Titles of Books, Articles etc. - Book, Buchtitel

source : archives.pref.gunma.jp/deta
. EDO - Books, Reference and LINKS .
- collecting -
............................. AAA
Sir Rutherford Alcock (1809-1897) : "The Capital of the Tycoon"
V. F. Arminjon (1830-1897)
"Il Giappone e il viaggio della corvetta Magenta nel 1866"
............................. BBB

Benfey Christopher Benfey
Gilded Age Misfits, Japanese Eccentrics, and the Opening of Old Japan
source : www.kirkusreviews.com
Beibei kyoodan 皿皿郷談(べいべいきょうだん) A Rustic Tale of Two Heirs
(bei-bei kyodan)
Bukkyoo bunka jiten 仏教文化辞典 Encyclopedia of Buddhist Culture, 1989
. Buyo Inshi 武陽隠士 .
Lust, Commerce, and Corruption:
An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an Edo Samurai
............................. CCC
............................. DDD
............................. EEE
Edo Daisetsuyō Kaidaigura 江戸大節用海内蔵
An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Common Knowledge in the Edo Period

illustrated by Kikukawa Eizan 菊川 英山
edited by Takai Ranzan 高井蘭山
- link with all pages ! -
Edo hanjooki 江戸繁盛記 A record of Edo's prosperity
. Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦
Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo .
- - - - - Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, “Guide to famous Edo sites”
Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716)
"Geschichte und Beschreibung von Japan"
Engishiki, engi-shiki えんぎしき【延喜式】 Procedures of the Engi era (927)
. ezooshi 絵草子 illustrated book or magazine .
............................. FFF
A.B. Freeman-Mitford (1837-1916)
"Memories by Lord Redesdale"
Fortune Robert Fortune (1812-1880) - "Yedo and Peking, 1863"
fuuzoku gahoo 風俗画報 Pictorial Journal reflecting Manners and Customs
published first in 1889
source : ja.wikipedia.org
............................. GGG
............................. HHH
Hayek, Matthias
- quote
Listen, Copy, Read - Popular Learning in Early Modern Japan
Edited by Matthias Hayek, Paris Diderot University and Annick Horiuchi, Paris Diderot University
Listen, Copy, Read: Popular Learning in Early Modern Japan endeavors to elucidate the mechanisms by which a growing number of men and women of all social strata became involved in acquiring knowledge and skills during the Tokugawa period. It offers an overview of the communication media and tools that teachers, booksellers, and authors elaborated to make such knowledge more accessible to a large audience.
Schools, public lectures, private academies or hand-copied or printed manuals devoted to a great variety of topics, from epistolary etiquette or personal ethics to calculation, divination or painting, are here invoked to illustrate the vitality of Tokugawa Japan’s ‘knowledge market’, and to show how popular learning relied on three types of activities: listening, copying and reading.
With contributions by:
W.J. Boot, Matthias Hayek, Annick Horiuchi, Michael Kinski, Koizumi Yoshinaga, Peter Kornicki, Machi Senjūrō, Christophe Marquet, Markus Rüttermann, Tsujimoto Masashi, and Wakao Masaki.
- source : www.brill.com
heishin kikoo 丙辰紀行 Account of a journey in the year Heishin (1671)
Henry Heusken (1832-1861) - "JAPAN JOURNAL 1855-1861"
Higashiyama seionchoo 東山清音帖 Clear Sound in East Mountain
hinagatabon, hinagata bon 雛型本 books with small pattern designs
hyakunin isshuu uba ga etoki 百人一首 うばが絵解(ひゃくにんいっしゅ)
乳母か絵とき The Hundred Poems explained by the Nurse
Hyakkasen 百歌撰(ひゃっかせん)Selection of One Hundred Poems
According to the prologue, the title Selection of One Hundred Poems (Hyakkasen) was inspired by the two works
A Playful Lecture on Hyakunin Isshu (Hyakunin Isshu Odoke Kōshaku) and
The Final Scene at the Ogura-yama Pleasure Quarter (Ogura-yama Kuruwa-no Ōzume).
These works were in turn inspired by the poetry collection
One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets Edited in Ogura (Ogura Hyakunin Isshu).
Hayashiya was generally recognized (including by himself) as the father of Japanese ghost stories.
He advertised his talents with an illustration of the permanent Hayashiya Theater at Hirokōji in Nishi Ryōgoku,
with the inscription "the original / full-sized props / large scale production / spectral stories by Hayashiya Shōzō."
The preface to Hyakkasen states that "every day between 10 a.m. and the evening,
no matter what the weather, storytellers come to the theater one after the other
to perform tales of long ago and a whole assortment of other stories."
Indeed, the book is a collection of long narrations suggestive of the stage at the Hayashiya Theater.
The collection includes the original versions of present-day Rakugo narratives
such as "Kinmeichiku" (Golden Bamboo; titled Ahō-no Kōjō or "an idiot's statement' in this collection) and
"Yajirō", as is notable as a collection of stories by a prominent storyteller of the day.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library
............................. III
............................. JJJ
Japan Review - Nichibun
Japan Review is the refereed journal published by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
- source : publications.nichibun. ..announce/jr -
Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan
地球を救う江戸先進のエコロジー (Edo Ecology)
Azby Brown アズビー・ブラウン
............................. KKKK
kachikachi yama かちかちやま【かちかち山】 "fire-crackle mountain", children's story
Kaifuusoo 懐風藻 Kaifuso. Nostalgic Recollections of Literature. Heian Period
kaika ninjoo kagami 開花人情鏡 "A mirror of Human Nature in an Age of Enlightenment"
- Toyohara Kunichika 豊原国周
kaikoku zakki 廻国雑記 Miscellania of travelling about the country. 1487
............................. MMM
............................. NNN
nenjuu gyooji 年中行事 annual schedule of religious events, Jahreszeitenfeste
Nihon Hanga Kyookai 日本版画協会 Japan Print Association
Nihon minzoku zufu 日本民族図譜 "Native Customs of Japan"
. Nikki 日記 Diaries of the Edo period - Tagebuch .
............................. OOO
Oguri gaiden 小栗外伝(おぐりがいでん)The Legend of Lord Oguri
. Otoshi-banashi Word Flowers 落噺詞葉の花(おとしばなし ことばのはな)Kotoba no Hana .
kimi dango 喜美談語 / 落噺六義(おとしばなしりくぎ)otoshi banashi rikugi
The frontispiece of the volume features an illustration of three people, including a Buddhist monks and a warrior,
passing through an entranceway marked 三升連 "Mimasu-ren".
Mimasu-ren was a group of devotees of the Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjūrō V, led by Utei Enba.
Tokyo Metropolitan Library
. otogizooshi, otogi zooshi 御伽草子 popular tales .
............................. RRR
ryoo no shuuge 令集解 compiled by Koremune no Naomoto
ryoo no gige 令義解
............................. SSS
Schliemann Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890)
"La Chine et le Japon au temps present"
Screech, Timon Screech

Tokyo Before Tokyo: Power and Magic in the Shogun’s City of Edo
Tokyo today is one of the world’s mega-cities and the center of a scintillating, hyper-modern culture—but not everyone is aware of its past.
Founded in 1590 as the seat of the warlord Tokugawa family, Tokyo, then called Edo, was the locus of Japanese trade, economics, and urban civilization until 1868, when it mutated into Tokyo and became Japan’s modern capital. This beautifully illustrated book presents important sites and features from the rich history of Edo, taken from contemporary sources such as diaries, guidebooks, and woodblock prints. These include the huge bridge on which the city was centered; the vast castle of the Shogun; sumptuous Buddhist temples, bars, kabuki theaters, and Yoshiwara — the famous red-light district.
- at amazon com
............................. SH SH SH
shichidaiji junrei shiki 七大寺巡礼私記 "Record of the Seven Temple Pilgrimage", by Ooe Chikamichi 大江親通
shinkeizu しんけいず (神経図) true view picture, "diagram of the true form" (Daoist)
Shooshoo hakkei 瀟湘八景 "Eight views of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers"
shozan engi 諸山縁起(しょざんえんぎ)Origins of various Mountains, 1180
. . . SO
soshuu jiin hatto 諸宗寺院法度 edict relating to temples and monks of all sects
. . . SU
Suenson Edouard Suenson (1842- 1921) - "Skitserfra Japan"
Suikyō Kijin-den 粋興奇人傳 Legends of Odd Eccentrics
This volume features the portraits, personal histories and work of 23 sandai-banashi performers belonging to two groups:
Suikyō-ren ("eccentrics' association") and the Kyōshō-ren ("merriment association").
Among many similar collections of sandai-banashi stories, this volume is noteworthy for its description of each performer along with his work.
The volume's prologue also features descriptions of the Rakugo collections
The Wound Writing Brush of Shika/Deer (Shika-no Makifude) by Shikano Buzaemon,
known as the father of Edo Rakugo, and Karaku's Bite-sized Stories (Karaku-ga Hitokuchi-banashi)
by 三笑亭可楽 Sanshōtei Karaku I,
as well as an illustration of an actual sandai-banashi performance.
The sandai-banashi form introduced by Sanshōtei Karaku I in 1804 (Bunka 1) fell out of fashion for a time,
but was revived at the end of the Edo Period, and became popular again with the publication of
Modern-style Sandai-banashi (今様三題噺 Imayō Sandai-banashi) in 1863 (Bunkyū 2).
This volume, featuring the work of Harunoya Ikuhisa and other prominent members of the Suikyō-ren and Kyōshō-ren,
is generally regarded as one of the foremost collection of sandai-banashi narratives.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library
Sunpu onbunbutsu no uchi iroiro godoogu choo 駿府 List of various objects in the collection of cultural relics at Sunpu (Tokugawa)
............................. TTT
tokuwaka ni go-manzai 徳若(とくわか)に御万歳(ごまんざい) "Be always young and enjoy longevity"
............................. UUU
unkoku ha うんこくは【雲谷派】Unkoku school of painting, Momoyama period
. . . . . Unkoku Toogan 雲谷等顔 (1547 - 1618)
............................. WWW
wayoobi 和様美 Japanese aesthetics
............................. YYY
Yakumo Misho 八雲御抄 The Sovereign's Eightfold Cloud Treatiese
yamato neko 倭根子 (やまとねこ) praizing word for the tenno. "Das Liebe Kind von Yamato"
yaso 八十 - 80, meaning "a lot"
............................. ZZZ
zuanchoo, zuan choo 図案帳 pattern design books (for kimono etc.)
zuanshuu, zuan shuu 図案集 pattern design collections
. Personal Names - to be explored .

- ###books ###buchtitel -
1 comment:
Benfey Christopher Benfey
Gilded Age Misfits, Japanese Eccentrics, and the Opening of Old Japan
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