Goten 御殿 palace, mansion palatial residence

source : www.city.yasu.lg.jp
Nagahara Goten in Yasu town 永原御殿 (model)
gotenzukuri 御殿造り style of a palace building and estate
onari goten 御成御殿
A generic term used from the Muromachi through the Edo periods to indicate facilities provided for the visit of a shogun 将軍 to a retainer's residence.
The arrangement of facilities varied from period to period. For example, the Hosokawa 細川 mansion (1524) in Kyoto had a relatively simple unroofed double-door gate (*heijuumon 塀重門) and a *shinden 寝殿 style residence. The residence (1698) of the daimyou 大名 of Owari 尾張 (Aichi prefecture) had an official building (omotegoten 表御殿) that included provision for the shogun, women's quarters (okugoten 奥御殿), a stage for Noh drama (*noubutai 能舞台), and a regents' gate (onarimon 御成門).
source : Jaanus

source : yakageniche.com
with more photos from a daimyo procession in Yakake 矢掛
tonosama, tono sama 殿様 feudal lord, Daimyo
. Chichibu dono 秩父殿 the lord of Chichibu .
Chichibu no Tonosama - Hatakeyama Shigetada 畠山重忠
with a hokku by Matsuo Basho

Goten Daruma 御殿だるま mascot of Yanagizawa Bunko 柳沢文庫 Library
in honor of 柳澤吉保.
. bunko ぶんこ【文庫】a library .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
dote no matsu hana ya ko bukaki tono-zukuri
on the embankment
pines and cherry trees - like a forest
this stately mansion
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in spring of 1690 元禄3年春
At the estate of Kooboku 橋木 Koboku, a wealthy samurai from Iga, Ueno who lived in an estate surrounded by trees to imitate the mountains of Iga.
This is a greeting hokku for Koboku at a haikai meeting.
Toodoo Shuuri 藤堂修理 or Toodoo Nagasada 藤堂長貞
He was a retainer of Yamagishi Hanzan 山岸半残 (? - 1672)
? - 享保11年(1726)6月2日
This hokku has the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Embankment, dike, levee (dote 土手, teiboo 堤防) .
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