. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
kiriezu, kirie-zu 切絵図 detailed maps of Edo
kirizu 切図 detailed map
They were very detailed maps with most roads and the location of the 大名屋敷 Daimyo residences given.
CLICK for more samples !
The first Kirie-zu was printed in 1755 by 吉文字屋 Kichimonjiya.
Until the year 1775 he had produced eight detailed maps.
By 1846, the shop of 近江屋五平 Omiya Gohei sold 31 maps. He produced maps in three colors.
The high times of Kirie-zu was around 1849 until early Meiji, when 尾張屋清七 Owariya Seishichi
produced the 尾張屋版 Owariya Edition (金鱗堂版). He used five colors and the maps looked almost like 錦絵 Nishiki-E prints.

嘉永・慶応 江戸切絵図〈1〉
江戸・東京今昔切絵図散歩 尾張屋清七板 Owariya Seishichi Edition

江戸切絵図集―新訂 江戸名所図会

嘉永・慶応 江戸切絵図
- More books at amazon com :
- source : amazon.co.jp -

- quote
The Landmarks of Edo in Color Woodblock Prints
Find on a detailed map of Edo
Click Blue pin or "Landmark name", and you can see the description and nishiki-e thumbnail page of the place.
Click Yellow pin or "Place name", and you can see nishiki-e thumbnail(s) about the place drawn on nishiki-e.
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/edo
Also available in Japanese.
- reference : National Diet Library -
- reference : edo kirie-zu -
明暦江戸大絵図 Meireki Edo Dai-Ezu
Tōyō Bunko Digital Online Library
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
. chizu 地図 maps of Edo .
. kiri-e, kirie 切り絵 , kirigami 切り紙 cut-out pictures.

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
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