. Kaido 街道 The old highways .
Aramakiyama Kaido 荒巻山街道 Aramakiyama Highway
Miyagi 宮城県
Aramaki is a town in 仙台 青葉区 Sendai city, Aoba ward.
Near the park 水の森公園 Mizu no Mori Koen there is a road the locals call
秀衡街道 Hidehira Kaido.
Along the river 高柳川 Takayanagigawa is a bridge and on its side a stone memorial.
The old road then tunrs East along the river 七北田川 Nanakitagawa. There is a small shrine at the side.
Around here parts of the old highway have been found during excavations in 1990.
The are used to be
71. Nanakita 七北田宿 postal station on the Oshu Kaido.
Near the temple 洞雲寺 Toun-Ji. Old records mention a rod from there leading to the old highway 中山古海道 Nakayama Kokaido.
Near the temple 北山寂光寺 Kitayama Jako-Ji is a Shrine for the deity 荒巻明神 Aramaki Myojin in the compound of the Shrine Atagosha 愛宕社内荒巻明神.
In the town of 半子町(はんこまち)Hanko Machi there is also a highway called
芋沢街道 Imozawa Kaido.
The pass 国見峠 Kunimi Toge is on the border of Sendai city and 宮城町 Miyagimachi town, about 220 m high.
Imozawa is a district in Miyagimachi and was an important postal station for changing horses.
Along the old highway were statues of 馬頭観世音 Bato Kannon with a Horse-Head.
Hidehira Kaido 秀衡街道 Hidehira Highway
秀衡道 Hidehira Michi
Ogon no Michi 黄金の道 the Gold Road
. Fujiwara no Hidehira 藤原秀衡 (1122 - 1187) .
From 北上市 Kitakami city in Iwate via the town of 西和賀町 Nishiwaga to 横手市 Yokote city in Akita.

source : nishiwata town

Mutsu Ogon Kaido 陸奥黄金街道 Highway to transport gold

Kichiji Ogon Kaido 吉次黄金街道
Sendaidoo 仙台道 Sendaidō, Sendaido Highway
Part of the
. Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido highway .
connecting Edo with the Mutsu Province in Tohoku
and then further North up to Hokkaido
Established in the early Edo period to connect the city of Sendai with Shirakawa in Fukushima.
About 172 km long with 43 postal stations along the road.

- reference source : youjirouwalk.arrow.jp/sendai_walk... -
Fukushima Prefecture
27. Shirakawa-shuku (白川宿) (Shirakawa)
28. Neda 根田宿
29. Odagawa 小田川宿
30. Otagawa 太田川宿
31. Fumase 踏瀬宿
32. Owagu 大和久宿
33. Nakahatashinden 中畑新田宿
34. Yabuki 矢吹宿
35. Kyuraishi 久来石宿
36. Kasaishi 笠石宿
37. Sukagawa 須賀川宿
38. Sasagawa 笹川宿
39. Hidenoyama 日出山宿
40. Koharada 小原田宿
41. Koriyama 郡山宿
42. Fukuhara 福原宿
43. Hiwada 日和田宿
44. Takakura 高倉宿
45. Motomiya 本宮宿
46. Minamisugita 南杉田宿
47. Kitasugita 北杉田宿
48. Nihonmatsu 二本松宿
49. Nihonyanagi 二本柳宿
50. Hachome 八丁目宿
51. Wakamiya 若宮宿
52. Shimizumachi 清水町宿
53. Fukushima 福島宿
54. Senoue 瀬上宿
55. Kori 桑折宿
56. Fujita 藤田宿
57. Kaida 貝田宿
Miyagi prefecture
58. Kosugo 越河宿
59. Saikawa 斎川宿
60. Shiroishi 白石宿
61. Miya 宮宿
62. Kanagase 金ヶ瀬宿
63. Ogawara 大河原宿
64. Funabasama 船迫宿
65. Tsukinoki 槻木宿
66. Iwanuma 岩沼宿
67. Masuda 増田宿
68. Nakada 中田宿
69. Nagamachi 長町宿
70. Sendai 仙台宿
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
仙台市 Sendai 青葉区 Aoba ward
Aramaki no Monju 荒巻の文殊 Aramaki no Monju
In the village 相馬中村 Soma Nakamura lived a yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest called 佐藤八大院長秀 Sato Nagahide. Together with his younger brother 甚次郎定次 he killed the enemy who had killed their father, at the pass 果無し峠 Hatenashi Toge.
Then they went to Sendai and became retainers of 伊達政宗 Lord Date Masamune.
One day they had a dream that a statue of Monju Bosatsu was lying deep down in a riverpool.
They found the statue and built a hall on a mountain near the Aramakiyama Kaido
In former times girls used to make a pilgrimage here when they were 13 years of age, to pray for wisdom.
. Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri - Mañjuśrī .
. juusanmairi 十三参り Temple visit for 13 years .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .

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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 The old highways .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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