. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .
hooki 箒 / ほうき Hoki, broom, Besen
A broom is necessary to keep things clean, the home, the road . . .
hatsubooki 初箒(はつぼうき)first (use of the) broom
hakizome 掃初 (はきぞめ) first cleaning
... fukihajime 拭始(ふきはじめ)beginning to clean
... hatsusooji 初掃除(はつそうじ) first cleaning
- kigo for the New Year-
. WKD : hatsubooki 初箒 first (use of the) broom .

shuro hooki 棕櫚 ほうき broom made from Shuro palm
For a tawashi, the sheets of hemp palm are first dissipated into fibers and then bound together.
For a broom they are first rounded up into bundles, fixed with bronze wires into a shape of five or seven bundles, and in the final process dissipated for about half of the length on a special maschine.
. tawashi たわし / 束子 scrubbing brush .
. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
hookishi 箒師 making brooms in Edo
hookiya 箒屋 vendor of brooms

Look at more samples of Edo Hoki here :
白木屋傳兵衛 Shirakiya Denbei
- source : edohouki.com -
- quote
- - - Brooms originated in Shinto Rituals
Brooms were first used for sweeping purposes in Heian period. Bamboo, straw, or hemp were used to make brooms at the time. It was after the Edo era began when broom cypress began to be used for making brooms. Brooms in Japan were essentially used as a magical tool - for example, to stroke down a pregnant woman’s stomach with a broom today is still customary, after 400 years. Perhaps an aristocrat’s profound desire for peace was the beginning for this quiet and gentle tool.

- - - A Reevaluation of Traditional Techniques
“Shirokiya Denbe” was founded in 1830 in Ginza, first as a tatami-mat maker. Later on, after specializing in making brooms, the techniques have been handed down from generation to generation. Following the Showa period, as “modern” living came around, vacuum cleaners lowered the demand for brooms. ...
- - - The Attraction of Edo Style Brooms
If you have never used an Edo style broom before, you might consider Edo brooms to be just an old thing. However, if you use it just once, you will know immediately how attractive a tool it can be for your life. There are a number of benefits of using Edo style brooms, such as they are soft and elastic so that one can sweep without laying unnecessary stress on it. Different from vacuum cleaners, you do not need to worry about the noise or any emissions. While it depends on how you deal with it, brooms using natural materials can last 5 to 10 years, and as you use them more, it can clean a wooden or tatami-mat floor more.
- - - The Key to Edo Style Broom Making
The most important part of making an Edo broom is “Ho-yori,” which is selecting fine “ears.” The essential process starts here, and normally it takes 3 years for a craftsperson to become independent. Ears are sorted into 3 to 12 kinds by hardness, length, and color, but one-third of the ears will be thrown away at this stage. After sorting them out, he makes four or five small bundles, and he puts stems on them, without the tip of the ears going between the center part and the outside bundles, in order to keep a small space. Then, he gives it elasticity, which is the main characteristic of Edo-style brooms.
He attaches several tama-bundles in a row and tightens them together to the utmost with a wet hemp rope, adjusting their balance. After firmly fixing the joint of the bamboo handle to the body with an aluminum wire, he cuts the ear tips straight.
Then, he presses the body under a Japanese cushion. This entire process is done manually without air-conditioner, so as to not dry out the ears.
It definitely takes a long time to raise craftspeople with all of these techniques, so it has been a serious issue to find succesors.
- - - The Difference Between Japanese Brooms and Imports
- - - How to Use an Edo Style Broom Carefully
Shirokiya Denbe / 3-9-8 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo
- source : tokyochuo.net/issue
Apart from the Shuro palm, there were brooms of other materials.

. habooki 羽箒 "feather broom" .
羽根箒 - to clean the space around silk worms
kusabooki 草帚 "broom from grass", often with a long handle to clean the Tatami mats
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
takebooki 竹帚 bamboo broom
The most commonly used bamboo types are
moosoochiku 孟宗竹 Moso Bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens and
hachiku 淡竹 Phyllostachys nigra.
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

tebooki 手箒 hand broom
- reference and more photos : utinogarakuta.blog.fc2.com -

source : teramoto.co.jp/history
Seller and buyer of Hoki brooms in Edo
「hooki uri ほうき売り」and「hooki kai ほうき買い」
It was truly a recycle society.

source : edokurashi.hatenablog.com
selling baskets and brooms

source : utinogarakuta.blog.fc2.com
Takasago 高砂 Noh play
河鍋暁斎 Kyosai (1831-1889)
. Takasago 高砂 a happy couple.
This legend is one of the oldest in Japanese mythology. An old couple - his name is Joo (尉) and hers is Uba (媼)....
The old woman is using a broom to sweep away trouble
and he carries a rake to rake in good fortune. In Japanese this is also a play of words with "One Hundred Years" (haku > sweeping the floor) and "until 99 years" (kujuku made > kumade, meaning a rake).
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Hookigami, Hōkigami 箒神 (ほうきがみ) Hokigami, Hahakigami
Legends about the Broom Deity .
Many legends and tales about the broom are related to giving birth.
.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
115 hooki 箒 (01)

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. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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Tsukuba hooki broom 筑波箒 Tsukuba Hoki
Ibaraki prefecture
with nice hand-sewn patterns.
As a present for a birth.
Legend from Fukushima
At the sanctuary for Yamanokami at 四倉浜志津 pregnant women can borrow a special morokoshi-booki もろこしぼうき maize broom to help with an easy birth (to wipe the child out of her body).
After giving birth, she has to bring it back with special offerings.
Legend from Fukushima
飯坂町 Iizaka town
To prevent cats and monsters to come near a dead person, a tantoo 短刀 short sword should be placed on the bed.
A hooki 箒 broom should be placed at the head of the dead person.
Therefore a broom should never be used to hit a living person on the head.
Legend from Nagano
In Iikura 居倉 when the Ujigami 氏神 clan deiry descendet for a visit, it hit his eye at a hooki no ki 箒の木 summer cypress (broom cypress). Therefore the villagers do not make brooms.
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