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Showing posts with label - - - Persons - People. Show all posts


shokunin craftsmen legends

. Traditional Crafts of Edo - Tokyo .
. - - - - - ABC List of Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 - - - - - .

shokunin 職人と伝説 legends about craftsmen, artisans, Handwerker
watari shokunin 渡り職人 wandering craftsman

Edo no waza to takumi 江戸の技と匠 The skilled craftsmen of Edo

. takumi 匠と伝説 legends about master craftsmen .


三十二番職人歌合絵巻 Sanjuniban Shokunin Uta Awase

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uta awase-e 歌合絵
A series of paintings, usually in handscroll format, arranged as if in a poetry contest utaawase 歌合, where poems composed on assigned topics by members of two opposing teams are judged. These poetry contests originated in the late 9c and became very popular among aristocrats during the 12c. The paintings usually are imaginary portraits of the poets or, occasionally, landscapes described in the poem. Utaawase-e are divided into the following three types. ...
3 Shokunin utaawase-e 職人歌合絵 Illustrations of A Poetry Competition among People of Various Occupations
is a generic term for an imaginary poetry contest in which the competing poets are depicted with the garb and tools of various occupations.
The term shokunin 職人, means craftsmen in modern Japanese,
but in the 13-15c, implied virtually any member of the urban population, as opposed to an aristocrat or a peasant. People such as physicians, fortunetellers, dancers, painters, metal-workers, woodcutters, and gamblers are depicted with poems attributed to them. It is a competition conceived by a single author, and the attribution to persons of various occupations is merely a device to allow artists to explore genre themes. Numerous versions and later copies of illustrations of several different texts of shokunin poetry contests, which were most popular in the late Kamakura and Muromachi periods, are extant.
Two outstanding examples are:
Illustrated Handscroll of The Touhoku'in Poetry Contest among Persons of Various Occupations, Touhoku-in shokunin utaawase emaki 東北院職人歌合絵巻 (early 14c; Tokyo National Museum),
Illustrated Handscroll of The Poetry Contest among Persons of Varions Occupations in Thirty-two Rounds, Sanjuuniban shokunin utaawase emaki 三十二番職人歌合絵巻 (Muromachi period; Tenri 天理 Library, Nara).
- source : JAANUS -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district 設楽町 Shitara town // 材木商の職人 - lumberjack

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A baby that had been put to sleep in a mountain hut suddenyl begun to cry. When they looked, a serpent had bitten into its right leg. They looked for the serpent, found it outside and killed it. But they feared the serpent might have been yama no nushi 山の主 the master of the mountain, so they built a small Shinto Shrine to venerate it.
Some time later 材木商の職人 a craftsman working for a lumber dealer damaged the painting of a blind serpent in the Shrine. The next day when he went to work people saw ryuu 龍 a dragon above his head. When they looked closer, it was just a piece of fujizuru 藤蔓 wisteria vine. The man died soon after.

. fuji 藤 wisteria vine .

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furudanuki 古狸 old badger
The trees from a special mountain sold very well. But then strange things happened and the lumberjacks did not work there for long.
Even now, late at night, when the lumberjacks sleep in the small mountain hut, a beautiful young woman appears.
One night a lumberjack took courage and slashed the face of the woman and all could see it was just an old badger.

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- kagiya 鍵屋 locksmith -
hebi 蛇 serpent . 大きなヤマカガシ a big Rhabdophis tigrinus, tiger keelback
About 25 years ago, a man went to the charcoal maker's hut to fetch the coal. There he found a huge tiger keelback, surrounded by its children and many grand-children serpents.
Later many workers for a locksmith came to get the lumber but the serpent told them they would be killed if they stole anything.
After that the serpent disappeared.

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
- 木挽や左官や製材職人 lumberjacks and plasterers (working at a Shrine) -

ningyoo 人形 a strange doll
About 3 years ago, a lumberjack found a small doll of about 15 cm at the foot of akamatsu 赤松 a Japanese red pine. It was bundled in blue wool and in its stomach a nail was sticking out.
After than the lumberjacks and plasterers begun to have injuries and a local priest took the doll, held special rituals and burned it.

kobiki 木挽職人 working with a special saw
shakan, sakan 左官職人 plasterer
seizai shokunin 製材職人 lumberjack

. Kobikichoo 木挽町 Kobiki district .
kobiki-noko 木挽鋸 special saw of a Kobiki worker

................................................................................. Gunma 群馬県
太田市 Ota city / 建設職人 construction worker

Choorakuji rei 長楽寺鈴 the bell of temple Choraku-Ji *
At the temple Choraku-JI there is a treasure bell. If it starts to ring, there will be flooding.
During repair work of the hall, a construction worker rang it by accident. And suddenly the sky became dark, it rained heavily and flooding was everywhere.
The sound of the bell awakens the Dragon God . . .

- quote
(3) Miracle of Hasu-ike Pond
Hasu-ike Pond was created in the shape of the Chinese character “heart (心)”. It is said that this pond used to have a special power. If you threw a piece of paper with the thing you desired most written on it into the pond, it would give it to you. However, a long time ago, a monk asked for and received a mosquito net from the pond. But, it was so beautiful that he didn’t want to give it back. The thing was, if you didn’t return to the pond what it had given you, it would lose its special power.
Although he knew this, he never returned the mosquito net. And since then, no one has been able to get anything from the pond.
- reference and more : -

................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県
広島市 Hiroshima city // 職人

. Osangitsune オサンギツネ / 於三狐 O-San kitsune fox with three tails.
She liked to make fire with her tail, shape-shift into a raion ライオン lion and play tricks on humans.
But since she was so wicked, a shokunin 職人 craftsman took courage, caught her and wanted to burn her. She begged for help and promised she would show him daimyoo gyooretsu 大名行列 a Lord's procession. After he had seen the procession, the craftsman praised the fox. But since this was not an apparition but a real procession, the craftsman was caught and beheaded.

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe // 張子玩具職人 making papermachee dolls

obake ningyoo お化人形 monster dolls
A craftsman of papermachee dolls had moved from Takamatsu. To please the many foreigners in Kobe he started making monster-like dolls which moved, rolled the eyes, cut watermelons and more.

. Koobe ningyoo, Kobe Ningyo 神戸人形 mechanical dolls from Kobe .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
東磐井郡 Higashi-Iwai district 大東村 Ohigashi mura village // 畳職人 tatami straw mat maker

kitsune 狐 fox
A tatami maker was possessed by a fox and did not find his way home. He ended up at the home of someone else.

. tatami 畳職人 Tatami legends .

Iwate 和賀郡 Waga district 東和町 Towa town // 藁細工の職人 making things of straw

kitsune きつね fox
A man was waiting for customers at watashibune 渡し舟 the ferry station.
A craftsman making things of straw came along, but he was afraid of fire.
Maybe the spirit of a fox had taken possession of him in the mountain forest.

. wara-zaiku 藁細工 things made of straw .

................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
浦賀町 Uraga town // 職人

. yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghosts .
A craftsman fell in love with a yuujo 遊女 prostitute, but his jealous wife killed the prostitute. From that day on, her ghost came to the room every night and rustled her hair along the shooji 障子 sliding doors. Her husband became all anxious and finally went on a pilgrimage. When he wanted to get a place for the night, he was always asked "For the two of you?"
Eventually he went to the temple 龍本寺 Ryuhon-Ji and died there.

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
下京区 Shimogyo ward // 職人

hara no uchi yori mono iu mono 腹のうちより物いうもの
something talkes inside her intestines

The daughter of 近江屋吉 Omiya Kichi, a craftsman from 烏丸四条 Shijo Karasuma, went to marry a certain 藤 Fuji from 烏丸綾小路 Ayanokoji Karasuma.
She was a very good bride, but Fuji was in love with someone else and divorced her, marrying his love.
The daughter of Kichi went missing after the divorce. The new wife of Fuji became very ill. A large roundworm, 応声虫 Oseichu, begun to live in her intestines and talked. The woman had to answer if the worm asked something. They had exorcist rituals but nothing helped and eventually she died.
Fuji went crazy and died soon after.

source :

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Oseichu – The Mimicking Roundworm
It starts with a high fever and some stomach pains, and ends with a giant mouth poking out of your own stomach, speaking in your own voice demanding food and drink. It’s bad enough getting sick, but you don’t want to catch a yokai disease. Especially you don’t want to get infected by an oseichu, a mimicking roundworm.
- What Does Oseichu Mean?
Oseichu is made up of three kanji – 応 (O; affirmative, agreements ) + 声 (sei; voice) + 虫 (chu; worm, bug). The three kanji translate roughly into “Voice Mimicking Bug,” all though the word “bug” refers more to the infectious disease type than the insect type.
The term osei (応声) is really only used in relation to this yokai. In fact, sometimes the “chu” is dropped altogether and it is just called an osei.
- The Oseichu of Chusaburo
- Yokai Diseases and Mysterious Bugs
- source : -

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
本吉町 Motoyoshi // 壁塗りの職人

kitsune 狐 deceived by a fox 狐
A kabenuri no shokunin 壁塗りの職人 plasterer had helped a farmer with his work and was on his way home. He had gotten some tako 蛸 octopus and iwashi 鰯 sardines and put them in a charcoal bag. But when he reached home, the bag was empty.
He found some leftovers of octopus and sardines scattered at the nest of a fox - aaa, he had been deceived by a fox.

. shakan, sakan 左官 kabe nuri shokunin plasterer, making walls .

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village // 職人

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
The youngest child of a craftsman was bewitched by a fox. It begun to eat horse droppings and mimizu ミミズ earthworms, and then got lost.
The father got an amulet from 水天宮 the Shrine Suitengu, tore it to pieces and let it float down the river. When it stopped floating, they found the child.

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府
大阪市 Osaka city // 植木職人 ueki shokunin

In 大阪城内 the compound of Osaka castle there was a large pine tree whith 植木職人 a special gardener to take care of it.
Once he tried to trim a branch with sharp hasami 鋏 scissors, but he became very sick the same day.

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
秩父郡 Chichibu 吉田町 Yoshida town // 畳屋 Tatami straw mat maker

. Chichibu no Tengu 秩父の天狗さま The Tengu from Chichibu .
Once upon a time, it was customary for the local craftsmen to drink a cup of the when they had finished work and were on their way home.
There was one 畳屋 Tatami straw mat maker, who went home without drinking his tea.
After walking for a short while, he heard the sound of cutting wood and it became so dark he could not see the road. Unable to proceed he went back to borrow 提灯 a lantern.
The home owner told him this was the trick of the local Tengu. When he walked back again, it was so light, he almost did not need a lantern.

所沢市 Tokorozawa city // 桶屋職人 craftsman making buckets

. fukunekozuka, fuku neko zuka 福猫塚 mound of the auspicious cat .

................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

文京区 Bunkyo ward // 弓職人 making bows

hikigaeru ひきがへる toad
At a place named 関口 Sekiguchi in Edo there was 水神の社 a Shrine for Suijin the Water Deity. Along the river in front of the Shrine there grew a lot of makomo まこも草 wild rice .
Once 弓職人 a craftsman making bows named Yahei 弥兵衛 passed there when he saw some large shining eyes, about as larte as one seating mat. This was a huge toad.
He was so afraid he run home and stayed in bed for seven days.

. yumi 弓 bow and 矢 ya arrow .

豊島区 Toshima ward // 渡り職人の木挽き sawing wood

At the home of a lumber dealer there were often stones falling from the sky.
He had kaji kito 加持祈祷 exorcist rites performed, but nothing helped. Even large grave stones came falling down.
When a couple of wandering craftsmen, which had been sawing wood left the home, the stoned stopped falling.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


- quote
Fireman's coat (19th century)
decorated with a spider hovering over an abadoned Go board.
The scene is from the story of the warrior-hero Minamoto no Yorimitsu (948–1021) who,
once when sick, was visited by an evil priest in the guise of a giant spider.
Yorimitsu saw through the disguise and attacked the spider priest,
and his four attendants (who were playing a game of Go while guarding him)
leapt up to track the intruder back to his den
. source : collection/japanese-firemans-coats ,,, .


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. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
- Introduction -
. takumi 匠と伝説 legends about master craftsmen .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #shokunin #craftsmen #handwerker #craftsman #utaawase #shokuninutaawase - - - -


saya ate kabuki

. Famous People of Japan .

sayaate, saya-ate 鞘当て scabbard-clashing, scabbard-collision, sheath collision
contentions in love-affairs - and a Kabuki play

source :

In the Edo period, Samurai were always carrying two swords and sometimes when they had to pass each other on a narrow town-road, the scabbards could clash - and even provoke a fight between the two men. Often one Samurai did it on purpose to provoke a fight.

. Katana - the Japanese Sword .

. Kabuki Theater ... 歌舞伎 .


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Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma 浮世柄比翼稲妻

A sayaate is a scabbards clashing confrontation between two warriors.
In the Kabuki world, this word is associated to the confrontation between Nagoya Sanza and Fuwa Banzaemon, who were both in love with the courtesan Katsuragi. The very first sayaate scene in Kabuki history was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1680 at the Ichimuraza.
is now a 20-minute visually-striking dance look-alike popular act, which is based on the version written by Tsuruya Nanboku IV for his long drama "Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma", which was premiered in the 3rd lunar month of 1823 at the Ichimuraza It is accompanied by a light Nagauta ensemble.
"Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma" was divided in two parts, 9 acts and 19 scenes. The "Sayaate" scene of this drama was the 8th and last scene of the first part. It quickly became a successful independent drama. When "Ukiyozuka Hiyoku no Inazuma" is staged as a tôshi kyôgen, "Sayaate" is entitled "Date Kurabe Kuruwa no Sayaate".
Fuwa Banzaemon carries a sword named "Thunder" and wears a kimono decorated with a pattern of "lightning-in-the-clouds". His rival Nagoya Sanzaburô (Sanza for short) carries a sword named "Amorous Swallows" and wears a kimono decorated with a "swallows-in-the-rain" pattern. Unaware of each other, they make simultaneous entrances along the two raised passageways (hanamichi) through the audience. As they pass on the main stage, which represents Nakano Street in the Yoshiwara pleasure district at cherry blossom time, their sword hilts clash. They exchange insults, remove their green sedge travelling-hats, recognize one another and draw swords to fight over the courtesan Katsuragi. The mistress of a neighbouring tea house rushes forward and persuades them to call a truce.
Depending on the production, the person who makes Nagoya Sanza and Fuwa Banzaemon lower their swords, is the mistress of a neighbouring tea house, the courtesan Katsuragi or a tea house bantô. The name of the mistress of a neighbouring tea house is related to the actor, who plays the role. It is for examples Otoki when Nakamura Tokizô plays the role or Okyô when she is played by Nakamura Shibajaku (because of his yagô Kyôya).
- source :


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

ほたるにも戀 (恋)の鞘当てありぬべし
hotaru ni mo koi no saya-ate arinu beshi

Tr. Gabi Greve

高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

. hotaru 蛍 fireflies .
- - kigo for various seasons - -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sayaate #saya-ate #kabuki - - - -


Edo 88 Mysteries Book

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

88 mysteries about Edo / Tokyo

春日和夫 Kasuga Kazuo



1 江戸城とその周辺(千代田・中央・港)―江戸時代以前から、江戸はここにあった!(「江戸」とはそもそもどこを示す地名だったのか?―そして江戸はいつごろから江戸だったのか?
太田道潅はなぜ江戸に城を構えたのか?―二大勢力の対立から生まれた江戸城 ほか)

2 城南(品川・大田・目黒)
宿場品川はなぜかくも「異界」なのか?―東海道ルートの江戸の入り口はかなり怖い ほか)

3 城西(新宿・渋谷・中野・杉並・世田谷)
盛り場としての「新宿」設置の本当の理由は?―軍事拠点は泰平の世に歓楽街と化した ほか)

4 城北(文京・豊島・北・板橋・練馬)
御殿が養生所になったのはなぜ?―小石川は民間信仰のデパートだった ほか)

5 城東(台東・荒川・江東・墨田・江戸川・葛飾・足立)
江戸にも「会いに行けるアイドル」がいた?― 美人の看板娘で商売繁昌 ほか)


. Joonan 城南 Jonan, south of the castle .
城西 Josai - west of the castle
城北 Johoku - north of the castle
城東 Joto - east of the castle


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. Edo - Reference, books and LINKS .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edo88mysteries #edoriddle #riddle #kasugakazuo - - - -


Tokyo Olympics 2020

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Tokyo Olympics 2020

Manga artist Hirohiko Araki’s
“The Sky above The Great Wave off the Coast of Kanagawa”

is a dynamic scene of Paralympians in motion. Inspired by Katsushika Hokusai’s woodblock print masterpiece “The Great Wave,”
Araki said he “imagined the gods of sports descending on Japan from a sky filled with clouds resembling turbulent waves.”
source :

. Hokusai, the Great Wave and the Tsunami 2011 / 北斎 津波 .


Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 コロナウイルス corona virus they will be postponed.
. coronavirus spreading コロナウイルス .


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The 2020 Summer Olympics (2020年夏季オリンピック, Nisen Nijū-nen Kaki Orinpikku),
officially known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad (Japanese: 第三十二回オリンピック競技大会, Hepburn: Dai Sanjūni-kai Orinpikku Kyōgi Taikai) and commonly known as Tokyo 2020 or the Recovery Olympics, is an upcoming international multi-sport event that is scheduled to take place from 24 July to 9 August 2020 in Tokyo, Japan, with preliminary events in some sports beginning on 22 July.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mascots .


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. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #olympics2020 #tokyo2020 #paralympics #sports #olympiade - - - -


Emperor Naruhito Enthronement

. Famous People of Japan .

Enthronement of Emperor Naruhito

Emperor proclaims enthronement in a ceremony

A ceremony to mark the accession of Japan's Emperor Naruhito has taken place at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. He took the throne in May. Today his accession is being celebrated by leaders of Japan and dignitaries from around the world.

He gave the following speech:

Having previously succeeded to the Imperial Throne in accordance with the Constitution of Japan and the Special Measures Law on the Imperial House Law. I now perform the Ceremony of Enthronement at the Seiden State Hall and proclaim my enthronement to those at home and abroad.
I deeply reflect anew that for more than 30 years on the Throne, His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus constantly prayed for the happiness of the people and world peace, always sharing in the joys and sorrows of the people, and showing compassion through his own bearing. I pledge hereby that I shall act according to the Constitution and fulfill my responsibility as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people of Japan, while always wishing for the happiness of the people and the peace of the world, turning my thoughts to the people and standing by them.
I sincerely hope that our country, through our people's wisdom and unceasing efforts, achieves further development and contributes to the friendship and peace of the international community and the welfare and prosperity of humankind.


What are the 'Takamikura' and the 'Michodai'?

The "Takamikura" throne is said to have been used for important ceremonies since the Nara period, which began in the 8th century.
The current throne, along with the Empress' "Michodai," or the "August Seat", was made in 1913 upon the accession of Emperor Taisho. It has since been used by his two successors: Emperor Showa and the current Emperor's father, Emperor Emeritus Akihito.
The "Takamikura" stands nearly 6.5 meters high. It consists of an elaborately decorated octagonal canopy on a 6-meter-square dais.
The sides of the raised platform are decorated with panels of a phoenix and a dragon-headed creature, called a "Qilin."
The canopy is topped with a large golden statue of a phoenix. Smaller statues adorn the eight corners, with 28 mirrors between them.
Stands called "An" are placed inside the "Takamikura". It is where the sacred sword and the sacred jewel, along with the State Seal and the Privy Seal will be placed.

The "Michodai" has a similar structure, but it is slightly smaller. It's 5.5 meters high, with a 5-meter-square dais.
Curtains hang under the canopies with chairs for the Emperor and Empress in the middle.
At the enthronement ceremony, the Emperor ascends the dais and proclaims his accession.
The Emperor and Empress will only be seen once the curtains are opened.

What is the "Kourozen-no-Gohou"?

The Emperor will wear a traditional reddish brown robe called the "Kourozen-no-Gohou" that can be worn only by an emperor.
The robe was already used as attire for emperors in the 9th century.
It has patterns of paulownia, bamboo, phoenix, and the imaginary Chinese beast called "Qilin" woven in the cloth.
Emperor Meiji was the first emperor who wore the Kourozen-no-Gohou for his enthronement ceremony in 1868.
His predecessors, including his father Emperor Komei, wore a Chinese-style red robe called "benpuku" for their enthronement ceremonies.
Currently, Kourozen-no-Gohou is most commonly worn for rituals at the Imperial Palace.
The Emperor wore the attire a week after his accession to the throne in May for the first time. He performed rituals to report to his ancestors and various deities the dates of main ceremonies following his accession.

A new role as Emperor and Empress
It's been almost half a year since the Emperor ascended the throne. While Emperor Naruhito has been following in his father's footsteps as a Symbol of the state, he's also been searching for a more modern vision as Emperor.
On May 1, the Emperor took part in the "Kenji-to-Shokei-no-gi" -- a ceremony to inherit the Imperial Regalia from his father, Emperor Emeritus Akihito.
"I sincerely pray for the happiness of the people and the further development of the nation, as well as the peace of the world," the new Emperor said in his first speech.
To celebrate the succession, 140,000 people visited the Imperial Palace. The couple appeared on the palace balcony six times three days later to greet the public.
The couple has embarked on a new period of imperial diplomacy. Both have spent years living overseas, and have a wide range of international experience to draw on in their interactions and activities going forward.
In late May, the US President came to Japan as a state guest. Both the Emperor and Empress were able to talk with the Trumps without translators.
The imperial couple has visited many regions of the country. One destination was Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. Crowds of people gathered along the roads to welcome the pair. One woman said, "I don't know why but I have tears in my eyes." A young mother said, " Seeing them inspires me to do my best in life, with my child."
The imperial couple went to a facility for people with disabilities in the prefecture, staying beyond their scheduled hours so they could speak with everyone.
On August 15th, the couple attended a government ceremony to mark the 74th anniversary of the end of World War Two. The Emperor expressed his hope for peace.
He said, "Reflecting on our past and bearing in mind the feelings of deep remorse, I earnestly hope that the ravages of war will never again be repeated.
Together with all of our people, I now pay my heartfelt tribute to all those who lost their lives in the war, both on the battlefields and elsewhere, and pray for world peace and for the continuing development of our country."
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have continued to travel across the country, as part of their goal in building a strong bond with the Japanese people, from children to elders.

Who are ceremonial attendants?
People in traditional robes will line the palace corridor, as the central enthronement ceremony, called "Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi," takes place in the "Matsu-no-Ma" State Room.
Ceremonial attendants including "Iginomono," who each carry a sword, a bow and arrows, as well as "Igimono Hojisha," who bear ceremonial items and officials in charge of gongs and drums were originally scheduled to take part.
A total of 78 of the attendants were planned to stand in line outside in the courtyard, along with other officials. But the Imperial Household Agency decided at the last minute to reduce the number to 25 because of heavy rain.
Twenty-six banners, called "ban," will be displayed in the courtyard, as originally planned.
Two bear the word "Banzai" and are nearly nine meters long. The word is embroidered in gold yarn, based on calligraphy drawn by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Enthronement spectacle:
Snow-capped Mpunt Fuji and rainbow make surprise appearances


Ceremony marked with commemorative events
Railways and other businesses across Japan are celebrating the Emperor's enthronement ceremony with special offers.
The operator of the 333-meter-tall Tokyo Tower started selling 10,000 tickets to its main observation deck from 9 a.m. on Tuesday.
The tickets, featuring designs marking the ceremony, are priced the same as regular tickets. Many visitors purchased them, with some saying they made the trip just to get the souvenirs.
Visitors to the 150-meter-high deck were enjoying the view of the capital under rainy skies.
A man in his 60s said he wants people to use the national holiday to celebrate the enthronement and think about the preciousness of peace.
Osaka Metro is also selling commemorative tickets. More than 100 people waited in line early on Tuesday morning at a special sales booth set up at Shin-Osaka Station on the subway Midosuji Line.
The 9-by-20-centimeter ticket features phoenixes, chrysanthemum flowers and other images. One set contains five tickets. A total of 5,000 sets were on offer.
A sixth-grader says he will put his set on display in his bedroom.
People in Dazaifu City in Fukuoka Prefecture, western Japan, are also in a festive mood. The city is associated with an ancient poem from which the name of Japan's new era, Reiwa, was taken.
West Japan Railway added a supplementary name, "Reiwa no Sato," to its Tofuro-mae Station, which is close to the Sakamoto Hachimangu shrine.
The railway unveiled a new name plate for the station in a ceremony on Tuesday.
The design features images from Japan's oldest poetry anthology, which inspired the name Reiwa.


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- source : NHK world news

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Jonan area Shinagawa

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Joonan 城南 Jonan, south of the castle
Joohoku 城北 Johoku, north of the castle
Joosai 城西 Josai, west of the castle

. Edo joo 江戸城 Edo Castle .
- Introduction -

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The Jonan Gozan (go= five, zan= mountain) 城南五山 
is a term used to define the 5 hilltop areas in the Jonan (Jo= castle, nan= south) district of Tokyo - the area from Meguro Station to Shinagawa Station.

The 5 mountains are respectively:
花房山 Hanabusayama, 池田山 Ikedayama, 島津山 Shimazuyama, 御殿山 Gotenyama and 八ツ山 Yatsuyama.

Each name derives from the name of a venerable Daimyo or celebrity from a Daimyo family whose residence had been located there since the Edo Era. These areas are all currently well-known high class residential areas and as a whole, the Jonan Gozan is regarded very highly within central Tokyo.


花房山 Hanabusayama
--- the villa of the Viscount Hanabusa, who was a famous diplomat and successively the president of the Japanese Red Cross Society.

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Hanabusa Yoshitada 花房義質 (1842 - 1917)
Hanabusa was the eldest son of Hanabusa Tanren, a samurai retainer of Okayama Domain and the first mayor of the city of Okayama,...
... In July 1887, Hanabusa was made a councilor to the Imperial Household Ministry. In 1900, he was accorded the title of baron (danshaku) under the kazoku peerage system.
In September 1907, his rank was elevated to Viscount (shishaku).
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池田山 Ikedayama
--- the shimoyashiki 下屋敷 suburban residence of the 池田氏 Ikeda clan of the Bizen, Okayama.
Now an expensive residential area.

Ikedayama koen 池田山公園 Ikedayama Park
5 Chome-4-35 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa City
Part of the former Ikeda residence. Public park since 1985. It tires to keep the atmosphere of the Edo period.
A tranquil park featuring lush greenery and flowers, plus a fish pond and an elevated terrain with views.

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Ikeda clan (池田氏 Ikeda-shi)
was a Japanese clan that claimed descent from the Seiwa Genji. In the Edo period, several of the clan's branches were daimyō families, most notably of the Tottori Domain and Okayama Domain. Takamasa Ikeda, former head of the Okayama Ikeda house was the husband of Atsuko Ikeda, fourth daughter of Emperor Shōwa.
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島津山 Shimazuyama
--- the suburban residence of the Sendai Date Clan with its land of 75,000 square meters.
In the Meiji Era the former lord of Kagoshima Clan, Prince Shimazu, purchased the area of land and built an English-style house there as a private residence.

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The Shimazu clan (島津氏 Shimazu-shi)
were the daimyō of the Satsuma han, which spread over Satsuma, Ōsumi and Hyūga provinces in Japan.
The Shimazu were identified as one of the tozama or outsider daimyō families in contrast with the fudai or insider clans which were hereditary vassals or allies of the Tokugawa clan.
- History
The Shimazu were descendants of the Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto. The Shimazu would become one of the families of Edo period daimyō to have held their territory continuously since the Kamakura period, and would also become, at their peak, the wealthiest and most powerful Tozama daimyō family with an income in excess of 700,000 koku.
I. Shimazu Iehisa, 1st Lord of Satsuma (cr. 1601) (1576-1638; r. 1601-1638)
II. Mitsuhisa, 2nd Lord of Satsuma (1616-1695; r. 1638-1687)
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X. Narioki, 10th Lord of Satsuma (1791-1858; r. 1809-1851)
XI. Nariakira, 11th Lord of Satsuma (1809-1858; r. 1851-1858)
Tadayoshi, 12th Lord of Satsuma, 1st Prince Shimazu (1840-1897; r. 1858-1869, Governor of Kagoshima 1869-1871, created 1st Prince 1884)
Nobuhisa, 15th family head (1938-; 15th family head 1996- )
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御殿山 Gotenyama
--- Shinagawa Goten was built by the Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Later Shogun Yoshimune had many cherry trees planted and it became a famous place for cherry blossom viewing.

御殿山 The Gotenyama 

御殿山花見之図 Hanami at Gotenyama
広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

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Gotenyama Garden
“Gotenyama Garden” is a walking spot featuring an abundance of nature and located within Gotenyama Trust City.
Here, the trees lined up along the walking paths show you the faces of each of the four seasons. That, together with the rich waters of ponds and waterfalls, makes for a spot that offers visitors a comforting time.
he Gotenyama Garden, which is located on the south side of Tokyo Marriott Hotel, is a Japanese garden that conveys to those in the present the lingering flavor of days past, when Gotenyama was a notable spot for cherry blossoms during the Edo era. On spacious grounds consisting of about 6,800 square meters, there is the tea house “Ujian” designed by architect Arata Isozaki, as well as “The Forest Chapel” of Tokyo Marriott Hotel. These color the events at Gotenyama with all the four seasons.
- The main feature is none other than the abundant nature. In the spring, there are the plum blossoms and the cherry blossoms, with summer bringing out the hydrangea and pyrus flowers. In the autumn, one will see maple leaves and gingko and in the winter, camellia hiemalis flowers. In the months of March through to May, the taraxacum albidum (white dandelion, which is rare in Eastern Japan) can be found at its best; this particular flower is a hidden treasure of popularity, whose lily shape becomes the talk of the town.
- The colors and aromas of the seasonal flowers, the soft touch of the earth and leaves, the sounds of chirping insects and the wind…This environment is one that will have you taking relaxing deep breaths. It is a spot that will have you enjoying nature with all five senses, right here in the city.
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Gotenyama Park / 7 Chome-21-7 Aoto, Katsushika City


八ツ山 Yatsuyama
---mansions of eight (yatsu= eight) feudal lords in the area, now 高輪“Takanawa".

品川八ツ山下 Shinagawa Yatsuyama Shita
豊国 Toyokuni (1863)

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Yatsuyama 大日山 Dainichisan
A hill that was at the northernmost tip of Shinagawa-shuku Station.
In the "Edo Sunago" published in 1772, the origin of the name was said to be that previously there were
"8 headlands here" or there where "the residences of 8 Daimyo (feudal lords)".
In addition, it was also called "Mt. Dainichisan" because in 1700 there was a 大日堂 Dainichi-do Hall on this land.
At the coast at the base, there were moorings for ships of approximately 18m both length and width which were used by travelers and visitors. The land from this hill was used in engineering and construction works such as the building of stone walls for the seashore area about the bottom of Yatsuyama, and recovery from flowing of the Megurogawa River, so today the hill is mostly flat.
- source : National Diet Library -


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Illustration of a Steam Locomotive on the Yatsuyamashita Shore
Yatsuyamashita refers to Takanawa Yatsuyama and is the present location of Shinagawa Station.
We are given an idea of how the place looked at the time – apart from Kosenkyō Bridge and Yatsuyama Bridge, the first to cross Tōkaidō, the right hand of the screen also depicts foreigners in western dress and rickshaws that were coming into use at that time.
The plan to lay down rail by reclaiming the coastline was suggested in 1869 (Meiji 2) as the coast of Takanawa was at that time a wide, shallow beach. There were naturally many voices raised in opposition against this plan. The opposition came from groups who fished in the sea of Takanawa and Shinagawa and groups who traded along the Tokaido line.
This area was a place where fishing and seaweed cultivation had thrived since the Edo period. Additionally, due to the fact that the area around Yatsuyama was also a bustling street lined with fishmongers and tea houses, the Meiji Government offered these groups financial compensation, and finally the line was laid down. The opening of the connection also brought about a range of problems for the people in the area.
- source : National Diet Library -

. Takanawa district 高輪, Takanawadai 高輪台 .
Minato ward


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Joohoku 城北 Johoku, north of the castle
An area in the form of a handfan.

Including the five wards of
足立区 Adachi, 荒川区 Arakawa, 板橋区 Itabashi, 北区 Kita and 豊島区 Toshima.


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Jōhoku-Chūō Park 城北中央公園 Jōhoku-Chūō Kōen
a public park that straddles the Nerima and Itabashi wards of Tokyo in Japan.
The western half of the park lies in Nerima Ward, while the eastern half is in Itabashi Ward.
The park opened on 1 April 1957.
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Joosai 城西 Josai, west of the castle
including Setagaya, Nakano, Suginami and Nerima

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Josai area
This area is one of the metropolis’ leading residential districts, and it also has good access to the city center and sub-center area. It has a large population, with Setagaya Ward and Nerima Ward ranking first and second place, respectively, among all the municipalities of Tokyo. The population growth of Setagaya Ward ranks second in Tokyo, following that of Koto Ward.
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- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

hara ashiki zoo mo mochi tabe Joonan sai

Yosa Buson 蕪村


sai sumishi Jonanguu no ochiba kana

Igarashi Bansui 五十嵐播水 (1899-1920)

Jonan-Gu, Jonangu Kyoto, Fushimi Ward


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #joonan #jonan #johoku #josai #edocastle - - - -


Hayabusa district Chiyoda

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Hayabusachoo, Hayabusachō 隼町 Hayabusacho district
Chiyoda, no sub-districts
lit. peregrine falcon district

When Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo, he loved falconry and his falconers lived in this district.
Also written 鷹匠町 Takajo cho, falconers district.
There were also many estates of 旗本屋 Hatamoto Samurai in the area.
The name was given to the area after 1868.

. takagari 鷹狩り hunting with hawks and falcons .
Meguro was home to the hawks and falcons hunting grounds (takajo 鷹所)of the Shogun, first developed by Tokugawa Ieyasu himself, because he was an avid hunter.

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After the 明暦の大火 great fire of Meireki in 1657 the area was devastated and came under the protection of the Shrine 日枝神社 Hiei Jinja.
In 1691 large parts became hiyokechi 火除地 fire barrier zones.
In 1697, homes were built again and Hayabusacho grew.

The origin of the slope 三宅坂 Mitakezaka goes back to the kamiyashiki上屋敷 main residence of the 田原藩三宅家 Mitake family of the Tahara domain, now 渥美半島 Atsumi peninsula in Aichi.
It is also the place where 渡辺崋山 Watanabe Kazan (1793 - 1841) was born.

In 1872, Hayabusacho became the first sub-district of 麹町山元町 Kojimachi Yamamoto cho.
The Southern part was called 麹町隼町 Kojimachi Hayabusacho.

During WWII, most of the Mitake estate was used by the military.
A large hospital was built for the soldiers, now known as
国立国際医療研究センター National Center for Global Health and Medicine - NCGM, .

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The “Phantom Hospital” appears - NCGM’s origin
-- After the Boshin War (1868–1869), the shoguns kept their soldiers stationed in the outer moat of Edo Castle, even after the transition from wartime to peacetime. In addition, an increasing number of residents of Tokyo started to demand healthcare. The NCGM has its origins in a provisional military hospital established for the sick and wounded inside the Yamashita Gate (Yamashita Gate provisional hospital) on October 1, 1868.
-- Yamashita Gate was located near the intersection of Miyuki-dori and the expressway behind the Imperial Hotel in present-day Ginza; however, today, the only traces of its existence can be found in the name of the Yamashita-bashi elevated bridge. The gate was built by Hosokawa Tadatoshi from Kumamoto Prefecture in 1636, and was said to be the smallest gate of the Edo Castle.
-- The Yamashita Gate provisional hospital was the army’s first core hospital, but it went through a series of name changes and there are no records of its existence, hence, the name “Phantom Hospital.”
-- This provisional hospital had been originally known as the Gunmukan (Bureau of Military Affairs) Treatment Center until Gunmukan was replaced by the Ministry of the Military in 1869, whereupon it became the Treatment Center of the Ministry of the Military. The Kutsuki house of the Fukuchiyama feudal estate of Uchiyamashita-chō provided the hospital with its daimyō’s mansion, located inside what is now Hibiya Park.
-- Its name was changed to Tokyo Garrison Provisional Hospital in 1871, and again to Second Provisional Hospital of the Army a year later. After the closing of the First Provisional Hospital inside Gokoku-ji temple, it was used to house beriberi patients. (Kurosawa Yoshiyuki, Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Medicine., vol. 40)
-- After that, the army established a hospital in Kōjimachi at the suggestion of Matsumoto Ryōjun. The hospital was newly rebuilt on August 1, 1873 to inherit the work of its predecessor, and served as the army’s main hospital.
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Kokuritsu Gekijō 国立劇場 National Theater of Japan
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The National Theatre of Japan (国立劇場 Kokuritsu Gekijō) is a complex consisting of three halls in two buildings in Hayabusa-chō, a neighborhood in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. The Japan Arts Council, an Independent Administrative Institution of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, operates the National Theatre. It primarily stages performances of traditional Japanese performing arts.
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最高裁判所 Supreme Court of Japan
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The Supreme Court of Japan (最高裁判所 Saikō-Saibansho, called 最高裁 Saikō-Sai for short), located in Hayabusachō, Chiyoda, Tokyo, is the highest court in Japan. It has ultimate judicial authority to interpret the Japanese constitution and decide questions of national law (including local bylaws). It has the power of judicial review; that is, it can declare Acts of the National Diet, local assemblies, and administrative actions, to be unconstitutional.
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渡辺崋山 Watanabe Kazan (1793 - 1841)

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... a Japanese painter, scholar and statesman member of the samurai class.
He was born Watanabe Sadayasu in Edo (now Tokyo)
to a poor samurai family, and his artistic talent was developed from an early age. His family served the lord of the Tahara Domain, located in present-day Aichi prefecture. Watanabe himself served the lord of Tahara as a senior councilor, one of his achievements being said to be protecting the domain from even a single death from starvation during the Tenpō famine. He was heavily influenced by the artistic styles of the West, forming a unique style with elements of Japanese and European art.
Like many other Edo-period artists,
Kazan painted realistic portraits of his subjects using the effects of shading which he learned from European paintings. On the one hand, he was a traditionalist Confucian, who believed in filial piety and loyalty to his daimyō, and on the other he was enthusiastic about Western ideas regarding science and politics. He wrote two private essays which were interpreted as being critical of the Shogunate's defense of Tokyo Bay and promoting Western ideas. Although these papers were discarded by Watanabe, they were found and he was tried and exiled to his home province of Tahara. One of the conditions of his exile was that he wouldn't sell his paintings, however Watanabe continued selling his paintings in secret due to financial hardships. This was eventually discovered leading to the suppression of his works and house arrest.
Due to the political turmoil involved in this,
Watanabe committed ritual suicide (seppuku) as a way to amend for the embarrassment he caused his lord.
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Frog in the Well:
Portraits of Japan by Watanabe Kazan, 1793-1841

Donald Keene

Frog in the Well
is a vivid and revealing account of Watanabe Kazan, one of the most important intellectuals of the late Tokugawa period. From his impoverished upbringing to his tragic suicide in exile, Kazan's life and work reflected a turbulent period in Japan's history. He was a famous artist, a Confucian scholar, a student of Western culture, a samurai, and a critic of the shogunate who, nevertheless, felt compelled to kill himself for fear that he had caused his lord anxiety.
During this period,
a typical Japanese scholar or artist refused to acknowledge the outside world, much like a "frog in the well that knows nothing of the ocean," but Kazan actively sought out Western learning. He appreciated European civilization and bought every scrap of European art that was available in Japan. He became a painter to help his family out of poverty and, by employing the artistic techniques of the West, achieved great success with his realistic and stylistically advanced portraits.
Although he remained a nationalist
committed to the old ways, Kazan called on the shogunate to learn from the West or risk disaster. He strove to improve the agricultural and economic conditions of his province and reinforce its defenses, but his criticisms and warnings about possible coastal invasions ultimately led to his arrest and exile.
Frog in the Well
is the first full-length biography of Kazan in English, and, in telling his life's story, renowned scholar Donald Keene paints a fascinating portrait of the social and intellectual milieus of the late Tokugawa period. Richly illustrated with Kazan's paintings, Frog in the Well illuminates a life that is emblematic of the cultural crises affecting Japan in the years before revolution.
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. Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward - "Fields of Eternity" .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hayabusacho #hayabusa #kazan #watanabekazan - - - -