. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
- Fujisawa Kaido, see below
kinu no michi 絹の道 the Silk Roads of Japan
shirukuroodoo, shiruku roodo シルクロード Silk Road

浜街道 - 「絹の道」のはなし Hama Kaido - kinu no michi no hanashi
馬場喜信 Baba Yoshinobu
. kinu 絹 silk in Japanese culture .
- Introduction -
. kinu to densetsu 絹と伝説 Silk - legends and tales .
This Silk Road starts deep in 多摩丘陵 the mountains of Tama.
Raw silk has been transported from 八王子 Hachioji to 横浜 Yokohama.
Hachioji Kaido 八王子街道 was the name in Yokohama.
Kanagawa Okan 神奈川往還 Kanagawa Road
This part is the Hama Kaido浜街道 Beach Road.
Also called
Yarimizu Kaido 鑓水街道 Yarimizu Highway
About 44 km.
It was used since 1859, then the silk industry grew in Japan and luggage had to be transported to the port of Yokohama.
八王子 Hachioji
片倉台 Katakuradai
鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass
御殿橋 Gotenbashi gridge
田端 Tabata
町田街道 Machida Kaido - see below
常磐 Tokiwa
木曽 Kiso
小鶴橋 Kozurubashi bridge
南町田駅 Minami-Machida station
長津田辻 Nagatsuta-tsuji
川井浄水場 Kawai Josuijo
. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway . - branching off to Edo / Tokyo
鶴ヶ峰 Tsurugamine
白根 Shirane
上星川 Kami-Hoshikawa
保土ヶ谷 Hodogaya
浅間台 Sengendai
戸部 Tobe
野毛 Noge
シルクセンター silk center Yokohama
- reference and photos : kaidouarukitabi.com/rekisi... -
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Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road,
is a highway connecting Hachiouji City to Tokyo and Yokohama City of Kanagawa Prefecture and it follows the same journey as today’s Route 16.
Hachiouji City had been known as Souto (translated as the city of mulberry) since old times and thrived with the production of raw silk. In 1859, as Yokohama opened its port to limited foreign trade, raw silk became an important export and Hachiouji became a vital hub for raw silk merchants from Nagano and Yamanashi area.
The road frequently used for the raw silk trade was called Yarimizu-kaido or Hama-kaido, but because the road was what the Silk Road was to the Asian continent, it later became known as Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road.
The road has been recognized for its historical importance and some parts of the road and vicinity were restored and preserved. In Yarimizu region of Hachiouji, there is the Silk Road Museum built inside the ruins of the mansion of a famous raw silk merchant.
The Silk Road is a valuable historical record that has many stories to tell of the silk trade merchants in late Edo period and the Meiji era to this day.
- source : nippon-kichi... -
Fujisawa Kaido 藤沢街道 Fujisawa Kaido
From Hachioji to Fujisawa (Kanagawa), a port town in Sagamiwan Bay.
Fujisawa (Fujizawa) is a postal station along the Tokaido Highway.
Utagawa Hiroshige I 歌川広重 (1797 – 1858)
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Hachiōji 八王子市, Hachiōji-shi - Hachioji City
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Hachiōji was part of ancient Musashi Province. It has been an important junction point and post town along the Kōshū Kaidō, the main road that connected the historical Edo (today's Tokyo) with western Japan. Hachiōji Castle was built during the Sengoku period in 1584 by Hōjō Ujiteru, but was soon destroyed in 1590 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. During the Edo period, the area was tenryō controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate.
During the Meiji period, Hachiōji prospered as an important location for the production of silk and silk textiles.
The industry faded away, however, in the 1960s.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .
Machida Kaido 町田街道 Machida Kaido Avenue
A road between Machida-kaido Iriguchi Intersection in Hachioji city and Machida-shi Tsuji Intersection in Machida city.
- the part running through Machida city, also called 町街 Machikai.
It runs along the river 境川 Sakaigawa,
a watershed between the river 鶴見川 Tsurumigawa going to the Tokyowan 東京湾 Tokyo Bay and
the river Sakaigawa going to the Sagamiwan 相模湾 Sagami Bay.
Silk Road Museum Yarimizu シルクロード鑓水
Yarimizu, Hachioji, Tokyo

鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass

- Silk Museum Yokohama - シルク博物館 -
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The Silk Road or Silk Route in China - Seidenstrasse -

is a network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.
- source : wikipedia -
. Silk Road シルクロード - Asian Highway アジアンハイウェイ .
. yama-ai no shiruku roodo 山あいのシルクロード "silk road in the mountains" .
Kotaki Kaido 小滝街道 Kotaki Highway
A waki kaido side road from the Yonezawa Kaido, Yamagata prefecture.
. Chirimen Kaidoo 縮緬街道 the Crepe-Silk Road .
Tango - Chirimen Rekishikan
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
奥田智久 Okuda Tomohisa
絹の道句会 Kinu no Michi Haiku Group
- reference source : shunkouhaiku.com/haikuka... -
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway .
. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #kinunomichi #kinu #silk #silkroad #fujisawasaiko #seidenstrasse #yarimizu #hachioji #machida #fujizawa - - - -
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