujizoo, roku jizo 六地蔵 Statues of Six Jizo Bosatsu along the 奈良街道 Nara Kaido. He ran home in great fear. He had seen O-Nyudo.
- - - - -
. tanuki 狸 / mujina 狢 racoon dog, badger legends .
When Hayashi san was still a child, he often heard stories about people traveling along 奈良街道 the Nara Kaido at night, having their fish stolen by a Tanuki.


. Takenouchi Kaido 竹内街道 / 竹ノ内街道 .
also called
Yoko-Ooji 横大路 Yoko-Oji, Yokooji

- source and many photos : matsubara city -
難波大道 Naniwa Daido


Yamato Kaido 大和街道
- see above, Nara Kaido.


Yamanobe no michi 山辺の道 / 山辺道
One of the old Yamato Kaido roads.
Through the Nara plain to the sacred 三輪山 Mount Miwasan and then to 春日山 Mount Kasugayama.
From Nara to Sakurai, and then on to Ise.

- Look at the large map here:
- reference source : nishida-s.com..yamanobenomichi... -

- quote -
The Yamanobe-no-Michi trail
passes through some of Nara’s most historic areas. It is dotted with shrines, temples and ancient tombs. Along the way are many cafes, rest stops and fruit stands in the summer.
... from Tenri to Sakurai takes three to four hours ...
- reference source : visitnara.jp/destinations... yamanobe-no-michi... -

. Miwa san, Miwa yama 三輪山 Mount Miwa .
Shrine Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 // Temple Omiwadera 大三輪寺

. Kasuga Taisha 春日大社 Great Shrine in Kasuga .

. Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 Isonokami Shrine .
The shrine is at the northern end of the Yamanobe no michi, the oldest road in Japan.


安永餅 Yasunaga mochi

- Mochi Kaido 餅街道 Road of the rice cakes -
From 桑名 Kuwana until the Ise Shrine.
There are many tea stalls on the roadside serving tea and rice cakes. They all have a special taste to offer and are very popular to our day.
There are also many tea stalls along the nearby road to Kumano 熊野街道.
Kuwana was known as Juraku no tsu 十楽の津.

- reference source : kuwanacci.com/20151024-25motiura... -


...................................................................... A legend from Nagano 長野県
下伊那郡 Shimoina district 阿南町 Anan town

okuwa sama, o-kuwa sama オクワ様 / 鍬 venerable hoe
The reason why O-Kuwa sama is venerated:
Around 1860 a group of politicians wanting change started from the Shrine 皇太神宮 Kotai Jingu in Ise. They walked along all the villages of the 伊勢街道 Ise Kaido, carrying the hoe in a palanquin, singing local songs, performing shishimai 獅子舞 lion dances and tried to involve the villagers.
They were not allowed to pass the sekisho 関所 barrier station at 帯川 Obikawa, so they left all their tools there and went back home.
Now they venerate O-Kuwa Sama only in years with a good harvest.


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. Ise Shrine and its KIGO .

. O-Ise-Mairi, Ise Mairi 伊勢参り Ise Shrine Pilgrimage .
Ise sanguu 伊勢参宮(いせさんぐう)
O-kage mairi お陰参り (おかげまいり)"Thanks pilgrimage" or "blessing pilgrimage"
nuke mairi 抜参(ぬけまいり)leaving secretly and beg your way to Ise
isekoo 伊勢講(いせこう)Ise Shrine Group
saka mukae 坂迎え(さかむかえ)


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #isekaido #narakaido #isesangu #isebetsu #igakaido #hasekaido #yamatokaido #takenouchi - - - -


Takenouchi Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Takenouchi Kaido 竹内街道 / 竹ノ内街道 Takenouchi Highway
also called
Yoko-Ooji 横大路 Yoko-Oji, Yokooji
Now mostly highway 166.

- reference source : city.katsuragi.nara.jp... -

From 大阪府堺市 Sakai in Osaka past the foot of 二上山 Futagamisan via
the pass 竹内峠 Takenouchi Toge (286 m) on the border to Nara
and on to 奈良県葛城市 Katsuragi in Nara.
About 26 km. From there on to Ise.
This old road is already mentioned in the 日本書紀 Nihon Shoki records.
History knows that Prince 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi crossed the pass on his way from the temple
Shitenno-Ji 四天王寺 to 飛鳥 Asuka.

Takenouchi Kaido entrance 竹ノ内街道

- quote -
Japan’s Oldest National Highway with a History of 1400 Years
On the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun rises from Mt. Miwa, passes above Mt. Nijo, and sets in Osaka Bay. For this reason, the straight road from Osaka in the east to Nara in the west is known as the ‘Road of the Sun’.
The ‘Road of the Sun’, which is over 20 meters wide, was built by Emperor Suiko in 613 AD. In ancient times, missionaries from China arrived in Asuka City through Naniwa (present-day Osaka) along this road and introduced technology and Buddhist culture.
During the Middle Ages,
the road connected many important trading towns, and in modern times it has flourished as a way station for people traveling on pilgrimages to the Grand Shrine of Ise in Mie Prefecture.
The Takenouchi Kaido/Yokooji historic road offers travellers, depending on the location, a fascinating variety of scenes and experiences.
Visitors to the heritage sites along this road will be able to encounter and appreciate the historical changes in the area over the past fourteen centuries.
- source : japan-heritage.bunka.go.jp... -

- quote -
Daido 大道
Spanning a length of around 26 kilometers, the Takenouchi Kaido is the oldest major road in Japan with a history of 1400 years.
Designated a Japan Heritage, this old walking route linked the port city of Sakai with today's Nara Prefecture and became an important part of the road network connecting Osaka to the ancient capital of Asuka. On the spring and autumn equinoxes, the road roughly maps the route of the sun from sunrise to sunset.
Parts of the old route still remain,
and visitors can take a walk through time to see some of the things that the ancient travelers would also have seen, as well as other historical monuments and buildings related to the days of old. On this trip, I checked out some places near and along the Takenouchi Kaido, taking in the cultural sights as well as local delights. ...
... Sakai is known as a merchant and a craft city, and one of the major industries in Sakai is forging blades.
... Habikino City - Konda Hachimangu ...
... One of the many interesting features of the Takenouchi Kaido route is the presence of burial tombs of past emperors, known as kofun, and my walk took me past the keyhole-shaped Hakuchoryo Kofun. According to Nihon Shoki which is one of the oldest written records, this burial mound is said to be where the legendary prince Yamato Takeru visited. He apparently flew to that spot after turning into a swan following his death in Ise. ...
... Taishi Town ... Eifukuji Temple and the former Yamada Village.
These days, the area that makes up Yamada Village is a small neighbourhood east of the temple and near the base of Mount Nijo, a mountain easily identified by its twin peaks. The main street in the village, which is part of the Takenouchi Kaido, is narrow with just enough space for a single car to pass. There, I visited the small Takenouchi Kaido Road Historical Museum which has displays of the route as well as excavated remains that were unearthed in Taishi Town.
... Katsuragi City - Temple Taimadera,
... Yamato Takada City
... Kashihara City - Kashihara Jingu Shrine constructed in 1890...
... Asuka Village
Asuka Village is often referred to as the birthplace of Japan as a nation, ... Temple Asukadera ... Amakashi no oka Hill ...
... Sakurai City - Omiwa Jinja Shrine
This shrine is said to be one of the oldest in Japan, and its object of worship is not a deity but a holy mountain,
- source and many photos : japan-guide Raina Ong -


- Homepage of the Takenouchi Highway
- reference source : takenouchikaidou... -


- source and many photos : matsubara city-
難波大道 Naniwa daido


. Prince Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .
(circa 72 - 114)

. Prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 (574 - 622) .

. Mount Katsuragisan 葛城山 .
and the deity Hitokotonushi 一言主

. Shrine Kashihara Jingu 橿原神宮 .

. Shrine Konda Hachimanguu 譽田八幡宮 .
It is said to be the oldest Hachimangu Shrine in Japan, dedicated to Emperor Oojin 応神天皇,
later to become deified as Hachiman himself.

. Shrine Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 .

. Temple Taimadera 当麻寺 / 當麻寺 .
on Mount Futagamisan (Futakamisan)

. Ise no Kaido 伊勢の街道 Pilgrim roads to Ise .

. Sumiyoshi Kaido 住吉街道 Sumiyoshi Highway - starting in Osaka .



Kyoto, Fushimi 京都市 伏見区

sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ / shakutoo しゃく とう stone pagoda / 五輪の塔婆
South of 下鳥羽 Shimo-Toba, in the East of 横大路村街道 the Yoko-Oji there is the Shrine 飛鳥田神社 Asukata Jinja.
During the annual grand festival, the otabisho 御旅所 resting place for the Mikoshi, is arranged under the large enoki 榎 nettle tree.
There is a stone pagoda of about 1.50 meter.
In former times this was the grave marker of the village elder, but it would produce strange and weird things.
Once a brave Samurai cut it in half with his large sword. Oh wonder, blood begun to flow out of the wound.
And then the village was quiet again.

- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #takenouchikaido #takenouchi #takeuchi - - - -