. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
Buke shohatto 武家諸法度 Laws for the Samurai
Various Points of Laws for Warrior Houses
Laws for the Military Houses
. samurai, buke 侍、 武家 - Introduction .

武家諸法度の陰に柳生あり Yagyu in the Shadow of the Laws for Samurai
週刊江戸全国版 - 1020
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The Buke shohatto (武家諸法度 lit. Various Points of Laws for Warrior Houses), commonly known in English as the Laws for the Military Houses, was a collection of edicts issued by Japan's Tokugawa shogunate governing the responsibilities and activities of daimyō (feudal lords) and the rest of the samurai warrior aristocracy. These formed the basis of the bakuhan taisei (shogunate-domains system) which lay at the foundation of the Tokugawa regime. The contents of the edicts were seen as a code of conduct, a description of proper honorable daimyō behavior, and not solely laws which had to be obeyed.
By appealing to notions of morality and honor, therefore, the shogunate was able to see its strictures followed despite its inability to enforce them directly.

The edicts were first read to a gathering of daimyō by the retired shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu,
at Fushimi castle in the seventh lunar month of 1615. They had been compiled by a number of scholars in service to the shogunate including Ishin Sūden, and were aimed primarily at limiting the power of the daimyō and thus protecting the shogunate's control over the country.
Articles promulgated in 1615
01 The samurai class should devote itself to pursuits appropriate to the warrior aristocracy, such as archery, swordsmanship, horsemanship, and classical literature.
02 Amusements and entertainments are to be kept within reasonable bounds and expenses for such activities are not to be excessive.
03 The han (feudal domains) are not to harbor fugitives and outlaws.
04 Domains must expel rebels and murderers from their service and from their lands.
05 Daimyō are not to engage in social interactions with the people (neither samurai nor commoners) of other domains.
06 Castles may be repaired, but such activity must be reported to the shogunate. Structural innovations and expansions are forbidden.
07 The formation of cliques for scheming or conspiracy in neighboring domains must be reported to the shogunate without delay, as must the expansion of defenses, fortifications, or military forces.
08 Marriages among daimyō and related persons of power or importance must not be arranged privately.
09 Daimyō must present themselves at Edo for service to the shogunate.
10 Conventions regarding formal uniform must be followed.
11 Miscellaneous persons are not to ride in palanquins.
12 Samurai throughout the realm are to practice frugality (kenyaku).
13 Daimyō must select men of ability to serve as administrators and bureaucrats.
The 1615 edict contains the core of the shogunate's philosophy regarding samurai codes of conduct. Similar policies would be imposed upon commoners as well, reissued and reinforced many times over the course of the Edo period.. . .
The edicts were reissued in 1629, and again in 1635, by the third Tokugawa shogun, Iemitsu. ..... This year is also quite significant for the implementation of a number of policies which can be grouped under the term kaikin (maritime prohibitions), and which are sometimes referred to as the Sakoku Edicts.
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- source : Japanese Wikipedia -
. Konchi-In Suuden 金地院崇伝 Priest Konchin Suden .
Isshin Suden 以心崇伝 (1569―1633)
. kenyaku rei 倹約令 laws regulating expenditures; sumptuary edicts .

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Articles promulgated in 1615
Buke shohatto: Promulgated in 1635
Buke shohatto: Later promulgations
- source : america.pink/buke-shohatto -
Tour of Duty:
Samurai, Military Service in Edo, and the Culture of Early Modern Japan
By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis

The Laws for the Military Houses issued in 1629 were the first to designate Edo as ...
- source : books.google.co.jp -
- reference -
Chiyo no kotobuki 千代寿 - 士 shi (samurai) 大平 taihei (long-lasing peace)
Kawanabe Kyōsai 河鍋暁斎 (1831-1889 ( signed Ōju Chikamaro 応需周麿
. samurai, buke 侍、 武家 Introduction .

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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