ame-uri, ameuri, ame uri 飴売り vendor of candy, candy seller
There was a proverb in Edo,
naki ko ni ame 泣く子に飴 a child that cries gets sweets
so vendors of candy were quite popular.

source : www.kabuki-za.com/syoku
The dress of candy vendors in Edo, Kyoto and Osaka was very distinct. In Edo, a spirale shape (uzumaki 渦巻) was popular.
Some would sit by the roadside, play the shamisen, hit the drum and try to attract customers.

飴と飴売りの文化史 Cultural history of candy and candy vendors
牛嶋英俊 (著)- Ushijima Eishun
Candy was made of mizuame 水飴, with various flavors, see below.
- - - - - The most popular types of candy vendors
amaida ameuri あまいだ飴売り vendors of "Amida candy"

a pun on Amida, nenbutsu ame 念仏飴
amai da 甘いだ "this is sweet"
It was sold by vendors looking like monks.
uta nebutsu ame 唄ねぶつ飴 singing the nenbutsu candy vendor
source : nora-pp.at.webry.info
. Namu Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏 the Amida Prayer .
amekokai na ame あめこかひな飴 "come by some candy"
He called:
ame chan kai na yo , ame kaina 飴ちゃん買いなよ、飴買いな
source : nora-pp.at.webry.info
dohei ame uri 土平飴売り candy vendor Dohei

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/yousan02
The Song of Dohei
Ameuri Dohei Den (1769) 飴売り土平伝 Legend of Candy Seller Dohei and O-Sen
Kasamori Osen tsuketari 売飴土平伝 笠森阿仙附
by Ota Nanpo and Suzuki Harunobu
The comic love story of Dohei the candy vendor and the waitress O-Sen of a local tea house.
koshitsuke uma 腰付馬 vendor with a horse around his hips
He tried to look like the shogun riding his horse in Edo.

source : matome.naver.jp/odai
ojii ame おぢい飴 "Granpa selling candy"
He used to call
ojii ga kita zo, kita zo. sangenbari ippon 4mon. suteki na hagai ojii ga kita zo.
sangenbari 三間張 a long and thin stick of candy

source : nora-pp.at.webry.info
o-koma ameuri お駒飴売り O-Koma candy vendor
He used to dress up and call out like the heroine O-Koma in the popular puppet theater
koi musume kashi hachijoo 恋娘昔八丈.

source : nora-pp.at.webry.info
oman ga ame uri お満が飴売り / お万が飴
fat man/woman selling sweets
If you buy more than 100 mon, he/she dances.

source : matome.naver.jp/odai
toojin ame uri 唐人飴売り Chinese-style candy vendor

CLICK for more images !

source : edococo.exblog.jp
- - - - - The most popular candy in the Edo period

- quote
Mizuame (水飴) is a sweetener from Japan
which is translated literally to "water candy". A clear, thick, sticky liquid, it is made by converting starch to sugars. Mizuame is added to wagashi to give them a sheen, eaten in ways similar to honey, and can be a main ingredient in sweets. Mizuame is produced in a very similar fashion to corn syrup and is very similar in taste.
Two methods are used to convert the starches to sugars.
The traditional method is to take glutinous rice mixed with malt and let the natural enzymatic process take place, converting the starch to syrup.
The second and more common method uses potatoes or sweet potatoes as the starch source, and added acid, such as hydrochloric, sulfuric or nitric acids. If done by the first method, the final product, known as mugi mizuame (麦水飴), is considered more flavorful than the potato version.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. darumatoo だるま糖 Daruma candy .
keshitoo 芥子糖(けしとう)candy with poppy seeds
kinkatoo 金花糖 forms of fish like tai and koi made of sugar
. Sweets from Ishikawa 石川 .

- source : edococo.exblog.jp
nikkeitoo 肉桂糖(にっけいとう)/ nikkitoo 肉桂糖 (にっきとう)
candy with cinnamon flavor
ookorobashi 大ころばし "huge stick candy"
korobashi was a stick used to transport heavy loads or stones.
sakura ame 桜飴 "cherry blossom candy"
round sweets in the colors pink and white
sangan ame 三官飴(さんがんあめ)Sankan ame, starch syrup candy
It is a kind of mizuame 水飴 starch syrup and was first produced by 室町一丁日の三宮屋宇兵衛店 as a present to important daimyo and government officials. The production process is said to be from Korea.
White sugar was heated up to melt, then mochi-rice was rubbed into the pot and starch syrup and a bit of vinegar added for extra taste.

source : www.kmnh.jp/meishyo/top
There were a few shops who sold this sweet.
目黒三官飴の桐屋、長崎三貫(=官)屋、雷門外に川口屋三官飴, 芝三官飴、陳三官飴
- source : ja.wikipedia.org
- source : kazumoto-sure.cocolog-nifty.com
Special sweets of the Edo period, not only candy
・落 雁(らくがん) rakugan
・白雪こう(はくせっこう) hakusekkoo
・花ぼうろ hanabooro
・かせいた kaseita
・掛け物(かけもの) kakemono
・金平糖(こんぺいとう) konpeitoo
・福輪糖(ふくりんとう) fukurintoo
・軽 焼(かるやき) karuyaki
・煎 餅(せんべい) senbei
・金花糖(きんかとう) kinkatoo
・は ぜ(爆米と書く) haze
・求 肥(ぎゅうひ) gyuuhi
・羊 羹(ようかん) yookan
- source : sugar.alic.go.jp/japan

hahako ame 母子飴 candy for mother and child
泣きの信吉かわら版 - 井上登貴

. yuurei kosodate ame 幽霊子育飴 "candy for a ghost bringing up a baby" .
Minatoya, Kyoto みなとや, 京都
tokkaebee とっかえべえ / tokkaebei とっかえべい
collector of old metal, gives a sweet (amedama) in return
This is the Edo version of torikaeyo 取り替えよう - I am exchanging things!

- - - - - Legend knows this:
About the year 1715 a citizen from Asakusa Tahara 浅草田原町 called Kinokuniya Zen-emon 紀伊国屋善右衛門 tried to get money for a new bronze bell of the temple 紀州道成寺 Dojo-Ji in Kishu (now Wakayama). So he began to collect old bronze pieces and awarded the donor with a small gift of a sweet.

This was different from the dealers in old metal, 古鉄商, who collected most metal tools.
Things of no worth, like old nails or the metal ends of a long pipe would go to the "Tokkaebee".
. Recycling and Reuse in Edo - リサイクル と 再生 / 再使用 .
- - - - - Reference
- source : yfm24651.iza.ne.jp
. . 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo - 江戸料理百選 . .
under construction
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/minyo414
Akita Ame-uri 秋田飴売り Candy seller from Akita - and a song
ame-uri no ame tatete uru hasu wa mi ni
the candy vendor
stands up his candy to sell -
lotus has seeds
Tr. Gabi Greve
Saitoo Kafuu 斉藤夏風 Saito Kafu

. WKD : hasu no mi 蓮の実 lotus seeds .
kigo for autumn
. . 100 Favorite Dishes of Edo - 江戸料理百選 . .
. wasanbon 和三盆 Wasambon, Sugar from Japan .
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