. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
jingi o kiru 仁義を切る Yakuza greeting
When entering the home of a gang boss, the visitor had to stand in the entrance, bend his knees, left hand stretched out, palm up and the right hand at the hip.
He then introduces himself in a formal way, asking for a lodging or long-time stay.

- source : wiki - Kreislauf_des_Geldes -
This is the pose, but the statue is in Aachen, Germany.
(The figure symbolizing 'Bettelei' (Begging) in a group around a pond, Kreislauf des Geldes / Circulation of Money - by Karl Henning Seemann)
source : vanderkrogt.net/statues
I must say, I have never seen a German (or European) beggar in this pose before . . . ?!
yakuza introduction, presenting bona fides
to make a formal salutation (between gamblers)
to observe thieves' niceties,
to inform the other party of a (negative) business development (ironical)
to make a formal introduction of oneself
to pay one's respects
kyookaku 侠客 Kyokaku, "chivalrous Yakuza person"
professional gambler in the Edo period
The Kyokaku were usually tall and strong persons, who could easily win a fight.
They also had the mental strength to lead others in their trade.
jingi means "humanity benevolence justice righteousness," "one's duty (to society" . . .
There are many translations and interpretations of this greeting.
- reference : "jingi wo kiru" -
. yakuza, the Japanese mob .
Eta and Burakumin

source : 課題ブログ
o hikae nasute おひかえなすって
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The Jingi -- or Yakuza's Code of Ethics --
is a written code of conduct or behavior that by the law of the Yakuza has been followed for the past several hundred years. Depending on the Oyabun-- Father figure (Chariman)-- one could be removed from a syndicate or clan by simply disregarding one of these rules. Some occurance, however, are dealt with in a forgiving manner. The afforementioned is not a general occurance, and will most likely not happen with you. It is up to one's own personal conviction to either follow, or disregard the Yakuza Code, but those who disrespect the code are scum, and are not considered Yakuza who honorably live by this code.
4.) The Yakuza Code of Ethics prohibits anything that may be considered an indecent act,
or an act that goes against Ninkyodo (Chivalry).
Reasoning -
The Yakuza were known as the chivalrous organization of their community. The whole purpose of the Yakuza was to serve their own form of justice. Acts such as rape or kidnapping were not tolerated. If these acts were carried out against family members of the Yakuza (daughters, girlfriends, wives, sons, etc.), those who took offense from the action would deal with such in a quite grizzly matter. The Yakuza were firm believers in the rule, "A Life for A Life".
Example: If a man were to rape the daughter of a Yakuza, that man would be taking her innocence, and in turn her future. Because of this, the Yakuza who had been offended would take the life of the offender, thus taking their future from them as recompense. Another example of going against chivalry is treachery.
Treachery is something that could not be tolrated in the days of the Yakuza. This was usually punishable by the severing of the offender's pinky, and their immediate expulsion from the clan or syndicate as an act to show off that the Yakuza is a traitor and should not be part of another family so long as he lives... Depending on the Oyabun-- or father figure (Chairman)-- this could be an activity punishable by death. .....
- source : yakuza-mob-roleplay.wikia.com -

source : chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa
. oyabun 親分 boss - kobun 子分 gang member .
- Introduction -
ーーー The four most famous Kyokaku "noble yakuza" outlaws of the Edo period :

. Banzuiin Chōbei 幡随院長兵衛 Banzuin Chobei . (1622–1657)
Asakusa, Edo - kyookaku no ganso 侠客の元祖 The first Kyokaku "chivalrous person"
. Kunisada Chuuji 国定忠治 Kunisada Chuji . (1810-1851)
Gunma, Shinshu
There is even a 忠治地蔵 Chuji Jizo Statue in his honor.
. Shimizu no Jirocho 清水次郎長 . (1820-1893)
Shimizu port, Shizuoka

侠客の世界──江戸から昭和まで Kyokaku no sekai - Edo kara Showa made
(The world of Kyokaku, from Edo to Showa)
- reference : kokusho.co.jp/np/isbn-
. Nozarashi Gosuke 野晒五助 .
Shinmon Tatsugoro 新門辰五郎
(?1792 / ?1800 - 1875)

CLICK for more photos !
He lived in the late Edo period and the Bakumatsu times. He was leader of the fire brigade and 鳶頭、香具師 Kogushi、侠客、浅草浅草寺門番 warden of Asakusa Temple district.
The name "Shinmon" - new gate" refers to his job in Asakusa as warden of the New Gate.

Shinmon lantern of the fire brigades is the second on the left.
He was also accepted by the 15th Shogun, 徳川慶喜 Tokugawa Yoshinobu, who called on him and his gang to come to Kyoto and become 二条城の警備 guardsmen at the Nijo Castle. Yoshinobu forgot his 金扇馬標 golden fan of the Tokugawa clan when fleeing from the castle, but Tatsugoro got it back to him.

source : Toshogu Museum Kunosan
Tatsugoro later became guardsman at 上野寛永寺 the Kanei-Ji temple in Ueno, where Yoshinobu took residence.
His last poem before his death
思ひおく まぐろの刺身 鰒汁(ふぐとしる) ふっくりぼぼに どぶろくの味
. koogushi, yashi 香具師 performer, yashi 野師、野士、弥四、矢師 .

平成新講談 新門辰五郎―十番組纏づくし

新門辰五郎伝 - 早乙女貢
- quote -
Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜 (1873 - 1913)
the 15th and last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan. He was part of a movement which aimed to reform the aging shogunate, but was ultimately unsuccessful. After resigning in late 1867, he went into retirement, and largely avoided the public eye for the rest of his life.
Tokugawa Yoshinobu was born in Edo, as the seventh son of Tokugawa Nariaki, daimyo of Mito. .....
1866 After the death of Tokugawa Iemochi in 1866, Yoshinobu was chosen to succeed him, and became the 15th shogun.
Boshin War (1868–69)
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- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
kawagoi no sanjaku sanzun wa kyookaku zo
this river carp
of more than one meter
is a real chivalrous Yakuza . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
奥山甲子男 Okuyama Kineo (1929 - 1998)
one shaku 一尺 ca. 30 cm // one sun 一寸 ca. 3 cm

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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
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1 comment:
sayaate, saya-ate 鞘当て scabbard-clashing, scabbard-collision, sheath collision
contentions in love-affairs - and Kabuki play
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