. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
Teppoozu 鉄砲洲 Teppozu district
Chuo ward, Akashi cho, Minato 中央区明石町湊
su 洲 (-zu in compound words) is a kind of sandbank or island in a river.
Between the river Sumidagawa near its estuary and river Kyobashigawa 京橋川 there was a long Su, the Teppozu.
Right opposite was Tsukudajima 佃島.
The name refers the thin long shape of the island, looking like a teppo 鉄砲 gun to the inhabitants of Edo.
There were many Daimyo Yashiki estates in Teppozu.
- - - - - Fujizuka Mound in Teppozu

. Fujizuka, Fuji-zuka 富士塚 Mound to honor Mount Fujisan .

Hiroshige 広重
東都名所之内 鉄砲州佃真景 Toto meisho no uchi Teppozu Tsukuda shinkei
- quote
The name of Teppozu is said to originate either from the fact that the sandbars were long and narrow, like the shape of a rifle, or because of the test firing of artillery. It is said that at the time a Fujizuka (mound made in the image of Mt. Fuji) was constructed in Minatoinari Shrine (present day Teppozu Inari-jinja Shrine) and Mt. Fuji could be viewed from here. Ships from various regions entered the port at Teppozu, so the shrine was revered as a god of safety on the sea for ship passengers. In the Meiji Era it was moved approximately 100 meters to the southwest.
- source : National Diet Library -
- quote
In the grounds of Teppozu Shrine (Minato, Chuo Ward), is Fujizuka (Fuji mound – a miniature Mt. Fuji), which was put together with lava rocks carried from Mt. Fuji. Many people come to make pilgrimages (or Fuji-mode) to this small-sized Fuji.

Utagawa Toyokuni III and Utagawa Hiroshige II 1864 (Genji 1)
Thirty-six Views of the Pride of Edo-Pilgrimage to Teppozu Inari Fuji Shrine
(Edo Jiman Sanjūrokkyō Teppōzu Inari Fuji Mōde)
The 'Mountain Opening' of Mt. Fuji took place on the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar and on this day, the people of Edo burnt incense in front of their homes and worship the mountain. Mt. Fuji was revered as a deity since times past and in the Edo period, there were gatherings of mountain worshippers in various locations which were called 'Fuji-kō' and the adherents made pilgrimages to the mountain and this is called Fuji-mode. There were also man made Mt. Fujis here and there in the city and so Edo residents could go on Fuji-mode without having to go all the way to the real mountain.
The Teppozu Inari Shrine pictured here is one of these and is famous along with Komagome, Asakusa, Yotsuya and Fukagawa. In the picture, a figure holding a parasol can be seen half way up the mountainside in the background of a man-made Fuji. The young girl in the foreground is holding a straw snake and in around the Hōei period (1704 to 1711), these were sold as charms against diseases in Fujizuka in Komagome and after this they were sold in various locations during the Mt. Fuji Festival.
- source : library.metro.tokyo.jp/portals...
Shrine Teppozu Inari Jinja 鐵砲洲稲荷神社
This shrine was founded in 841.
The protector deity for the local residents - ubusuna no kami 産土神 was established in 1554
生成太神(いなりのおおかみ) Inari no Ookami

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This shrine, close to the banks of the Sumida River, traces its origins back to a shrine constructed nearby in 1520, while it has been in its current location since 1642.
Besides being the site of a number of interesting festivals throughout the year (including one that sees participants taking a dip in a pool on the second Sunday in January), arguably the main attraction is next to the actual shrine. Here, you'll find a mini Mount Fuji constructed from rocks carried from Fujisan itself by devotees, as part of an old tradition of worshipping the great mountain.
- source : timeout.com/tokyo/attractions... -
- Deities in residence
稚産霊神(わくむすびのかみ)Wakumusubi no Kami
豊受比売神(とようけひめのかみ)Toyoukehime no Kami
宇迦之御魂神(うがのみたまのかみ)Uganomitama no Kami

- HP of the Shrine
- reference source : teppozujinja.or.jp... -
. Shrine 新富稲荷神社 Shintomi Inari Jinja .
Inaribashi bridge 稲荷橋 Hiroshige
前野良沢 Maeno Ryotaku (1723 - 1803)
was born in the residence of the 奥平 Okudaira family at Edo Teppozu.

also known as 前野蘭化 Maeno Ranka
known as one of the most active in learning the Dutch language, reading and translating Dutch materials, and organizing opportunities for others to learn the language.
He studied with Yoshio Kôsaku, and was active in Rangaku circles of his time.
In his Kanrei higen (1777),
Maeno writes of the virtue of European nations, and of the importance of the quality of a culture's religious teachings in ensuring peace and prosperity. He writes of the success of the spread of Christianity as evidence for the value of Christianity as a moralizing agent, and asserts that while China has seen numerous violent coups, no European ruler has ever taken power by violent usurpation. He never published his Kanrei higen for fear of running afoul of the shogunate, but manuscripts circulated among other Rangaku scholars, physicians, and translators.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Medicine in Edo .
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. kanchuu suiyoku 寒中水浴 midwinter bathing .
- - kigo for mid-winter - -
Teppozu Inari Shrine 鐵砲洲稲荷神社, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
January 12
Men wearing only loincloths pour purifying water over themselves.
mikoshi oi Ginza Shintomi Akashi choo
carrying Mikoshi
Ginza Shintomi
Tr. Gabi Greve
愛澤豊嗣 Aizawa Toyotsugu
. mikoshi神輿、御輿 portable shrine .
kigo for all summer

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. Ginza 銀座 Ginza district . - Chuo ward
. Chūō ku, Chuuoo Ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .
. Akashicho 明石町 Akashi district . - Chuo ward
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #teppozu - - - -
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