. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Harima Kaido 播磨街道 Harima Highway
播磨大路 Harima Oji // 播磨大道 Harima Daido
From Harima (Himeji, Hyogo prefecture) to 岡山県 Okayama
This is the local part of the
. Sanyo Kaido 山陽街道 Sanyo Highway and 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido .
used by the regional Daimyo on their Sankin Kotai to Edo.
The old names of the area were
播磨国 Harima no Kuni and 備前国 Bizen no Kuni.

- Places along the Harima Kaido

Funasaka Toge Pass 船坂峠 - 197m
On the border of 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町梨ヶ原 Nashigahara, Kamigori, Ako in Hyogo to 岡山県備前市三石 Mitsuishi Bizen city, Okayama.
The old name was 畝坂(うなさか) Unasaka.
Sakanaga 坂長 (さかなが)- the old name for Mitsuishi in Bizen city
Mitsuishi postal station 三石の宿場
with sekisho 関所 a barrier

Mitsuishi mile stone
. Sanyo Kaido 山陽街道 Sanyo Highway and 西国街道 Saigoku Kaido .
10 姫路 (姫路市)- Himeji
11 正條(たつの市)- Shojo (Tatsuno)
12 片島(たつの市)- Katashima (Tatsuno)
13 有年(赤穂市)- Yunen (Akaho)
14 三石(備前市)- Mitsuishi (Bizen)
15 片上(備前市)- Katakami (Bizen)
16 藤井(岡山市)- Fujii (Okayama)
17 岡山(岡山市)- Okayama
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Harima Province (播磨国, Harima no kuni) or Banshū (播州)
was a province of Japan in the part of Honshū that is the southwestern part of present-day Hyōgo Prefecture. Harima bordered on Tajima, Tanba, Settsu, Bizen, and Mimasaka Provinces. Its capital was Himeji.
During the Edo period, the Akō Domain (fief) was part of Harima. The Forty-seven rōnin were samurai of Akō han. IHI Corporation, a shipbuilder and major Boeing engine subcontractor gets its name from the province.
- History
Harima Province was established in 7th century. During the Meiji Restoration, Himeji Prefecture was established with the whole area of Harima Province as the territory. Himeji Prefecture was renamed to Shikama prefecture, and Shikama Prefecture was transferred to Hyōgo Prefecture finally.
Iwa jinja 伊和神社 was the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) of Harima.
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Bizen Province (備前国, Bizen no kuni)
was a province of Japan on the Inland Sea side of Honshū, in what is today the southeastern part of Okayama Prefecture. It was sometimes called Bishū (備州 Bishu), with Bitchū and Bingo Provinces. Bizen borders Mimasaka, Harima, and Bitchū Provinces.
Bizen's original center was in the modern city of Okayama. From an early time Bizen was one of Japan's main centers for sword smithing.
- History
In the 3rd month of the 6th year of the Wadō era (713), the land of Bizen-no kuni was administratively separated from Mimasaka Province (美作国). In that same year, Empress Genmei's Daijō-kan continued to organize other cadastral changes in the provincial map of the Nara period.
In Wadō 6, Tanba Province (丹波国) was sundered from Tango Province (丹後国); and Hyūga Province (日向国) was divided from Ōsumi Province (大隈国).
In the Muromachi period,
Bizen was ruled by the Akamatsu clan from Mimasaka, but by the Sengoku period the Urakami clan had become dominant and settled in Okayama city. They were later supplanted by the Ukita clan, and Ukita Hideie was one of the regents Toyotomi Hideyoshi appointed for his son. After Kobayakawa Hideaki helped Tokugawa Ieyasu to win the Battle of Sekigahara over Ukita and others, he was granted Ukita's domains in Bizen and Mimasaka.
Bizen passed through a variety of hands during the Edo period before being incorporated into the modern prefecture system.
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. Banshu 播州 - Harima no Kuni 播磨国 民芸 folk art .
Hyogo Folk Art - 兵庫県
. Banshu 播州 薬師霊場 pilgrimage to Yakushi Nyorai .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
播磨国 Harima no Kuni
. Kitsune Hikyaku 狐飛脚 fox messengers .

桂蔵坊 Keizobo was an old fox that lived close to the Tottori castle. He could run to Edo and back in just two days and was famous for his speed. The Lord Ikeda 池田 of the Castle was very fond of him.
One day Keizobo was sent on a secret mission to Edo and passing 播磨国 Harima no Kuni (Hyogo), he passed a trap of a farmer, who had placed a delicious-smelling fried rat. Since he was on an urgent mission, he passed on. On his way back from Edo he was hungry and wanted to get the rat, but in turn got caught in the trap himself and was killed.
Lord Ikeda grieved about his friend and had the shrine 中坂神社 Nakazaka Jinja built in his honor.
播磨国明石 Akashi
bifujin 美婦人 beautiful women
In Akashi lived a man named 石巻郷右衛門 Ishimaki Goemon. When he was about 20 years, a spring of pure water came out of the garden in front of his room. In the water there were many beautiful women. The women came into his room and he fell in love with them all. He was up all night and became weaker and weaker ...
When his mother asked about his problem. He told her all and the ladies stopped appearing.
播磨国安志 Anji
Sekawa Taukai せ河たう介
Among the retainers of the Lord of Anji there was a man named Sekawa Taukai. He was a very fast runner and could run about 300 km in one day.
Once on a rainy day he run with an umbrella, but when he came back, the umbrella was torn to pieces.
播磨国谷外村 Tanisotomura village
. Legends about oni 鬼 demons .
If a child has kan 癇 epilepsy, the mother puts a piece of paper with the word 鬼 demon written three times in its hand. Then she recites a Buddhist spell three times:
アブラウンケンソワカ abura unken sowaka / abiraunken sowaka
Abira unken sowaka is a chant against the Seven Misfortunes (七難消滅).
................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
備前国 Bizen no Kuni
amagoi waka 雨乞和歌 Waka poetry and rain rituals
A Samurai from Bizen no Kuni named 水野義風 Mizuno Gifu was ordered by the village head to write a Waka poem as a rain ritual.
The villagers were happy, took a copy home and offered it to the 産土神 Ubusunagami, And the rain came soon.
So to our day when there is a drought, they take out this paper and perform rituals. Then it will rain.
. Ubusunagami 産土神 Deity of the place of birth .
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. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .
In Bizen no Kuni there is a dog who recites the Nenbutsu 念仏 Amida Prayer. He stands at the gate of the temple and talks in almost a human voice.
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. suikazura スイカズラ / 吸葛 / 忍冬 と伝説 Legends about honeysuckle .
Inugami 犬神,Sarugami 猿神 and the Nue Monster
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yakoo no tama 夜光の玉 a ball of light in the night
According to the geographer 古川古松軒 Furukawa Koshoken, who was born in Bizen no Kuni,
in the year 1797 in 備前国 Bizen in 児嶋 / 児島 Kojima 榧原 Kayahara, a rich farmer had ishigaki 石垣 a large stone wall built around his estate. From two large stones there were two round balls coming out.
The big one looked as if a white powder was painted around it. When placed into a dark room, one could almost read a book.
- Furukawa Koshoken (1726 - 1807) -
... known chiefly for his travel of his travels in Kyûshû and Tôhoku.

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
播磨国 OK // 51 播磨
備前国 OK // 26 備前
17 播磨国飾磨郡地方の迷信集 (00)
essay by 浅田茂 Asada Shigeru

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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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