. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
- for Oshu Kaido Highway, see below !
Kasumigaseki district 霞ヶ関 / 霞が関 "fog gate" , "gate of mist"
"checkpoint in the mist"

Hiroshige - Toto Meisho
- quote -
A tract of land from 桜田門 Sakuradamon Gate to around 虎ノ門 Toranomon Gate.
According to legend, this is said to be the place where Prince Yamato Takeru set a sekisho 関所 (barrier station) against the Emishi, and because this barrier separated the Yamato with a kasumi 霞 (mist) and because it was a place from which one could see the far off places separated by the mist it was called Kasumigaseki (gate of mist).

Ichiryusai Hiroshige
It is located on the Yamanote plateau and connected to Edo Castle, and as it was a key point in the defense of the castle, it served as an area for the residences of a large number of Daimyo (feudal lords). It is often pictured in nishiki-e centered on the hill.

Hiroshige - Edo Hyakkei

Hiroshige - Toto sanjurokkei
- one more Hiroshige print on this page:
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/e/sights/kasumigaseki... -
Kasumigaseki-saka 霞ヶ関坂 the Slope of Kasumigaseki
is clearly depicted on the last two prints. Below the slope are the homes of the townspeople and further down the Edo bay.

江戸名所図 Edo Meisho Zue
The estate is surrounded by huge stone walls. The road in front is wide enough to have a procession of Daimyo cross with each other.
All kinds of merchants, dealers and normal Edo townspeople are depicted.
- quote -
Painted by Utagawa Hiroshige (1847-1852)
Kasumigaseki has long been described in classical Japanese poetry.
The name is said to have come from the fact that there was a checkpoint on the Ōshū Highway here.
In the Edo period it was the location of daimyo's Edo residence that lined each side of the road, and gave a view out over Edo Bay from the top of the hill.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
- quote -
Kasumigaseki 霞が関
Kasumigaseki is a name that goes back beyond Edo times,
it originally referring to a "seki" (a customs and security barrier)
that was established on the 奥州街道 Ōshu Road (leading to northern Japan).
In contemporary times, the location of "Kasumigaseki" (literally "the Kasumi barrier")
is bordered on one side by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
and on the other by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
However, when the "Guide to Famous Spots of Edo" was published,
this barrier was bordered by the Edo mansions of
the 福岡藩黒田家 Kuroda, Lords of the Fukuoka Domain; and
the 広島藩浅野家 Asano, Lords of the Hiroshima Domain.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
- quote -
Kasumigaseki 霞が関
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -
. fog, mist and more hazy season words .
the Japanese words kasumi 霞 and oboro 朧 are haze and mist of spring,
whereas kiri 霧 is the fog of autumn and winter.
. sekisho 関所 checkpoint, barrier .
Kasumigaseki was installed long before the Edo period.
Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido Road - see below
connecting Edo with the Mutsu Province in Tohoku.
. Prince Yamatotakeru 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru .
legendary prince in the 4th century
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Hiroshige, Famous Places of Edo - Kasumigaseki
A fine Hiroshige; a stunning and unusual perspectival view of Edo through highly stylised clouds, probably from a miscellaneous series of views of 1854 showing a temple precinct to the right of the picture and hurrying crowds in the thoroughfares. This is a great view and I am reminded of Basil Stewart’s comment:
One wonders whether the historical and topographical value of his prints has yet been realized by his fellow countrymen.

Kasumigaseki, (misty barrier)
was the name of the area of Edo nearest to the castle. The name derives from the control barrier on the road to Oshu. The area looked across Edo Bay and was one of the most famous views in the city. It was up this street that the procession of the Sanno festival travelled which took place at the Hei temple.
- source : toshidama-japanese-prints.com... -
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Kasumigaseki 霞が関, 霞ヶ関 or 霞ケ関, / かすみがせき Barrier/gate of Fog
is a district in Chiyoda Ward in Tokyo, Japan. It is the location of most of Japan's cabinet ministry offices.
The name is often used as a metonym for the Japanese government bureaucracy,
as opposed to Nagatachō, which refers to the elected government or the legislative branch.
- More in the WIKIPEDIA ! -
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
bukitcho na kasumigaseki no kyoogenshi
the Kyogen performer
from Kasumigaseki is just
so awkward
Tr. Gabi Greve
山本敏倖 Yamamoto Binko

. Kyogen in various seasons .
traditional Japanese theater
. Kaidō 日本の街道 The Ancient Highways of Japan .
Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido Highway Road
connecting Edo with the Mutsu Province in Tohoku.

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... one of the five routes of the Edo period. It was built to connect Edo (modern-day Tokyo) with Mutsu Province and the present-day city of Shirakawa, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. It was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu for government officials traveling through the area.
- Subroutes
In addition to the established use of traveling from Edo to Mutsu Province, there were also many roads that connected from the Ōshū Kaidō. One such sub-route was the Sendaidō (仙台道), which connected Mutsu Province with Sendai. The terminus for the Sendaidō is in Aoba-ku in modern Sendai. From there, the Matsumaedō (松前道) connected Sendai with Hakodate, Hokkaidō. Though the Ōshū Kaidō has only 27 post stations, there were over 100 designated post stations when the subroutes are included.
- The 27 stations of the Ōshū Kaidō
Tokyo : Starting Location: Nihonbashi (日本橋) (Chūō-ku)
1. Senju-shuku (千住宿) (Adachi-ku)
Saitama Prefecture
2. Sōka-shuku (草加宿) (Sōka)
3. Koshigaya-shuku (越ヶ谷宿) (Koshigaya)
4. Kasukabe-shuku (粕壁宿) (Kasukabe)
5. Sugito-shuku (杉戸宿) (Sugito, Kitakatsushika District)
6. Satte-shuku (幸手宿) (Satte)
7. Kurihashi-shuku (栗橋宿) (Kuki)
Ibaraki Prefecture
8. Nakada-shuku (中田宿) (Koga)
9. Koga-shuku (古河宿) (Koga)
Tochigi Prefecture
10. Nogi-shuku (野木宿) (Nogi, Shimotsuga District)
11. Mamada-shuku (間々田宿) (Oyama)
12. Oyama-shuku (小山宿) (Oyama)
13. Shinden-shuku (新田宿) (Oyama)
14. Koganei-shuku (小金井宿) (Shimotsuke)
15. Ishibashi-shuku (石橋宿) (Shimotsuke)
16. Suzumenomiya-shuku (雀宮宿) (Utsunomiya)
17. Utsunomiya-shuku (宇都宮宿) (Utsunomiya)
18. Shirosawa-shuku (白澤宿) (Utsunomiya)
19. Ujiie-shuku (氏家宿) (Sakura)
20. Kitsuregawa-shuku (喜連川宿) (Sakura)
21. Sakuyama-shuku (佐久山宿) (Ōtawara)
o Yagisawa-shuku (八木沢宿) (Ōtawara) (ai no shuku)
22. Ōtawara-shuku (大田原宿) (Ōtawara)
23. Nabekake-shuku (鍋掛宿) (Nasushiobara)
24. Koebori-shuku (越堀宿) (Nasushiobara)
o Terago-shuku (寺子宿) (Nasushiobara) (ai no shuku)
25. Ashino-shuku (芦野宿) (Nasu, Nasu District)
o Tani-shuku (谷宿) (Nasu, Nasu District) (ai no shuku)
o Yorii-shuku (寄居宿) (Nasu, Nasu District) (ai no shuku)
Fukushima Prefecture
26. Shirosaka-shuku (白坂宿) (Shirakawa)
27. Shirakawa-shuku (白川宿) (Shirakawa)
Ending Location: Shirakawa Castle (白河城) (Shirakawa)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
From Shirakawa the Kaido went on through
Fukushima - stations 30 - 57
Miyagi - stations 58 - 82
Iwate - stations 83 - 98
. Aomori - 99 - 112 .
Hokkaido - 113.Matsumae / 114. 箱館宿 Hakodate
. Minowa 三ノ輪 / 箕輪 Minowa district .
Even before the Edo period, this was a sort of highway station on the way to the North.
. Nezu 根津 - Bunkyo ward .
Nezu Monzenmachi 根津門前町 along the Highway

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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #kasumigaseki #kaidoo #kaido - - - -
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