hakkei 八景 Eight Views
They were quite popular,
coming from a Chinese background and finding their way into the Japanese culture of all regions.
. Hakkeizaka 八景坂 Hakkei slope . - Ota
Sumida-gawa hakkei 隅田川八景 by Hiroshige II 広重 II
The series dates from the middle of Hiroshige II's career, when he was about thirty-five years old. At this point, he was using the name 'Hiroshige', since his master Hiroshige I had died (in 1858), and Hiroshige II had taken over the gō 'Hiroshige'; the prints in this series are signed 'Hiroshige'.

白髯 落雁 Descending Geese at Shirahige
吾妻橋 帰帆 Returning Sails at Azuma Bridge
関屋の里 晴嵐 Clearing Weather at Sekiya Village
. 橋場 暮雪 Twilight Snow at Hashiba .
真乳山 秋月 Autumn Moon at Matsuchi Hill (Matsuchiyama)
枕はし夜 雨 Night Rain at Makura Bridge
長命寺 晩渉 Evening Bell at Chōmei Temple
. 三囲堤 夕照 Sunset Glow at Mimeguri Embankment .
source : www.hiroshigeii.net.....

待乳山雪の黄昏 Matsuchiyama in Snow at Dusk
Kobayashi Kiyochika 小林清親 (1847 – 1915)
. Matsuchiyama Shooten 待乳山聖天 Honryuuin 本龍院 Temple Honryu-In .
with a double-daikon radish at the gables of the temple.

待乳山 聖天 / 真土山之図 / 真乳山 Matsuchiyama Shoten
Ando Hiroshige
- more prints : National Diet Library -
晴嵐(待乳山)- 長喜
真乳山山谷堀夜景 - 広重1
今戸橋真乳山 - 広重2 - Imadobashi
真乳山 - 広重2
真乳山望冨岳 - 旦霞

今戸橋真乳山 Imadobashi bridge Matsuchiyama
. Edo no hashi 江戸の橋 the bridges of Edo .
Sumida Hakkei in Edo 隅田八景
大川暮雪 Ookawa
今戸帰帆 Imado
向島秋月 Mukojima
蔵前夕照 Kuramae
浅草寺晩鐘 Asakusa
吉原土手落雁 Yoshiwara
待乳山青嵐 Matsuchiyama
柳橋夜雨 Yanagibashi

List of Japanese Hakkei from all provinces :
source : kzmystar.web.fc2.com
. Sumidagawa 隅田川 River Sumidagawa in Edo .
Zashiki Hakkei 座敷八景 Eight Parlor Views
by Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信

"Eight Parlor Views"; a parody of "eight views," hakkei 八景, in which domestic objects cleverly replace natural scenery.
Originally poems created by a 13-year-old boy. The theme was illustrated by Suzuki Harunnobu 鈴木春信 (1724-1770) and other artists. Zashiki Hakkei are:
"Night Rain on the Daisu" Daisu no yau 台子の夜雨,
"Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand" Kyoudai no shuugetsu 鏡台の秋月,
"Descending Geese of the Bridges" Kotoji no rakugan 琴路の落雁,
"Evening Glow of the Lamp" Andon no sekishou 行燈の夕照,
"Clearing Mist of the Fan" Ougi no seiran 扇の清嵐,
"Returning Sails of the Towel Rack" Tenuguikake no kihan 手拭いかけの帰帆,
"Evening Bell of the Clock" Tokei no banshou 時計の晩鐘, and
"Evening Snow on the Heater" Nurioke no bosetsu 塗桶の暮雪.
source : JAANUS
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木晴信

Twilight Snow of the Floss-stretching Form ぬり桶の暮雪
from the series Eight Views of the Parlor (Zashiki hakkei)

Wrapper" for the Series Eight Parlor Views, ca. 1766
source : Ukiyo-e search
. Oomi Hakkei 近江八景 Omi Hakkei, Eight Views of Omi .

The returning sailing ship at Yabase (矢橋の帰帆) - Yabase.
The evening glow at Seta (勢多(瀬田)の夕照) - The Chinese Bridge at Seta.
The autumn moon at Ishiyama (石山の秋月) - Ishiyama Temple.
The clear breeze at Awazu (粟津の晴嵐) - Awazuhara.
The evening bell at Mii (三井晩鐘) - Mii-dera.
The evening rain at Karasaki (唐崎の夜雨) - Karasaki Shrine.
The wild geese returning home at Katata (堅田の落雁) - Ukimido.
The evening snow at Hira (比良の暮雪) - Hira Mountains.
Eight Views of Xiaoxiang, Xiao-Xiang
Shooshoo Hakkei 瀟湘(しょうしょう)八景 (in Japanese)
(Chinese: 潇湘八景; pinyin: Xiāoxiāng Bājǐng) are beautiful scenes of the Xiaoxiang region, in what is now modern Hunan Province, China, as having been written in the poems, depicted in the pictures and known among the people, from the time of the Song Dynasty. The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang can refer either to various sets of paintings which have been done on this theme, the various verse series on the same theme, or to combinations of both.
The Xiaoxiang theme should be viewed as part of a long poetic and artistic legacy.

Level Sand: Wild Geese Descend (平沙雁落)
From the Far Shore: Sailboat(s) Returning Home (遠浦帆歸)
Mountain Market: Clearing Mist (山市晴嵐)
River and Sky: Sunset Snow (江天暮雪)
Dongting Lake: The Autumn Moon (洞庭秋月)
Xiao Xiang: Night Rain (瀟湘夜雨)
Misty Temple: Evening Bell (煙寺晚鍾)
Fishing Village: Evening Glow (漁村夕照)
The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang inspired the people of Far East to create other Eight Views in China, Japan and Korea, as well as series of other numbers of scenes.
List of more "Eight Views" :
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- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
kuniguni no hakkei sara ni Kehi no tsuki
many regions
have many famous places -
and then the moon of Kehi
. 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho in Tsuruga .
nabeyaki ya Oomi hakkei kiri no naka
Nabeyaki stew -
the Eight views of Omi
all in mist
Kishimoto Naoki 岸本尚毅 (1961 - )
. WKD : Nabeyaki 鍋焼 (なべやき) stew in an earthen pot .
- #hakkei #edohakkei -
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