


Kameyama 亀山 "Turtle Mountain"

There are some places in Japan with this name.

Kameyama shi 亀山市 Kameyama Town in Mie, a station of the old Tokaido 三重県亀山市
. 46. Kameyama-juku 亀山宿 (Kameyama) .

Kameyama Castle (亀山城, Kameyama-jō, Kameyama joo)
is a castle located in Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture. It guarded the northwest passage into Kyoto for nearly three-hundred years.
In the past, Kameoka was known as Kameyama and served as the provincial capital for Tamba province.
1577 - Under the direction of Nobunaga Oda, Mitsuhide Akechi erected Kameyama Castle.
1869 - Kameyama was renamed Kameoka
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Kameyama dono 亀山殿 a retreat for emperor Saga, also called
Saga dono 嵯峨殿, in the compound of temple Tenryuuji 天竜寺 Tenryu-Ji.

The most famous is probably a mountain in Saga, Kyoto

source : e2jin.cocolog-nifty.com
River Katsuragawa and mount Kameyama (大井河(桂川)と亀山)

under construction

- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kameyama e kayou daiku ya kiji no koe

the carpenters
commute to Kameyama -
voice of a pheasant

Tr. Gabi Greve

This haiku refers most probably to Kameyama in Kyoto.

An old legend says, when Go Saga Tenno 後嵯峨天皇 (1220 - 1272) had ordered the construction of Kameyama Dono 亀山殿 Kameyama Retreat, the carpenters who had to walk there from Kyoto were afraid of a lot of poisonous snakes on their way. They thought the region was under a curse.
The ministers tried to convince them of the safety of the road, because it was a project for the Honorable Emperor himself, and while they talked, there was the loud cry of a pheasant. Pheasants are known to eat poisonous snakes.
So the spell was broken and the construction could proceed without further delay.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

. WKD : kiji 雉 pheasant .

Go Saga Tenno 後嵯峨天皇 (1220 - 1272)
- quote
Emperor Go-Saga (後嵯峨天皇 Go-Saga-tennō) (April 1, 1220 – March 17, 1272) was the 88th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. This reign spanned the years 1242 through 1246.

This 13th-century sovereign was named after the 8th-century Emperor Saga and go- (後), translates literally as "later"; and thus, he is sometimes called the "Later Emperor Saga". The Japanese word go has also been translated to mean the "second one;" and in some older sources, this emperor may be identified as "Saga, the second," or as "Saga II."
In 1246 he abdicated to his son, Emperor Go-Fukakusa, beginning his reign as cloistered emperor. In 1259, he compelled Emperor Go-Fukakusa to abdicate to his younger brother, Emperor Kameyama.
Emperor Kameyama (亀山天皇, Kameyama tennō)
(July 9, 1249 – October 4, 1305)
was the 90th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. His reign spanned the years from 1259 through 1274.
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The emperor Gosaga was initiated as Emperor on the 16th day of the 6th month and had food purchased for 16 coins of the Kajo-period.
. WKD : kajoogashi 嘉定菓子)Kajo-cakes .


. Japanese Architecture - cultural keywords used in haiku .

. daiku 大工 carpenter and legends .

. hana no miyako 花の都 Kyoto 京都 .




Gabi Greve said...

kameyama e kayou daiku ya kiji no koe

translation by Blyth:

A carpenter
Going to Kameyama;
The cry of the pheasant.


Gabi Greve said...

Kameoka Kaido 亀岡街道 Kameoka Highway
Connecting Osaka with 亀岡 Kameoka city in Tango / Kyoto.

1869 – Kameyama was renamed Kameoka